So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.

I've never met a bigger chickenshit than you.

You wanna' talk about the "macro level" and "what did WE do". Well, listen up Buckwheat, there is no "we" when it comes to this. If you've got a problem with what whites did to blacks 200 years ago, I suggest you take it up with them. I wasn't there, and I accept zero responsibility for something I had zero control over, and your petulant manner only makes me dig my heals in more. Bring me a black guy that was treated like shit 200 years ago and I'll bring you a white guy to answer for it. Otherwise you should shut your fucking hole.

I don't give a flying fuck how blacks were treated 200 years ago. I care about what happens now, because I'm smart enough to understand that whining and bitching about what happened then is absolutely meaningless. Furthermore, your "macro level" bullshit is the only way you think you can make a compelling argument, and it's not. You're a complete fucking failure.

You've still yet to explain what the end game is of all of this. Odds are you want something from whitey that you can't get yourself, right?

Otherwise, what's with all the whining?

There is a we and that we is the government..

So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

That's the name of this thread.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
I'm a "stormfront trooper" because I school you on The Great Migration? Could you BE anymore of an idiot?
You lost that debate.
We had a debate? Who knew! Oh you mean when you blamed everything wrong in the world on "racism" but couldn't explain why it took 50 years for southern blacks to be BOTHERED by it enough to move to the north?
Hate to break this to you, IM2...but you debate about as well as you write!
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
I'm a "stormfront trooper" because I school you on The Great Migration? Could you BE anymore of an idiot?
You lost that debate.
We had a debate? Who knew! Oh you mean when you blamed everything wrong in the world on "racism" but couldn't explain why it took 50 years for southern blacks to be BOTHERED by it enough to move to the north?
Hate to break this to you, IM2...but you debate about as well as you write!
Racism was the cause for the great migration. Blacks did not all wait 50 years to go north or west. That's something you made up.
Now lets get back to the topic.

Racism in Modern America


Modern racism is a form of prejudice against African Americans that developed in the United States after the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. It characterized by beliefs that racism is not a persistent problem, that African Americans should put forth their own efforts to overcome their situation in society without exceptional assistance, and that African Americans are too demanding and have gotten more than they deserve. At the roots of modern racism are basic beliefs that Blacks violate cherished U.S. values. The idea that the quality of prejudice toward Blacks can shift over time has spawned important generalizations of the theory to other groups, such as women (see the entry titled “Modern Sexism”), recent immigrant groups (including Asians and Latinos in North America and Turks in Europe), the obese, and gays, among others.

The term modern racism introduced in 1981 by John McConahay in the literature on group processes and inter group relations, but the theory behind it had emerged in 1971 with the name symbolic racism. Because modern racism theory was derivative of symbolic racism theory, the two positions were originally closely aligned conceptually and, in fact, difficult to distinguish substantively. However, in recent years, developments in symbolic racism (e.g., concerning the origins of the attitudes) have distinguished the positions more clearly. This entry examines modern racism and relevant criticisms describe measurement tools and contrast the concept with related theories.

The Nature and Origins of Modern Racism

Modern racism is among the most widespread forms of verbally expressed negative racial attitudes in the United States today. It thought to have replaced, to a substantial degree, older and more blatant forms of prejudice, characterized by beliefs that Blacks are a biologically inferior race and that institutionalized segregation and formal discrimination against Blacks are appropriate social policies. The civil rights movement made these outmoded beliefs largely socially unacceptable, and although conservative racism still exists in the United States, it largely replaced by modern racist beliefs.

Modern racism is also one of the most powerful influences of racial politics in the United States today. It powerfully predicts voting against political candidates who are Black or sympathetic toward Blacks and voting on policies designed to assist Blacks, such as affirmative action and school integration programs. It also strongly influences policies that do not directly mention Blacks but disproportionately impact the African American community, including those involving welfare, unemployment, crime, and the death penalty.
It predicts these political attitudes better than conservatism, education, identification as a Democrat or Republican, and, most important, personal interests in the outcomes of a vote. (Hero , 247)

One fundamental characteristic of modern racism is the assumption that it learned during socialization. In other words, people acquire modern racist attitudes through their parents, their peers, and the media. Emerging research suggests that modern racism acquired as early as adolescence (earlier than other political attitudes, such as conservatism) and that it is stable throughout the life span.

Again, this is primarily what we see here in most postings by the white racists who frequent this forum. The term was created by a white man. This means he was recognizing this behavior in other whites.
Last edited:
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
I'm a "stormfront trooper" because I school you on The Great Migration? Could you BE anymore of an idiot?
You lost that debate.
We had a debate? Who knew! Oh you mean when you blamed everything wrong in the world on "racism" but couldn't explain why it took 50 years for southern blacks to be BOTHERED by it enough to move to the north?
Hate to break this to you, IM2...but you debate about as well as you write!
Racism was the cause for the great migration. Blacks did not all wait 50 years to go north or west. That's something you made up.
The Great Migration takes place from the early 1920's to the early 1970's, you buffoon! The Civil War ended in the 1860's. So, yes...they DID wait 50 years! What part of that concept can't you wrap your tiny little brain around?
From what I understand everything was pretty cool right after slavery.
You understand wrong because at this point as you are being shown what happened right after slavery.

How are you going to "fix" this boy?
How are YOU going to fix it saltine? You guys made the mess. Take that responsibility you tell everybody else to take.

I'm not going to fix shit kid. You're just a sick little boy playing a game on the internet. You've probably never even been laid yet.

I have a present for you ButtWheat.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness "

That's all you get. Now go get yours.

There is nothing sadder than ignorant white trash.

I dunno', you negroes sure are whining a lot...
The hidden racism of young white Americans

Sean McElwee
By Sean McElwee

Recently, chilling videos surfaced online of young University of Oklahoma students, members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, reciting a racially-charged chant. The story appeared surprising for numerous reasons. Among them, education is supposed to reduce racial resentment (or at least temper outward expressions of it), and young people, known as Millennials, are supposed to be uniquely tolerant. The incident offers an opportunity to reevaluate how we think about racism in America, and how we can fight it.

Age Doesn’t Matter

The pervasive narrative about racial change is that it occurs through generations — old racists die out, and new, young, progressive people take their place. This narrative is dubious. Age tells us far less about an individual’s likelihood of expressing racist sentiments than factors like education, geography and race. The data below visualize the percentage of whites in each age group espousing the explicitly racist idea that blacks are not hardworking or intelligent, as well as the percentage who say that blacks face little or no discrimination. Finally, I include the percentage of whites in each age group who say they have “never” felt admiration for blacks. The youngest whites (17-34) are only modestly less likely than the oldest (65+) to say that blacks are lazy (3.6 point difference) or unintelligent (1.5 point difference), but they are also less likely to perceive discrimination against blacks (6.3 point difference) and far less likely to say that have felt admiration for blacks. Compared to the generation immediately before them (white aged 35-49) the youngest whites are slightly more likely to say blacks are lazy (2.4 points) and unintelligent (4.3). In sum, it’s clear that age has little effect on the likelihood that whites hold racially-biased feelings about blacks.

It’s possible that these attitudes are simply driven by an individual’s pessimism. Maybe they feel that all people, white and black, are unintelligent. But this does not exculpate young whites. Spencer Piston, a professor at the Campbell Institute at Syracuse University, examined how young whites ranked the intelligence and work ethic of whites to blacks. He finds that 51 percent of whites between the ages of 17 and 34 rate blacks as lazier than whites, and 43 percent say blacks are less intelligent. These numbers aren’t statistically different from older whites. On issues related to structural racism, it is incredibly clear that young whites aren’t very different from their parents. Indeed, the most significant change that has occurred is an increasing conservatism among young blacks. The data show that most young Americans are racial conservatives – they believe, in the words of Chief Justice John Roberts, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” We might call them the Bill O’Reilly Generation.

Once again, the "I won't be blamed for what I did not do," lie fails while being revealed to be a bullshit excuse and dodge by younger whites. Again, this is information written by a white individual who observed white racist behavior.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
I'm a "stormfront trooper" because I school you on The Great Migration? Could you BE anymore of an idiot?
You lost that debate.
We had a debate? Who knew! Oh you mean when you blamed everything wrong in the world on "racism" but couldn't explain why it took 50 years for southern blacks to be BOTHERED by it enough to move to the north?
Hate to break this to you, IM2...but you debate about as well as you write!
Racism was the cause for the great migration. Blacks did not all wait 50 years to go north or west. That's something you made up.
The Great Migration takes place from the early 1920's to the early 1970's, you buffoon! The Civil War ended in the 1860's. So, yes...they DID wait 50 years! What part of that concept can't you wrap your tiny little brain around?
No they did not wait 50 years. Reconstruction was a short period of progress, a number of blacks decided to adopt Booker T. Washingtons philosophy and some were moving north and west during those years.
Once again, the "I won't be blamed for what I did not do," lie fails while being revealed to be a bullshit excuse and dodge by younger whites. Again, this is information written by a white individual who observed white racist behavior.

What do you want?

You're wasting a shit load of bandwidth on whining about this, there has to be some goal.


So what is that goal?
Race in America 2019

More than 150 years after the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States, most U.S. adults say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on the position of black people in American society today. More than four-in-ten say the country hasn’t made enough progress toward racial equality, and there is some skepticism, particularly among blacks, that black people will ever have equal rights with whites, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

Opinions about the current state of race relations – and President Donald Trump’s handling of the issue – are also negative. About six-in-ten Americans (58%) say race relations in the U.S. are bad, and of those, few see them improving. Some 56% think the president has made race relations worse; just 15% say he has improved race relations and another 13% say he has tried but failed to make progress on this issue. In addition, roughly two-thirds say it’s become more common for people to express racist views since Trump became president.

Blacks are particularly gloomy about the country’s racial progress. More than eight-in-ten black adults say the legacy of slavery affects the position of black people in America today, including 59% who say it affects it a great deal. About eight-in-ten blacks (78%) say the country hasn’t gone far enough when it comes to giving black people equal rights with whites, and fully half say it’s unlikely that the country will eventually achieve racial equality.

Nonwhites are more likely to see advantages in being whiteAmericans see disadvantages for blacks and Hispanics in the U.S. A majority of all adults (56%) say being black hurts people’s ability to get ahead at least a little, and 51% say the same about being Hispanic. In contrast, 59% say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead. Views about the impact of being Asian or Native American are more mixed.

Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are more likely than whites to say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead at least a little. Among whites, those who are more educated, as well as those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, are particularly likely to see advantages to being white.

The nationally representative survey of 6,637 adults was conducted online Jan. 22-Feb. 5, 2019, in English and Spanish, using Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel.1 In addition to exploring the public’s views about the state of race relations and racial inequality in America, the survey also looks at personal experiences with racial and ethnic discrimination and the role race plays in people’s lives. Among the report’s key findings:

Most Americans say it’s now more common for people to express racist or racially insensitive views; more than four-in-ten say it’s more acceptable

Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
I'm a "stormfront trooper" because I school you on The Great Migration? Could you BE anymore of an idiot?
You lost that debate.
We had a debate? Who knew! Oh you mean when you blamed everything wrong in the world on "racism" but couldn't explain why it took 50 years for southern blacks to be BOTHERED by it enough to move to the north?
Hate to break this to you, IM2...but you debate about as well as you write!
Racism was the cause for the great migration. Blacks did not all wait 50 years to go north or west. That's something you made up.
The Great Migration takes place from the early 1920's to the early 1970's, you buffoon! The Civil War ended in the 1860's. So, yes...they DID wait 50 years! What part of that concept can't you wrap your tiny little brain around?
No they did not wait 50 years. Reconstruction was a short period of progress, a number of blacks decided to adopt Booker T. Washingtons philosophy and some were moving north and west during those years.
Some were moving? What percentage of the black population would that be, IM2? If it had been a large part of the population then The Great Migration would be listed as taking place from 1870 to 1970 but it's it! You can't bring yourself to admit that you don't know as much about this topic as I do...can you? That a (GASP!) white man knew more about black history than the board's resident black whiner? It must be embarrassing for you to get shown up so badly...
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .
The same shit that happened in Africa.
We aren't discussing Africa. There is a Africa section here at USMB if you want to post white opinions that deny the facts about Africa there.
We may as well be because wherever Blacks live it’s the same exact scenario.
Yep. Whites enact racist policies, fuck things up, pretend it didn't happen and make dumb comments on the internet.
So an entire continent of Blacks is that stupid and easy to manipulate...OK.

I have an idea...
We'll give billions in US Tax dollars (that's Honky Dollars) every year to every African nation run by Black and let them run their own nations.

We did that for decades..and they still fucked up.

That was Africa; let's try the US...
We'll create Welfare programs across the US and fund it with billions of tax payer dollars every year (that's Honky Dollars) until Blacks get their shit together.

We did that for over 50 years..and they still fucked up.

I understand that you are amazingly successful and have created 5 businesses.
Create a sixth and then a seventh and don't stop until you hire every Black in the US and get them off Welfare.
This thread is not about Africa. And you're going to be shown that your opinion has no basis is the reality of what has actually happened. No one has given blacks welfare because welfare was not a program created for blacks. Furthermore you are talking about taxpayer money from all citizens and not just whites. And you will shortly be shown just exactly how wrong you are pertaining to those comments.
50 years of national and international welfare...

You're making hard working Blacks look bad.
Once again, the "I won't be blamed for what I did not do," lie fails while being revealed to be a bullshit excuse and dodge by younger whites. Again, this is information written by a white individual who observed white racist behavior.

What do you want?

You're wasting a shit load of bandwidth on whining about this, there has to be some goal.


So what is that goal?
IM2 wants reparations of course! He thinks all black Americans are owed money because of systemic racism that runs rampant in the United States!
America Has a Big Race Problem
When it comes to racial bias, nurture trumped nature quite some time ago.

By Jeff Nesbit,

WE CLEARLY HAVE A problem in America.

When almost 90 percent of white people in America who take the Implicit Association Test show an inherent racial bias for white people versus black people, that means something.

When young, black teenaged men are shot and killed by white police officers and trigger extraordinarily intense social commentary about racial tension in communities like Ferguson, Missouri, it means we haven't solved the equation yet.

When a mentally unbalanced, young, white man sits quietly in a historic, black church during a Bible study for an hour and then kills nine black parishioners in order to start a race war, it's more than just an isolated incident. When America's first black president feels compelled to use part of his State of the Union address midway through his second term in office to talk about the state of the dialogue between blacks and whites in America, it means we haven't reached a point where we can genuinely talk about the issue of racial bias in the criminal justice system, in educational settings and in workplace hiring.

We need a new, national conversation about race – about what it means when nearly every white person in America carries around an implicit racial bias that subconsciously prefers white people over black people in social, professional and educational settings. It's black and white. It's that stark. And we need to start on that conversation as soon as possible.

So why aren't we having that national conversation? Why does it only break out into the open after incidents like the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida, or the Michael Brown shooting in Missouri?
Dozens of national polls in America during the past two decades consistently show more than three-quarters of us don't believe we have a problem with racial tension in America. Fewer and fewer Americans openly admit that they're racist, these polls have shown for years. But a more nuanced study conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago found that many Americans still do, in fact, harbor beliefs about racial and ethnic minorities that are based on racist stereotypes.

What happened to poor blacks after slavery? There are no-go zones controlled by poor blacks in other wise free America, that we shouldn't have to deal with. Because liberals wont talk about that. Please, double DOUBLE standards, we've had enough. Please everyone wants to end bigotry, but do they really?
It is very apparent what I want. And it isn't just about reparations. That ignorant attitude of coming from dumb ass whites who for generations have been given everything by this government that we paid for with our labor and our money should be shoved up every white persons ass who has that attitude with a sledgehammer.

Robert Meriday was a black trucker that delivered material to help build the Levittown suburb in Philly, yet when he applied for a federally guaranteed loan to purchase a house made from the materials he delivered, he was denied. But whites were not. The government gave them the loans while denying Meriday. This is an example of what I mean when I say whites have been given everything by the government.

Source: The Color of Law, pgs. 140-141.
It is very apparent what I want. And it isn't just about reparations.

Ah, here we go. So it is, at least in part, about reparations. You want money. You want money because your ancestors suffered at the hands of my ancestors.

Got it.

Fuck that, and fuck you...

That ignorant attitude of coming from dumb ass whites who for generations have been given everything by this government that we paid for with our labor and our money should be shoved up every white persons ass who has that attitude with a sledgehammer.

And how are you going to do such a thing? You want an attitude to be rammed up our asses.

Who's gonna' do that? You?

Robert Meriday was a black trucker that delivered material to help build the Levittown suburb in Philly, yet when he applied for a federally guaranteed loan to purchase a house made from the materials he delivered, he was denied. But whites were not. The government gave them the loans while denying Meriday. This is an example of what I mean when I say whites have been given everything by the government.

Okay, so you want reparations, you want an attitude shoved up our ass and, well, so far as I can tell you want us to believe in some non-existent negro named Robert Meriday.

Frankly, I don't see any of those happening.

All you want is money. Admit it. Too bad you'll just piss it away on orange track suits and fake gold teeth.

Once upon a time I would've likely agreed with you; that whites had kept blacks down.

But when blacks have served in the highest levels of out government, the military and in industry, they prove that blacks can be successful if the put their minds to it, just like us white folk, and that whites aren't holding them back.

You're held back by your own laziness...
WE CLEARLY HAVE A problem in America.

When almost 90 percent of white people in America who take the Implicit Association Test show an inherent racial bias for white people versus black people, that means something.

You said the tests were worthless so why are you now citing them? Worse the article lies about the test results.

Here is an actual quote from the site: "Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites."

This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matter.

Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) Here is a tool that allows each of us to discover hidden cognitive biases. Most people are aware of their own overt biases, but it is very difficult for us to become aware of our covert biases. This is a test that can be taken by each individual for their own benefit.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.


It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit


You have selected the Race Task. In this study you will complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT) in which you will be asked to sort pictures and words into groups as fast as you can. In addition to the IAT, there are some questions about your beliefs, attitudes, and opinions, and some standard demographic questions. This study should take about 10 minutes to complete. At the end, you will receive your IAT result along with information about what it means.

We thank you for being here!

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