So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

It is very apparent what I want. And it isn't just about reparations.

Ah, here we go. So it is, at least in part, about reparations. You want money. You want money because your ancestors suffered at the hands of my ancestors.

Got it.

Fuck that, and fuck you...

That ignorant attitude of coming from dumb ass whites who for generations have been given everything by this government that we paid for with our labor and our money should be shoved up every white persons ass who has that attitude with a sledgehammer.

And how are you going to do such a thing? You want an attitude to be rammed up our asses.

Who's gonna' do that? You?

Robert Meriday was a black trucker that delivered material to help build the Levittown suburb in Philly, yet when he applied for a federally guaranteed loan to purchase a house made from the materials he delivered, he was denied. But whites were not. The government gave them the loans while denying Meriday. This is an example of what I mean when I say whites have been given everything by the government.

Okay, so you want reparations, you want an attitude shoved up our ass and, well, so far as I can tell you want us to believe in some non-existent negro named Robert Meriday.

Frankly, I don't see any of those happening.

All you want is money. Admit it. Too bad you'll just piss it away on orange track suits and fake gold teeth.

Once upon a time I would've likely agreed with you; that whites had kept blacks down.

But when blacks have served in the highest levels of out government, the military and in industry, they prove that blacks can be successful if the put their minds to it, just like us white folk, and that whites aren't holding them back.

You're held back by your own laziness...
Nothing like the opinion of a white idiot.

There are 47 million blacks. 36,000 of us are millionaires. Whites have 10-15 times the wealth we do and this was caused by public policy. Pointing out a few blacks here and there doesn't prove anything. Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.


“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

Source: The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede, Lars Dietrich, & Thomas Shapiro institute for assets & social policy, brandeis university, Amy Traub, Catherine Ruetschlin & Tamara Draut demos

Finally, junior I'm 59 years old and have had plenty of women from all races. So you bragging about fucking a woman just shows your juvenile nature.
WE CLEARLY HAVE A problem in America.

When almost 90 percent of white people in America who take the Implicit Association Test show an inherent racial bias for white people versus black people, that means something.

You said the tests were worthless so why are you now citing them? Worse the article lies about the test results.

Here is an actual quote from the site: "Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites."

This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matter.

Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) Here is a tool that allows each of us to discover hidden cognitive biases. Most people are aware of their own overt biases, but it is very difficult for us to become aware of our covert biases. This is a test that can be taken by each individual for their own benefit.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.


It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit


You have selected the Race Task. In this study you will complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT) in which you will be asked to sort pictures and words into groups as fast as you can. In addition to the IAT, there are some questions about your beliefs, attitudes, and opinions, and some standard demographic questions. This study should take about 10 minutes to complete. At the end, you will receive your IAT result along with information about what it means.

We thank you for being here!

lol! You will go to any legnth to lie to yourself about race. Unless you can fuck up a comment from King and X, or find an excuse to declare black racism. Sad.
What happened to poor blacks after slavery? There are no-go zones controlled by poor blacks in other wise free America, that we shouldn't have to deal with. Because liberals wont talk about that. Please, double DOUBLE standards, we've had enough. Please everyone wants to end bigotry, but do they really?
There are no such places. Now post on topic or shut the fuck up.
After being in Africa for centuries they are still too stupid to feed themselves.

You mean for those thousands of years before whitey arrived in Africa, they didn't eat? Who knew?
No, the farmers kicked all the whites farmers out and had to beg them to come back. Fact, liar. Because the dumbasses had no clue.
Finally, junior I'm 59 years old and have had plenty of women from all races. So you bragging about fucking a woman just shows your juvenile nature.

Even though you just bragged about having "had plenty of women from all races".

But, hey, I guess if you pay them enough, white chicks will even fuck you.

Okay, gotta' go, Chantel's calling...
It is very apparent what I want. And it isn't just about reparations.

Ah, here we go. So it is, at least in part, about reparations. You want money. You want money because your ancestors suffered at the hands of my ancestors.

Got it.

Fuck that, and fuck you...

That ignorant attitude of coming from dumb ass whites who for generations have been given everything by this government that we paid for with our labor and our money should be shoved up every white persons ass who has that attitude with a sledgehammer.

And how are you going to do such a thing? You want an attitude to be rammed up our asses.

Who's gonna' do that? You?

Robert Meriday was a black trucker that delivered material to help build the Levittown suburb in Philly, yet when he applied for a federally guaranteed loan to purchase a house made from the materials he delivered, he was denied. But whites were not. The government gave them the loans while denying Meriday. This is an example of what I mean when I say whites have been given everything by the government.

Okay, so you want reparations, you want an attitude shoved up our ass and, well, so far as I can tell you want us to believe in some non-existent negro named Robert Meriday.

Frankly, I don't see any of those happening.

All you want is money. Admit it. Too bad you'll just piss it away on orange track suits and fake gold teeth.

Once upon a time I would've likely agreed with you; that whites had kept blacks down.

But when blacks have served in the highest levels of out government, the military and in industry, they prove that blacks can be successful if the put their minds to it, just like us white folk, and that whites aren't holding them back.

You're held back by your own laziness...

Here's where it gets fun...since my great grandfather fought for the Union army (leading a black regiment no less!) and lost an arm in South Carolina...does that mean I get reparations from IM2?
Modern racism is among the most widespread forms of verbally expressed negative racial attitudes in the United States today. It thought to have replaced, to a substantial degree, older and more blatant forms of prejudice, characterized by beliefs that Blacks are a biologically inferior race and that institutionalized segregation and formal discrimination against Blacks are appropriate social policies. The civil rights movement made these outmoded beliefs largely socially unacceptable, and although conservative racism still exists in the United States, it largely replaced by modern racist beliefs.

Here's your sales and marketing problem in a nutshell man... Have you EVER had an intelligent conversation with a dedicated "modern racist"??? I'm not talking about you calling me a racist -- I mean a tiki torch carrying, hitler poster over their desk REAL modern racist???

I have.. DOZENS of times.. They have NOTHING TO SELL to the gen public.. They replicate by recruiting the ignorant.. Because only the ignorant can suspend their logic and decency FAR enough to GENERALIZE to "all black people as a race"... In modern times -- You got the product and message. White suburban kids rapping at a summer cookout. Big white bubbas wearing $75 NFL jerseys with their favorite black players name on it... At least EIGHT cable channels catering to your culture.

The "modern racist" is NOT A THREAT..,. They taunt, they troll you, they stir it up... But they cannot make the case that 21st American blacks are inferior any more.. No rational folk gonna buy that. They be doomed to extinction if they couldn't grab the bottom of the barrel to replicate themselves...

WORDS can be weapons of a sort. But taunts and flames are NOT POLICY.. And POLICY is what gets you into a better chair in a country like ours..

I've debated dozens of holocaust denying Nazis,.. They HAVE NO FACTS on Jew inferiority. In fact, the morons PREACH "Jew inferiority" as the SAME TIME they claim "Jews control everything".. They are not a threat because they CANT WIN ARGUMENTS. Winning INTELLECTUALLY is infinitely more powerful than chanting or demonstrating mindlessly in the streets..

Why spend so much time complaining about a tiny minority of white people who can do you no harm?? THAT'S why your sweating too much trying to FIX this..
Would be better if you promoted ROLE MODELS in your community to fix the existing problems from within... Use the intellectual force to FIX things internally. REPAIR race relations with honest discussions about CONSEQUENTIAL things like justice reform and improving the educational expectations for disadvantaged schools.. Screw babbling about idiots that dont want to play nice...
Robert Meriday was a black trucker that delivered material to help build the Levittown suburb in Philly, yet when he applied for a federally guaranteed loan to purchase a house made from the materials he delivered, he was denied. But whites were not. The government gave them the loans while denying Meriday. This is an example of what I mean when I say whites have been given everything by the government.

Levittown was what? Like 70 years ago now? Think the current real estate access problems are THAT BAD STILL?? Affluent blacks are FULLY represented in the finest communities.. Must be something else that's going on -- right? You still bitching about race covenants in Real Estate contracts?? FUCK 'em.. They are a historical relic.. NOT ENFORCEABLE..., What part of that dontcha get?
Haven't you ever watched Real Housewives of Atlanta??? :biggrin:

Do THEY have a real estate issue?? More to this "housing" fetish you have than JUST racism... And you need to look at ALL the parameters...

BTW -- are those Real Housewives of Atlanta too white for you? :eusa_doh: Have they betrayed their culture?
Modern racism is among the most widespread forms of verbally expressed negative racial attitudes in the United States today. It thought to have replaced, to a substantial degree, older and more blatant forms of prejudice, characterized by beliefs that Blacks are a biologically inferior race and that institutionalized segregation and formal discrimination against Blacks are appropriate social policies. The civil rights movement made these outmoded beliefs largely socially unacceptable, and although conservative racism still exists in the United States, it largely replaced by modern racist beliefs.

Here's your sales and marketing problem in a nutshell man... Have you EVER had an intelligent conversation with a dedicated "modern racist"??? I'm not talking about you calling me a racist -- I mean a tiki torch carrying, hitler poster over their desk REAL modern racist???

I have.. DOZENS of times.. They have NOTHING TO SELL to the gen public.. They replicate by recruiting the ignorant.. Because only the ignorant can suspend their logic and decency FAR enough to GENERALIZE to "all black people as a race"... In modern times -- You got the product and message. White suburban kids rapping at a summer cookout. Big white bubbas wearing $75 NFL jerseys with their favorite black players name on it... At least EIGHT cable channels catering to your culture.

The "modern racist" is NOT A THREAT..,. They taunt, they troll you, they stir it up... But they cannot make the case that 21st American blacks are inferior any more.. No rational folk gonna buy that. They be doomed to extinction if they couldn't grab the bottom of the barrel to replicate themselves...

WORDS can be weapons of a sort. But taunts and flames are NOT POLICY.. And POLICY is what gets you into a better chair in a country like ours..

I've debated dozens of holocaust denying Nazis,.. They HAVE NO FACTS on Jew inferiority. In fact, the morons PREACH "Jew inferiority" as the SAME TIME they claim "Jews control everything".. They are not a threat because they CANT WIN ARGUMENTS. Winning INTELLECTUALLY is infinitely more powerful than chanting or demonstrating mindlessly in the streets..

Why spend so much time complaining about a tiny minority of white people who can do you no harm?? THAT'S why your sweating too much trying to FIX this..
Would be better if you promoted ROLE MODELS in your community to fix the existing problems from within... Use the intellectual force to FIX things internally. REPAIR race relations with honest discussions about CONSEQUENTIAL things like justice reform and improving the educational expectations for disadvantaged schools.. Screw babbling about idiots that dont want to play nice...
The problem you have here flacaltenn is that I am fully aware of the extent of the problem while you keep trying to tell me how much smaller the problem is according to your experience of never living it.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

You do this all the time.

The second key maneuver, which flowed naturally from the first, was to redefine racism itself. Confronted with civil rights headlines depicting unflattering portrayals of KKK rallies and jackbooted sheriffs, white authority transformed those damning images of white supremacy into the sole definition of racism. This simple but wickedly brilliant conceptual and linguistic shift served multiple purposes. First and foremost, it was conscience soothing. The whittling down of racism to sheet-wearing goons allowed a cloud of racial innocence to cover many whites who, although 'resentful of black progress' and determined to ensure that racial inequality remained untouched, could see and project themselves as the 'kind of upstanding white citizen(s)' who were 'positively outraged at the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan". The focus on the Klan also helped to designate racism as an individual aberration rather than something systemic, institutional and pervasive.”

I am fully aware of the extent of the problem and this forum is a sociological petri dish that displays everything race scholars, psychiatrists and sociologists have presented about modern attitude by a specific segment of the white community. We have white fragility and various shades of aversive and modern racism going on in this forum. And flacaltenn, you need to understand that it is YOUR COMMUNITY that needs to be fixed. We did not create the racism, nor did we cause the damage that racism created. The root cause of our problem is white racism, therefore addressing the root cause is essential in order to reduce or solve our problems. I know what the problems are and the causes in the black community, you do not. Therefore you cannot suggest a solution to me that will address the root cause.

Let me provide you an example. White racism goes beyond words and the totality of having to fight against a system based in racism each day of your life takes a psychological toll those like you ignore.

“Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2005) noted similar courses of psychopathology between rape victims and victims of racism. Both events are an assault on the personhood and integrity of the victim. Similar to rape victims, race-related trauma victims may respond with disbelief, shock, or dissociation, which can prevent them from responding to the incident in a healthy manner. The victim may then feel shame and self-blame because they were unable to respond or defend themselves, which may lead to low self-concept and self-destructive behaviors. In the same study, a parallel was drawn between race-related trauma victims and victims of domestic violence. Both survivors are made to feel shame over allowing themselves to be victimized. For instance, someone who may have experienced a racist incident may be told that if they are polite, work hard, and/or dress in a certain way, they will not encounter racism. When these rules are followed yet racism persists, powerlessness, hyper vigilance, and other symptoms associated with PTSD may develop or worsen (Bryant-Davis & Ocampo, 2005).”

I have posted this comment before, but I really don't think you understand the implications this statement is making. If you did, you would not continue trying to lecture me with your opinion on what blacks need to do and how small the number is of whites who are racists or hold similar views according to a white conservative citizen of a southern state who has consistently tried dismissing the scope of white racist behavior.

On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

Monnica T. Williams Ph.D.
Again, this is not the first time I have posted these words. So again, I am fully aware of the damage racism has wrought on the black community . You are not. Notice what these words are saying.

Not only do many whites want to deny the extent of what racism can cause, but certain whites tell us that what we see does not exist. Some tell us how these are just small number random cases that mean nothing and are not serious just as you have done.

From what I have learned in psychology, coping is a way to tolerate a bad situation. There are many ways blacks as well as others of color cope or handle the racism we are forced to face. Many outside of the African American or other non-white communities do not seem to understand to what extent racism can drive a person to unhealthy and societally negative behaviors. To understand the dual standards in such thinking, white people have used drugs and became addicted to them to escape a bad situation, but when it comes to blacks or other minorities and drug use, there is no excuse for “you people” to get strung out. While a white person can get addicted on pills and claim they did so to escape the pain of abuses they have endured, blacks or other nonwhites can’t say how they have endured racism and are addicted because of the pain that causes. Instead it’s a failure of an inferior culture.

So you see flacaltenn, you are the one that lacks any understanding of the scope of and the cause of, the problems blacks face. Much like oldstyle, you want to tell me how it's not racism and how I need to do everything but address the root cause of the problem and that will create a solution.

Addressing policy does nothing unless you address the attitudes within those creating the policies.
Robert Meriday was a black trucker that delivered material to help build the Levittown suburb in Philly, yet when he applied for a federally guaranteed loan to purchase a house made from the materials he delivered, he was denied. But whites were not. The government gave them the loans while denying Meriday. This is an example of what I mean when I say whites have been given everything by the government.

Levittown was what? Like 70 years ago now? Think the current real estate access problems are THAT BAD STILL?? Affluent blacks are FULLY represented in the finest communities.. Must be something else that's going on -- right? You still bitching about race covenants in Real Estate contracts?? FUCK 'em.. They are a historical relic.. NOT ENFORCEABLE..., What part of that dontcha get?
What about the white trucker that blacks smashed his face with a concrete block during the McDuffy riots?
What about that? Hmm?
That's right, I know about these things. There was a .06 chambered by the front door right around then.
When I see shit like this, it makes my blood boil, and proves my point that negroes are cowardly fucks. Four of them beat this guy who was doing nothing but his job. These pieces of shit damn near killed this guy, and he did nothing.

Negroes will say this was justified because of the verdict in the Rodney King case, but the truth is that NOTHING justifies this. These animals should be put down like the vermin they are. These are sub-human scum and, until the black community has a whole comes out and not only condemns them, the black community can suck the collective white dick.

But the black community won't do that. In fact, they support the "L.A. Four":

Friends Back Suspect In Beating of Trucker

"Joseph Moss, a member of the Bethel A.M.E. Church, offered grace, saying, "Lord bless our brothers who have been locked up unjustified."

This piece of shit actually believes that the L.A. Four" shouldn't have been put in jail.


What the fuck other punishment would've been appropriate? Oh, wait. By saying is was "unjustified" he's saying that punishment was not appropriate at all.

These four apes should've been killed; put down like the rabid scum they are. They should've died in the street, right where they tried to kill an innocent trucker who was just doing his job. Of course, having a job is meaningless to scum like this.

This is why I always carry at least one firearm on me. I have to drive through black communities every day. One day, sitting on the porch, playing dominoes and collecting their welfare checks is going to get boring, and they just might decide to go after the white guy in the Benz. Well, bring it La'quan. Bring it and find out how quickly your day can get really, really shitty.

I would hesitate not an iota...
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When I see shit like this, it makes my blood boil, and proves my point that negroes are cowardly fucks. Four of them beat this guy who was doing nothing but his job. These pieces of shit damn near killed this guy, and he did nothing.

Negroes will say this was justified because of the verdict in the Rodney King case, but the truth is that NOTHING justifies this. These animals should be put down like the vermin they are. These are sub-human scum and, until the black community has a whole comes out and not only condemns them, the black community can suck the collective white dick.

But the black community won't do that. In fact, they support the "L.A. Four":

Friends Back Suspect In Beating of Trucker

"Joseph Moss, a member of the Bethel A.M.E. Church, offered grace, saying, "Lord bless our brothers who have been locked up unjustified."

This piece of shit actually believes that the L.A. Four" shouldn't have been put in jail.


What the fuck other punishment would've been appropriate?

The four apes should've been killed; put down like the rabid scum they are. They should've died in the street, right where they tried to kill an innocent trucker...

I was in Los Angeles on the day of this incident, to pick up an elderly aunt and uncle and take them home with me, because they lived near where all of this was happening.

Speaking for them as nearby residents, and myself who believes in fighting one on one, we didn't condone what happened to Reginald Denny, and the "entire" so called "black community" that so many believe think like a monolith, don't condone it either.

It is not publicized much, but there were also some black people who came to his aid, and they certainly were not "cowards".

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When I see shit like this, it makes my blood boil, and proves my point that negroes are cowardly fucks. Four of them beat this guy who was doing nothing but his job. These pieces of shit damn near killed this guy, and he did nothing.

Negroes will say this was justified because of the verdict in the Rodney King case, but the truth is that NOTHING justifies this. These animals should be put down like the vermin they are. These are sub-human scum and, until the black community has a whole comes out and not only condemns them, the black community can suck the collective white dick.

But the black community won't do that. In fact, they support the "L.A. Four":

Friends Back Suspect In Beating of Trucker

"Joseph Moss, a member of the Bethel A.M.E. Church, offered grace, saying, "Lord bless our brothers who have been locked up unjustified."

This piece of shit actually believes that the L.A. Four" shouldn't have been put in jail.


What the fuck other punishment would've been appropriate?

The four apes should've been killed; put down like the rabid scum they are. They should've died in the street, right where they tried to kill an innocent trucker...

I was in Los Angeles on the day of this incident, to pick up an elderly aunt and uncle and take them home with me, because they lived near where all of this was happening. Speaking for them as nearby residents, and myself who believes in fighting one on one, we didn't condone what happened to Reginald Denny, and the "entire" so called "black community" that so many believe think like a monolith, don't condone it either.

It is not publicized much, but there were also some black people who came to his aid, and I would have done the same.

Do you denounce the L.A. Four and the entire segment of the black community who had no problem with what they did? How about the A.M.E. Bethel Church, which said they were "locked up unjustified"? You say that the black community doesn't condone what they did. I'd like to believe that. Problem is, so few blacks have come out against the L.A. Four and, in fact, the most vocal seem to be those who support them and what they did.

Yes, I'm aware that there were some blacks who came to Denny's aid. They're angels, and they're not type of people who partake in the types of activities the L.A. Four did. They were all good people with, wait for it... jobs and responsibilities and wait for it again... COMMON FUCKING DECENCY.

Bobby Green, Lei Yuille, Titus Murphy and Terri Barnett saw this shit happening on television and raced to help Denny. They're good people; nothing like the vermin that felt justified in attacking Denny and not like the vermin who believe locking up the L.A. Four was "unjustified".

The L.A. Four should've died in the street...
When I see shit like this, it makes my blood boil, and proves my point that negroes are cowardly fucks. Four of them beat this guy who was doing nothing but his job. These pieces of shit damn near killed this guy, and he did nothing.

Negroes will say this was justified because of the verdict in the Rodney King case, but the truth is that NOTHING justifies this. These animals should be put down like the vermin they are. These are sub-human scum and, until the black community has a whole comes out and not only condemns them, the black community can suck the collective white dick.

But the black community won't do that. In fact, they support the "L.A. Four":

Friends Back Suspect In Beating of Trucker

"Joseph Moss, a member of the Bethel A.M.E. Church, offered grace, saying, "Lord bless our brothers who have been locked up unjustified."

This piece of shit actually believes that the L.A. Four" shouldn't have been put in jail.


What the fuck other punishment would've been appropriate?

The four apes should've been killed; put down like the rabid scum they are. They should've died in the street, right where they tried to kill an innocent trucker...

I was in Los Angeles on the day of this incident, to pick up an elderly aunt and uncle and take them home with me, because they lived near where all of this was happening. Speaking for them as nearby residents, and myself who believes in fighting one on one, we didn't condone what happened to Reginald Denny, and the "entire" so called "black community" that so many believe think like a monolith, don't condone it either.

It is not publicized much, but there were also some black people who came to his aid, and I would have done the same.

Do you denounce the L.A. Four and the entire segment of the black community who had no problem with what they did? How about the A.M.E. Bethel Church, which said they were "locked up unjustified"? You say that the black community doesn't condone what they did. I'd like to believe that. Problem is, so few blacks have come out against the L.A. Four and, in fact, the most vocal seem to be those who support them and what they did.

Yes, I'm aware that there were some blacks who came to Denny's aid. They're angels, and they're not type of people who partake in the types of activities the L.A. Four did. They were all good people with, wait for it... jobs and responsibilities and wait for it again... COMMON FUCKING DECENCY.

Bobby Green, Lei Yuille, Titus Murphy and Terri Barnett saw this shit happening on television and raced to help Denny. They're good people; nothing like the vermin that felt justified in attacking Denny and not like the vermin who believe locking up the L.A. Four was "unjustified".

The L.A. Four should've died in the street...

1. I don't condone any type of mob violence, or destruction of property, nor do I support those who do. There are far more effective ways to protest than that way. And some of those rioting were not even a part of the imediate community

2. As far as the church member who stated what he did, the very same aunt and uncle that I picked up that day, belonged to the same church which I have been to as well, and they were traumatized by the entire situation, and actually contemplated leaving Los Angeles afterwards.

3. I did not state that those who helped Denny were ""angels", I would have helped him as well.

4. My only point was that in your post, you characterized blacks IN GENERAL as cowards, as well as implied that the ENTIRE black community was ok with what was done to Denny, and I simply pointed out the inaccuracy of that sentiment. The vast majority of the people that I know, which is quite a few that were residents in the immediate area were absolutely sickened by this incident.........and there are far many more like that than those who fit your stereotype.

This article tells some of the little publicized stories about nearby residents who tried to help stop what was happening.

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Reactions: IM2
Whites like cannon fodder are real good at conflating anecdotes as if they are representative of something. But what they can't do is reconcile facts.

Of the single-bias hate crime incidents in the 2018 data:

  • 57.5% were motivated by a race/ethnicity/ancestry bias
  • 20.2% were motivated by religious bias
  • 17% were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
  • 2.4% were motivated by gender-identity bias
  • 2.3% were motivated by disability bias
  • 0.7% were motivated by gender bias
Of crimes motivated by race, ethnicity or ancestry, 46.9 percent were fueled by bias against African Americans.


Known Offenders

  • 53.6% were White
  • 24.0% were Black or African American
  • 12.9% race unknown


you are right IM2----this thread is really idiotic
Then don't post in it. The thread would be just fine if I was blaming blacks for the problems while ignoring the impact of white racism. I've proven that's what you guys want to see already when I created the thread titled, "I Was Wrong."
When I see shit like this, it makes my blood boil, and proves my point that negroes are cowardly fucks. Four of them beat this guy who was doing nothing but his job. These pieces of shit damn near killed this guy, and he did nothing.

Negroes will say this was justified because of the verdict in the Rodney King case, but the truth is that NOTHING justifies this. These animals should be put down like the vermin they are. These are sub-human scum and, until the black community has a whole comes out and not only condemns them, the black community can suck the collective white dick.

But the black community won't do that. In fact, they support the "L.A. Four":

Friends Back Suspect In Beating of Trucker

"Joseph Moss, a member of the Bethel A.M.E. Church, offered grace, saying, "Lord bless our brothers who have been locked up unjustified."

This piece of shit actually believes that the L.A. Four" shouldn't have been put in jail.


What the fuck other punishment would've been appropriate?

The four apes should've been killed; put down like the rabid scum they are. They should've died in the street, right where they tried to kill an innocent trucker...

I was in Los Angeles on the day of this incident, to pick up an elderly aunt and uncle and take them home with me, because they lived near where all of this was happening. Speaking for them as nearby residents, and myself who believes in fighting one on one, we didn't condone what happened to Reginald Denny, and the "entire" so called "black community" that so many believe think like a monolith, don't condone it either.

It is not publicized much, but there were also some black people who came to his aid, and I would have done the same.

Do you denounce the L.A. Four and the entire segment of the black community who had no problem with what they did? How about the A.M.E. Bethel Church, which said they were "locked up unjustified"? You say that the black community doesn't condone what they did. I'd like to believe that. Problem is, so few blacks have come out against the L.A. Four and, in fact, the most vocal seem to be those who support them and what they did.

Yes, I'm aware that there were some blacks who came to Denny's aid. They're angels, and they're not type of people who partake in the types of activities the L.A. Four did. They were all good people with, wait for it... jobs and responsibilities and wait for it again... COMMON FUCKING DECENCY.

Bobby Green, Lei Yuille, Titus Murphy and Terri Barnett saw this shit happening on television and raced to help Denny. They're good people; nothing like the vermin that felt justified in attacking Denny and not like the vermin who believe locking up the L.A. Four was "unjustified".

The L.A. Four should've died in the street...

1. I don't condone any type of mob violence, or destruction of property, nor do I support those who do. There are far more effective ways to protest than that way. And some of those rioting were not even a part of the imediate community

2. As far as the church member who stated what he did, the very same aunt and uncle that I picked up that day, belonged to the same church which I have been to as well, and they were traumatized by the entire situation, and actually contemplated leaving Los Angeles afterwards.

3. I did not state that those who helped Denny were ""angels", I would have helped him as well.

4. My only point was that in your post, you characterized blacks IN GENERAL as cowards, as well as implied that the ENTIRE black community was ok with what was done to Denny, and I simply pointed out the inaccuracy of that sentiment. The vast majority of the people that I know, which is quite a few that were residents in the immediate area were absolutely sickened by this incident.........and there are far many more like that than those who fit your stereotype.

This article tells some of the little publicized stories about nearby residents who tried to help stop what was happening.

Notice that those like Cannon fodder don't want to discuss the governments role in creating and fostering racial discrimination against blacks. They come with the standard attacks on black people while they continue showing the inability to accept or demand personal responsibility for whites to change.

Flacaltenn is here talking about Levittown and displays the classic belief in teflon history common among white conservatives. Places such as Levitttown is how white wealth increased to the point of where they have 15 times more wealth than blacks have today. But he cannot put 2 and 2 together while trying to instruct me on how to attack policy even as I have battled with school boards, police departments, city commissions, state reps, national representatives for almost 30 years.

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