So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

I asked you a pretty simple question, and you've been nothing but a spectacular failure at answering it.

What party do you think I support? I support the military and the 2nd Amendment. I support a border wall. I also support gay marriage and gays in the military. I'm vehemently against prayer in school. I don't believe in God.

So, tell me, you sniveling little bitch, what party do I support?

Finally, how does what anyone did or didn't do before someone was born mean that person is partly responsible for it?

I take responsibility for my actions, and only my actions, as my actions are the only ones I can control.

You, on the other hand, are scared shitless of taking responsibility for your actions...
You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

I asked you a pretty simple question, and you've been nothing but a spectacular failure at answering it.

What party do you think I support? I support the military and the 2nd Amendment. I support a border wall. I also support gay marriage and gays in the military. I'm vehemently against prayer in school. I don't believe in God.

So, tell me, you sniveling little bitch, what party do I support?

Finally, how does what anyone did or didn't do before someone was born mean that person is partly responsible for it?

I take responsibility for my actions, and only my actions, as my actions are the only ones I can control.

You, on the other hand, are scared shitless of taking responsibility for your actions...

Fuck your question. It was stupid and does not reflect the reality in which America has operated. I don't give a damn what party you support. The reality here is that it has been government policy that has denied opportunities to blacks that were available to you whether you took them or not.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

People knowing nothing about responsibility want to lecture us on being accountable for our own situation. Since our situation is caused by white racism, we are held accountable and responsible to point it out and then demand that it stop.

Learn what taking responsibility means before you say the words.
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In the late 1960s and early ’70s, for example, millions of white homeowners in the nation’s suburbs — for the most part, racially segregated communities subsidized by state policies — rejected efforts to desegregate schools through busing and vehemently defended the demographic makeup of their neighborhoods. These were not people shouting slurs at the top of their lungs (although some did). They were courageous defenders of their quality of life — segregated life, that is. These were the people of the so-called “silent majority,” who insisted on free-market meritocracy and embraced a color-blind ideology to maintain their racially exclusive enclaves. Their antibusing crusades, taxpayer revolts and insistence on neighborhood schools cut across party lines and helped shape national politics. Democrats and Republicans appealed to the interests of these voters, and many turned their backs on the agenda of the civil rights movement. These Americans, it was argued, were the true victims.

In his important 2006 book, The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South, historian Matthew D. Lassiter stated clearly the effect of this moment from the late 1960s and early ’70s:

The suburban politics of middle-class warfare charted a middle course between the open racism of the extreme right and the egalitarian agenda of the civil rights movement, based in an ethos of color-blind individualism that accepted the principle of equal opportunity under the law but refused to countenance affirmative-action policies designed to overcome metropolitan structures of inequality.
Suburban white America voiced its belief in racial equality, but relentlessly held on to white class privilege and all the policies and structures that made it possible. Many social scientists would call this the “new racism” or “laissez-faire racism,” in which white Americans failed to actively address racial inequality and, in doing so, maintained the racial status quo. Historians, like Lassiter, would identify it as a key feature of modern American conservatism.

This article refers to whites living right now who are in forums like this talking about what they did not do.
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From what I understand everything was pretty cool right after slavery.
You understand wrong because at this point as you are being shown what happened right after slavery.

How are you going to "fix" this boy?
How are YOU going to fix it saltine? You guys made the mess. Take that responsibility you tell everybody else to take.

I'm not going to fix shit kid. You're just a sick little boy playing a game on the internet. You've probably never even been laid yet.

I have a present for you ButtWheat.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness "

That's all you get. Now go get yours.
My fathers family were sharecroppers in NE Louisiana. They got cheated every year because they were black. They had no protection from the law. They heard blacks could get a fair shake in the north and that whites were not as racist. This is what my father told me, as well as my grandmother, her brother my great uncle, and my mothers brother who moved to Cleveland Ohio from Harlan Kentucky.

You seem to think that blacks just sat in the south until 1920 then all of a sudden everybody went north ONLY because of the jobs. Not so.
They'd get a "fair shake" in the north? You mean they'd be paid three times as much as they were making in the south...right? Now why would they move to Cleveland? Because it was in the booming Rust Belt and industrial jobs were plentiful? They didn't move in the 1800's...did they? Why? Because jobs were not there in the north for blacks. Those jobs were held by whites. It wasn't until the First World War decimated the white working class that jobs became easy for blacks to obtain!

You're full of shit on this subject, IM2 and you know it!
Racism is why they weren't paid. Reality.

"Racism" isn't why factory jobs in the north were paying 3 times what agricultural jobs in the south were paying! There was huge demand for industrial products due to both WWI and WWII. Demand for agricultural products didn't have the same increases. THAT is reality!
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
My fathers family were sharecroppers in NE Louisiana. They got cheated every year because they were black. They had no protection from the law. They heard blacks could get a fair shake in the north and that whites were not as racist. This is what my father told me, as well as my grandmother, her brother my great uncle, and my mothers brother who moved to Cleveland Ohio from Harlan Kentucky.

You seem to think that blacks just sat in the south until 1920 then all of a sudden everybody went north ONLY because of the jobs. Not so.
They'd get a "fair shake" in the north? You mean they'd be paid three times as much as they were making in the south...right? Now why would they move to Cleveland? Because it was in the booming Rust Belt and industrial jobs were plentiful? They didn't move in the 1800's...did they? Why? Because jobs were not there in the north for blacks. Those jobs were held by whites. It wasn't until the First World War decimated the white working class that jobs became easy for blacks to obtain!

You're full of shit on this subject, IM2 and you know it!
Racism is why they weren't paid. Reality.

"Racism" isn't why factory jobs in the north were paying 3 times what agricultural jobs in the south were paying! There was huge demand for industrial products due to both WWI and WWII. Demand for agricultural products didn't have the same increases. THAT is reality!
Racism is why blacks weren't paid in the south, and why they had no legal protection against anything whites did. It is why blacks went north and no matter how you want to take racism out of the equation because a black person is saying it's racism, you can't.
From what I understand everything was pretty cool right after slavery.
You understand wrong because at this point as you are being shown what happened right after slavery.

How are you going to "fix" this boy?
How are YOU going to fix it saltine? You guys made the mess. Take that responsibility you tell everybody else to take.

I'm not going to fix shit kid. You're just a sick little boy playing a game on the internet. You've probably never even been laid yet.

I have a present for you ButtWheat.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness "

That's all you get. Now go get yours.

There is nothing sadder than ignorant white trash.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
I'm a "stormfront trooper" because I school you on The Great Migration? Could you BE anymore of an idiot?
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .
History is deep. You cant annotate it, or abbreviate it. Africans themselves where hugely invested in slavery.
Blacks can't wash their hands of this and blame other races as if they were innocent victims. History is rather complicated.
My fathers family were sharecroppers in NE Louisiana. They got cheated every year because they were black. They had no protection from the law. They heard blacks could get a fair shake in the north and that whites were not as racist. This is what my father told me, as well as my grandmother, her brother my great uncle, and my mothers brother who moved to Cleveland Ohio from Harlan Kentucky.

You seem to think that blacks just sat in the south until 1920 then all of a sudden everybody went north ONLY because of the jobs. Not so.
They'd get a "fair shake" in the north? You mean they'd be paid three times as much as they were making in the south...right? Now why would they move to Cleveland? Because it was in the booming Rust Belt and industrial jobs were plentiful? They didn't move in the 1800's...did they? Why? Because jobs were not there in the north for blacks. Those jobs were held by whites. It wasn't until the First World War decimated the white working class that jobs became easy for blacks to obtain!

You're full of shit on this subject, IM2 and you know it!
Racism is why they weren't paid. Reality.

"Racism" isn't why factory jobs in the north were paying 3 times what agricultural jobs in the south were paying! There was huge demand for industrial products due to both WWI and WWII. Demand for agricultural products didn't have the same increases. THAT is reality!
Racism is why blacks weren't paid in the south, and why they had no legal protection against anything whites did. It is why blacks went north and no matter how you want to take racism out of the equation because a black person is saying it's racism, you can't.

Still don't have an explanation for why it took 50 years AFTER the Civil War for The Great Migration to take you, Sparky? It's "racism"!!! Like racism suddenly became an issue in 1920? Duh?
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.
I'm a "stormfront trooper" because I school you on The Great Migration? Could you BE anymore of an idiot?
You lost that debate.
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .
History is deep. You cant annotate it, or abbreviate it. Africans themselves where hugely invested in slavery.
Blacks can't wash their hands of this and blame other races as if they were innocent victims. History is rather complicated.
History is indeed deep. It covers much more than what you read in those white supremacist sites you frequent. But this thread is not about slavery and Africans had nothing to do with what has happened since.
Malcom X was a phony. Islam was, oh,and still Is a HUGE trader in slaves. So its like someone against the
Holocaust calling themselves Adolph X. Just proving how ignorant they are.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Wow...I've read that last sentence four times now and I STILL can't decipher it! Did it make sense when you wrote it, IM2? You're supposedly a person who gets PAID to write and you give us that?
That's because you're stupid. So let me explain it to you.

Cannon fodder is presenting the standard irresponsible white argument of I did not do it. This is why he asked the default idiot white racist in denial question:

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

So because he lacks intelligence just like you and all the other stormfront troopers around here, I had to explain to him that this thread was about what the government has done to blacks since slavery. Now after having seen his posts about what HE has not done, I informed him this was a macro level discussion. Now you do understand the difference between macro and micro level issues don't you?

The macro level is not about what did I do. It is about what did we do, how did it impact large numbers of people and not just a single individual. So you are just a stump stupid idiot looking for a reason to launch an ad hominem attack.

I've never met a bigger chickenshit than you.

You wanna' talk about the "macro level" and "what did WE do". Well, listen up Buckwheat, there is no "we" when it comes to this. If you've got a problem with what whites did to blacks 200 years ago, I suggest you take it up with them. I wasn't there, and I accept zero responsibility for something I had zero control over, and your petulant manner only makes me dig my heals in more. Bring me a black guy that was treated like shit 200 years ago and I'll bring you a white guy to answer for it. Otherwise you should shut your fucking hole.

I don't give a flying fuck how blacks were treated 200 years ago. I care about what happens now, because I'm smart enough to understand that whining and bitching about what happened then is absolutely meaningless. Furthermore, your "macro level" bullshit is the only way you think you can make a compelling argument, and it's not. You're a complete fucking failure.

You've still yet to explain what the end game is of all of this. Odds are you want something from whitey that you can't get yourself, right?

Otherwise, what's with all the whining?
In the late 1960s and early ’70s, for example, millions of white homeowners in the nation’s suburbs — for the most part, racially segregated communities subsidized by state policies — rejected efforts to desegregate schools through busing and vehemently defended the demographic makeup of their neighborhoods. These were not people shouting slurs at the top of their lungs (although some did). They were courageous defenders of their quality of life — segregated life, that is. These were the people of the so-called “silent majority,” who insisted on free-market meritocracy and embraced a color-blind ideology to maintain their racially exclusive enclaves. Their antibusing crusades, taxpayer revolts and insistence on neighborhood schools cut across party lines and helped shape national politics. Democrats and Republicans appealed to the interests of these voters, and many turned their backs on the agenda of the civil rights movement. These Americans, it was argued, were the true victims.

In his important 2006 book, The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South, historian Matthew D. Lassiter stated clearly the effect of this moment from the late 1960s and early ’70s:

The suburban politics of middle-class warfare charted a middle course between the open racism of the extreme right and the egalitarian agenda of the civil rights movement, based in an ethos of color-blind individualism that accepted the principle of equal opportunity under the law but refused to countenance affirmative-action policies designed to overcome metropolitan structures of inequality.
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Suburban white America voiced its belief in racial equality, but relentlessly held on to white class privilege and all the policies and structures that made it possible. Many social scientists would call this the “new racism” or “laissez-faire racism,” in which white Americans failed to actively address racial inequality and, in doing so, maintained the racial status quo. Historians, like Lassiter, would identify it as a key feature of modern American conservatism.

Don’t Let the Loud Bigots Distract You
This hateful moment offers an opportunity for Americans to finally change our racist ways

This article refers to whites living right now who are in forums like this talking about what they did not do.

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