So What Happens If One Chooses Not To Wear One?

Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
like this one?.....

ennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/AP

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

AP Photo/ Tony Avelar

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Marvin RECINOS/AFP/Getty Images

Next group demanding their civil rights will be NAMBLA. Wait for it.

Are NAMBLA the one's who want raping children made legal?

It's off topic briefly, but the new President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, when he was Mayor of the town I can't remember the name of, he had the right idea with how to deal with drug dealers etc.

He's now said he'll deal with criminals the same way as President....he'd soon deal correctly with the NAMBLA POS.
I know who you're talking about. He said he would literally kill druggies and other criminals. Good man that guy.

Here's the late, great Margaret Thatcher speaking in support of her friend General Pinochet, termed "Britain's Only Political Prisoner" after the Labour Government put him under House Arrest....of course, thankfully he was returned back to Santiago to his family.

Mrs. Thatcher has to of course witness a crowd of Marxist's shouting and ranting in front of the building where she's about to give her speech.

General Pinochet is welcomed home to Santiago by his supporters.

Margaret Thatcher's reaction to General Pinochet's release.

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Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
like this one?.....

ennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/AP

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

AP Photo/ Tony Avelar

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Marvin RECINOS/AFP/Getty Images


It's the Luciferarian Agenda, the agenda of The Anti-Christ.

Our Lord warned us about this, we heed His Word, as such we will never support this degeneracy, period, no matter what names they call us, no matter how much they might ridicule us.
The LGBT Militant Crowd, next on The Agenda is certainly to get paedophilia made legal.

It's strange that the Leftists, I mean being such great friends, champions and apologists for Islam, it's strange that the Leftists aren't demanding that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iran, Qatar etc have Gay Pride parades and submit fully to the notion that Transgendering is completely normal and that a man with a penis can say he's now a woman.

Why aren't Leftists with the LGBT Militant Crowd in tow touring the Middle East demanding RIGHTS and Gay Pride events or else?
That one is easy. The white heterosexual male is a common enemy of both groups thus they love Islam and the "tolerant" Muslims that come with it.

Well yes that's a part of it. The fundamental issue though is, this is that Leftists hate all that Western Civilisation and it's values have ever stood for, it's been the wet-dream of the Marxists to always destroy Western Civilisation, so it's logical they'd support and champion Islam, because the Islamists have always wanted the same destroy Western Civilisation and replace it with Islam.

The Leftists being essentially consumed by hatred of Western values, they can't see the forest for the trees, if they could, then they'd realise that the Islamists also hate THEM and won't hesitate to chop Leftist heads off and throw the Leftists collaborators the LGBT crowd off the nearest rooftops and hang them 20 feet in the air off cranes, like they do in Iran.

Do the Leftists actually think that Islam is pro-LGBT, do they think Islam is pro-Leftist Agenda?

Leftism is a mental illness.
Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
Just like Leftists across the planet hate values....that's what happens when you've got no moral sink into complete degeneracy.

The push towards all that's depraved will never end. The leftists tools want you to wear a button supporting depravity. If everyone wore one, it wouldn't be enough. It would be on to the next level. And the next.

How about a symbol for everyone, especially Christians, to wear to show that they are not intolerant of anyone who is not a Christian. Say for example a symbol you could wear on your right hand or your forehead. It would be strictly voluntary of course. But after a while when most "progressive" citizens are wearing it to show their allegiance to the State, more pressure would be needed to get the rest in line. Perhaps making it "so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark".

Wouldn't that be a great idea to bring us all together?



Maybe the Feds should 'ask' libtards in schools etc to wear the following, just to prove they 'support' Christians?

View attachment 74351
Support Christians or you're a bigot that deserves to lose your job, leftists!
Christers think they don't have to follow laws....and whine when they get held just as accountable as everyone else.
That one is easy. The white heterosexual male is a common enemy of both groups thus they love Islam and the "tolerant" Muslims that come with it.

Well yes that's a part of it. The fundamental issue though is, this is that Leftists hate all that Western Civilisation and it's values have ever stood for, it's been the wet-dream of the Marxists to always destroy Western Civilisation, so it's logical they'd support and champion Islam, because the Islamists have always wanted the same destroy Western Civilisation and replace it with Islam.

The Leftists being essentially consumed by hatred of Western values, they can't see the forest for the trees, if they could, then they'd realise that the Islamists also hate THEM and won't hesitate to chop Leftist heads off and throw the Leftists collaborators the LGBT crowd off the nearest rooftops and hang them 20 feet in the air off cranes, like they do in Iran.

Do the Leftists actually think that Islam is pro-LGBT, do they think Islam is pro-Leftist Agenda?

Leftism is a mental illness.
Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.
Well yes that's a part of it. The fundamental issue though is, this is that Leftists hate all that Western Civilisation and it's values have ever stood for, it's been the wet-dream of the Marxists to always destroy Western Civilisation, so it's logical they'd support and champion Islam, because the Islamists have always wanted the same destroy Western Civilisation and replace it with Islam.

The Leftists being essentially consumed by hatred of Western values, they can't see the forest for the trees, if they could, then they'd realise that the Islamists also hate THEM and won't hesitate to chop Leftist heads off and throw the Leftists collaborators the LGBT crowd off the nearest rooftops and hang them 20 feet in the air off cranes, like they do in Iran.

Do the Leftists actually think that Islam is pro-LGBT, do they think Islam is pro-Leftist Agenda?

Leftism is a mental illness.
Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.
Ah, more tough talk while hiding with an anonymous name. Sure is frightening, eh? :lol:
Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.
Ah, more tough talk while hiding with an anonymous name. Sure is frightening, eh? :lol:
Well that's what Pinochet would do, have you thrown from a helicopter. And I'd find it funny.. What do you want from me?
The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.
Ah, more tough talk while hiding with an anonymous name. Sure is frightening, eh? :lol:
Well that's what Pinochet would do, have you thrown from a helicopter. And I'd find it funny.. What do you want from me?
Sure he would....and you'd be hiding behind his apron strings....that's what makes you so awesome, little boy.

And yet, Pinochet isn't here.....he's even dead now, isn't he? And he was such a fine example of a Christer too.
Well yes that's a part of it. The fundamental issue though is, this is that Leftists hate all that Western Civilisation and it's values have ever stood for, it's been the wet-dream of the Marxists to always destroy Western Civilisation, so it's logical they'd support and champion Islam, because the Islamists have always wanted the same destroy Western Civilisation and replace it with Islam.

The Leftists being essentially consumed by hatred of Western values, they can't see the forest for the trees, if they could, then they'd realise that the Islamists also hate THEM and won't hesitate to chop Leftist heads off and throw the Leftists collaborators the LGBT crowd off the nearest rooftops and hang them 20 feet in the air off cranes, like they do in Iran.

Do the Leftists actually think that Islam is pro-LGBT, do they think Islam is pro-Leftist Agenda?

Leftism is a mental illness.
Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.

When someone is dealing with someone who craps on Christians by terming them "Christers" and supports the filth in the below picture, who cares what they think? They have no right to ask for "equal rights"

"Equal rights" for THIS?

Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.

When someone is dealing with someone who craps on Christians by terming them "Christers" and supports the filth in the below picture, who cares what they think? They have no right to ask for "equal rights"

"Equal rights" for THIS?

That one is easy. The white heterosexual male is a common enemy of both groups thus they love Islam and the "tolerant" Muslims that come with it.

Well yes that's a part of it. The fundamental issue though is, this is that Leftists hate all that Western Civilisation and it's values have ever stood for, it's been the wet-dream of the Marxists to always destroy Western Civilisation, so it's logical they'd support and champion Islam, because the Islamists have always wanted the same destroy Western Civilisation and replace it with Islam.

The Leftists being essentially consumed by hatred of Western values, they can't see the forest for the trees, if they could, then they'd realise that the Islamists also hate THEM and won't hesitate to chop Leftist heads off and throw the Leftists collaborators the LGBT crowd off the nearest rooftops and hang them 20 feet in the air off cranes, like they do in Iran.

Do the Leftists actually think that Islam is pro-LGBT, do they think Islam is pro-Leftist Agenda?

Leftism is a mental illness.
Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.

You won't be laughing in Hell....which is where you'll be unless you repent and ask Our Lord's Mercy for following The Anti-Christ Agenda.
The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.

When someone is dealing with someone who craps on Christians by terming them "Christers" and supports the filth in the below picture, who cares what they think? They have no right to ask for "equal rights"

"Equal rights" for THIS?

This photo reminds me of this one time a friend of mine's dad bought a cake shaped like a penis and balls as a joke for my friend's birthday, it had sperm-looking frosting and everything. Nobody would eat it because his dad bought it from a homo bakery, didn't know if they mixed real sperm with the frosting. Lol
Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
like this one?.....

ennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/AP

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

AP Photo/ Tony Avelar

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Marvin RECINOS/AFP/Getty Images


They mock and hate Christians, of course this was predicted by Our Lord, that we'd face this:

"If the world hates you,

you know that it hated Me before it hated you.

If you were of the world, the world would love its own.

Yet because you are not of the world,

but I chose you out of the world,

therefore the world hates you."

(John 15:18-19)
Can you provenance the photos as to where they came from? If so, please do so.

Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
like this one?.....

ennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/AP

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

AP Photo/ Tony Avelar

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Marvin RECINOS/AFP/Getty Images

It's the Luciferarian Agenda, the agenda of The Anti-Christ.

Our Lord warned us about this, we heed His Word, as such we will never support this degeneracy, period, no matter what names they call us, no matter how much they might ridicule us.
Our Lord warned us about the Pharisees time and again no matter what names they call others. You are not the "it girl" of Christian pronouncements. Do you understand?
Can you provenance the photos as to where they came from? If so, please do so.

Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
like this one?.....

ennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/AP

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

AP Photo/ Tony Avelar

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Marvin RECINOS/AFP/Getty Images


Why is that of seemingly paramount importance?
Well yes that's a part of it. The fundamental issue though is, this is that Leftists hate all that Western Civilisation and it's values have ever stood for, it's been the wet-dream of the Marxists to always destroy Western Civilisation, so it's logical they'd support and champion Islam, because the Islamists have always wanted the same destroy Western Civilisation and replace it with Islam.

The Leftists being essentially consumed by hatred of Western values, they can't see the forest for the trees, if they could, then they'd realise that the Islamists also hate THEM and won't hesitate to chop Leftist heads off and throw the Leftists collaborators the LGBT crowd off the nearest rooftops and hang them 20 feet in the air off cranes, like they do in Iran.

Do the Leftists actually think that Islam is pro-LGBT, do they think Islam is pro-Leftist Agenda?

Leftism is a mental illness.
Leftists are suicidal.

The political pendulum will swing our way, logic dictates this....which is just as well, because the Leftist Agenda is going to get us all killed, meaning their Love-In with Islam and the Islamists.
We need a Pinochet.
For a laugh, sure.
I'd laugh while you were dropped from a helicopter onto the concrete on Main Street, sure.
Maybe once.
Can you provenance the photos as to where they came from? If so, please do so.

Gay parades have been around for thirty years, Lucy, so get over it.

If you want to see a "respectable" gay parade, see the one in Salt Lake City in June this year.
like this one?.....

ennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx/AP

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

AP Photo/ Tony Avelar

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Marvin RECINOS/AFP/Getty Images

Faggots are the same everywhere. There's no reason for anyone to have to qualify that fact when it is obvious.

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