So What Happens If One Chooses Not To Wear One?

OK, it's not deliberate, you say. It hurts nonetheless.
I KNEW you didn't have the fortitude to follow through with your threat to leave.
You are the reason bull dykes don't get any respect. No one can trust them to honor their word.
You and your lesbian partner went looking for a kid as fucked up as you two.
None of the three of you have a clue what it's like to be a female or a male.
Must be one weird world you-all inhabit.
"Mr. and Mrs. and adopted kid In Between".
I know of someone who believes if they eat fresh dog shit from a Chow Chow everyday they will live forever.
Be my guest. All of you. Just don't demand I accept your understand your lifestyles.
Family attack
And if you don't wear one, you will be viewed as homophobic.

This is what I and others were commenting yesterday, this is why we're against people having to wear a badge, we know what'll happen to those who choose not to "homophobe", "bigot" probably they'll even lose their jobs.

Yes, we know how the left works. You're either on board, or you're automatically a racist, sexist, homophobe etc.
So asking that the LGBT activism be kept out of the classroom and that CHILDREN who experience gender confusion not be abused with hormones to prevent them developing naturally is intolerant? I think it's the opposite.
You presume a trans taking hormones is being abused. That is wrong.
No, I'm saying it is wrong to give gender confused CHILDREN hormones.
Gender confused is your presumption. Some children are not confused. My son is taking hormones, with my blessing.
Well I sincerely hope he doesn't regret if further down the line, because a lot of people do.
I sincerely hope you learn to trust people who are actually dealing skillfully with this issue instead of reading RW rags that are biased.
This is in it's a biased/bigoted view against those who are Republicsns. You, dearie, should put all Republicans on ignore, you will be much happier.

You ignore my position and point of view. I call that ignore ance. Ignorance is when you're biased and you aren't willing to look at it, or collect any new info and learn from it.

If you don't have anyone close you who is trans you really have no idea what it's like for them.

Walk in my shoes for a moment. Be a daughter of a gay man who committed suicide because he couldn't live with himself as he was.

Be a lesbian a generation later. Next, have a trans son.

Get back to me.
Ignorance is a two way street. Christians revere Christ. Christ was a good honest man, full of kindness and goodwill. He walked this earth 33 years and never harmed a soul yet the left hates Christians and won't allow prayer in schools. Now that is intolerance.
Ignorance is a two way street. Christians revere Christ. Christ was a good honest man, full of kindness and goodwill. He walked this earth 33 years and never harmed a soul yet the left hates Christians and won't allow prayer in schools. Now that is intolerance.
Christians hate transgender people? Why. What did Jesus say about transgender people?
Christians can pray all day in school if they do so silently. If they won't respect others, they ought to attend religious schools.
You want to tell me that Jesus would have hated transgender kids, Willy?
Ignorance is a two way street. Christians revere Christ. Christ was a good honest man, full of kindness and goodwill. He walked this earth 33 years and never harmed a soul yet the left hates Christians and won't allow prayer in schools. Now that is intolerance.
Christians hate transgender people? Why. What did Jesus say about transgender people?

Why do you say Christians hate transgender? Btw. I am an agnostic. I believe in the goodness of Jesus but am skeptical on the God thing. So why do you hate Christians?
Christians can pray all day in school if they do so silently. If they won't respect others, they ought to attend religious schools.

So would it then be fair to say you can have your patches as long as others do not have to see them?
Ignorance is a two way street. Christians revere Christ. Christ was a good honest man, full of kindness and goodwill. He walked this earth 33 years and never harmed a soul yet the left hates Christians and won't allow prayer in schools. Now that is intolerance.
Christians hate transgender people? Why. What did Jesus say about transgender people?
Don't you doubt that in the day Jesus lived Transgendered people was not even heard of? But in general, I know he defended a whore and dared those without sin to throw the first stone so knowing that what do you think his attitude would have been? He was a humble man, he washed people's feet, he fed them, he cared for them and you are so intolerant that you hate those who follow his teachings. Why?
I give up. Go ahead and think of me as someone who hates Christians. I don't care anymore.
I give up. Go ahead and think of me as someone who hates Christians. I don't care anymore.

Take it easy when I say " you" I am talking about the left. Just as you referred to the rw with your broad brush. I do not take everything so personally.

You ignore my position and point of view. I call that ignore ance. Ignorance is when you're biased and you aren't willing to look at it, or collect any new info and learn from it.

If you don't have anyone close you who is trans you really have no idea what it's like for them.

Walk in my shoes for a moment. Be a daughter of a gay man who committed suicide because he couldn't live with himself as he was.

Be a lesbian a generation later. Next, have a trans son.

Get back to me.

You are actually the one who ignores and is intolerant of other people's views on this matter. You are emotional about it, which is perfectly understandable, but that has rendered you irrational, as evidenced by your constant recourse to insults about hatred, ignorance and bigotry on the basis others don't agree with you.
So no, I won't be getting back to you on this subject any time soon,
but I do do wish you and your family well.

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