So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

What IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?


Criminals have different reasons for committing atrocities. So its impossible to come up with a foolproof plan.

War Criminal Ape Lincoln simply outgunned the South.

Adolf Hitler: The Bismark and Wiemar administrations were paternalistic - similar to US democrats and "compassionate conservatives" - so many folks did not acquire firearms trusting that a friendly government would always protect them - they let their guard down and presto , a madman with an agenda took over and 6,000,000 million were dead. The Jews at the Warsaw Ghetto , had access to small firearms and ammunition hence were able to fair better.

Abolish GUN FREE ZONES - typically the criminally insane has an agenda. He/she wants to accomplish the same before dying in the process. For instance the 09/11 hijackers knew that airplanes had been GUN FREE ZONES since 1965. So they knew that could kamikaze their airplanes against the WTC before anybody could stop them.

SO do not allow "friendly" government bureaucrats to disarm us and say NO to GUN FREE ZONES.

And should we do the same?

As for Cleveland, it's been run by Democrats the last couple of decades. That's why it's a problem. Koch is nowhere near our town and it's too bad.

again, you are the type that blames a rape victim for her short dress.

But perhaps you have a good idea with Israel. Let them tear down all those buildings and business the Palestinians are used to working in. Let them level the place and turn it back to the desolate land it once was. Then we'll see how much they want it back.

I garuntee you, the Palestinians want the zionists and all their shit gone.

You know what htey did when they got Gaza back. They tore down all the homes the Jews lived in.

Really? Now how did the get Gaza back anti-semite?

Those people don't have any money to rebuild. Their former leader took all that money and kept it for himself including money given to Arafat by the US. He died with billions while his people fought with sticks and stones.

Blaming the rape victim? Gee, now that's a perfect comparison to the leadership in Cleveland being Democrat the last couple of decades. Why should we blame the leaders of the city? How silly of me.
And should we do the same?

As for Cleveland, it's been run by Democrats the last couple of decades. That's why it's a problem. Koch is nowhere near our town and it's too bad.

again, you are the type that blames a rape victim for her short dress.

But perhaps you have a good idea with Israel. Let them tear down all those buildings and business the Palestinians are used to working in. Let them level the place and turn it back to the desolate land it once was. Then we'll see how much they want it back.

I garuntee you, the Palestinians want the zionists and all their shit gone.

You know what htey did when they got Gaza back. They tore down all the homes the Jews lived in.
Who cares about the Palestinians??
They will be unhappy no matter where they are...
My point wasn't that the American Indians were wronged, my point is that we took this wilderness and turned it into the greatest nation on earth. Lots of money, lots of work, lots of wars. Israel no different.

We created a racist state based on slavery and genocide, which just got lucky enough to be the only country standing when the rest of the world devastated itself in two world wars. Please stop patting yourself on the back for that.

Not to worry, what little "Great" that was accomplished by progressives are quickly being undone by the Koch Brothers. You should be proud. Look at Cleveland, that's the future the Koch Brothers have planned for the rest of the country.

Israel, on the other hand, is an apatheid state that simply won't last, mostly because the people who live there know they are in the wrong.

Israel has tried nearly everything to get along with the Palestinians, but you can't negotiate with people who's only desire is to see you and all your people dead. How do you meet half way with that?

You don't. YOu get the hell away from them and undo what you did to offend them to start with.

The way the Jews can get along with the Palestinians, is to get the fuck off their land and go back to Europe where they came form.
The Koch brothers are harmless... Not an issue.

The Germans made it clear during the Second World War Jews were not welcome in Europe, dumb a$$.

You have to do something about that pussy of yours...
My point wasn't that the American Indians were wronged, my point is that we took this wilderness and turned it into the greatest nation on earth. Lots of money, lots of work, lots of wars. Israel no different.

We created a racist state based on slavery and genocide, which just got lucky enough to be the only country standing when the rest of the world devastated itself in two world wars. Please stop patting yourself on the back for that.

Not to worry, what little "Great" that was accomplished by progressives are quickly being undone by the Koch Brothers. You should be proud. Look at Cleveland, that's the future the Koch Brothers have planned for the rest of the country.

Israel, on the other hand, is an apatheid state that simply won't last, mostly because the people who live there know they are in the wrong.

Israel has tried nearly everything to get along with the Palestinians, but you can't negotiate with people who's only desire is to see you and all your people dead. How do you meet half way with that?

You don't. YOu get the hell away from them and undo what you did to offend them to start with.

The way the Jews can get along with the Palestinians, is to get the fuck off their land and go back to Europe where they came form.
The Koch brothers are harmless... Not an issue.

The Germans made it clear during the Second World War Jews were not welcome in Europe, dumb a$$.

You have to do something about that pussy of yours...

Hitler only had jurisdiction over Germany not Europe.

The Jews were German citizens.

The nazis were looking for scapegoats , someone to blame for the misery brought about the Treaty of Versailles.

The Jews were substantially disarmed.


Really? Now how did the get Gaza back anti-semite?

Those people don't have any money to rebuild. Their former leader took all that money and kept it for himself including money given to Arafat by the US. He died with billions while his people fought with sticks and stones.

The Zionists realized they couldn't hold it in the continued face of international condemnation. Sorry, man, we checked the balance on Israel's "Hitler Card" and found it's over it's limit.

Blaming the rape victim? Gee, now that's a perfect comparison to the leadership in Cleveland being Democrat the last couple of decades. Why should we blame the leaders of the city? How silly of me.

So you pine for the good old days when Republicans ran Cleveland and the Cayahoga river used to catch on fire because it was so polluted? When Lake Erie was so polluted that it became a metaphor for pollution?

Right. How dare those mean old Democrats insist big business clean up their act, and expect them to do so.

Not when they could move their factory to some third world shithole.

Again- blaming the rape victim for a short dress.
Hitler only had jurisdiction over Germany not Europe.

The Jews were German citizens.

The nazis were looking for scapegoats , someone to blame for the misery brought about the Treaty of Versailles.

The Jews were substantially disarmed.


Uh, guy, German Jews mostly fled the country before the war started. Most of the victims of the holocaust were Polish Jews and Russian Jews.

So this crazy talk about "if only the Jews had guns" is just that- crazy talk.

Really? Now how did the get Gaza back anti-semite?

Those people don't have any money to rebuild. Their former leader took all that money and kept it for himself including money given to Arafat by the US. He died with billions while his people fought with sticks and stones.

The Zionists realized they couldn't hold it in the continued face of international condemnation. Sorry, man, we checked the balance on Israel's "Hitler Card" and found it's over it's limit.

Blaming the rape victim? Gee, now that's a perfect comparison to the leadership in Cleveland being Democrat the last couple of decades. Why should we blame the leaders of the city? How silly of me.

So you pine for the good old days when Republicans ran Cleveland and the Cayahoga river used to catch on fire because it was so polluted? When Lake Erie was so polluted that it became a metaphor for pollution?

Right. How dare those mean old Democrats insist big business clean up their act, and expect them to do so.

Not when they could move their factory to some third world shithole.

Again- blaming the rape victim for a short dress.

Lake Erie is still dirty and we have about one-third of the population we once had since the good ole days. And BTW, Cleveland doesn't own the lake.

Right now the Democrats are wasting all kinds of money on useless projects that won't make it anymore attractive to businesses or residents. It was only a few years ago that we led the country in depopulation. Cleveland was ranked the poorest city two out of three years, and we would have kept that honor if not for the fall of another liberal bastion--Detroit.
So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

just keep guns out of the hands of liberals and groups that
support them...

then almost all the majority of shootings in general, would stop
Hitler only had jurisdiction over Germany not Europe.

The Jews were German citizens.

The nazis were looking for scapegoats , someone to blame for the misery brought about the Treaty of Versailles.

The Jews were substantially disarmed.


Uh, guy, German Jews mostly fled the country before the war started. Most of the victims of the holocaust were Polish Jews and Russian Jews.

So this crazy talk about "if only the Jews had guns" is just that- crazy talk.






Raise the price of guns. Many ways to do this; most effective is an "insurance policy" of sorts on each gun that gun violence victims will be compensated through. Nothing in the Constitution says guns have to be cheap or readily available to every psychopath out there. Once you raise the price; the manufacturers stop producing so many and the price climbs still higher. Sort of like the luxury tax did on high end automobiles. Once the pool begins to dry up, the street price increases and you have fewer shootings.

Couple this with making gun crimes federal crimes. You use a gun to commit a crime; federal crime. You sell a gun without the mandatory insurance policy; federal crime. First offense, 10 years. Your gun(s), melted down into medals for the cop that caught you. Second offense, 30 years.

With prices of new guns high, surplus guns having their prices raised big time, and stiffer penalties for gun offenses, you'll see gun crimes dip.

What you won't see dip is people who are determined to die in the commission of a crime. Only multiple, stringent, background checks will do that; followed up by interviews from trained police officials.
Raise the price of guns.
Sate action to this affect creates an infringement on the right to arms.
But, you know that.
No part of the Constitution speaks to the price of weapons. This is a fact.
Also a fact:
No part of the constitution says that "gun ownership is to be limited to Militia members"
No part of the constitution says "if you're not a member of the Militia, you are not constitutionally allowed to carry weapons"
So... what's your point?

Raise the price of guns. Many ways to do this; most effective is an "insurance policy" of sorts on each gun that gun violence victims will be compensated through. Nothing in the Constitution says guns have to be cheap or readily available to every psychopath out there. Once you raise the price; the manufacturers stop producing so many and the price climbs still higher. Sort of like the luxury tax did on high end automobiles. Once the pool begins to dry up, the street price increases and you have fewer shootings.

Couple this with making gun crimes federal crimes. You use a gun to commit a crime; federal crime. You sell a gun without the mandatory insurance policy; federal crime. First offense, 10 years. Your gun(s), melted down into medals for the cop that caught you. Second offense, 30 years.

With prices of new guns high, surplus guns having their prices raised big time, and stiffer penalties for gun offenses, you'll see gun crimes dip.

What you won't see dip is people who are determined to die in the commission of a crime. Only multiple, stringent, background checks will do that; followed up by interviews from trained police officials.

Yes, it's always a "simple" overstepping of government power with you leftists. Just inject government into private enterprise, impose arbitrary price controls, and control people like a bunch of marionettes.

God forbid any solution that ever treats human beings as intelligent free agents ever be considered.

It must suck to go through life being afraid of everyone including yourself.
Raise the price of guns.
Sate action to this affect creates an infringement on the right to arms.
But, you know that.
No part of the Constitution speaks to the price of weapons. This is a fact.
Also a fact:
No part of the constitution says that "gun ownership is to be limited to Militia members"
No part of the constitution says "if you're not a member of the Militia, you are not constitutionally allowed to carry weapons"
So... what's your point?

Thanks. I'll accept your surrender that the Government can inflate the price of weapons artificially without violating the Constitution. Good boy, you're learning your place.

Raise the price of guns. Many ways to do this; most effective is an "insurance policy" of sorts on each gun that gun violence victims will be compensated through. Nothing in the Constitution says guns have to be cheap or readily available to every psychopath out there. Once you raise the price; the manufacturers stop producing so many and the price climbs still higher. Sort of like the luxury tax did on high end automobiles. Once the pool begins to dry up, the street price increases and you have fewer shootings.

Couple this with making gun crimes federal crimes. You use a gun to commit a crime; federal crime. You sell a gun without the mandatory insurance policy; federal crime. First offense, 10 years. Your gun(s), melted down into medals for the cop that caught you. Second offense, 30 years.

With prices of new guns high, surplus guns having their prices raised big time, and stiffer penalties for gun offenses, you'll see gun crimes dip.

What you won't see dip is people who are determined to die in the commission of a crime. Only multiple, stringent, background checks will do that; followed up by interviews from trained police officials.

Yes, it's always a "simple" overstepping of government power with you leftists. Just inject government into private enterprise, impose arbitrary price controls, and control people like a bunch of marionettes.

God forbid any solution that ever treats human beings as intelligent free agents ever be considered.

It must suck to go through life being afraid of everyone including yourself.

We've seen the society at play; nearly monthly bloodbaths. No thanks.

As for being afraid; I'm not the one arming myself to the teeth...the gun crazies are.

Raise the price of guns. Many ways to do this; most effective is an "insurance policy" of sorts on each gun that gun violence victims will be compensated through. Nothing in the Constitution says guns have to be cheap or readily available to every psychopath out there. Once you raise the price; the manufacturers stop producing so many and the price climbs still higher. Sort of like the luxury tax did on high end automobiles. Once the pool begins to dry up, the street price increases and you have fewer shootings.

Couple this with making gun crimes federal crimes. You use a gun to commit a crime; federal crime. You sell a gun without the mandatory insurance policy; federal crime. First offense, 10 years. Your gun(s), melted down into medals for the cop that caught you. Second offense, 30 years.

With prices of new guns high, surplus guns having their prices raised big time, and stiffer penalties for gun offenses, you'll see gun crimes dip.

What you won't see dip is people who are determined to die in the commission of a crime. Only multiple, stringent, background checks will do that; followed up by interviews from trained police officials.
I see your pussy hurts too, huh?

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