So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

You just described the Right Wingers at this site. I'd be ashamed to be a part of a political constituency which had abandoned the middle class and stands for nothing except tax cuts for the wealthy and supporting corporations which fund their bid to be re-elected.

I'd be ashamed if the person I elected for President also had the support of the US Communist Party. I would be ashamed if my party stood for making as many people dependent on the government as they could. I would be ashamed if my parties ultimate goal was to disarm law biding citizens.

Go ahead and be ashamed. Over the years we've picked up the habits of the right wing......we don't give a rat's ass where a vote comes from.........we'll take it. Take my advise and start practicing on the proper way to say, "Madame President!"

Of course you don't care where the votes come. Your'e a Democrat. You have no integrity.

That's why your party is selling out America to foreigners; anything for a vote including the demise of a great nation. You liberals would sell your soul to the devil for the right price.

But what should we expect from a party of people that would elect a guy by the name of Barack Hussein in this environment?

Oh, and BTW, you don't have to practice that Madam President thing. I don't think Carly is going to win.

OK....we have no integrity. Do you remember when Al Gore got more popular vote than Bush? Do you remember when Jeb and his concubine Katherine Harris stole the election? Do you remember when the U S supreme court cast a 5-4 vote along party lines to stop the counting of faulty voting machines in Florida? You people have no shame.

We've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections and I've got news for you......PUCKER UP!!!!

Ahh, liberals. Always citing things they make up to avoid discussing the reality that doesn't support them.

You won something that doesn't exist. Our nation quite deliberately doesn't have any "popular vote", because our forebears wanted to avoid having exactly the sort of nation you want.

Must sting to know how strenuously your ilk has been resisted throughout history.

And are still being least by sane people.
just what is wrong with the rich getting richer poor mindless moron?'
dont you want to get richer?

Federal Income Tax Brackets for 2015 and Other Tax Years
1. Ban all automatic and semi-automatic long rifles and pistols.
2. Limit the number of rounds to six.
3. Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
4. Tag and track all guns and bullets sold.
5. Perform extensive background checks on buyers. No felons, people with histories of abusing drugs and alcohol, people with mental problems can own guns.
6. Mandatory licensing after passing a test demonstrating that the potential buyer knows best practices.
7. Gun sales restricted to licensed dealers.
8. Restrict Concealed Carry permits to folks that can prove a need (Carrying lots of valuable items).
9. Complete ban on guns where large groups of people congregate.

i would like to pick apart every one of your idiotic proposals, but for now i will concentrate on just the most stupid one,
#3 Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
then we need to make automobile makers liable, knife makers, ball bats, pens and pencils, scissors, medicines, poisons etc. in fact any thing that can be used as a potential weapon. :up:

:fu: ... :asshole: and :up_yours: with a garden fork :lmao:

Well no.

Unlike that list of products you provided, none are used for the specific purpose of killing human beings. Guns, however, are used to kill human beings.

Additionally, the manufacturers of the products you mention are liable in many cases if their product harms or kills a human being.

That unique property of a firearm adds a great deal of danger to the public. The "General Welfare" clause of the Constitution, includes keeping American citizens relatively safe, both from foreign and domestic threats.

We have a pretty big problem in this country with firearms. That would place the solution in either the public and/or private realms. Right now? Neither is doing much of anything and the current situation is entirely unacceptable.

So unless gun manufacturers enact some sort of protocol that minimizes the risk to human beings, they should be held responsible if their product does harm.

Simple enough.

Sure they should, if their product stands up on it's own and shoots somebody.

You anti-constitutionalists are looking for backdoor ways to eliminate guns; in this particular case, sue gun manufacturers out of business.

So next time you see one of your comrades tell us that the left is not for disarming America, remind them of what you think and how you feel so they can at least admit defeat.

What's "Anti-Constitutionalist" is the notion that a "Well Regulate Militia Necessary for the Defense of the State" means that any fucking idiot can own a gun.

Great, so where in the Second Amendment does it say that? If you read it carefully it says

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That means the right of the people, who compose those militias, as well as those who don't,

Honestly, how can you miss that? The term "the people" is self explanatory; "the people" compose of the American citizens. The 2nd requires no superfluous interpretation.
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Europe and Australia have it right. The answer is painfully obvious. Getting there is problematic.
Europe and Australia don't have dick right. But if you feel safer there, you should move.

Interestingly put, but I'd say if Europe and Australia don't have the same degree of the same issue, then they must have their collective dick righter than we do.

You can't separate mass shootings from masculinity issues. Can't do it. Time to wake up to that.

Ah, yes. Your paralyzing fear of testosterone.


I'd say the "fear" around here is that of facing what I just brought up.
And not "just" brought up, it was a while ago. Nobody has the balls to take it on even though it can't be more obvious.

I'm just waiting for you unwashed to catch up.
Once you get over your fear.

you're a laughable idiot trying to re-write history

You just described the Right Wingers at this site. I'd be ashamed to be a part of a political constituency which had abandoned the middle class and stands for nothing except tax cuts for the wealthy and supporting corporations which fund their bid to be re-elected.

I'd be ashamed if the person I elected for President also had the support of the US Communist Party. I would be ashamed if my party stood for making as many people dependent on the government as they could. I would be ashamed if my parties ultimate goal was to disarm law biding citizens.

Go ahead and be ashamed. Over the years we've picked up the habits of the right wing......we don't give a rat's ass where a vote comes from.........we'll take it. Take my advise and start practicing on the proper way to say, "Madame President!"

Of course you don't care where the votes come. Your'e a Democrat. You have no integrity.

That's why your party is selling out America to foreigners; anything for a vote including the demise of a great nation. You liberals would sell your soul to the devil for the right price.

But what should we expect from a party of people that would elect a guy by the name of Barack Hussein in this environment?

Oh, and BTW, you don't have to practice that Madam President thing. I don't think Carly is going to win.

OK....we have no integrity. Do you remember when Al Gore got more popular vote than Bush? Do you remember when Jeb and his concubine Katherine Harris stole the election? Do you remember when the U S supreme court cast a 5-4 vote along party lines to stop the counting of faulty voting machines in Florida? You people have no shame.

We've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections and I've got news for you......PUCKER UP!!!!

gore lost the election because his home state of Tennessee voted for Bush...had the idiot won his home state he would have been President...
Robin Hood need not apply....
A lot of people blithely cite Robin Hood, without thinking through what Robin Hood actually did.

I know, no one's really sure if he even existed. But the legends are fun to read and study, anyway.

Someone writing a movie came up with the shortie, "He robbed from the rich and gave to the poor" to try to explain what RH did. But it is pretty wide of the mark.

Who, exactly, did Robin Hood "steal" from?

Government tax collectors and treasury agents!

And who did he give the money to?

Farmers, cobblers, cabinet makers, seamstresses, housewives, blacksmiths etc. Most of whom were poor. In other words, he gave the money back to the people the government agents had taken it from in the first place, who were suffering in poverty after the government has raided their pocketbooks.

Robin Hood was a conservative.

One of a kind
You just described the Right Wingers at this site. I'd be ashamed to be a part of a political constituency which had abandoned the middle class and stands for nothing except tax cuts for the wealthy and supporting corporations which fund their bid to be re-elected.

I'd be ashamed if the person I elected for President also had the support of the US Communist Party. I would be ashamed if my party stood for making as many people dependent on the government as they could. I would be ashamed if my parties ultimate goal was to disarm law biding citizens.

Go ahead and be ashamed. Over the years we've picked up the habits of the right wing......we don't give a rat's ass where a vote comes from.........we'll take it. Take my advise and start practicing on the proper way to say, "Madame President!"

Of course you don't care where the votes come. Your'e a Democrat. You have no integrity.

That's why your party is selling out America to foreigners; anything for a vote including the demise of a great nation. You liberals would sell your soul to the devil for the right price.

But what should we expect from a party of people that would elect a guy by the name of Barack Hussein in this environment?

Oh, and BTW, you don't have to practice that Madam President thing. I don't think Carly is going to win.

OK....we have no integrity. Do you remember when Al Gore got more popular vote than Bush? Do you remember when Jeb and his concubine Katherine Harris stole the election? Do you remember when the U S supreme court cast a 5-4 vote along party lines to stop the counting of faulty voting machines in Florida? You people have no shame.

We've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections and I've got news for you......PUCKER UP!!!!

gore lost the election because his home state of Tennessee voted for Bush...had the idiot won his home state he would have been President...

I've lived in Tennessee for 81 years.......nobody has to tell me what a bunch of shit kickers live here. I knew Gore would lose the state before it started. After Democrats began to support Blacks.....this bunch of racists became Republicans.
The muslims are the aggressors here not the has been pointed out, muslims stop fighting and there is instant peace, Israel stops fighting and they are massacred……big difference. Wrong…..civilians get guns in Israel and gun stores have long lines in front of them in Israel since the attacks began…

AGain, it is funny that a nation that experienced genocide after they were disarmed would allow their civilians to be disarmed….they still haven't learned all the lessons from the holocaust.

Uh, no, guy. The Zionist shitstains came from Europe and stole Arab land. They aredoing the same thing you would do if space aliens came from Mars and took your land.
The muslims are the aggressors here not the has been pointed out, muslims stop fighting and there is instant peace, Israel stops fighting and they are massacred……big difference. Wrong…..civilians get guns in Israel and gun stores have long lines in front of them in Israel since the attacks began…

AGain, it is funny that a nation that experienced genocide after they were disarmed would allow their civilians to be disarmed….they still haven't learned all the lessons from the holocaust.

Uh, no, guy. The Zionist shitstains came from Europe and stole Arab land. They aredoing the same thing you would do if space aliens came from Mars and took your land.
...pussy still hurt'n???
California is now proposing background checks for all ammo purchases....again, this will not effect criminals or mass shooters, but is specifically targeted at sport shooters and normal gun owners....

The tattoo concept ends can get past the background prohibitions by simply showing your shoulder.....and it actually keeps felons from buying ammo in gun stores and gun shows without a straw purchaser....
California is now proposing background checks for all ammo purchases....again, this will not effect criminals or mass shooters, but is specifically targeted at sport shooters and normal gun owners....

The tattoo concept ends can get past the background prohibitions by simply showing your shoulder.....and it actually keeps felons from buying ammo in gun stores and gun shows without a straw purchaser....

Or you can just stop selling weapons and ammo to civilians.

Or as I've said. Here's the real solution. Hold Gun Stores accountable for crimes committed with their products.

You see, a funny thing. When the cops trace guns back to gun stores, they usually find that it's only one or two stores that are the bad actors.
California is now proposing background checks for all ammo purchases....again, this will not effect criminals or mass shooters, but is specifically targeted at sport shooters and normal gun owners....

The tattoo concept ends can get past the background prohibitions by simply showing your shoulder.....and it actually keeps felons from buying ammo in gun stores and gun shows without a straw purchaser....

Or you can just stop selling weapons and ammo to civilians.

Or as I've said. Here's the real solution. Hold Gun Stores accountable for crimes committed with their products.

You see, a funny thing. When the cops trace guns back to gun stores, they usually find that it's only one or two stores that are the bad actors.
Boy, you really should do something about that pussy...
The muslims are the aggressors here not the has been pointed out, muslims stop fighting and there is instant peace, Israel stops fighting and they are massacred……big difference. Wrong…..civilians get guns in Israel and gun stores have long lines in front of them in Israel since the attacks began…

AGain, it is funny that a nation that experienced genocide after they were disarmed would allow their civilians to be disarmed….they still haven't learned all the lessons from the holocaust.

Uh, no, guy. The Zionist shitstains came from Europe and stole Arab land. They aredoing the same thing you would do if space aliens came from Mars and took your land.

And yet you live in the USA. How would you feel if American Indians lashed back and bombed your family on a bus or at a bus stop?
And yet you live in the USA. How would you feel if American Indians lashed back and bombed your family on a bus or at a bus stop?

Since my family is part Cherokee, that would be disingenous.

Now, the thing is, we've finally admitted we've wronged the Native Americans and are making amends.

The Zionshits are still acting like they are the wronged party.
And yet you live in the USA. How would you feel if American Indians lashed back and bombed your family on a bus or at a bus stop?

Since my family is part Cherokee, that would be disingenous.

Now, the thing is, we've finally admitted we've wronged the Native Americans and are making amends.

The Zionshits are still acting like they are the wronged party.

My point wasn't that the American Indians were wronged, my point is that we took this wilderness and turned it into the greatest nation on earth. Lots of money, lots of work, lots of wars. Israel no different.

Israel has tried nearly everything to get along with the Palestinians, but you can't negotiate with people who's only desire is to see you and all your people dead. How do you meet half way with that?
My point wasn't that the American Indians were wronged, my point is that we took this wilderness and turned it into the greatest nation on earth. Lots of money, lots of work, lots of wars. Israel no different.

We created a racist state based on slavery and genocide, which just got lucky enough to be the only country standing when the rest of the world devastated itself in two world wars. Please stop patting yourself on the back for that.

Not to worry, what little "Great" that was accomplished by progressives are quickly being undone by the Koch Brothers. You should be proud. Look at Cleveland, that's the future the Koch Brothers have planned for the rest of the country.

Israel, on the other hand, is an apatheid state that simply won't last, mostly because the people who live there know they are in the wrong.

Israel has tried nearly everything to get along with the Palestinians, but you can't negotiate with people who's only desire is to see you and all your people dead. How do you meet half way with that?

You don't. YOu get the hell away from them and undo what you did to offend them to start with.

The way the Jews can get along with the Palestinians, is to get the fuck off their land and go back to Europe where they came form.
My point wasn't that the American Indians were wronged, my point is that we took this wilderness and turned it into the greatest nation on earth. Lots of money, lots of work, lots of wars. Israel no different.

We created a racist state based on slavery and genocide, which just got lucky enough to be the only country standing when the rest of the world devastated itself in two world wars. Please stop patting yourself on the back for that.

Not to worry, what little "Great" that was accomplished by progressives are quickly being undone by the Koch Brothers. You should be proud. Look at Cleveland, that's the future the Koch Brothers have planned for the rest of the country.

Israel, on the other hand, is an apatheid state that simply won't last, mostly because the people who live there know they are in the wrong.

Israel has tried nearly everything to get along with the Palestinians, but you can't negotiate with people who's only desire is to see you and all your people dead. How do you meet half way with that?

You don't. YOu get the hell away from them and undo what you did to offend them to start with.

The way the Jews can get along with the Palestinians, is to get the fuck off their land and go back to Europe where they came form.

And should we do the same?

As for Cleveland, it's been run by Democrats the last couple of decades. That's why it's a problem. Koch is nowhere near our town and it's too bad.

But perhaps you have a good idea with Israel. Let them tear down all those buildings and business the Palestinians are used to working in. Let them level the place and turn it back to the desolate land it once was. Then we'll see how much they want it back.
And should we do the same?

As for Cleveland, it's been run by Democrats the last couple of decades. That's why it's a problem. Koch is nowhere near our town and it's too bad.

again, you are the type that blames a rape victim for her short dress.

But perhaps you have a good idea with Israel. Let them tear down all those buildings and business the Palestinians are used to working in. Let them level the place and turn it back to the desolate land it once was. Then we'll see how much they want it back.

I garuntee you, the Palestinians want the zionists and all their shit gone.

You know what htey did when they got Gaza back. They tore down all the homes the Jews lived in.

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