So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

Stronger mental health system, which confines the violent.

Make firearms a mandatory class in school.

What if you're simply not interested in blood guts killing violence intimidation loud noises aggression via remote control destruction death firearms?
No kidding. It calls for a Militia to have weapons. Once Hillary is installed as President, Scalia succumbs to Father Time as we all eventually will, and she installs some center-left jurists...we'll see the amendment re-examined.
If that happens the blood shed will be so great, this country will not survive it... And rightly so.

Not too long ago I thought succession was crazy... It's sounding better and better every time it comes up.

In most of the world, the arms are limited to the police and legitimate military. They lead prosperous peaceful lives.

Yes, most of the world is full of peaceful, fluffy puppies and unicorns shooting glittery rainbows out their asses.

No, most of the world is full of nations that have sensible gun laws and those nations live in peace and are fairly prosperous.
Still no answer, how do you plan to disarm the nation??

I did answer...

We're constantly told that gun owners are law obeying, America loving, peaceful, God fearing citizens.

Are you saying that is hooey and that instead of obeying the laws, these paragons of supposedly all that is right with the country will disobey the law?

Stronger mental health system, which confines the violent.

Make firearms a mandatory class in school.

What if you're simply not interested in blood guts killing violence intimidation loud noises aggression via remote control destruction death firearms?

What if you're not interested in evolution or global warming?

That's not a fetish.

What if it violates your religious principles?

How would teaching children about firearms violate your religious principles?
Stronger mental health system, which confines the violent.

Make firearms a mandatory class in school.

What if you're simply not interested in blood guts killing violence intimidation loud noises aggression via remote control destruction death firearms?

What if you're not interested in evolution or global warming?

That's not a fetish.

What if it violates your religious principles?

How would teaching children about firearms violate your religious principles?

In my case one of them is Ahimsa.
They already addressed that issue. Interesting how you only consider the Supreme Court to be the last word when it's a word you like.

FYI, there is nothing about the Second Amendment that enables "monthly bloodbaths", dumbass.

No kidding. It calls for a Militia to have weapons. Once Hillary is installed as President, Scalia succumbs to Father Time as we all eventually will, and she installs some center-left jurists...we'll see the amendment re-examined.
If that happens the blood shed will be so great, this country will not survive it... And rightly so.

Not too long ago I thought succession was crazy... It's sounding better and better every time it comes up.

In most of the world, the arms are limited to the police and legitimate military. They lead prosperous peaceful lives.

Yes, most of the world is full of peaceful, fluffy puppies and unicorns shooting glittery rainbows out their asses.

No, most of the world is full of nations that have sensible gun laws and those nations live in peace and are fairly prosperous.

Except when they murder their unarmed citizens in the millions.....or their criminals decide they need a gun and get them easily........notice that the criminals in Europe prefer to use fully automatic military rifles, grenades and pistols...all of which are almost impossible for a normal citizen to get over there...but the criminals get them easily....
They already addressed that issue. Interesting how you only consider the Supreme Court to be the last word when it's a word you like.

FYI, there is nothing about the Second Amendment that enables "monthly bloodbaths", dumbass.

No kidding. It calls for a Militia to have weapons. Once Hillary is installed as President, Scalia succumbs to Father Time as we all eventually will, and she installs some center-left jurists...we'll see the amendment re-examined.
If that happens the blood shed will be so great, this country will not survive it... And rightly so.

Not too long ago I thought succession was crazy... It's sounding better and better every time it comes up.

In most of the world, the arms are limited to the police and legitimate military. They lead prosperous peaceful lives.

Yes, most of the world is full of peaceful, fluffy puppies and unicorns shooting glittery rainbows out their asses.

No, most of the world is full of nations that have sensible gun laws and those nations live in peace and are fairly prosperous.

Europe...murdered 12 million unarmed people.....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people, China murdered 70 million unarmed people...Japan murdered millions of unarmed Chinese, Koreans, Okinawans, Phillipinos, Cambodia murdered 1/3 of it's unarmed population....Rwanda murdered 800,000 unarmed people.....

Are those nations peaceful because they murdered so many people..the rest are too afraid to get on the wrong side of the well armed government?

Yeah....I would prefer to have armed citizens to keep the government from murdering people.....
Stronger mental health system, which confines the violent.

Make firearms a mandatory class in school.

This I can agree with but I think we should fold firearms into history to explain to people the role they played in our past. No denying that the expansion that took place would not have done so without brutal men willing to kill on our behalf
Stronger mental health system, which confines the violent.

Make firearms a mandatory class in school.

This I can agree with but I think we should fold firearms into history to explain to people the role they played in our past. No denying that the expansion that took place would not have done so without brutal men willing to kill on our behalf

That is the history of all humans...around the entire world...and long before we had guns humans were butchering each other with clubs, spears, arrows, swords, axes...and any other implement they could was here when we arrrived, the indians were killing and enslaving each other, it was in Africa where the Africans captured each other to sell to Europeans and murdered each other...Asia, South America.....

Why is it you lefties only attribute violence to the United States?

In our country we created a nation based on Prinicpals that give us direction to end that.....and you still hate the country...
After their militaries were defeated because they prepared for the last war, while Germany created a military for the next war, the civilian populations were unarmed in the face of occupation….they had ignored the reasons you need an armed population….

Reason for guns...criminals, the dangerously mentally ill, government inability to protect, government murder

Guy, the only reason you have a gun is because you are a scared little man with a tiny dick.

Criminals and the mentally ill wouldn't be so dangerous if they couldn't get guns so easily. As for the government, here's the thing. 40% of the gun industry's sales are to - wait for it - GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. We have armed our police departments like Armies not because we are expecting that Canadian invasion, but because there are so many people like you out there mistaking your gun for a dick.

If 7 Million men under arms couldn't save France from the Germans, a few Frenchmen with hunting rifles wasn't going to do the trick.
After their militaries were defeated because they prepared for the last war, while Germany created a military for the next war, the civilian populations were unarmed in the face of occupation….they had ignored the reasons you need an armed population….

Reason for guns...criminals, the dangerously mentally ill, government inability to protect, government murder

Guy, the only reason you have a gun is because you are a scared little man with a tiny dick.

Criminals and the mentally ill wouldn't be so dangerous if they couldn't get guns so easily. As for the government, here's the thing. 40% of the gun industry's sales are to - wait for it - GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. We have armed our police departments like Armies not because we are expecting that Canadian invasion, but because there are so many people like you out there mistaking your gun for a dick.

If 7 Million men under arms couldn't save France from the Germans, a few Frenchmen with hunting rifles wasn't going to do the trick.

We aren't talkign a few...if the entire country of France had had rifles and pistols, several million, and had resisted....and every other country had done the same with the same numbers....Germany wouldn't have been able to hold that territory and their casualties would have been far worse than they were...

But the normal people in Europe allowed themselves to be disarmed....and put their faith in their governments to protect them......and then 12 million of them were marched into death camps.......

So....I'll stick with the 2nd Amendment and 90 million homes with guns.....and over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense........
They did nothing because they were all pacifists terrified that any counter to hitler would lead to war…so they all let him gobble up country after country until it was too late to stop him...

Uh. No.

They let him gooble up countries because they were more scared of Stalin. He was killing Rich people. Hitler was just killing Jews. So they let him Gobble up Countries that actually wanted to be gobbled up. Austria wanted the Anchluss. The Sudatenland Germans wanted to join Germany.

If anything, the West instigated the war by writing the Polish Colonels a blank check in dealing with the Danzig Corridor (mostly populated with Germans at that point). Then Hitler outfoxed them by making a treaty with Stalin, the guy they backed him to counter.

Again, the Allies had 7 million men under arms in 1940. They were hardly unarmed or defenseless.

But some frenchman with a gun would have turned the tide.

Horseshit. French civilians had plenty of guns. But the fact is, more French backed the Vichy than the Resistance. All the way up until the allies "liberated" them.
We aren't talkign a few...if the entire country of France had had rifles and pistols, several million, and had resisted....and every other country had done the same with the same numbers....Germany wouldn't have been able to hold that territory and their casualties would have been far worse than they were...

Uh, no, guy. Fact is, most people aren't going to face down a tank... Most people go along with the government no matter what it does.

Hey, remember after Waco when you gun nuts all started talking shit about how it was just terrible. If Gun-toting cultists can't molest kiddies are any of us truly free? Then a few of you tried some shit, and people DEMANDED the government do something about you. they didn't rally to your cause, they said, "Hey, My Neighbor Bob is in a militia and I'm reasonably sure he doesn't have a permit!"
The militia movement melted away in a few months.
Except when they murder their unarmed citizens in the millions.....or their criminals decide they need a gun and get them easily........notice that the criminals in Europe prefer to use fully automatic military rifles, grenades and pistols...all of which are almost impossible for a normal citizen to get over there...but the criminals get them easily....

Yet they have on mass shooting a decade while we have one every other week. Interesting.
Europe...murdered 12 million unarmed people.....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people, China murdered 70 million unarmed people...Japan murdered millions of unarmed Chinese, Koreans, Okinawans, Phillipinos, Cambodia murdered 1/3 of it's unarmed population....Rwanda murdered 800,000 unarmed people.....

Are those nations peaceful because they murdered so many people..the rest are too afraid to get on the wrong side of the well armed government?

Yeah....I would prefer to have armed citizens to keep the government from murdering people.....

Uh, guy, most of those conflicts both sides were armed, and the winners killed the losers.

Violence only begets more violence.
Or as a wise man said, "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Who was that guy anyway?

Except when they murder their unarmed citizens in the millions.....or their criminals decide they need a gun and get them easily........notice that the criminals in Europe prefer to use fully automatic military rifles, grenades and pistols...all of which are almost impossible for a normal citizen to get over there...but the criminals get them easily....

Yet they have on mass shooting a decade while we have one every other week. Interesting.

The criminals in Europe can get guns just as easily as Americans can, but they don't use them because of cultural differences in their criminals......and some of those countries hey have huge crime rates.....and their criminals use fully automatic military rifles as the weapon of choice...Marseilles has been so bad they wanted to use the military to pacify it......and now that they have imported violent immigrants to do the violent crime that Europeans don't do, their crime rates will be increasing...rape is already a huge problem in Sweden and it is going to spread to the other European countries..

And even though their criminals get all the guns they want or need, they still have to face millions of people murdered when the whim takes you think people aren't being murderd by the Russians in the Ukraine?

And the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....genocide, mass murder, ethnic cleansing...only happen to unarmed civilians.....unarmed because guy like you said they didn't need guns to protect themselves...that they should trust the government to protect them....only police and military need guns...right? Until those police and military start murdering the civilians.....

The unarmed people of Euro
Or as a wise man said, "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Who was that guy anyway?


The same one who said his followers would need to sell their cloaks to buy swords....
Or as a wise man said, "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Who was that guy anyway?


According to the Gospel of Luke, sell your cloak and buy a sword is an instruction by Jesus to his disciples which has been interpreted in several ways. At the Last Supper Jesus says:

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

Luke 22:36, NIV

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