So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

By the way, what is the best way to reduce mass shootings?

The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

Most of them still won't bother, but a few will.

And so, when some nut job is considering shooting up the local strip mall, school, or post office, he'll know that there's probably a few armed folks in the crowd. And he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect to get bullets from an unknown direction (or two) which will prevent him from racking up the huge body counts he wants for lurid headlines after he's gone. And so many of those nut jobs will decide not to commit their mass murders in the first place, if they know there are no longer any "gun free zones" where he can blast away for minutes on end until the cops get there. Mass murders will be duced or stop without a shot being fired. The best possible solution.

And one that liberal fanatics like little candycorn are dead set against.

Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.
By the way, what is the best way to reduce mass shootings?

The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

Most of them still won't bother, but a few will.

And so, when some nut job is considering shooting up the local strip mall, school, or post office, he'll know that there's probably a few armed folks in the crowd. And he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect to get bullets from an unknown direction (or two) which will prevent him from racking up the huge body counts he wants for lurid headlines after he's gone. And so many of those nut jobs will decide not to commit their mass murders in the first place, if they know there are no longer any "gun free zones" where he can blast away for minutes on end until the cops get there. Mass murders will be duced or stop without a shot being fired. The best possible solution.

And one that liberal fanatics like little candycorn are dead set against.

Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
By the way, what is the best way to reduce mass shootings?

The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

Most of them still won't bother, but a few will.

And so, when some nut job is considering shooting up the local strip mall, school, or post office, he'll know that there's probably a few armed folks in the crowd. And he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect to get bullets from an unknown direction (or two) which will prevent him from racking up the huge body counts he wants for lurid headlines after he's gone. And so many of those nut jobs will decide not to commit their mass murders in the first place, if they know there are no longer any "gun free zones" where he can blast away for minutes on end until the cops get there. Mass murders will be duced or stop without a shot being fired. The best possible solution.

And one that liberal fanatics like little candycorn are dead set against.

Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
But isn't it better to have a chance of stopping them and saving yourself? They have a named for people who are unarmed. They're called victims. Besides. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.
By the way, what is the best way to reduce mass shootings?

The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

Most of them still won't bother, but a few will.

And so, when some nut job is considering shooting up the local strip mall, school, or post office, he'll know that there's probably a few armed folks in the crowd. And he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect to get bullets from an unknown direction (or two) which will prevent him from racking up the huge body counts he wants for lurid headlines after he's gone. And so many of those nut jobs will decide not to commit their mass murders in the first place, if they know there are no longer any "gun free zones" where he can blast away for minutes on end until the cops get there. Mass murders will be duced or stop without a shot being fired. The best possible solution.

And one that liberal fanatics like little candycorn are dead set against.

Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
But isn't it better to have a chance of stopping them and saving yourself? They have a named for people who are unarmed. They're called victims. Besides. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

No. It's better to have a society with very few guns such as they have in most of Europe. Very few shootings. Very polite societies. High standards of living. All courtesy of NOT having the 2nd Amendment
Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
But isn't it better to have a chance of stopping them and saving yourself? They have a named for people who are unarmed. They're called victims. Besides. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

No. It's better to have a society with very few guns such as they have in most of Europe. Very few shootings. Very polite societies. High standards of living. All courtesy of NOT having the 2nd Amendment
Another thing you fail to realize is that criminals do not obey gun laws. So as long as they have guns, I'll hang onto mine. You got a problem with that?
It's easy just say "gun" control this and "gun" control that, that is the easy knee jerk way of assuming more gun control is the way to stop these shootings and black on black crime.
Time and time again it is proven more gun control will never work, it's just the knee jerk easy answer from some, shallow as my be.

More gun control gives the shallow minded a false sense of security in little world I guess, it must suck to have such a thin shell in life...

Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
But isn't it better to have a chance of stopping them and saving yourself? They have a named for people who are unarmed. They're called victims. Besides. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

No. It's better to have a society with very few guns such as they have in most of Europe. Very few shootings. Very polite societies. High standards of living. All courtesy of NOT having the 2nd Amendment
Another thing you fail to realize is that criminals do not obey gun laws. So as long as they have guns, I'll hang onto mine. You got a problem with that?

Of course not.

Contrary to popular belief. Nice dodge.
Actually the words "well regulated militia" leave little room for debate.
The only writing that matters from a legal perspective is in the Constitution.
According to the words found in the Constitution....
The right of the well regulated militia to keep and bear arms is not protected.from infringement.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, is.
There's no room for debate - in the above, or in that you choose to be wrong.
Gee, when your explaination takes nearly 3x as many words as the amendment itself, the BS-o-meter goes off.
"well-regulated militia" is in the amendment. There is little debate about what that means.
Nothing here changes the fact that you, by your own standard, are wrong, and you choose to be wrong.
Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
But isn't it better to have a chance of stopping them and saving yourself? They have a named for people who are unarmed. They're called victims. Besides. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

No. It's better to have a society with very few guns such as they have in most of Europe. Very few shootings. Very polite societies. High standards of living. All courtesy of NOT having the 2nd Amendment
More mindless nonsense.
Psychology tells us you can be a bit more jingoistic when you have a weapon...right? Mix that with the negative influence of someone taking the parking spot you're waiting for (or you innocently taking a parking spot you didn't see anyone waiting for) and boom; shoot out. When you find out your 18 year old daughter just got wasted for doing nothing more than parking the car...will this still be "just society sorting itself out"?
Under existing socio/psychological circumstances your scenarios are readily predictable -- mainly because armed citizens are the exception rather than the rule and those who are armed are pre-consciously confident that their antagonist and potentially helpful bystanders are not. While I'm not saying occasional road-rage shootings will not occur in an armed society I am confident they will be few and far between. Because potential shooters will have cause to think twice before acting.

What I'm saying is the imposition of myriad gun laws has had a profound effect on the collective psychology of Americans. It has caused a significant percentage of the population to fear and despise guns. It has divorced them from the reality that guns are an essential component of the American spirit.

If it were possible to assuredly eliminate the existence of guns in the hands of ordinary citizens without imposing the most aggressively totalitarian, brutally unConstitutional methods, the arguments of gun-control advocates might make sense. But the fact is gun-control laws within a Constitutionally free society disarm only the law-abiding and the sane.

So you have only two choices. Do you wish to live in an armed but free society or in an unarmed totalitarian society? As we have become painfully aware, the in-between option isn't working.
This is, of course, a lie.

"...the right of the people..."
Not the militia
Not the people in the militia
The right of the people.

You choose to be wrong.

The people in the militia according to the framers--why else mention Militia?

To the Founders, the people ARE the militia. They didn't see militias as the same thing you see them as. This has already been explained multiple times, and you persist in blindly squawking out the incorrect premise that "militia" means a group like the National Guard in the original wording of the Amendment.

The term is "well regulated militia". As you just stated "the people are the militia". Are they "well-regulated"? No. There are no common uniforms, terminology, standardized tactics, weapons, on and on. Thus no constitutional protection exist. As was ever the case.

This has been explained to you time and again.

The term is "well-regulated militia", but as has been explained to YOU time and time again, what YOU think that means is NOT what the Founding Fathers thought it meant. Which you would know, if you bothered to actually find out facts, rather than just coming up with fantasies you WISH were facts, and then asserting them as though they are.

Oh, so now this is a matter of the Founding Fathers (actually the Constitution was written a decade + after the country was founded so we call them "framers" idiot). thought "well regulated militia" meant. If we're going by what the framers thought, they thought blacks were not they can't have guns. Women? They were not fighting so they can't have guns. They also didn't know anything about automatic repeating weapons, pistols, sniper rifles, belt fed weapons etc.... so all of them are not allowed. That is if we use your logic of going by what the framers "thought".

Actually the words "well regulated militia" leave little room for debate.

Its time we stopped legislating from the bench and started living by the constitution.

Who's "we", Chuckles? You and the mouse in your pocket?

Founding Fathers
plural noun
the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.

the definition of founding-fathers

founding father

: a person who helps to create or establish something : a person who founds something

: a man who had an important part in creating the government of the U.S.; specifically : a member of the American Constitutional Convention of 1787

founding father | a person who helps to create or establish something : a person who founds something

Do I need to go on, or have we settled the ludicrous notion of YOU ever telling ME what the correct term for something is?

The meaning of the Constitution has ALWAYS been about what the people who wrote it meant by the words they used. It's like word meanings are essential to language, or some shit like that. Moron.
This is a lie; nothing in the constitution says this.
You choose to be wrong..

Sorry, if you want to argue, you will have to have a seyance (sp?) and channel the framers. They wrote it...I'm just telling you what is in it:

"A well-regulated militia". At no other point do the framers mention a "subset" of the people as they do in the 2nd Amendment....thusly it was pretty important that they were talking about this subset when they mentioned the right to bear arms.


Now do us a favor an repeat yourself.

You don't have to have a seance (hard to take seriously someone who can't even fumble out their own words) to know what the Founders thought and intended. They left behind reams of writing explaining exactly the opposite of what you keep trying to tell us.

As for "repeating yourself", YOU are the only one here ignoring all evidence to the contrary and obstinately parroting your own opinion as though repetition equals fact.

Yet, the quotes concerning "The militia is the people" don't exist they?

The only writing that matters is in the Constitution which says "well regulated militia."

What is that, another fantasy of yours? "I don't want to believe the writings don't exist, so they don't exist, so GOTCHA!"

Just about as fucking stupid as everything else that drivels out of your mouth. BIG shock.

The only writing that matters from a legal perspective is in the Constitution. What Thomas Jefferson wrote on a cocktail napkin is not applicable.

Yeah, remember that the next time you drivel on at us about "separation of church and state", you hypocritical twat.
Actually the words "well regulated militia" leave little room for debate.
The only writing that matters from a legal perspective is in the Constitution.
According to the words found in the Constitution....
The right of the well regulated militia to keep and bear arms is not protected.from infringement.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, is.
There's no room for debate - in the above, or in that you choose to be wrong.

Gee, when your explaination takes nearly 3x as many words as the amendment itself, the BS-o-meter goes off.

"well-regulated militia" is in the amendment. There is little debate about what that means.

It's not OUR fault that you need extensive diagrams and illustrations to understand English.
Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
But isn't it better to have a chance of stopping them and saving yourself? They have a named for people who are unarmed. They're called victims. Besides. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

No. It's better to have a society with very few guns such as they have in most of Europe. Very few shootings. Very polite societies. High standards of living. All courtesy of NOT having the 2nd Amendment
...and no freedom
Everyone getting along is waaaay overrated...

This supposed to be the melting pot
Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?


Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....
One thing you fail to realize is that 99.99 percent of gun owners are law abiding citizens. And the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So if that guy with the shotgun starts trouble, you have plenty of good guys to ventilate his carcass.

What you seem to realize is that some mass murderers on a killing spree want to die anyway. Carcass ventilation satisfies the gun nuts blood lust but as the plane is spiraling downward at 500 mph and all 300 people on board are about to be ventilated as well, you won't have time to enjoy greasing someone for too long
But isn't it better to have a chance of stopping them and saving yourself? They have a named for people who are unarmed. They're called victims. Besides. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

No. It's better to have a society with very few guns such as they have in most of Europe. Very few shootings. Very polite societies. High standards of living. All courtesy of NOT having the 2nd Amendment

Yeah, Europe is a peaceful Eden with no violence, no crime, and everyone wandering through parks, holding hands.

You should move there immediately. Buh bye.
Sorry, if you want to argue, you will have to have a seyance (sp?) and channel the framers. They wrote it...I'm just telling you what is in it:

"A well-regulated militia". At no other point do the framers mention a "subset" of the people as they do in the 2nd Amendment....thusly it was pretty important that they were talking about this subset when they mentioned the right to bear arms.


Now do us a favor an repeat yourself.

You don't have to have a seance (hard to take seriously someone who can't even fumble out their own words) to know what the Founders thought and intended. They left behind reams of writing explaining exactly the opposite of what you keep trying to tell us.

As for "repeating yourself", YOU are the only one here ignoring all evidence to the contrary and obstinately parroting your own opinion as though repetition equals fact.

Yet, the quotes concerning "The militia is the people" don't exist they?

The only writing that matters is in the Constitution which says "well regulated militia."

What is that, another fantasy of yours? "I don't want to believe the writings don't exist, so they don't exist, so GOTCHA!"

Just about as fucking stupid as everything else that drivels out of your mouth. BIG shock.

The only writing that matters from a legal perspective is in the Constitution. What Thomas Jefferson wrote on a cocktail napkin is not applicable.

Yeah, remember that the next time you drivel on at us about "separation of church and state", you hypocritical twat.
Yeah, cornholio seems to think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...
Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...
As usual, when the liberal fanatics can't refute what normal people say, they start lying about what they said and bash the normal people for something bizarre they never claimed.


Back to the subject:
What is the best way to reduce mass shootings?

The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

Most of them still won't bother, but a few will.

And so, when some nut job is considering shooting up the local strip mall, school, or post office, he'll know that there's probably a few armed folks in the crowd. And he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect to get bullets from an unknown direction (or two) which will prevent him from racking up the huge body counts he wants for lurid headlines after he's gone. And so many of those nut jobs will decide not to commit their mass murders in the first place, if they know there are no longer any "gun free zones" where he can blast away for minutes on end until the cops get there. Mass murders will be reduced or stopped without a shot being fired. The best possible solution.

And one that liberal fanatics like little candycorn are dead set against. For reasons she is careful to not explain.

Just out of your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...what do you do if you're a bank? Give your guards machine guns? What about air marshalls? How do you know that guy with the sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet from the cockpit is a "good guy"?

Answer thus far....

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