So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

Answer thus far....
I see you've finally given up trying to defend your "right of the militia" nonsense.
Tired of choosing to be wrong all the time?

I'm correct. The words "well regulated milita" are there for a reason. I'm just asking Acorn to answer a question. You guys, of course, have your tap shoes on all the time (or are they ballerina shoes there Shirley?) and refuse to answer it.
Answer thus far....
I see you've finally given up trying to defend your "right of the militia" nonsense.
Tired of choosing to be wrong all the time?
I'm correct.
This is a lie.
The only writing that matters from a legal perspective is in the Constitution.
According to the words found in the Constitution....
The right of the well regulated militia to keep and bear arms is not protected.from infringement.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, is.
There's no room for debate. your world where everyone is armed to the teeth...
As usual, when the liberal fanatics can't refute what normal people say, they start lying about what they said and bash the normal people for something bizarre they never claimed.


Back to the subject:
What is the best way to reduce mass shootings?

The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

Most of them still won't bother, but a few will.

And so, when some nut job is considering shooting up the local strip mall, school, or post office, he'll know that there's probably a few armed folks in the crowd. And he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect to get bullets from an unknown direction (or two) which will prevent him from racking up the huge body counts he wants for lurid headlines after he's gone. And so many of those nut jobs will decide not to commit their mass murders in the first place, if they know there are no longer any "gun free zones" where he can blast away for minutes on end until the cops get there. Mass murders will be reduced or stopped without a shot being fired. The best possible solution.

And one that liberal fanatics like little candycorn are dead set against. For reasons she is careful to not explain.
The words "well regulated milita" are there for a reason. I'm just asking Acorn to answer a question. You guys, of course, have your tap shoes on all the time (or are they ballerina shoes there Shirley?) and refuse to answer it.
I've answered the question many times for this strange person, of course. And she continues to ignore the answer, and pretend I never answered it.

Pretending, faking, and changing the subject is all these people have.

This is what the once-great Democrat party has come to.
The words "well regulated milita" are there for a reason. I'm just asking Acorn to answer a question. You guys, of course, have your tap shoes on all the time (or are they ballerina shoes there Shirley?) and refuse to answer it.
I've answered the question many times for this strange person, of course. And she continues to ignore the answer, and pretend I never answered it.

Pretending, faking, and changing the subject is all these people have.

This is what the once-great Democrat party has come to.
They're not democrats anymore. They're communists. The Communists party USA even admitted that they have taken it over.
"Nothing" -- and yet there's that inconvenient conditional phrase, batting leadoff .... :eusa_whistle:
It's been pointed out to these people multiple times in this thread (and elsewhere in this forum) that the mention of a militia is just an explanation for why the people's right cannot be infringed. Not a condition on it.

So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings? | Page 57 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But they continue to try to ignore it, and pretend that their point hasn't already been refuted again and again.

Then they complain that others don't answer questions.

We who know the facts do answer questions. You just don't pay attention.

And you run away with your tails clamped between your hind legs every time you hear an answer you can't refute, hoping to pretend later it was never said.

Problem is, nobody believes your lies and fakery any more.
Again, where is the explaination of "well regulated"?
So you have only two choices. Do you wish to live in an armed but free society or in an unarmed totalitarian society? As we have become painfully aware, the in-between option isn't working.

Funny, people in Europe and Australia have a 3rd choice; a free, prosperous, gun free society. We don't get that choice here in America for some reason.
So you have only two choices. Do you wish to live in an armed but free society or in an unarmed totalitarian society? As we have become painfully aware, the in-between option isn't working.

Funny, people in Europe and Australia have a 3rd choice; a free, prosperous, gun free society. We don't get that choice here in America for some reason.
Hey cornholio, is someone pissing in your cornflakes??

Guns are harmless on their own, guns are here to stay... Dumb a$$
Best way to stop mass shootings is to stop selling bullets. No constitution protection for bullets.

So you have only two choices. Do you wish to live in an armed but free society or in an unarmed totalitarian society? As we have become painfully aware, the in-between option isn't working.

Funny, people in Europe and Australia have a 3rd choice; a free, prosperous, gun free society. We don't get that choice here in America for some reason.
The reason is this is America, not Australia. The essential nature of our society, with emphasis on the circumstances that gave rise to this Nation, includes an affection for guns. In spite of what some of us repudiate, Americans are and always have been a belligerently violent people.

Examine our history if you doubt that.
So you have only two choices. Do you wish to live in an armed but free society or in an unarmed totalitarian society? As we have become painfully aware, the in-between option isn't working.

Funny, people in Europe and Australia have a 3rd choice; a free, prosperous, gun free society. We don't get that choice here in America for some reason.
Hey cornholio, is someone pissing in your cornflakes??

Guns are harmless on their own, guns are here to stay... Dumb a$$

I think Hillary may go after some of them in her first 100 days.
Best way to stop mass shootings is to stop selling bullets. No constitution protection for bullets.

Not really they are part of the firearm, a firearm is useless without them.
Just like car without wheels...
So you have only two choices. Do you wish to live in an armed but free society or in an unarmed totalitarian society? As we have become painfully aware, the in-between option isn't working.

Funny, people in Europe and Australia have a 3rd choice; a free, prosperous, gun free society. We don't get that choice here in America for some reason.
The reason is this is America, not Australia. The essential nature of our society, with emphasis on the circumstances that gave rise to this Nation. In spite of what some of us repudiate, Americans are and always have been a belligerently violent people.

Examine our history if you doubt that.

Australia was founded as a penal colony if you want to talk about violence. Europe has had more taste of wars and warfare than any American enclave.

Somehow, they got over it. Somehow we didn't. Obviously, the 2nd Amendment from 230+ years ago is the reason.
Best way to stop mass shootings is to stop selling bullets. No constitution protection for bullets.

Not really they are part of the firearm, a firearm is useless without them.
Just like car without wheels...
Only guaranteed arms, not bullets. Who's the dumba$$ now? Oh yeah, you!
Why don't you just go all out stupid and just say that the right to bare arms means one can walk around in a tank top?
You do know confiscation means millions Dead on both sides, no one will give up their firearms...
You do know confiscation means millions Dead on both sides, no one will give up their firearms...

Of course not. All we've been told is how law-abiding gun owners are. So, what you're saying, is if a law is passed, banning a certain type of gun, the law will be violated. Right?
Best way to stop mass shootings is to stop selling bullets. No constitution protection for bullets.

Not really they are part of the firearm, a firearm is useless without them.
Just like car without wheels...
Only guaranteed arms, not bullets. Who's the dumba$$ now? Oh yeah, you!
Your drinking too much koolaid
You have no response. Got it.
You do know confiscation means millions Dead on both sides, no one will give up their firearms...

Of course not. All we've been told is how law-abiding gun owners are. So, what you're saying, is if a law is passed, banning a certain type of gun, the law will be violated. Right?
No one will fall for unconstitutional laws, confiscation of all firearms will not be tolerated.
The killing of millions would only be the start...

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