So what should Obama have done?

For perhaps the millionth time, the Jones Act has to deal with transporting goods for sale between American has nothing to do with other countries helping us.
Apparently no one has heard of google translator.
The three Norwegian vessels, Boa Sub C, Ocean Intervention III and Skandi Neptune, all Norwegian crew on board were located nearby, when it was sent out distress signals from the oil rig.
De var dermed blant de første til å delta i redningsaksjonen.​
They were among the first to join the rescue operation.
So it's the latter not the former. Ok got it!

I'm sorry for you to insinuate that anyone is a partisan hack is absolutely laughable. You give TM a run for her money.

Also, you are not even smart enough to figure out who is on your side and who is not. So maybe you should pull your head out of Bush's ass or is it up Steele's now?


I don't lie so that puts me in a whole different catagory than your friend TM.

I call 'em as I see 'em and you seemed to be moving in the direction of the rest of the partisan hacks. There are literally hundreds of articles written about how Obama refused foreign help and refuses to waive the Jones Act, yet you simply dimiss 'em as right wing websites. Newsflash for you, you'd be hard-pressed to get the truth from any mainstream media source.

By the way, I don't give a rat's ass whose side who is own. FTR, I'm not a Republican.

I'm not a Republican either.

And the fact that I don't trust the Media regardless of which side they take has nothing to do with a damned thing. As I said, everyone of them have their own agendas. I only said right wing this time because that is ALL you use. Had I been commenting upon Ravi's "sources" I would have said left wing.

And quite frankly, I'm trying to look at things in a little bit less of a partisan manner. I'm trying to give the President the benefit of the doubt. Simply trying. I think it is disgusting nothing concrete has been done to fix this problem. I'm hopeful something, anything, is being done. I can take the Media's word for it as you seem to have done without so much as batting an eye or I can remain skeptical that once again the media is sensationalizing the truth. Quite frankly, I'm going to stick with the sensationalizing the truth theory because the media has not given me reason in a very long time, not to.

My comments to the dear Ravi were that regardless of what the media says, something should have been done about this by now. I sure as hell was not excusing the lack of progress so far.

Apparently no one has heard of google translator.
The three Norwegian vessels, Boa Sub C, Ocean Intervention III and Skandi Neptune, all Norwegian crew on board were located nearby, when it was sent out distress signals from the oil rig.
De var dermed blant de første til å delta i redningsaksjonen.​
They were among the first to join the rescue operation.

That's a far cry from your claim that "at least three of their ships have been helping since the day the platform blew.".
Apparently no one has heard of google translator.
The three Norwegian vessels, Boa Sub C, Ocean Intervention III and Skandi Neptune, all Norwegian crew on board were located nearby, when it was sent out distress signals from the oil rig.
De var dermed blant de første til å delta i redningsaksjonen.​
They were among the first to join the rescue operation.

That's a far cry from your claim that "at least three of their ships have been helping since the day the platform blew.".
How stupid are you? IQ of 56? This shows exactly that three of their ships have been on hand since day one...the robots are also being operated by some of these ships.
I'm sorry for you to insinuate that anyone is a partisan hack is absolutely laughable. You give TM a run for her money.

Also, you are not even smart enough to figure out who is on your side and who is not. So maybe you should pull your head out of Bush's ass or is it up Steele's now?


I don't lie so that puts me in a whole different catagory than your friend TM.

I call 'em as I see 'em and you seemed to be moving in the direction of the rest of the partisan hacks. There are literally hundreds of articles written about how Obama refused foreign help and refuses to waive the Jones Act, yet you simply dimiss 'em as right wing websites. Newsflash for you, you'd be hard-pressed to get the truth from any mainstream media source.

By the way, I don't give a rat's ass whose side who is own. FTR, I'm not a Republican.

I'm not a Republican either.

And the fact that I don't trust the Media regardless of which side they take has nothing to do with a damned thing. As I said, everyone of them have their own agendas. I only said right wing this time because that is ALL you use. Had I been commenting upon Ravi's "sources" I would have said left wing.

And quite frankly, I'm trying to look at things in a little bit less of a partisan manner. I'm trying to give the President the benefit of the doubt. Simply trying. I think it is disgusting nothing concrete has been done to fix this problem. I'm hopeful something, anything, is being done. I can take the Media's word for it as you seem to have done without so much as batting an eye or I can remain skeptical that once again the media is sensationalizing the truth. Quite frankly, I'm going to stick with the sensationalizing the truth theory because the media has not given me reason in a very long time, not to.

My comments to the dear Ravi were that regardless of what the media says, something should have been done about this by now. I sure as hell was not excusing the lack of progress so far.


So AP is right wing?
Not evaluating the situation but evaluating the offers of help. For instance, what did these countries offer to do, how helpful would their efforts be and would it take away from what is being done now?

Okay, then how long do we evaluate the offers of help while allowing millions upon millions of gallons of oil seep into the sea? Don't you think we should be accepting every offer that is given now (except maybe the idiocy of a nuclear bomb detonated beneath the floor of the gulf to "seal" the leak) and then work on figuring out which ones work best, works okay and don't work at all?

The arrogance of the administration to turn away offers of help no matter who it is offered by is absolutely unbelievable.

I have no idea what was offered. I have no idea if what was offered would be helpful or not.

heh...didn't Iran offer help the other day?

I do not know about Iran. I have seen reports that the administration admits that some offers have been received. I have heard rumors that offers of vessels to skim up the oil have been made, surely there can't be a problem with ships skimming up the oil? If you ask me, the more the merrier in that case.

Or maybe there is a problem? Maybe the Administration thinks when we skim up the oil we can produce fuel oil from it?

In that case, we should keep those other ships out of our water and get all of the oil we can and the hell with the fact that much off it will wash up on the beaches of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and where ever else it gets to and destroy those beaches for years to come? And let's not even bat an eye about the marine life this is destroying!

We should at least be accepting those offers.

Apparently no one has heard of google translator.

That's a far cry from your claim that "at least three of their ships have been helping since the day the platform blew.".
How stupid are you? IQ of 56? This shows exactly that three of their ships have been on hand since day one...the robots are also being operated by some of these ships.

No it shows that three Norwegian ships were nearby. It doesn't say what if any action was taken by these ships and for what duration. Give us a link in English and you may convince someone, but until then you have nothing!
Apparently no one has heard of google translator.

That's a far cry from your claim that "at least three of their ships have been helping since the day the platform blew.".
How stupid are you? IQ of 56? This shows exactly that three of their ships have been on hand since day one...the robots are also being operated by some of these ships.

on hand =/= participating in the cleanup. It seems like they did participate in the rescue, and they are to be commended for that, but once the cleanup started they were kindly asked to back off, which they have.
That's a far cry from your claim that "at least three of their ships have been helping since the day the platform blew.".
How stupid are you? IQ of 56? This shows exactly that three of their ships have been on hand since day one...the robots are also being operated by some of these ships.

No it shows that three Norwegian ships were nearby. It doesn't say what if any action was taken by these ships and for what duration. Give us a link in English and you may convince someone, but until then you have nothing!
You are free to look for yourself. As I said before you are either very stupid or a liar. I gave up trying to convince people like you of anything for lent and I never turned back.

I don't lie so that puts me in a whole different catagory than your friend TM.

I call 'em as I see 'em and you seemed to be moving in the direction of the rest of the partisan hacks. There are literally hundreds of articles written about how Obama refused foreign help and refuses to waive the Jones Act, yet you simply dimiss 'em as right wing websites. Newsflash for you, you'd be hard-pressed to get the truth from any mainstream media source.

By the way, I don't give a rat's ass whose side who is own. FTR, I'm not a Republican.

I'm not a Republican either.

And the fact that I don't trust the Media regardless of which side they take has nothing to do with a damned thing. As I said, everyone of them have their own agendas. I only said right wing this time because that is ALL you use. Had I been commenting upon Ravi's "sources" I would have said left wing.

And quite frankly, I'm trying to look at things in a little bit less of a partisan manner. I'm trying to give the President the benefit of the doubt. Simply trying. I think it is disgusting nothing concrete has been done to fix this problem. I'm hopeful something, anything, is being done. I can take the Media's word for it as you seem to have done without so much as batting an eye or I can remain skeptical that once again the media is sensationalizing the truth. Quite frankly, I'm going to stick with the sensationalizing the truth theory because the media has not given me reason in a very long time, not to.

My comments to the dear Ravi were that regardless of what the media says, something should have been done about this by now. I sure as hell was not excusing the lack of progress so far.


So AP is right wing?

Like I said in my first response to you, but you were obviously incapable of comprehending, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links.". I had not been conversing with you in the least. I really was not interested in your POV, because you are a partisan hack that rivals Truthmatters.

You have no credibility in my books. Therefore, as I said, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links."

I'm sorry to have to inform you of this, but I don't read everyone of your posts. Never have and never will. Doesn't mean I never read your posts, but you simply don't register as a must read in my books.

That's a far cry from your claim that "at least three of their ships have been helping since the day the platform blew.".
How stupid are you? IQ of 56? This shows exactly that three of their ships have been on hand since day one...the robots are also being operated by some of these ships.

on hand =/= participating in the cleanup. It seems like they did participate in the rescue, and they are to be commended for that, but once the cleanup started they were kindly asked to back off, which they have.
Nope...the Skandi and at least one of the others are operating some of the underwater robots.
How stupid are you? IQ of 56? This shows exactly that three of their ships have been on hand since day one...the robots are also being operated by some of these ships.

No it shows that three Norwegian ships were nearby. It doesn't say what if any action was taken by these ships and for what duration. Give us a link in English and you may convince someone, but until then you have nothing!
You are free to look for yourself. As I said before you are either very stupid or a liar. I gave up trying to convince people like you of anything for lent and I never turned back.


Nah, I'll just chalk it up as another one of your bullshit claims.
I'm not a Republican either.

And the fact that I don't trust the Media regardless of which side they take has nothing to do with a damned thing. As I said, everyone of them have their own agendas. I only said right wing this time because that is ALL you use. Had I been commenting upon Ravi's "sources" I would have said left wing.

And quite frankly, I'm trying to look at things in a little bit less of a partisan manner. I'm trying to give the President the benefit of the doubt. Simply trying. I think it is disgusting nothing concrete has been done to fix this problem. I'm hopeful something, anything, is being done. I can take the Media's word for it as you seem to have done without so much as batting an eye or I can remain skeptical that once again the media is sensationalizing the truth. Quite frankly, I'm going to stick with the sensationalizing the truth theory because the media has not given me reason in a very long time, not to.

My comments to the dear Ravi were that regardless of what the media says, something should have been done about this by now. I sure as hell was not excusing the lack of progress so far.


So AP is right wing?

Like I said in my first response to you, but you were obviously incapable of comprehending, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links.". I had not been conversing with you in the least. I really was not interested in your POV, because you are a partisan hack that rivals Truthmatters.

You have no credibility in my books. Therefore, as I said, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links."

I'm sorry to have to inform you of this, but I don't read everyone of your posts. Never have and never will. Doesn't mean I never read your posts, but you simply don't register as a must read in my books.


Yes you said you didn't read the links because you dismissed them as right wing websites. Stay ignorant your entire life, I really don't care. It's obvious you had your head buried in the sand if you didn't know anything about Obama's refusal to allow foreign aid to help out with the oil leak. I was simply trying to enlighten your dumb ass.
How stupid are you? IQ of 56? This shows exactly that three of their ships have been on hand since day one...the robots are also being operated by some of these ships.

on hand =/= participating in the cleanup. It seems like they did participate in the rescue, and they are to be commended for that, but once the cleanup started they were kindly asked to back off, which they have.
Nope...the Skandi and at least one of the others are operating some of the underwater robots.

BP has contracted with at least four robotics companies, including Oceaneering International Inc., Subsea 7 and C-Innovation, to do the work.

Teams of humans on boats are controlling the robots, which have names like Maxximum, Hercules and Skandi Neptune. The human operators -- two for each robot -- drive using joysticks, but they can’t see where their undersea avatars are going. Even with headlights, the robots’ environment is almost completely dark, so they use sonar to gauge their proximity to objects.

The ROVs range in size from that of a small car to a big truck, although most of their bulk consists of foam intended to protect them from the intense pressures found at 5,000 feet below the surface. They remain connected to fiber-optic or copper tethers that enable communications, but sometimes ocean currents tangle or even break those lifelines.

The spill has shown the world how much hinges on the work of a team of robots, according to John Mair, global technology manager for the Scottish firm Subsea 7.
So AP is right wing?

Like I said in my first response to you, but you were obviously incapable of comprehending, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links.". I had not been conversing with you in the least. I really was not interested in your POV, because you are a partisan hack that rivals Truthmatters.

You have no credibility in my books. Therefore, as I said, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links."

I'm sorry to have to inform you of this, but I don't read everyone of your posts. Never have and never will. Doesn't mean I never read your posts, but you simply don't register as a must read in my books.


Yes you said you didn't read the links because you dismissed them as right wing websites. Stay ignorant your entire life, I really don't care. It's obvious you had your head buried in the sand if you didn't know anything about Obama's refusal to allow foreign aid to help out with the oil leak. I was simply trying to enlighten your dumb ass.

No, that was a direct quote from what I said. You simply are not worth the effort most of the time. I was not discussing anything at all with you and I was not paying attention to the BS you typically spout.

You really do need to work on your reading comprehension.

on hand =/= participating in the cleanup. It seems like they did participate in the rescue, and they are to be commended for that, but once the cleanup started they were kindly asked to back off, which they have.
Nope...the Skandi and at least one of the others are operating some of the underwater robots.

BP has contracted with at least four robotics companies, including Oceaneering International Inc., Subsea 7 and C-Innovation, to do the work.

Teams of humans on boats are controlling the robots, which have names like Maxximum, Hercules and Skandi Neptune. The human operators -- two for each robot -- drive using joysticks, but they can’t see where their undersea avatars are going. Even with headlights, the robots’ environment is almost completely dark, so they use sonar to gauge their proximity to objects.

The ROVs range in size from that of a small car to a big truck, although most of their bulk consists of foam intended to protect them from the intense pressures found at 5,000 feet below the surface. They remain connected to fiber-optic or copper tethers that enable communications, but sometimes ocean currents tangle or even break those lifelines.

The spill has shown the world how much hinges on the work of a team of robots, according to John Mair, global technology manager for the Scottish firm Subsea 7.

boa sub c and skandi neptune are subsea 7 vessels. these vessels have been operating in the area as of the image i posted which transpired a couple weeks ago.

edit: the neptune was among the first vessels to conduct undersea imaging by way of robotic submersible in april, and is at the center of the early scandal involving BPs claims that no oil was leaking at all. furthermore, oceameering's fleet is norwegian laid and flagged. subsea 7 is a caymans HQ'd international firm owned largely by halliburton. scottish?
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Like I said in my first response to you, but you were obviously incapable of comprehending, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links.". I had not been conversing with you in the least. I really was not interested in your POV, because you are a partisan hack that rivals Truthmatters.

You have no credibility in my books. Therefore, as I said, "First since I have not been conversing with you or reading your posts, I have not read your links."

I'm sorry to have to inform you of this, but I don't read everyone of your posts. Never have and never will. Doesn't mean I never read your posts, but you simply don't register as a must read in my books.


Yes you said you didn't read the links because you dismissed them as right wing websites. Stay ignorant your entire life, I really don't care. It's obvious you had your head buried in the sand if you didn't know anything about Obama's refusal to allow foreign aid to help out with the oil leak. I was simply trying to enlighten your dumb ass.

No, that was a direct quote from what I said. You simply are not worth the effort most of the time. I was not discussing anything at all with you and I was not paying attention to the BS you typically spout.

You really do need to work on your reading comprehension.


Not worth the effort, yet you put forth the effort. :cuckoo:

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