So What Was the Logic of Forcing People to Get the Shot Against People’s Will?

And before you get into the ‘nobody was forced’ BS, sure you could have refused.

You just lose your job, denied entry to places you wanted to go, denied new jobs, etc etc.

I know this is news for some who worship big brother and big Pharma, but none of the Covid shots prevents infection nor does it prevent you from transmitting the virus.

So why were lives destroyed to force people to undergo medical procedures on their bodies against their will?
Because they wanted people to submit to their authority, and most of them did.

And of course to sell a bunch of bioweapons for high profits, which did happen.
So............... get another job, go somewhere else, apply a job that doesn't require a vaccine.

NO shit.
A normal flu shot, taken for decades, by millions of people, DOESN'T prevent people from getting the flu, nor transmitting it.

It's their own doing.
No one is "Forcing" people to do nuclear waste cleanup, either.
What about the people in the military, they must take dozens of vaccines, more if the person goes overseas?
It's their choice.
Dozens of vaccines that are proven and safe . There is a massive difference between those shots and the rushed COVID vaccine

“So…get another job”

Never thought I would see the day when Democrats start saying things like that.

What happened to the party of the working man?
Just look how they treated service members.....Here the .mil was doing Stop-Loss on NCOs and company level officers to fight the Haji but letting them go if they didn't get a clot-shot.

No real good reason, just because they could hold power over someone and they could not balk at it.
How about nurses? They were praised before they were vilified.
A loss of personal liberty and he had a cardiac arrest a year and half later, which he very, very fortunately survived unlike 95% of other people who have cardiac arrests outside of hospitals.
There should be a relentless strive to deconstruct the toxic American-assisted Chinese SARS2 spike, which is reproduced en masse via the mRNA "vaccine" experiment. An example is Charles Rixey:

Post #181
'....Why would you keep the 364-390 section, the furin cleavage site - in a vax? You wouldn't.'

The reading prisoner can't answer Rixey's challenge. "Is the furin cleavage site there in the "vaccine" or is it not?
Dozens of vaccines that are proven and safe . There is a massive difference between those shots and the rushed COVID vaccine

The Cutter incident and the rollout of the polio vaccine.​

Slate › technology › 2021/02 › cutter-incid...

Feb 9, 2021 — Thousands of pounds of polio vaccine were rushed across the country within hours of its being licensed. The nationwide vaccination plans did ...
“So…get another job”

Never thought I would see the day when Democrats start saying things like that.
People have to "get another job" every day.
For various reasons.
What happened to the party of the working man?
Nothing much.
Sure beats what republicans masquerade as looking out for working people.
Corporate tax cuts will........................"Trickle down"?
Like pee running down the CEO's leg.

The Cutter incident and the rollout of the polio vaccine.

View attachment 827872
Slate › technology › 2021/02 › cutter-incid...
Feb 9, 2021 — Thousands of pounds of polio vaccine were rushed across the country within hours of its being licensed. The nationwide vaccination plans did ...

People have to "get another job" every day.
For various reasons.

Nothing much.
Sure beats what republicans masquerade as looking out for working people.
Corporate tax cuts will........................"Trickle down"?
Like pee running down the CEO's leg.
Because of the HIV-1 link to the furin cleavage site of SARS2, the Cutter incident's history must include Edward Hooper's book on polio vaccine, The River (now online) as a required part of the syllabus.
Completely normal right?


And you demand that you spread the disease on to me without my consent?
Get another job.
Apply for a NEW job, that doesn't require getting a vaccine.
Teabaggers want to FORCE an employer to employ/hire them, violating their rules.
Just like a smoker, would demand being able to smoke pot on the job, because they have a medical marijuana card.

I worked at a job for 3 weeks. One employee came down with Covid the 2nd time that I know of. We are crammed into cars over long distances. I was the only one that was vaccinated. At 71, it was time to move on due to health. Mine.
You never have been in the military.
Power and who has it is drilled into you on day ONE, in basic.

I spent a ton of time TDY to some really backwater locations. We had a battery of shots before we left. But the more you went, the fewer the shots. I never even heard of a person refusing the shots and to stay in the military. Those shots were to not only protect me but everyone else around me.

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