So What Was the Logic of Forcing People to Get the Shot Against People’s Will?

SO......................if people decide NOT to take a vaccine, it's the people who OFFERED the vaccine/medicine fault?
Teabaggers blaming cops because THEY didn't obey the speed limit sign a got a speeding ticket.
What the hell are you babbling about. I didn't get the vaccine causei didn't want to. If I get a speeding ticket, it's because I was speeding.
I worked at a job for 3 weeks. One employee came down with Covid the 2nd time that I know of. We are crammed into cars over long distances. I was the only one that was vaccinated. At 71, it was time to move on due to health. Mine.
Good for you for sticking to your guns! You wanted to work for a Stalinist company that treats employees like commodities instead of a good one that treats them as humans so you quit.
SO......................if people decide NOT to take a vaccine, it's the people who OFFERED the vaccine/medicine fault?
Teabaggers blaming cops because THEY didn't obey the speed limit sign a got a speeding ticket.
Did you get a tetanus booster this year?
Why not? Why is it the fault of people who offered it?

Yeah, conservatives are famous for blaming the police for catching criminals.

So............... get another job, go somewhere else, apply a job that doesn't require a vaccine.

And if the government manages to coerce so many companies to impose vaccine mandates, "get another job" becomes essentially moot.
NO shit.
A normal flu shot, taken for decades, by millions of people, DOESN'T prevent people from getting the flu, nor transmitting it.

The standard flu shot was never touted as a vaccine or preventative. The covid vaccine was.
It's their own doing.
No one is "Forcing" people to do nuclear waste cleanup, either.
What about the people in the military, they must take dozens of vaccines, more if the person goes overseas?
It's their choice.

The difference here is that they know this before going in. The covid period was completely different: people weren't just not being hired for not getting the vaccine, they were losing jobs they already had.

Any way you slice it, government actions during covid was blatant overreach.
It was our patriotic and community service to get it. I remember going to a community center where the shots and vacs were being done when the first of the successful vaccines for Polio was being metered out. It was a family outing and many BBQs arose from it as well. Yes, we had a few that refused and the "Community" shunned them until they got it. And trust me, when the "Community" demands something it's going to happen either community wise or political. We've let the traitors and terrorists take too much control and now THEY demand I think of them as Patriots. I will always think of them as terrorists and traitors.
If the polio vaccine prevented them from getting it, what was the point of shunning those who wouldn't?
If the polio vaccine prevented them from getting it, what was the point of shunning those who wouldn't?

It had to be virtually wiped out of the US. The only way is to vaccinate or isolate. The same for the H9 in 2008 and the Spanish Flu in 1918/19.
Because the election was over. Why did CNN MSNBC and the rest of the MSM stop the 24/7 scrolling death count almost immediately after *Joe took office.?
The death count also left out names. Who cares when "Biden" was the Name of the Hour?
Yeah all that money nurse's spent on their college degrees, wasted.
Many went to blue states that were not retarded and did very well for themselves....Contract RNs can make a killing.

One RN I knew was making 3.2K a week, M-F (no weekends) 12 hr shifts. She was always pulling down OT too. $75.00 - $80.00 a hour is not uncommon.
Many went to blue states that were not retarded and did very well for themselves....Contract RNs can make a killing.

One RN I knew was making 3.2K a week, M-F (no weekends) 12 hr shifts. She was always pulling down OT too. $75.00 - $80.00 a hour is not uncommon.
@ $19,000 per ventilator, it was a gold mine.

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