So What Was Trump's Big Reveal?

The Watergate criminals didn't give Nixon a leg up. That's not the point.

Uhm, can you read? That is exactly what he said. His words, not mine. OK then, lets try this again, let's assume for the sake of argument the Russians did hack the DNC. OK, that sucks. But how in anyway did this affect the election?

So you're trying to say that no Trump supporters were happy that the hacked emails were publicized, because no Trump supporters thought they might harm the Hillary campaign?

Are you insane?
so why aren't you pissed that your DNC is so corrupt? They fked you by acting like they own you! oh, they do.

Do you think if Russia decided to leak RNC emails, it would show the GOP to be pure as the driven snow, retard?

This interference by Russia was selective. It was designed to help Trump, not Clinton.

Now, answer the topic question, coward. What was Trump's big reveal on Tuesday or Thursday?

From here it looks like, "I bleev Assange and Putin over our intelligence agencies, even though Assange has provided ZERO evidence to me and our intelligence agencies have."
Assange released the emails!!!! what is it you think he owes you?

Assange claims he did not get them from a Russian source. He has not provided any evidence of where they came from. But Trump has decided to bleev him, with ZERO evidence.

And so have you Chumps.

And no intelligence agencies has proven anything BTW!!!
They have. But since you only get your news from Trump tweets, it is not surprising you bleev this.
You ever notice that whenever Trump is cornered on his bullshit, he says he is going to come out with a big reveal in a few days, and then runs away?

A few days ago, it happened again. Trump was pressed on the mounting evidence Russia interfered in our electoral process, and so he had to come up with something.

"I know a lot about hacking." He actually said this! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

There isn't anything Trump doesn't know a lot about. He knows more about war than generals. He knows more about hacking than our intelligence agencies. I bet he thinks he knows more about hamburgers than McDonalds.

Trump's solution to hacking? You're going to want to sit down. He said you should write stuff down and send it by courier.

I kid you not.

Trump then bragged, "I also know things that other people don’t know."

When pressed on this, he said, "“You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

So...anyone? What was this master huckster's big reveal?

Or did he not follow through again, just like always?
I was thinking the exact same thing. I was going to start a thread, "Has Trump told what he alone knows?"

After all, he said he would. So was it another lie?
Let's be careful not to nit pic every little thing. I want to see wages go up, jobs to come home, illegals to go home, the debt go down, healthcare costs to go down and I want to see the long term unemployed to go back to work.

Remember the people Republicans said weren't being counted in the unemployment numbers? That's the last time they mention them or real unemployment
Lots of smoke, still no answer to the topic question.

What was Trump's big reveal?

The reveal is that you Khmer Rouge scumbags have no evidence, as I already said.
Trump said he knows more than other people know. He said he would tell us what that is on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then he ran away.

It's Thursday now. What did he reveal that he knows?

Lying doesn't help you. If lying was a winning strategy, Hillary would be president.

Nixon avoided criminal prosecution and his henchmen went to jail for him
It took a Ford Presidential pardon to save his ass

For acts that PALE in comparison to what Obama did.

Nixon suggested the IRS be used to investigate political rivals. The IRS refused.

Obama ordered Lerner to use the IRS to attack conservatives, anyone with "Tea Party" in their charter. Lerner did it, happily.

Yet we should revile Nixon while the criminal fuck Obama walks free?
Lots of smoke, still no answer to the topic question.

What was Trump's big reveal?

The reveal is that you Khmer Rouge scumbags have no evidence, as I already said.
Trump said he knows more than other people know. He said he would tell us what that is on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then he ran away.

It's Thursday now. What did he reveal that he knows?

So; on to the substance you continue to duck;

During this past election, the New York Times openly lied and distorted in order to smear the Republicans, culminating with a campaign of demagoguery against Donald Trump that would make Josef Goebbels blush. Tell me Guno, did the Times seek to influence the election?

The Washington Post also engaged in Yellow Journalism as the mainstay of their election coverage. Did they seek to influence the election? CNN campaigned for Hillary for years, with no restraint from the FEC under the farce that they are a news reporting group, did they influence the election?

Fucktard Obama and you of the Khmer Rouge demand that we should be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA, that "Russia influenced the election.'

You of course offer ZERO evidence to support the Soros claim that you mindlessly parrot. You are angered that WikiLeaks revealed the corruption of the DNC through hacked emails.

Now let's go back to 1974, when leftists like you were PRAISING Woodward and Bernstien for revealing hacked data from the Nixon administration. You called them "heroes" and made movies praising them for their acts.

Ah, but that was against the enemy, the same sort of investigative journalism from Assange and WikiLeaks leaves you OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. Because what was revealed exposed the corruption of the party.

Now you scream, at the behest of your master, RUSSIA INFLUENCED THE ELECTION. Well, that is a lie, but lies are what you have to offer. WikiLeaks, not Russia provided the emails from your criminal party. If Russia gave them to WikiLeaks, so what? YOU are throwing a fit because the FACTS were revealed to the rubes, the American people who you so despise.

Did providing the American people (whom you despise) with facts about your filthy party, facts that the corrupt media who works for your party suppressed, influence the election? You bet it did Comrade, and that's a GOOD thing.

Assange is an American Hero - you are gutter scum
I see the cowards are unable to admit Trump is full of shit. He had no big reveal. It was just his way of running away from the press, and back to the safety of his one way communication.

remember when Trump boasted about the 2-300 Generals that endorsed him, and he would open his coat and pretend there was a list in his inside pocket, but NEVER produced a list of any kind, anywhere, anytime ... and the dickbreath Trumpbots BEELEEV'D it?

his shit is as old as he is.

Lying doesn't help you. If lying was a winning strategy, Hillary would be president.

Nixon avoided criminal prosecution and his henchmen went to jail for him
It took a Ford Presidential pardon to save his ass

For acts that PALE in comparison to what Obama did.

Nixon suggested the IRS be used to investigate political rivals. The IRS refused.
He did more than that, idiot.

Do you even know why he was going to be impeached?

Obviously not.

Obama ordered Lerner to use the IRS to attack conservatives

Ah. And here we have exactly what I was just talking about. You tards ate total bullshit like this with gusto, based on ZERO evidence.

Show us Obama ordered Lerner to attack conservatives.

I knew it was just a matter of time before your hypocrisy came out.
I see the cowards are unable to admit Trump is full of shit. He had no big reveal. It was just his way of running away from the press, and back to the safety of his one way communication.

I see you're too much of a coward to address what I posted.

No talking points on ThinkProgress to tell you what to post, huh?
Lots of smoke, still no answer to the topic question.

What was Trump's big reveal?

The reveal is that you Khmer Rouge scumbags have no evidence, as I already said.
Trump said he knows more than other people know. He said he would tell us what that is on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then he ran away.

It's Thursday now. What did he reveal that he knows?

So; on to the substance you continue to duck;

During this past election, the New York Times openly lied and distorted in order to smear the Republicans, culminating with a campaign of demagoguery against Donald Trump that would make Josef Goebbels blush. Tell me Guno, did the Times seek to influence the election?

The Washington Post also engaged in Yellow Journalism as the mainstay of their election coverage. Did they seek to influence the election? CNN campaigned for Hillary for years, with no restraint from the FEC under the farce that they are a news reporting group, did they influence the election?

Fucktard Obama and you of the Khmer Rouge demand that we should be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA, that "Russia influenced the election.'

You of course offer ZERO evidence to support the Soros claim that you mindlessly parrot. You are angered that WikiLeaks revealed the corruption of the DNC through hacked emails.

Now let's go back to 1974, when leftists like you were PRAISING Woodward and Bernstien for revealing hacked data from the Nixon administration. You called them "heroes" and made movies praising them for their acts.

Ah, but that was against the enemy, the same sort of investigative journalism from Assange and WikiLeaks leaves you OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. Because what was revealed exposed the corruption of the party.

Now you scream, at the behest of your master, RUSSIA INFLUENCED THE ELECTION. Well, that is a lie, but lies are what you have to offer. WikiLeaks, not Russia provided the emails from your criminal party. If Russia gave them to WikiLeaks, so what? YOU are throwing a fit because the FACTS were revealed to the rubes, the American people who you so despise.

Did providing the American people (whom you despise) with facts about your filthy party, facts that the corrupt media who works for your party suppressed, influence the election? You bet it did Comrade, and that's a GOOD thing.

Assange is an American Hero - you are gutter scum

assange a hero?

hiding in a small room in an embassy to avoid prison = hero to dumbass RW's.

every fucking one of you should aspire to be a "hero" just like assange.
I have a secret plan to defeat Isis...What is it you ask? Opps, I'll tell you later...Gottta go!:scared1:
Again, tell us what the Russians, by hacking a private organization, did t hat gave Trump a "leg up"?

The Watergate criminals didn't give Nixon a leg up. That's not the point.

Uhm, can you read? That is exactly what he said. His words, not mine. OK then, lets try this again, let's assume for the sake of argument the Russians did hack the DNC. OK, that sucks. But how in anyway did this affect the election?

So you're trying to say that no Trump supporters were happy that the hacked emails were publicized, because no Trump supporters thought they might harm the Hillary campaign?

Are you insane?
so why aren't you pissed that your DNC is so corrupt? They fked you by acting like they own you! oh, they do.

Do you think if Russia decided to leak RNC emails, it would show the GOP to be pure as the driven snow, retard?

This interference by Russia was selective. It was designed to help Trump, not Clinton.

Now, answer the topic question, coward. What was Trump's big reveal on Tuesday or Thursday?

From here it looks like, "I bleev Assange and Putin over our intelligence agencies, even though Assange has provided ZERO evidence to me and our intelligence agencies have."


You really ought to read the topic before making such a complete ass of yourself. :lol:

By the way, what was Trump's big reveal?

That you have zero evidence, Herr Goebbels.
I provided some evidence, retard. You skipped right over it to preserve your delusion. I even predicted goldfish like you would, and you did. You've been providing high comedy and don't even know it. :lol:

Now...address the topic, cowards. What was Trump's big reveal?

That he can make lefty moonbats like you freak out over everything and nothing, simultaneously?

Is that why you voted for him? Isn't his job supposed to be leader of the free world ...or a global jerk off?
I see the cowards are unable to admit Trump is full of shit. He had no big reveal. It was just his way of running away from the press, and back to the safety of his one way communication.

I see you're too much of a coward to address what I posted.

No talking points on ThinkProgress to tell you what to post, huh?
It was all lies. You really want me to address your lies? Okay then!

You of course offer ZERO evidence to support the Soros claim that you mindlessly parrot.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So thanks for taking up my "mindless parrot" thing. And thanks for taking up the ZERO thing.

But it is a fact I posted evidence earlier in this thread. I've given you big hints to go back and read this topic. You have chosen to ignore it instead.

So how ironic you claim I am the one not addressing what you posted! :lol:

Now let's go back to 1974, when leftists like you were PRAISING Woodward and Bernstien for revealing hacked data from the Nixon administration.

A lie, straight up. I never praised Woodward and Bernstein in 1974. In fact, I was very much a die hard conservative back then, and defended Nixon to all who would listen.

Asshole. You just lie and lie and lie at will, with no shame. No matter how many times you are busted for it.

I think you are actually retarded. Below 70 IQ. Not kidding.

And a sociopath. It's the only explanation for why you make up lies without any sense of shame.
Still no answer from the tards, after all these pages.

What was Trump's big reveal?

You guys did at least read the OP, right?

Lucky for you tards I'm not the sort of person who reports trolling and off topic posts.
Those women accusing me of Sexual Harrassment are liars...And I will reveal the evidence....later on. Bye bye :scared1:
What was Trump's big reveal?

I notice his Chumps have thoroughly ignored the topic.

As usual, lots of smoke to cover up their messiah's bullshit.

Comrade demagogue;

You are here to spread hate for your party, I get it. You don't think, you don't reason, you spew hatred, I get it.

So you will duck what I ask, as you have no intellect, only hate..

During this past election, the New York Times openly lied and distorted in order to smear the Republicans, culminating with a campaign of demagoguery against Donald Trump that would make Josef Goebbels blush. Tell me Guno, did the Times seek to influence the election?

The Washington Post also engaged in Yellow Journalism as the mainstay of their election coverage. Did they seek to influence the election? CNN campaigned for Hillary for years, with no restraint from the FEC under the farce that they are a news reporting group, did they influence the election?

Fucktard Obama and you of the Khmer Rouge demand that we should be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA, that "Russia influenced the election.'

You of course offer ZERO evidence to support the Soros claim that you mindlessly parrot. You are angered that WikiLeaks revealed the corruption of the DNC through hacked emails.

Now let's go back to 1974, when leftists like you were PRAISING Woodward and Bernstien for revealing hacked data from the Nixon administration. You called them "heroes" and made movies praising them for their acts.

Ah, but that was against the enemy, the same sort of investigative journalism from Assange and WikiLeaks leaves you OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. Because what was revealed exposed the corruption of the party.

Now you scream, at the behest of your master, RUSSIA INFLUENCED THE ELECTION. Well, that is a lie, but lies are what you have to offer. WikiLeaks, not Russia provided the emails from your criminal party. If Russia gave them to WikiLeaks, so what? YOU are throwing a fit because the FACTS were revealed to the rubes, the American people who you so despise.

Did providing the American people (whom you despise) with facts about your filthy party, facts that the corrupt media who works for your party suppressed, influence the election? You bet it did Comrade, and that's a GOOD thing.

Assange is an American Hero - you are gutter scum.
what about the hack in getting trump's supposed tax return? why is it these jerkoffs are such hypocrites?
Wasn't a hack. The copy of the return was mailed anonymously to the New York Times. Notice that Trump never refuted it
He did more than that, idiot.

As has your little tin god.

Do you even know why he was going to be impeached?

Obviously not.


You going to lie for us, Comrade?

The Nixon Administration and Watergate: Political Subordination of IRS


You're such a fucking liar, Guno.

Ah. And here we have exactly what I was just talking about. You tards ate total bullshit like this with gusto, based on ZERO evidence.

Show us Obama ordered Lerner to attack conservatives.

I knew it was just a matter of time before your hypocrisy came out.

Yes, your god is pure, blameless.

We've heard it before from mindless hacks like you.

“This material shows that the IRS‘ cover-up began years ago,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “We now have smoking-gun proof that top officials in the Obama IRS unlawfully harassed taxpayers just to keep them from complaining to Congress about IRS‘ targeting and abuse. No wonder the Obama IRS has had such little interest in preserving or finding Lois Lerner’s emails.”

The Lerner emails have become almost as big a scandal as the initial targeting. Ms. Lerner, who was head of the division that scrutinized the tea party applications until she retired while under investigation in 2013, suffered a computer hard drive crash that cost potentially thousands of emails that should have been part of the record.}

Lois Lerner’s lost IRS email shows agency tried to block congressional scrutiny: watchdog

Hey, you're a lying scumbag Guno, but it's for the party, and the party is really all you care about.
Retard actually had to scroll and scroll to get past the post about the cybersecurity expert.

I used the phrase "willfull blindness" here a lot. Now you know why.

Here's some more: STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Another willfully blind monkey yesterday (jc456) claimed it didn't say anything about Russia in it! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This willful blindness shit is real. I appreciate the tards demonstrating it for us every day.

"Evidence? I see no evidence!"

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