So What Was Trump's Big Reveal?

I also saw somewhere that some of the Russian hackers were so dumb that they used email addresses that they had forgot to put on private... so they were able to be traced back to Russia.

Did you Lewd? :eek:

I'm SURE you'll be posting evidence any second now..

Shall I hold my breath while you Little Goebbels post the avalanche of evidence you have? :dunno:
Note how the Chumps are suddenly demanding evidence for claims.

Man, that shit is fucking hilarious considering all the bullshit they have eagerly eaten without question.
like I give a shit ...

I CAN'T wait to see Trump fuck everyone who put him in office !!!!


Of course, you're just a demagogue. You are a feral baboon flinging shit, there is no reason or intellect with you.

Just like your buddy Guno5000.

Leftist retards spewing mindless hatred.

GFY ... Trumps walk back list is growing by the day ... his fairy tale campaign promise list is going to turn into pumpkins and mice at midnight.



killers, rapists, and thieves HAVE TO GO !!!


"For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family–it’s very, very tough to just say ‘By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out’…I’m one of the world’s very conservative people, but I have to tell you on a human basis, how do you throw somebody out that’s lived in this country for twenty years?"

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You ever notice that whenever Trump is cornered on his bullshit, he says he is going to come out with a big reveal in a few days, and then runs away?

A few days ago, it happened again. Trump was pressed on the mounting evidence Russia interfered in our electoral process, and so he had to come up with something.

"I know a lot about hacking." He actually said this! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

There isn't anything Trump doesn't know a lot about. He knows more about war than generals. He knows more about hacking than our intelligence agencies. I bet he thinks he knows more about hamburgers than McDonalds.

Trump's solution to hacking? You're going to want to sit down. He said you should write stuff down and send it by courier.

I kid you not.

Trump then bragged, "I also know things that other people don’t know."

When pressed on this, he said, "“You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

So...anyone? What was this master huckster's big reveal?

Or did he not follow through again, just like always?

Just another Trump lie.

Lies are the new Truth, so it appears.
Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by a hostile foreign power.

That's what this is. And the Chumps are just parroting whatever their blathering messiah living in denial tweets.

Again, tell us what the Russians, by hacking a private organization, did that gave Trump a "leg up"?
like I give a shit ...

I CAN'T wait to see Trump fuck everyone who put him in office !!!!


Of course, you're just a demagogue. You are a feral baboon flinging shit, there is no reason or intellect with you.

Just like your buddy Guno5000.

Leftist retards spewing mindless hatred.

GFY ... Trumps walk back list is growing by the day ... his fairy tale campaign promise list is going to turn into pumpkins and mice at midnight.

I don't think Trump knows he's actually president.
Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by a hostile foreign power.

That's what this is. And the Chumps are just parroting whatever their blathering messiah living in denial tweets.

Again, tell us what the Russians, by hacking a private organization, did t hat gave Trump a "leg up"?

The Watergate criminals didn't give Nixon a leg up. That's not the point.
Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by a hostile foreign power.

That's what this is. And the Chumps are just parroting whatever their blathering messiah living in denial tweets.

Again, tell us what the Russians, by hacking a private organization, did t hat gave Trump a "leg up"?

The Watergate criminals didn't give Nixon a leg up. That's not the point.

Uhm, can you read? That is exactly what he said. His words, not mine. OK then, lets try this again, let's assume for the sake of argument the Russians did hack the DNC. OK, that sucks. But how in anyway did this affect the election?
like I give a shit ...

I CAN'T wait to see Trump fuck everyone who put him in office !!!!


Of course, you're just a demagogue. You are a feral baboon flinging shit, there is no reason or intellect with you.

Just like your buddy Guno5000.

Leftist retards spewing mindless hatred.

GFY ... Trumps walk back list is growing by the day ... his fairy tale campaign promise list is going to turn into pumpkins and mice at midnight.

I don't think Trump knows he's actually president.

How could he? He isn't.
Anyone else notice that Trump is finding out he can't rule from Twitter? He's posting in groups of three now. He could go back to just 140 characters and his dumbass followers wouldn't even notice.
What happened to the Alt Right? Haven't heard you moonbats mention them in a while. I guess they've moved on to RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!!

I miss the days of RACIST!! RACIST!! RACIST!!
Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by a hostile foreign power.

That's what this is. And the Chumps are just parroting whatever their blathering messiah living in denial tweets.

Again, tell us what the Russians, by hacking a private organization, did t hat gave Trump a "leg up"?

The Watergate criminals didn't give Nixon a leg up. That's not the point.

Uhm, can you read? That is exactly what he said. His words, not mine. OK then, lets try this again, let's assume for the sake of argument the Russians did hack the DNC. OK, that sucks. But how in anyway did this affect the election?

So you're trying to say that no Trump supporters were happy that the hacked emails were publicized, because no Trump supporters thought they might harm the Hillary campaign?

Are you insane?
What was Trump's big reveal?

I notice his Chumps have thoroughly ignored the topic.

As usual, lots of smoke to cover up their messiah's bullshit.

Comrade demagogue;

You are here to spread hate for your party, I get it. You don't think, you don't reason, you spew hatred, I get it.

So you will duck what I ask, as you have no intellect, only hate..

During this past election, the New York Times openly lied and distorted in order to smear the Republicans, culminating with a campaign of demagoguery against Donald Trump that would make Josef Goebbels blush. Tell me Guno, did the Times seek to influence the election?

The Washington Post also engaged in Yellow Journalism as the mainstay of their election coverage. Did they seek to influence the election? CNN campaigned for Hillary for years, with no restraint from the FEC under the farce that they are a news reporting group, did they influence the election?

Fucktard Obama and you of the Khmer Rouge demand that we should be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA, that "Russia influenced the election.'

You of course offer ZERO evidence to support the Soros claim that you mindlessly parrot. You are angered that WikiLeaks revealed the corruption of the DNC through hacked emails.

Now let's go back to 1974, when leftists like you were PRAISING Woodward and Bernstien for revealing hacked data from the Nixon administration. You called them "heroes" and made movies praising them for their acts.

Ah, but that was against the enemy, the same sort of investigative journalism from Assange and WikiLeaks leaves you OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. Because what was revealed exposed the corruption of the party.

Now you scream, at the behest of your master, RUSSIA INFLUENCED THE ELECTION. Well, that is a lie, but lies are what you have to offer. WikiLeaks, not Russia provided the emails from your criminal party. If Russia gave them to WikiLeaks, so what? YOU are throwing a fit because the FACTS were revealed to the rubes, the American people who you so despise.

Did providing the American people (whom you despise) with facts about your filthy party, facts that the corrupt media who works for your party suppressed, influence the election? You bet it did Comrade, and that's a GOOD thing.

Assange is an American Hero - you are gutter scum.
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What happened to the Alt Right? Haven't heard you moonbats mention them in a while. I guess they've moved on to RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!!

I miss the days of RACIST!! RACIST!! RACIST!!

Your ability to pretend these issues don't matter is mildly entertaining, but totally irrelevant.
Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by a hostile foreign power.

That's what this is. And the Chumps are just parroting whatever their blathering messiah living in denial tweets.

Again, tell us what the Russians, by hacking a private organization, did t hat gave Trump a "leg up"?

The Watergate criminals didn't give Nixon a leg up. That's not the point.

Uhm, can you read? That is exactly what he said. His words, not mine. OK then, lets try this again, let's assume for the sake of argument the Russians did hack the DNC. OK, that sucks. But how in anyway did this affect the election?

So you're trying to say that no Trump supporters were happy that the hacked emails were publicized, because no Trump supporters thought they might harm the Hillary campaign?

Are you insane?

Dude, so what was in them that was so damning she lost? If there was anything that damning, then why would you want her as President?

And no, I am not insane.
What happened to the Alt Right? Haven't heard you moonbats mention them in a while. I guess they've moved on to RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!!

I miss the days of RACIST!! RACIST!! RACIST!!

Your ability to pretend these issues don't matter is mildly entertaining, but totally irrelevant.

They don't matter, at least not at the level you guys are carrying on about. There is ZERO, let me repeat ZERO evidence the Russians in any way affected the election.

Shit, all this proves, again, is that Democrats can't even be trusted with securing e-mails let alone a nation.

You really ought to read the topic before making such a complete ass of yourself. :lol:

By the way, what was Trump's big reveal?

That you have zero evidence, Herr Goebbels.
I provided some evidence, retard. You skipped right over it to preserve your delusion. I even predicted goldfish like you would, and you did. You've been providing high comedy and don't even know it. :lol:

Now...address the topic, cowards. What was Trump's big reveal?

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