So What Was Trump's Big Reveal?

He did more than that, idiot.

As has your little tin god.

Do you even know why he was going to be impeached?

Obviously not.


You going to lie for us, Comrade?

The Nixon Administration and Watergate: Political Subordination of IRS


Hey retard. I didn't deny Nixon tried to get the IRS to spy on his enemies. I said he did MORE than that.

All caught up now, retard? Reading comprehension is a bitch when you're down below 70 IQ.

Do you know why it was finally decided even by the Republicans that he should be impeached?

It was for something much more serious than the IRS thing.

You have once again demonstrated you have no idea.
Still waiting on that evidence Obama ordered Lerner to attack conservatives.

You just got caught in your own hypocrisy, retard. It was inevitable.
I also saw somewhere that some of the Russian hackers were so dumb that they used email addresses that they had forgot to put on private... so they were able to be traced back to Russia.

Did you Lewd? :eek:

I'm SURE you'll be posting evidence any second now..

Shall I hold my breath while you Little Goebbels post the avalanche of evidence you have? :dunno:

It was in the video interview with CrowdStrike posted by Esquire.

Sorry, I block video, I can't watch it.
Willful blindness:

so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.

Notice in big bold letters at the top of the link it says GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity


And then it says this in the very first paragraph:

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyber activity by RIS as GRIZZLY STEPPE.

So, you see, the tards are actually willfully blind to anything which interferes with their delusions.

This is a real thing.

I also saw somewhere that some of the Russian hackers were so dumb that they used email addresses that they had forgot to put on private... so they were able to be traced back to Russia.

Did you Lewd? :eek:

I'm SURE you'll be posting evidence any second now..

Shall I hold my breath while you Little Goebbels post the avalanche of evidence you have? :dunno:

It was in the video interview with CrowdStrike posted by Esquire.

Sorry, I block video, I can't watch it.

Go figure.
NPR's IT department said it was the Russians. That settles it right?
See? This tard SKIMMED the post. I told ya!

NPR's IT department said it could be a false flag. NPR's IT department is headquartered in Moscow. Which figures, right? :D

The cybersecurity expert explained in detail how it could NOT be a false flag.

READ! For chrissakes.
There were several hacks perpetrated.

One of the hacks involved a phishing email sent to John Podesta. The phishing email contained a URL created by a shortening service. The email faked a Google message telling Podesta he needed to change his password. Podesta clicked on it, and this caused malware to be loaded onto his computer. This malware fed the hacked data back to known Russian military intelligence services (RIS) servers.

But the hackers made a mistake. They had used the same URL shortening service for other hacks, and so the investigators were able to find a thousand other entities targeted by the RIS. This kind of effort and expense was not the work of some fat guy in his mother's basement.
It was all lies. You really want me to address your lies? Okay then!

Of course it was. Anything not from DailyKOS is.

You're a good Soros drone, you only think what the hate sites tell you to think.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So thanks for taking up my "mindless parrot" thing. And thanks for taking up the ZERO thing.

But it is a fact I posted evidence earlier in this thread. I've given you big hints to go back and read this topic. You have chosen to ignore it instead.

So how ironic you claim I am the one not addressing what you posted! :lol:

So, not a shred of evidence then? Just more bluster and bullshit.

A lie, straight up. I never praised Woodward and Bernstein in 1974. In fact, I was very much a die hard conservative back then, and defended Nixon to all who would listen.


Yeah, you're a fucking liar.

A few months back you still tried the "I'm a Republican" lie here.

You are a FAR left hack.

You leftist retards LOVED the hack of Nixon, because it was against you enemy,

Asshole. You just lie and lie and lie at will, with no shame. No matter how many times you are busted for it.

I think you are actually retarded. Below 70 IQ. Not kidding.

Must sting to be so thoroughly defeated by a retard on a regular basis... :eusa_whistle:

And a sociopath. It's the only explanation for why you make up lies without any sense of shame.

You were going to address my points and show them all to be LIES, funny, all you did was fling shit instead, almost as if that's really all you have.
NPR's IT department said it was the Russians. That settles it right?
See? This tard SKIMMED the post. I told ya!

NPR's IT department said it could be a false flag. NPR's IT department is headquartered in Moscow. Which figures, right? :D

The cybersecurity expert explained in detail how it could NOT be a false flag.

READ! For chrissakes.

Yes the most compelling thing is, the British firm wanted to prove CrowdStrike wrong, and instead found out that it was indeed the Russians.
You ever notice that whenever Trump is cornered on his bullshit, he says he is going to come out with a big reveal in a few days, and then runs away?

A few days ago, it happened again. Trump was pressed on the mounting evidence Russia interfered in our electoral process, and so he had to come up with something.

"I know a lot about hacking." He actually said this! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

There isn't anything Trump doesn't know a lot about. He knows more about war than generals. He knows more about hacking than our intelligence agencies. I bet he thinks he knows more about hamburgers than McDonalds.

Trump's solution to hacking? You're going to want to sit down. He said you should write stuff down and send it by courier.

I kid you not.

Trump then bragged, "I also know things that other people don’t know."

When pressed on this, he said, "“You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

So...anyone? What was this master huckster's big reveal?

Or did he not follow through again, just like always?
The only party we know that actually interfered with The Electoral Process was The Democratic Party.

1.) Made Death Threats to The Electors as well as numerous other threats.
2.) Rigged their own primaries against Bernie Sanders.
3.) Stole Debate Questions both in the primary debates, and in the Clinton - Trump Debates.
4.) Two disgraced heads of the DNC caught cheating and caught on outright lies. Only one was forced to step down. The other they let slide because to have to fire two heads of your party would have destroyed the thin thread they were hanging on by.
5.) Illegally registered illegal aliens to vote through Motor Voter Registration 5-7 Million Illegals voted in this past election.
6.) Hired Felons, The Homeless, and Mentally Ill, to commit Violent Acts at Trump Rallies, assault Trump Supporters, vandalize store fronts, assault police, destroy police cruisers, knock little old ladies to the ground, and harass, punch, spit at, and attack Trump Supporters.
7.) Burnt down and vandalized 2 GOP campaign offices, and then a church trying to pin that on Trump voters.
8.) Tried to make unsubstantiated allegations that The Russians hacked our voting machines and attempted to interfere in our elections in favor of Trump, when The Russians had no clue whatsoever who would be the GOP nominee when dumb ass Podesta gave his password to some 14 year old kid. The Password was "Password. WTF?
9.) Forced uncalled for recounts only of those battle ground states where Trump won conducted by a proxy (Jill Stein) who was given DOUBLE her total campaign contributions in order to try to over turn The Will Of The People.
10.) Gave Clinton Super Delegate votes in states where Sanders won a majority further rigging the primaries for Clinton.

How is a candidate who only got 1% of the vote even allowed to request a recount? Her lawsuits had no merits, and thankfully most were thrown out, which actually saved her from some embarrassment because most recounts favored Trump.
Last edited:
I'm not the kind of guy to keep an idiot in suspense. So here's why even the Republicans decided to impeach Nixon.

Haldeman: Now, on the investigation, you know, the Democratic break-in thing, we’re back to the-in the, the problem area because the FBI is not under control, because Gray doesn’t exactly know how to control them, and they have, their investigation is now leading into some productive areas, because they’ve been able to trace the money, not through the money itself, but through the bank, you know, sources – the banker himself. And, and it goes in some directions we don’t want it to go. Ah, also there have been some things, like an informant came in off the street to the FBI in Miami, who was a photographer or has a friend who is a photographer who developed some films through this guy, Barker, and the films had pictures of Democratic National Committee letter head documents and things. So I guess, so it’s things like that that are gonna, that are filtering in. Mitchell came up with yesterday, and John Dean analyzed very carefully last night and concludes, concurs now with Mitchell’s recommendation that the only way to solve this, and we’re set up beautifully to do it, ah, in that and that…the only network that paid any attention to it last night was NBC…they did a massive story on the Cuban…

Nixon: That’s right.

Haldeman: thing.

Nixon: Right.

Haldeman: That the way to handle this now is for us to have Walters call Pat Gray and just say, “Stay the hell out of this …this this ah, business here we don’t want you to go any further on it.” That’s not an unusual development,…

Nixon: Um huh.

Haldeman: …and, uh, that would take care of it.

Nixon: What about Pat Gray, ah, you mean he doesn’t want to?

Haldeman: Pat does want to. He doesn’t know how to, and he doesn’t have, he doesn’t have any basis for doing it. Given this, he will then have the basis. He’ll call Mark Felt in, and the two of them …and Mark Felt wants to cooperate because…

Nixon: Yeah.

Haldeman: he’s ambitious…

Nixon: Yeah.

Haldeman: Ah, he’ll call him in and say, “We’ve got the signal from across the river to, to put the hold on this.” And that will fit rather well because the FBI agents who are working the case, at this point, feel that’s what it is. This is CIA.

Nixon: But they’ve traced the money to ‘em.

Haldeman: Well they have, they’ve traced to a name, but they haven’t gotten to the guy yet.

Nixon: Would it be somebody here?

Haldeman: Ken Dahlberg.

Nixon: Who the hell is Ken Dahlberg?

Haldeman: He’s ah, he gave $25,000 in Minnesota and ah, the check went directly in to this, to this guy Barker.

Nixon: Maybe he’s a …bum.

Nixon: He didn’t get this from the committee though, from Stans.

Haldeman: Yeah. It is. It is. It’s directly traceable and there’s some more through some Texas people in–that went to the Mexican bank which they can also trace to the Mexican bank…they’ll get their names today. And (pause)

Nixon: Well, I mean, ah, there’s no way… I’m just thinking if they don’t cooperate, what do they say? They they, they were approached by the Cubans. That’s what Dahlberg has to say, the Texans too. Is that the idea?

Haldeman: Well, if they will. But then we’re relying on more and more people all the time. That’s the problem. And ah, they’ll stop if we could, if we take this other step.

Nixon: All right. Fine.

Haldeman: And, and they seem to feel the thing to do is get them to stop?

Nixon: Right, fine.

Haldeman: They say the only way to do that is from White House instructions. And it’s got to be to Helms and, ah, what’s his name…? Walters.

Nixon: Walters.

Haldeman: And the proposal would be that Ehrlichman (coughs) and I call them in

Nixon: All right, fine.

Haldeman: and say, ah…

Nixon: How do you call him in, I mean you just, well, we protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things.

Haldeman: That’s what Ehrlichman says.

Nixon: Of course, this is a, this is a Hunt, you will-that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there’s a hell of a lot of things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further.This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. Well what the hell, did Mitchell know about this thing to any much of a degree.

Haldeman: I think so. I don ‘t think he knew the details, but I think he knew.

Nixon: He didn’t know how it was going to be handled though, with Dahlberg and the Texans and so forth? Well who was the asshole that did? (Unintelligible) Is it Liddy? Is that the fellow? He must be a little nuts.

Haldeman: He is.

Nixon: I mean he just isn’t well screwed on is he? Isn’t that the problem?

Haldeman: No, but he was under pressure, apparently, to get more information, and as he got more pressure, he pushed the people harder to move harder on…

Nixon: Pressure from Mitchell?

Haldeman: Apparently.

Nixon: Oh, Mitchell, Mitchell was at the point that you made on this, that exactly what I need from you is on the–

Haldeman: Gemstone, yeah.

Nixon: All right, fine, I understand it all. We won’t second-guess Mitchell and the rest. Thank God it wasn’t Colson.

Haldeman: The FBI interviewed Colson yesterday. They determined that would be a good thing to do.

Nixon: Um hum.

Haldeman: Ah, to have him take a…

Nixon: Um hum.

Haldeman: An interrogation, which he did, and that, the FBI guys working the case had concluded that there were one or two possibilities, one, that this was a White House, they don’t think that there is anything at the Election Committee, they think it was either a White House operation and they had some obscure reasons for it, non political,…

Nixon: Uh huh.

Haldeman: or it was a…

Nixon: Cuban thing-

Haldeman: Cubans and the CIA. And after their interrogation of, of…

Nixon: Colson.

Haldeman: Colson, yesterday, they concluded it was not the White House, but are now convinced it is a CIA thing, so the CIA turn off would…

Nixon: Well, not sure of their analysis, I’m not going to get that involved. I’m (unintelligible).

Haldeman: No, sir. We don’t want you to.

Nixon: You call them in.

Nixon: Good. Good deal! Play it tough. That’s the way they play it and that’s the way we are going to play it.

Haldeman: O.K. We’ll do it.

Nixon: Yeah, when I saw that news summary item, I of course knew it was a bunch of crap, but I thought ah, well it’s good to have them off on this wild hair thing because when they start bugging us, which they have, we’ll know our little boys will not know how to handle it. I hope they will though. You never know. Maybe, you think about it. Good!
Uhm, can you read? That is exactly what he said. His words, not mine. OK then, lets try this again, let's assume for the sake of argument the Russians did hack the DNC. OK, that sucks. But how in anyway did this affect the election?

So you're trying to say that no Trump supporters were happy that the hacked emails were publicized, because no Trump supporters thought they might harm the Hillary campaign?

Are you insane?
so why aren't you pissed that your DNC is so corrupt? They fked you by acting like they own you! oh, they do.

Do you think if Russia decided to leak RNC emails, it would show the GOP to be pure as the driven snow, retard?

This interference by Russia was selective. It was designed to help Trump, not Clinton.

Now, answer the topic question, coward. What was Trump's big reveal on Tuesday or Thursday?

From here it looks like, "I bleev Assange and Putin over our intelligence agencies, even though Assange has provided ZERO evidence to me and our intelligence agencies have."
Assange released the emails!!!! what is it you think he owes you?

Assange claims he did not get them from a Russian source. He has not provided any evidence of where they came from. But Trump has decided to bleev him, with ZERO evidence.

And so have you Chumps.

And no intelligence agencies has proven anything BTW!!!
They have. But since you only get your news from Trump tweets, it is not surprising you bleev this.
well he won't give up his sources. You can't figure that one out on why? He did say it wasn't the Russians. Why is that so difficult to folks like you?

He was the recipient of the emails. why wouldn't he know? And you can't figure that out either. wow.
Retard actually had to scroll and scroll to get past the post about the cybersecurity expert.

I used the phrase "willfull blindness" here a lot. Now you know why.

Here's some more: STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Another willfully blind monkey yesterday (jc456) claimed it didn't say anything about Russia in it! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This willful blindness shit is real. I appreciate the tards demonstrating it for us every day.

"Evidence? I see no evidence!"

The document shows that there was intrusion into the DNC server and spear phishing to get Gmail passwords.

No hint of evidence of tampering with election systems or attempts at such, no evidence that this was even the Russians.

Look, you're a lying retard who only cares about your filthy party and smearing those you hate, the Republicans and Capitalist Pigs. I get it.

The fact is that Russian, China, Korea, JAPAN, CANADA, ISIS, etc. try and hack American systems every single day. This is the world we grown ups live in. (You Soros drones not so much.)

The criminal DNC was hacked, no question. Might have been the Russians, might not have. Really doesn't matter. Email that showed what a corrupt bunch of pigs you are was released to the American people, whom you hate and call "rubes." Bummer for corrupt scum like you, but good for the honest and decent Americans that you hate.

But YOU (on behalf of your master, George Soros) float the lie that Russia hacked out election system. Zero truth to your claim, zero evidence. Neither I nor Trump have to "prove" that your bullshit conspiracy is false.
I'm not the kind of guy to keep an idiot in suspense. So here's why even the Republicans decided to impeach Nixon.

Haldeman: Now, on the investigation, you know, the Democratic break-in thing, we’re back to the-in the, the problem area because the FBI is not under control, because Gray doesn’t exactly know how to control them, and they have, their investigation is now leading into some productive areas, because they’ve been able to trace the money, not through the money itself, but through the bank, you know, sources – the banker himself. And, and it goes in some directions we don’t want it to go. Ah, also there have been some things, like an informant came in off the street to the FBI in Miami, who was a photographer or has a friend who is a photographer who developed some films through this guy, Barker, and the films had pictures of Democratic National Committee letter head documents and things. So I guess, so it’s things like that that are gonna, that are filtering in. Mitchell came up with yesterday, and John Dean analyzed very carefully last night and concludes, concurs now with Mitchell’s recommendation that the only way to solve this, and we’re set up beautifully to do it, ah, in that and that…the only network that paid any attention to it last night was NBC…they did a massive story on the Cuban…

Nixon: That’s right.

Haldeman: thing.

Nixon: Right.

Haldeman: That the way to handle this now is for us to have Walters call Pat Gray and just say, “Stay the hell out of this …this this ah, business here we don’t want you to go any further on it.” That’s not an unusual development,…

Nixon: Um huh.

Haldeman: …and, uh, that would take care of it.

Nixon: What about Pat Gray, ah, you mean he doesn’t want to?

Haldeman: Pat does want to. He doesn’t know how to, and he doesn’t have, he doesn’t have any basis for doing it. Given this, he will then have the basis. He’ll call Mark Felt in, and the two of them …and Mark Felt wants to cooperate because…

Nixon: Yeah.

Haldeman: he’s ambitious…

Nixon: Yeah.

Haldeman: Ah, he’ll call him in and say, “We’ve got the signal from across the river to, to put the hold on this.” And that will fit rather well because the FBI agents who are working the case, at this point, feel that’s what it is. This is CIA.

Nixon: But they’ve traced the money to ‘em.

Haldeman: Well they have, they’ve traced to a name, but they haven’t gotten to the guy yet.

Nixon: Would it be somebody here?

Haldeman: Ken Dahlberg.

Nixon: Who the hell is Ken Dahlberg?

Haldeman: He’s ah, he gave $25,000 in Minnesota and ah, the check went directly in to this, to this guy Barker.

Nixon: Maybe he’s a …bum.

Nixon: He didn’t get this from the committee though, from Stans.

Haldeman: Yeah. It is. It is. It’s directly traceable and there’s some more through some Texas people in–that went to the Mexican bank which they can also trace to the Mexican bank…they’ll get their names today. And (pause)

Nixon: Well, I mean, ah, there’s no way… I’m just thinking if they don’t cooperate, what do they say? They they, they were approached by the Cubans. That’s what Dahlberg has to say, the Texans too. Is that the idea?

Haldeman: Well, if they will. But then we’re relying on more and more people all the time. That’s the problem. And ah, they’ll stop if we could, if we take this other step.

Nixon: All right. Fine.

Haldeman: And, and they seem to feel the thing to do is get them to stop?

Nixon: Right, fine.

Haldeman: They say the only way to do that is from White House instructions. And it’s got to be to Helms and, ah, what’s his name…? Walters.

Nixon: Walters.

Haldeman: And the proposal would be that Ehrlichman (coughs) and I call them in

Nixon: All right, fine.

Haldeman: and say, ah…

Nixon: How do you call him in, I mean you just, well, we protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things.

Haldeman: That’s what Ehrlichman says.

Nixon: Of course, this is a, this is a Hunt, you will-that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there’s a hell of a lot of things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further.This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. Well what the hell, did Mitchell know about this thing to any much of a degree.

Haldeman: I think so. I don ‘t think he knew the details, but I think he knew.

Nixon: He didn’t know how it was going to be handled though, with Dahlberg and the Texans and so forth? Well who was the asshole that did? (Unintelligible) Is it Liddy? Is that the fellow? He must be a little nuts.

Haldeman: He is.

Nixon: I mean he just isn’t well screwed on is he? Isn’t that the problem?

Haldeman: No, but he was under pressure, apparently, to get more information, and as he got more pressure, he pushed the people harder to move harder on…

Nixon: Pressure from Mitchell?

Haldeman: Apparently.

Nixon: Oh, Mitchell, Mitchell was at the point that you made on this, that exactly what I need from you is on the–

Haldeman: Gemstone, yeah.

Nixon: All right, fine, I understand it all. We won’t second-guess Mitchell and the rest. Thank God it wasn’t Colson.

Haldeman: The FBI interviewed Colson yesterday. They determined that would be a good thing to do.

Nixon: Um hum.

Haldeman: Ah, to have him take a…

Nixon: Um hum.

Haldeman: An interrogation, which he did, and that, the FBI guys working the case had concluded that there were one or two possibilities, one, that this was a White House, they don’t think that there is anything at the Election Committee, they think it was either a White House operation and they had some obscure reasons for it, non political,…

Nixon: Uh huh.

Haldeman: or it was a…

Nixon: Cuban thing-

Haldeman: Cubans and the CIA. And after their interrogation of, of…

Nixon: Colson.

Haldeman: Colson, yesterday, they concluded it was not the White House, but are now convinced it is a CIA thing, so the CIA turn off would…

Nixon: Well, not sure of their analysis, I’m not going to get that involved. I’m (unintelligible).

Haldeman: No, sir. We don’t want you to.

Nixon: You call them in.

Nixon: Good. Good deal! Play it tough. That’s the way they play it and that’s the way we are going to play it.

Haldeman: O.K. We’ll do it.

Nixon: Yeah, when I saw that news summary item, I of course knew it was a bunch of crap, but I thought ah, well it’s good to have them off on this wild hair thing because when they start bugging us, which they have, we’ll know our little boys will not know how to handle it. I hope they will though. You never know. Maybe, you think about it. Good!

Dems learned from Nixon's mistakes and they now fully control the FBI and CIA.

Obama: ISIS is the JV Team
USIntel: ISIS is the JV Team

Obama: Hillary criminally mishandled classified information but she didn't intend to commit a crime
USIntel: Hillary criminally mishandled classified information but she didn't intend to commit a crime

Obama: Putin hacked the election!
USIntel: Putin hacked the election!
NPR's IT department said it was the Russians. That settles it right?
See? This tard SKIMMED the post. I told ya!

NPR's IT department said it could be a false flag. NPR's IT department is headquartered in Moscow. Which figures, right? :D

The cybersecurity expert explained in detail how it could NOT be a false flag.

READ! For chrissakes.

I read the whole thing Ricky Retardo. The Cyber Experts said the Russians "accidentally" hacked the election
I also saw somewhere that some of the Russian hackers were so dumb that they used email addresses that they had forgot to put on private... so they were able to be traced back to Russia.

Did you Lewd? :eek:

I'm SURE you'll be posting evidence any second now..

Shall I hold my breath while you Little Goebbels post the avalanche of evidence you have? :dunno:

It was in the video interview with CrowdStrike posted by Esquire.

Sorry, I block video, I can't watch it.

Go figure.

I block a lot of things here, including G5000's brain (ThinkProgress, DailyKOS)
Retard actually had to scroll and scroll to get past the post about the cybersecurity expert.

I used the phrase "willfull blindness" here a lot. Now you know why.

Here's some more: STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Another willfully blind monkey yesterday (jc456) claimed it didn't say anything about Russia in it! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This willful blindness shit is real. I appreciate the tards demonstrating it for us every day.

"Evidence? I see no evidence!"

The document shows that there was intrusion into the DNC server and spear phishing to get Gmail passwords.

No hint of evidence of tampering with election systems or attempts at such, no evidence that this was even the Russians.




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