So what will a Hillary 8 year term bring?


A Leftist supreme court that would overturn Heller and McDonald, allowing places like NYC, Chicago and D.C. to ban ownership of most firearms by private citizens.

More deficit

More expansion of executive power.

More feel good smarmy culture war crap.

Less freedom of speech and religion for those defined as "meanies".
Lots of right-wing paranoia. Oh look, it's already starting...
I doubt the old hag has eight years left in her...she's at death's door now....if there truly is a God in Heaven.....
I doubt the old hag has eight years left in her...she's at death's door now....if there truly is a God in Heaven.....
There isn't a heaven or a god --- fairy tales naive and gullible idiots believe in --- so as much as you wish your nonexistent entity who lives in the clouds would cause her death, it isn't going to happen. Much to your chagrin, she will be the POTUS for the next 8 years.
Much to your chagrin, she will be the POTUS for the next 8 years.

Hey vor

Lots of right-wing paranoia. Oh look, it's already starting...

So if Heller and Mcdonald are overturned, you don't think Chicago and D.C will re-enact their handgun bans?

Hell, DC is already trying and has a new case working its way through the courts arguing that their new ban is unconstitutional.

I think they are fighting more about CCW than ownership, but they are doing the same thing NYC does in both cases, i.e. make the process so long and so costly that it deters people from even trying.

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