So What Will Be The First Question Asked Of Christine Ford. Any Predictions If There Is A Hearing?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:
What were you doing at a drinking party with 2 boys in a bedroom?
What were you doing in the bedroom that you couldn't have done in front of the whole crowd?
Did you really say that someone needed to accuse a different nominee of rape or something?
What were you doing at a drinking party with 2 boys in a bedroom?
What were you doing in the bedroom that you couldn't have done in front of the whole crowd?
Did you really say that someone needed to accuse a different nominee of rape or something?
someone should ask her if she remembers what year she graduated from high school. she will probably pause to recollect
Yea do yo go by Drunk Ford whore or Doctor Ford?

Trey Gowdy should ask her,, "Miss Ford, have you ever heard of this infamous fictional character of who's name was "Sargaent Schultz"?
i still havent come up with a question I would like to ask her first.
"You claim in your yearbook to have had 61 male sex partners between your junior year and your first year college. Please explain how you were not a slut, and how you could have possibly said no to Judge Kavanaugh had he accosted you in any way."
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.
hey, wasnt there some very unnattractive old and senile liberal woman who ran for president in 2016, yet she never seem to recall anything that had happened in her previous 70 years? Hmm, what was her name again? I forgot.
"You claim in your yearbook to have had 61 male sex partners between your junior year and your first year college. Please explain how you were not a slut, and how you could have possibly said no to Judge Kavanaugh had he accosted you in any way."
Did she really say that?
If you're afraid of flying, how did you get to your intern job in Honolulu Hawaii?
The first question she will be asked is ..

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ... so help you G-d?"

Anything else she says after that will depend on how seriously she takes the first question.
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:
Thank you for your courage, Professor Ford.

Where were you on the night of June 25, 2018...

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