So What Will The Obama's And Hillary Recommend We Discuss This Thanksgiving?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:lame2::slap: And who did the Obama's think they were telling us what we need to discuss at the dinner table last time around? "All Americans Need To Discuss The Need To Buy Obama-Care Whether They Can Afford It Or Not". That was pretty much their suggestion at one time.
So can you just imagine if they try to pull this stunt again?
You can almost predict it.
Michelle: This year at your Thanksgiving Dinner table, everyone needs to discuss how we need to stop feeding our children Macaroni&Cheese, Pizza, Fast Food and Hot Pockets.

Hillary: When all of us Americans sit down for their Thanksgiving dinner, we all need to discuss why we all need to vote for me in 2016 because I am the only candidate that will fight for the rights of "Men Who Feel Like Women" and deserve the right to use the ladies room !!!

President Obama: When all of you "Folks" sit down for Thanksgiving Dinner, I am ordering all of you to discuss your hatred of the GOP because they are all racists, and god forbid we nominate a Republican in 2016 of whom will only collapse the economy that I have brought back from the brink of misery and doom !!!:cranky:
I think what they really want us to talk about is how great they are.
How we should welcome thousands from overseas, cause it worked out so well for the native americans that we should take our lead from them and hope for a nice casino for christmas.

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I think what they really want us to talk about is how great they are.
Michelle: At dis tanxgibbing, weze all need to talk about how weze need to stop making fun of dose people with big butts, talk funny, dont look like us, and run around telling others dat dey have to buy Obama-Care!
In most families we talk about what we are grateful for, we have a lot to be grateful for...for instance :
We are thankful that Romney didn't win in the last campaign. With him as president we would be sitting under the Top 1% porches for Thanksgiving scraps and bark.

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In most families we talk about what we are grateful for, we have a lot to be grateful for...for instance :
We are thankful that Romney didn't win in the last campaign. We would all have to sit under the Top 1% porches for Thanksgiving scraps and bark.

View attachment 55287
Romney would of told all of us to discuss how we should all tie our pets to the tops of our cars and hit the highway doing 85mph for 2 hours.
In most families we talk about what we are grateful for, we have a lot to be grateful for...for instance :
We are thankful that Romney didn't win in the last campaign. We would all have to sit under the Top 1% porches for Thanksgiving scraps and bark.

View attachment 55287

And yet the 1 percent have done very well under Obama.
In most families we talk about what we are grateful for, we have a lot to be grateful for...for instance :
We are thankful that Romney didn't win in the last campaign. We would all have to sit under the Top 1% porches for Thanksgiving scraps and bark.

View attachment 55287
Romney would of told all of us to discuss how we should all tie our pets to the tops of our cars and hit the highway doing 85mph for 2 hours.

Were any animals hurt in the telling of you BS story?
In most families we talk about what we are grateful for, we have a lot to be grateful for...for instance :
We are thankful that Romney didn't win in the last campaign. We would all have to sit under the Top 1% porches for Thanksgiving scraps and bark.

View attachment 55287
Romney would of told all of us to discuss how we should all tie our pets to the tops of our cars and hit the highway doing 85mph for 2 hours.

Were any animals hurt in the telling of you BS story?

Obama: All of us proud Americans living in all of the 58 states should be thankful Romney didnt win in 2012, because if we had a President Romney, real unemployment would of been closer to 40 per-cent, he would of doubled the national debt, and by this time, we would of been at war with muslim terrorists! but thanks to me, the world is AT PEACE !!!
Obama: All of us proud Americans living in all of the 58 states should be thankful Romney didnt win in 2012, because if we had a President Romney, real unemployment would of been closer to 40 per-cent, he would of doubled the national debt, and by this time, we would of been at war with muslim terrorists! but thanks to me, the world is AT PEACE !!!

Like when Bush was president?
Joyce Bearface: I think that all Americans should discuss this happy 2014 Thanksgiving just how wonderful our Nople Peace Prize winner President has handled all of the domestic and national crises of which he has successfully fixed! Like Obama-Care and 50 Million Jobs he created,
Aren't you glad that they are telling us what we should be talking about? Who are we to decide that for ourselves. It is just our own bodies so why should we talk about what we want to talk about. Let's listen to the politicians. They already do a good job of running the government so why can't they run our lives? It is just logical. Let the elite tell us what to do for the holidays. I would never tolerate this from a corporate CEO but a government official. Let's do this! Let's submit to our masters! Worship them with glee! Bow bow gravel gravel and get that nose to the ground bevause we are all equals...wait. This see,s to be contradictory...oh well. Liberals don't need to be coherent. We just need to bow
I wonder what Bruce Jenner reccomend we all discuss. lol

Advances in plastic surgery. Now no turkey need suffer such a neck.....
Bruce Jenner: Its time for America to discuss how we are now a nation of "Tri-Sexual Americans" ,, whereas every man, woman, or that other new gender has the right to feel like any of the current three genders therefore also have the right to use any public restroom that they please. Including girls and boys locker rooms
*The White House Wants Us All To Talk Gun Control This Thanksgiving*

Personally, I would prefer to discuss the ACTUAL CORE issue of gun violence by addressing with family, friends and neighbors America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, *Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood with *Safe Streets* to travel and play on,

*Child Abuse and Neglect* that is primarily responsible for populating our prisons with depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

*Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect* that often leads depressed, sometimes suicidal *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* children to develop into depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy and compassion for others, though needing to vent their pent up negative emotions, often causing emotional and physical harm to peaceful people...instead of venting their anger, resentment and pain on the immature single moms and/or dads who introduced them to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsibly building a family before acquiring the practical skills, *PATIENCE* and means to successfully raise and nurture a developing young child who matures into a fairly happy responsible teen and adult with mostly fond memories of their childhood.

NY Times - *"Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers"* By SABRINA TAVERNISE MAY 18, 2015

Who or what is responsible for traumatizing, abusing, neglecting, maltreating children to the point where depressed young kids, we're talking elementary school children, to believe their lives are not worth living?

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, "What real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the *emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?"*

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

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