So What's All This 'CIA-Worship' About??...


Haiti — The U.S. military helps "Papa Doc" Duvalier become dictator of Haiti. He creates his own private police force, the "Tonton Macoutes," who terrorize the population with machetes. They will kill over 100,000 during the Duvalier family reign. The U.S. does not protest their dismal human rights record.


The Bay of Pigs — The CIA sends 1,500 Cuban exiles to invade Castro’s Cuba. But "Operation Mongoose" fails, due to poor planning, security and backing. The planners had imagined that the invasion will spark a popular uprising against Castro -– which never happens. A promised American air strike also never occurs. This is the CIA’s first public setback, causing President Kennedy to fire CIA Director Allen Dulles...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.

The problem is that there are elements within our government that are subversive, globalist... Sellouts who don't care about the Constitution and the principles this country is supposed to stand for. True patriots understand that, and understand that there's a difference between siding with America, and siding with a corrupt government.
Let's deal with one crisis at a time, shall we? It is totally clear what this CIA slamming is about. I do not like some of the subversive and globalist, greedy and arrogant self interested things our government has done in the past, but the intelligence services did NOT think it up all on their own. And you can remind me of every past sin that they have committed and I will STILL believe that the Russians hacked the DNC server and John Podesta's emails and that they infested social media in a propaganda campaign to help Trump get elected. I don't know that they are why he won, but they tried.
Simple, shrimple, I do not believe Putin here.
Is where I stand clear now?

The CIA and friends have been behind every "regime change" plot planet wide, and it has never really worked successfully.

What's that thing next to the UN in NY? They're involved, too. Just look at the post above this one. That's the truth. Fuck the CIA.
why do you stoop that level? Do you really believe that an american citizen prefers Russia? Really, I'm asking seriously why do you wish to embark in battle on such stupidity? It only shows you the fool.

And old lady, can you tell us what russia did?

If you think me asking makes me a russian spy, you're a fking nutjob.

BTW, if I were a russian spy and russia indeed do something, don't you think I'd know and wouldn't need to ask you? can't make this shit up I tell you.
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.

Most of my Democrat friends have always been extremely critical of the CIA. And they had good reason to be so critical. But now, i'm finding those same friends have become the CIA's most loyal Bootlickers. So is that only about getting Trump? Just wondering.
I think in any democracy the people have a right to voice their unhappiness with what the government, including their spooks, is doing. However, given the choice you are establishing here, between trusting the CIA and Putin, most Americans will choose the CIA. I do not find that strange. I'm not sure why you do.

I don't trust either. The CIA is not your friend.
Trust but verify? Mueller has provided details. Still not convinced?

Always question the CIA. It lies.
John Brennan was running the CIA while information was developed that Trump is now expected to rely on. I wouldn't rely on it and he shouldn't.

But, this explain why the Democrats now love the CIA.

Yeah, it's so crazy. The CIA is the last entity on this earth folks should be worshipping.
Yeah, so let's suck up to Vladimir Putin instead. He is immensely more trustworthy and believable.
why do you stoop that level? Do you really believe that an american citizen prefers Russia? Really, I'm asking seriously why do you wish to embark in battle on such stupidity? It only shows you the fool.

And old lady, can you tell us what russia did?

If you think me asking makes me a russian spy, you're a fking nutjob.

BTW, if I were a russian spy and russia indeed do something, don't you think I'd know and wouldn't need to ask you? can't make this shit up I tell you.
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.
Poll Finds 71 Percent of Republicans Approve of Trump’s Handling of Russia, Even After Helsinki

there will always be a few who hate everything. esp if "the other side" is doing it. but that does not make the few the majority. you seem to be implying the republican party as a whole hated what trump did.

not the case.

i'd ask for links to your sources but that has never ended well for us. you get mad and claim i'm being unreasonable and go ignore me for another month or so.
Distrust of the intelligence community was not in modern Conservatism until a few months ago. Support for tariffs and isolationist trade plicymwas not in Conservatism until a few months ago. Huge spending bills and massive deficits were not in Conservatism until a few months ago. Support for and championing Putin and Russia was not in Conservatism until,a few months ago. Considering the press to be the enemy of the people was not in Conservatism until a few months ago.

What put all these new bones into the Conservative soup?

Donald J. Trump and his trunk full of showmanship.
------------------------------------- GO Trump . Can't reply to all your examples . But for years and years i have not liked how the Republicans have been steering the USA , same for the DEMS . Its my fault because up until about 2004 i believed that republican were Conservative but they are not . Thats especially true under the 'bush's' Nosmo . Anyway --- GO Trump !!
So tariffs, isolationist foreign policy, trashing out allies and supporting our enemies, spending more and increasing the deficit and national debt, tearing up families on the border, cheering on White Supremacists, vilifying the press and generally dividing American from American is your cup of political tea?

Governing from fear, hatred, suspicious n and division is a wonderful and winnng way to govern?

What makes you think a majority of Americans will go along with Trump and his incompetence?

Not everyone is a leftist loon shill like you Nosmo, sorry. :itsok:
I fail to see the upside of Trump. He is a clown who merrily ravages our allies, values, trust and beliefs. I fail to see the appeal.

But, then again, I fail to see the appeal of demolition derbies, professional wrestling, country music, tattoos and low brow culture. I equate Trump and his lemming like supporters with low brow thinking.
I fail to see the upside of Trump. He is a clown who merrily ravages our allies, values, trust and beliefs. I fail to see the appeal.

But, then again, I fail to see the appeal of demolition derbies, professional wrestling, country music, tattoos and low brow culture. I equate Trump and his lemming like supporters with low brow thinking.

Then again, you have TDS blinders on, and an IQ below 100. :spinner:
John Brennan was running the CIA while information was developed that Trump is now expected to rely on. I wouldn't rely on it and he shouldn't.

But, this explain why the Democrats now love the CIA.

Yeah, it's so crazy. The CIA is the last entity on this earth folks should be worshipping.
Yeah, so let's suck up to Vladimir Putin instead. He is immensely more trustworthy and believable.
why do you stoop that level? Do you really believe that an american citizen prefers Russia? Really, I'm asking seriously why do you wish to embark in battle on such stupidity? It only shows you the fool.

And old lady, can you tell us what russia did?

If you think me asking makes me a russian spy, you're a fking nutjob.

BTW, if I were a russian spy and russia indeed do something, don't you think I'd know and wouldn't need to ask you? can't make this shit up I tell you.
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.
Poll Finds 71 Percent of Republicans Approve of Trump’s Handling of Russia, Even After Helsinki

there will always be a few who hate everything. esp if "the other side" is doing it. but that does not make the few the majority. you seem to be implying the republican party as a whole hated what trump did.

not the case.

i'd ask for links to your sources but that has never ended well for us. you get mad and claim i'm being unreasonable and go ignore me for another month or so.

Neocon Republicans are the ones attacking Trump for meeting with Putin. They're always up for starting another war. But many other Republicans are fine with talking with Russia. Nothing wrong with peaceful dialogue.
John Brennan was running the CIA while information was developed that Trump is now expected to rely on. I wouldn't rely on it and he shouldn't.

But, this explain why the Democrats now love the CIA.

Yeah, it's so crazy. The CIA is the last entity on this earth folks should be worshipping.
Yeah, so let's suck up to Vladimir Putin instead. He is immensely more trustworthy and believable.
why do you stoop that level? Do you really believe that an american citizen prefers Russia? Really, I'm asking seriously why do you wish to embark in battle on such stupidity? It only shows you the fool.

And old lady, can you tell us what russia did?

If you think me asking makes me a russian spy, you're a fking nutjob.

BTW, if I were a russian spy and russia indeed do something, don't you think I'd know and wouldn't need to ask you? can't make this shit up I tell you.
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.
Poll Finds 71 Percent of Republicans Approve of Trump’s Handling of Russia, Even After Helsinki

there will always be a few who hate everything. esp if "the other side" is doing it. but that does not make the few the majority. you seem to be implying the republican party as a whole hated what trump did.

not the case.

i'd ask for links to your sources but that has never ended well for us. you get mad and claim i'm being unreasonable and go ignore me for another month or so.
If you wouldn't bring up that big chip on your shoulder every goddamned time, I wouldn't bring it up.

Regardless, yes, now in day three after the abysmal performance in Helsinki, the President's men have done their clean up in aisle 4, Fox is running vids of every time Trump has agreed that Russia interfered with the election since 2016, AND the Republicans are free to go back to kissing his ass.
I have said since this started that the average American, Democrat or Republican, may have heard a little about this whole thing but the take away--that the Pres once again said he didn't believe the Russians did anything--is not a news flash. Now it's all back tracked and the thing is fading away fast.
Bring in the next crisis, please.
John Brennan was running the CIA while information was developed that Trump is now expected to rely on. I wouldn't rely on it and he shouldn't.

But, this explain why the Democrats now love the CIA.

The same John Brennan that hand delivered the dossier to Chuck Schumer's office, knowing it was unverified? The same dick that insists everyone vote Democrat? Yeah... not a lot of faith in anything he says or does.
I find is to so sad and shocking, so many are now kneeling to lick CIA boots. They should be supporting abolishing the CIA instead.

The Bay of Pigs — The CIA sends 1,500 Cuban exiles to invade Castro’s Cuba. But "Operation Mongoose" fails, due to poor planning, security and backing. The planners had imagined that the invasion will spark a popular uprising against Castro -– which never happens. A promised American air strike also never occurs. This is the CIA’s first public setback, causing President Kennedy to fire CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Dominican Republic — The CIA assassinates Rafael Trujillo, a murderous dictator Washington has supported since 1930. Trujillo’s business interests have grown so large (about 60 percent of the economy) that they have begun competing with American business interests.

Ecuador — The CIA-backed military forces the democratically elected President Jose Velasco to resign. Vice President Carlos Arosemana replaces him; the CIA fills the now vacant vice presidency with its own man.

Congo (Zaire) — The CIA assassinates the democratically elected Patrice Lumumba. However, public support for Lumumba’s politics runs so high that the CIA cannot clearly install his opponents in power. Four years of political turmoil follow...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Yeah, it's so crazy. The CIA is the last entity on this earth folks should be worshipping.
Yeah, so let's suck up to Vladimir Putin instead. He is immensely more trustworthy and believable.
why do you stoop that level? Do you really believe that an american citizen prefers Russia? Really, I'm asking seriously why do you wish to embark in battle on such stupidity? It only shows you the fool.

And old lady, can you tell us what russia did?

If you think me asking makes me a russian spy, you're a fking nutjob.

BTW, if I were a russian spy and russia indeed do something, don't you think I'd know and wouldn't need to ask you? can't make this shit up I tell you.
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.
Poll Finds 71 Percent of Republicans Approve of Trump’s Handling of Russia, Even After Helsinki

there will always be a few who hate everything. esp if "the other side" is doing it. but that does not make the few the majority. you seem to be implying the republican party as a whole hated what trump did.

not the case.

i'd ask for links to your sources but that has never ended well for us. you get mad and claim i'm being unreasonable and go ignore me for another month or so.
If you wouldn't bring up that big chip on your shoulder every goddamned time, I wouldn't bring it up.

Regardless, yes, now in day three after the abysmal performance in Helsinki, the President's men have done their clean up in aisle 4, Fox is running vids of every time Trump has agreed that Russia interfered with the election since 2016, AND the Republicans are free to go back to kissing his ass.
I have said since this started that the average American, Democrat or Republican, may have heard a little about this whole thing but the take away--that the Pres once again said he didn't believe the Russians did anything--is not a news flash. Now it's all back tracked and the thing is fading away fast.
Bring in the next crisis, please.
first - i seldom bring a chip with me. you do tend to hand them out during conversations, however.

as for bring on the next crisis - let me know when the libs decide what that should be. they have them by the day.

Dominican Republic — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Juan Bosch in a military coup. The CIA installs a repressive, right-wing junta.

Ecuador — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows President Arosemana, whose independent (not socialist) policies have become unacceptable to Washington. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
I fail to see the upside of Trump. He is a clown who merrily ravages our allies, values, trust and beliefs. I fail to see the appeal.

But, then again, I fail to see the appeal of demolition derbies, professional wrestling, country music, tattoos and low brow culture. I equate Trump and his lemming like supporters with low brow thinking.

Then again, you have TDS blinders on, and an IQ below 100. :spinner:
That's what amounts to an argument? With bars set that low, is it any wonder you would support the huckster buffoon?
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.

The problem is that there are elements within our government that are subversive, globalist... Sellouts who don't care about the Constitution and the principles this country is supposed to stand for. True patriots understand that, and understand that there's a difference between siding with America, and siding with a corrupt government.
Let's deal with one crisis at a time, shall we? It is totally clear what this CIA slamming is about. I do not like some of the subversive and globalist, greedy and arrogant self interested things our government has done in the past, but the intelligence services did NOT think it up all on their own. And you can remind me of every past sin that they have committed and I will STILL believe that the Russians hacked the DNC server and John Podesta's emails and that they infested social media in a propaganda campaign to help Trump get elected. I don't know that they are why he won, but they tried.
Simple, shrimple, I do not believe Putin here.
Is where I stand clear now?
well you would be wrong. because dear you haven't seen evidence it happened. If you didn't know, Podesta's email was phised, not hacked. different thing.
here some help to learn the difference.

"6 Common Phishing Attacks and How to Protect Against Them
  • Deceptive Phishing. The most common type of phishing scam, deceptive phishing refers to any attack by which fraudsters impersonate a legitimate company and attempt to steal people's personal information or login credentials. ...
  • Spear Phishing. ...
  • CEO Fraud. ...
  • Pharming. ...
  • Dropbox Phishing. ...
  • Google Docs Phishing."
From Google.

BTW, have I ever told you you ain't got a clue?

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