So What's All This 'CIA-Worship' About??...


Brazil — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart. The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history. General Castelo Branco will create Latin America’s first death squads, or bands of secret police who hunt down "communists" for torture, interrogation and murder. Often these "communists" are no more than Branco’s political opponents. Later it is revealed that the CIA trains the death squads...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
why do you stoop that level? Do you really believe that an american citizen prefers Russia? Really, I'm asking seriously why do you wish to embark in battle on such stupidity? It only shows you the fool.

And old lady, can you tell us what russia did?

If you think me asking makes me a russian spy, you're a fking nutjob.

BTW, if I were a russian spy and russia indeed do something, don't you think I'd know and wouldn't need to ask you? can't make this shit up I tell you.
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.

Most of my Democrat friends have always been extremely critical of the CIA. And they had good reason to be so critical. But now, i'm finding those same friends have become the CIA's most loyal Bootlickers. So is that only about getting Trump? Just wondering.
I think in any democracy the people have a right to voice their unhappiness with what the government, including their spooks, is doing. However, given the choice you are establishing here, between trusting the CIA and Putin, most Americans will choose the CIA. I do not find that strange. I'm not sure why you do.

I don't trust either. The CIA is not your friend.
Trust but verify? Mueller has provided details. Still not convinced?
mueller provided details of what? you have a personal relationship with him? he hasn't shown anything. so what details did you get from him?

Indonesia — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Sukarno with a military coup. The CIA has been trying to eliminate Sukarno since 1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue, for nothing more than his declaring neutrality in the Cold War. His successor, General Suharto, will massacre between 500,000 to 1 million civilians accused of being "communist." The CIA supplies the names of countless suspects...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.

Most of my Democrat friends have always been extremely critical of the CIA. And they had good reason to be so critical. But now, i'm finding those same friends have become the CIA's most loyal Bootlickers. So is that only about getting Trump? Just wondering.
I think in any democracy the people have a right to voice their unhappiness with what the government, including their spooks, is doing. However, given the choice you are establishing here, between trusting the CIA and Putin, most Americans will choose the CIA. I do not find that strange. I'm not sure why you do.

I don't trust either. The CIA is not your friend.
Trust but verify? Mueller has provided details. Still not convinced?

Always question the CIA. It lies.
it's their preferred mode of operation. nothing they do is done factually.
Yeah, it's so crazy. The CIA is the last entity on this earth folks should be worshipping.
Yeah, so let's suck up to Vladimir Putin instead. He is immensely more trustworthy and believable.
why do you stoop that level? Do you really believe that an american citizen prefers Russia? Really, I'm asking seriously why do you wish to embark in battle on such stupidity? It only shows you the fool.

And old lady, can you tell us what russia did?

If you think me asking makes me a russian spy, you're a fking nutjob.

BTW, if I were a russian spy and russia indeed do something, don't you think I'd know and wouldn't need to ask you? can't make this shit up I tell you.
Stoop to what level? The OP's premise is that the left is "worshiping" the CIA because we believe their claims of Russian interference over Putin's denials. The left is also not screeching and writhing on the ground because two ex CIA heads criticized what even Republicans admitted was a joke of a performance in Helsinki. To use one of Trump's own expressions, he faced Putin and he choked.
I'm not stooping anywhere. The OP gave me two choices. I choose America.
Poll Finds 71 Percent of Republicans Approve of Trump’s Handling of Russia, Even After Helsinki

there will always be a few who hate everything. esp if "the other side" is doing it. but that does not make the few the majority. you seem to be implying the republican party as a whole hated what trump did.

not the case.

i'd ask for links to your sources but that has never ended well for us. you get mad and claim i'm being unreasonable and go ignore me for another month or so.
If you wouldn't bring up that big chip on your shoulder every goddamned time, I wouldn't bring it up.

Regardless, yes, now in day three after the abysmal performance in Helsinki, the President's men have done their clean up in aisle 4, Fox is running vids of every time Trump has agreed that Russia interfered with the election since 2016, AND the Republicans are free to go back to kissing his ass.
I have said since this started that the average American, Democrat or Republican, may have heard a little about this whole thing but the take away--that the Pres once again said he didn't believe the Russians did anything--is not a news flash. Now it's all back tracked and the thing is fading away fast.
Bring in the next crisis, please.
old lady, why can't you tell us what russia did? will you be shot or something if you do? really, I don't understand the avoidance to the fairly basic question.
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
to discuss what exactly?

Indonesia — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Sukarno with a military coup. The CIA has been trying to eliminate Sukarno since 1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue, for nothing more than his declaring neutrality in the Cold War. His successor, General Suharto, will massacre between 500,000 to 1 million civilians accused of being "communist." The CIA supplies the names of countless suspects.

Dominican Republic — A popular rebellion breaks out, promising to reinstall Juan Bosch as the country’s elected leader. The revolution is crushed when U.S. Marines land to uphold the military regime by force. The CIA directs everything behind the scenes.

Greece — With the CIA’s backing, the king removes George Papandreous as prime minister. Papandreous has failed to vigorously support U.S. interests in Greece.

Congo (Zaire) — A CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko as dictator. The hated and repressive Mobutu exploits his desperately poor country for billions...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
to discuss what exactly?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe why his son, son-in-law, campaign manager, foreign policy advisor and others had so many meetings with Russians!
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
to discuss what exactly?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe why his son, son-in-law, campaign manager, foreign policy advisor and others had so many meetings with Russians!
is that illegal?

BTW, tell me law they broke.
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
to discuss what exactly?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe why his son, son-in-law, campaign manager, foreign policy advisor and others had so many meetings with Russians!

Hillary Clinton actually paid a British National and Russians to produce a phony dossier on Trump. So if we're gonna talk 'Collusion', Clinton will have to be prosecuted as well.
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
You got a point there.
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
to discuss what exactly?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe why his son, son-in-law, campaign manager, foreign policy advisor and others had so many meetings with Russians!
is that illegal?

Collusion isn't a crime. If it were, Clinton and Obama would be in prison right now. That's why Mueller has continuously moved the goal posts on the 'investigation.' Now it's all about 'Obstruction', or whatever. It is a shady Witch Hunt. Time to wrap it up.
The CIA is possibly the most evil entity on this planet. It's responsible for most of the carnage mayhem we see around the world. From violently overthrowing Democratically-Elected Governments, to starting numerous wars over several decades. It's been committing mass-murder for years.

So what is all this 'Worship' about? For instance, most Democrats i've ever talked to, were always vehemently Anti-CIA. Yet now they've suddenly become the most loyal CIA Bootlickers. So why the dramatic Flip-Flop? I'm really interested in hearing what folks think about this sudden 'CIA-Worship' craze. Because i find it both fascinating and disturbing. Anyway, feel free to weigh in. Thanks.

You must work for the Russian Federation and Putin or at least desire too.
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
You got a point there.
what would they discuss? Got to have an agenda, the president has asked. Mueller never told him. why? It seems Mueller backed out.
The CIA is possibly the most evil entity on this planet. It's responsible for most of the carnage mayhem we see around the world. From violently overthrowing Democratically-Elected Governments, to starting numerous wars over several decades. It's been committing mass-murder for years.

So what is all this 'Worship' about? For instance, most Democrats i've ever talked to, were always vehemently Anti-CIA. Yet now they've suddenly become the most loyal CIA Bootlickers. So why the dramatic Flip-Flop? I'm really interested in hearing what folks think about this sudden 'CIA-Worship' craze. Because i find it both fascinating and disturbing. Anyway, feel free to weigh in. Thanks.

You must work for the Russian Federation and Putin or at least desire too.

Real weak, kid. :cuckoo:
The problem with all revisionist history threads is they tend to ignore the possibilities of a Stalinist or Maoist govt. NK and Cambodia may be instructive.

But in the end, we just don't know.

The 2016-18 era doesn't have a lot in common with then. Today democracy is an ideal that if pretty universally supported. I was no fan of Reagan's campaign against the Sandanistas because I didn't see the goal as opposition to totalitarianism, but I notice Danny Ortega is having some trouble letting go of power.
Who but sycophants can possibly trust Trump? He is forced by smarter advisors to walk back his mistakes.

If you idiots can trust Trump to meet privately with the likes of Putin and Kim, why can't Trump be trusted to sit down with Robert Mueller?
to discuss what exactly?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe why his son, son-in-law, campaign manager, foreign policy advisor and others had so many meetings with Russians!
is that illegal?

Collusion isn't a crime. If it were, Clinton and Obama would be in prison right now. That's why Mueller has continuously moved the goal posts on the 'investigation.' Now it's all about 'Obstruction', or whatever. It is a shady Witch Hunt. Time to wrap it up.
I know. Just so you know, I'm disappointed in all of my conservative friends in here for not asking these whiney ass leftists what russia did. should be asked on every post related to russia. every one.

The Ramparts Affair — The radical magazine Ramparts begins a series of unprecedented anti-CIA articles. Among their scoops: the CIA has paid the University of Michigan $25 million dollars to hire "professors" to train South Vietnamese students in covert police methods. MIT and other universities have received similar payments. Ramparts also reveals that the National Students’ Association is a CIA front. Students are sometimes recruited through blackmail and bribery, including draft deferments...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

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