So What's All This 'CIA-Worship' About??...

John Brennan was running the CIA while information was developed that Trump is now expected to rely on. I wouldn't rely on it and he shouldn't.

But, this explain why the Democrats now love the CIA.

Yeah, it's so crazy. The CIA is the last entity on this earth folks should be worshipping.
Yeah, so let's suck up to Vladimir Putin instead. He is immensely more trustworthy and believable.

Nobody's "sucking up" to Putin.
Are folks really sure they should trust the CIA?...

Tuskegee syphilis experiment
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A doctor draws blood from one of the Tuskegee test subjects.

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, also known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study or Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (/tʌsˈkiːɡiː/ tus-KEE-ghee)[1] was an infamous, unethical, and malicious clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service. The purpose of this study was to observe the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African-American men in Alabama under the guise of receiving free health care from the United States government.[1] The study was conducted to understand the disease's natural history throughout time and to also determine proper treatment dosage for specific people and the best time to receive injections of treatments.[2]

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia
I thought your beef was with the CIA. This is about the US Public Health Service.
You just going full anti-American government today or what?

I freely admit i'm Anti-CIA. I don't get the sudden rush to worship.

I hope they can't track ya. :aargh:

Thought the CIA wasn't supposed to act domestically. Oh well, another lie most of the sheep ate up. It can and does track Citizens domestically.
I have some good Democrat friends, and they've always been extremely critical of the CIA. They've always been quick to point out all its evils. Yet now, they've suddenly become its most loyal Bootlickers. Is it just about getting Trump?
you headline says it all

So What's All This 'CIA-Worship' About??...
True American patriots side with American intel agencies over the Kremlin

True American patriots side with Americans over the CIA, bubba.

I happen to know some that do that have superior fighting skills, as well.

The best, I wouldn't want to fight these guys. I know 4 of them.

They can kill you with knives, guns, make an accident, it don't matter. Improvise, adapt, overcome.
John Brennan was running the CIA while information was developed that Trump is now expected to rely on. I wouldn't rely on it and he shouldn't.

But, this explain why the Democrats now love the CIA.

Yeah, it's so crazy. The CIA is the last entity on this earth folks should be worshipping.
Yeah, so let's suck up to Vladimir Putin instead. He is immensely more trustworthy and believable.

John Brennan or Vlad Putin.

Both are Liars and worse. One has constantly endeavored to undermine his Country; the other, at least fights for his.

I didn't hear the OP singling out John Brennan. Hell, he's talking about the US Public Health Service, anyway.

The culture we lost — Secretary of State Henry Stimson refuses to endorse a code-breaking operation, saying, "Gentlemen do not read each other’s mail."


COI created — In preparation for World War II, President Roosevelt creates the Office of Coordinator of Information (COI). General William "Wild Bill" Donovan heads the new intelligence service.


OSS created — Roosevelt restructures COI into something more suitable for covert action, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan recruits so many of the nation’s rich and powerful that eventually people joke that "OSS" stands for "Oh, so social!" or "Oh, such snobs!"


Italy — Donovan recruits the Catholic Church in Rome to be the center of Anglo-American spy operations in Fascist Italy. This would prove to be one of America’s most enduring intelligence alliances in the Cold War...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
So What's All This 'CIA-Worship' About??...

The CIA, still led (publicly) by treasonous drum-beating, proven Perjurer Brennan continues to carry out their part in the Obama administration Conspiracy against Trump, continuing to push their unproven narrative (after 3 years) against the President.

Brennan is giving the 15 - 20% of butt-hurt Trump-Hating, election results-rejecting snowflakes what they want to hear....just none of the evidence to support their narrative.
The CIA was fine until Trump.
Now it's below Putin on the depth chart. Incredible.
No, the CIA was never 'Fine.' It's been evil for many many years.
Perhaps you can provide a post of yours that said that before Trump was running.

I don't worship the CIA. Never have, never will. It represents evil.
I know, that's the talking point now.

Not just a 'Talking Point' for me. I truly don't understand this sudden CIA-Worship craze. Especially coming from Democrats. Is it really just about getting Trump?
i don't go back to syphlis experiments as thats just old news to me . The reasons i am interested in the CIA is because i hear that CIA Chief Brennan voted for a communist in 1976 and that a current event to me . As a Rumor I also hear that he is a converted muslim which is said to have happened when he was in Saudi Arabia . --------- Hayden is an ex CIA Chief that works for gun control being imposed on Americans through the Giffords gun control group . Hayden is also pro immigration so thats all i need to be wary of CIA Mac .
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OSS is abolished — The remaining American information agencies cease covert actions and return to harmless information gathering and analysis.

Operation PAPERCLIP – While other American agencies are hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest, the U.S. intelligence community is smuggling them into America, unpunished, for their use against the Soviets. The most important of these is Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. With full U.S. blessing, he creates the "Gehlen Organization," a band of refugee Nazi spies who reactivate their networks in Russia. These include SS intelligence officers Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg (who massacred Jews in the Holocaust), Klaus Barbie (the "Butcher of Lyon"), Otto von Bolschwing (the Holocaust mastermind who worked with Eichmann) and SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny (a personal friend of Hitler’s). The Gehlen Organization supplies the U.S. with its only intelligence on the Soviet Union for the next ten years, serving as a bridge between the abolishment of the OSS and the creation of the CIA.

However, much of the "intelligence" the former Nazis provide is bogus. Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities at a time when Russia is still rebuilding its devastated society, in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans (who might otherwise punish him). In 1948, Gehlen almost convinces the Americans that war is imminent, and the West should make a preemptive strike. In the 50s he produces a fictitious "missile gap." To make matters worse, the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Gehlen Organization with double agents, undermining the very American security that Gehlen was supposed to protect.


Greece — President Truman requests military aid to Greece to support right-wing forces fighting communist rebels. For the rest of the Cold War, Washington and the CIA will back notorious Greek leaders with deplorable human rights records...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

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