So where are the headlines... MSM: "Hunter Biden to get $75,000 to $500,000..."

Lefties, lets say Eric Trump was doing exactly this same thing when his father was in office….now you have a problem with it, dont you.

That is called hypocrisy and every one of you is a lying bag of crap.
Lefties, lets say Eric Trump was doing exactly this same thing when his father was in office….now you have a problem with it, dont you.

That is called hypocrisy and every one of you is a lying bag of crap.
Did Eric who like Hunter was NEVER trained in painting begin selling paintings ?

Opinion: Biden White House sets aside ethics with handling of Hunter Biden artwork sales​

Does Joe Biden think he’s impervious to the almost-certain negative consequences of Hunter’s latest pay-to-play scheme?​

When White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about such creations possibly being used to mask influence-peddling, and buying access to the highest levels, her response was as ridiculous as it was laughable. While Hunter may be as qualified to be a professional artist as he is to serve as a well-paid corporate director, his latest shenanigan is raising hackles, even among Democrats, and was blasted by Republicans.
Indeed, when Adolf Hitler’s henchmen stole property from their Jewish victims, the Third Reich used artwork to launder such ill-gotten gains.
On July 9, Walter Shaub — who, during the Obama-Biden administration, headed the Office of Government Ethics — told CNN that what the White House is doing to allow Hunter to sell his art represents
“the perfect mechanism for funneling bribes” to Joe Biden.
Situations like this prove that lefties are hypocritical scum and should not be taken the least bit seriously.

Lefties cannot even say that Biden is senile. They are not allowed to say WHO the rich are and what their FAIR SHARE is. They cannot explain why they sre wearing masks and getting a vax that does not work.
Lefties, lets say Eric Trump was doing exactly this same thing when his father was in office….now you have a problem with it.
WTF? Nobody has ever even heard of Eric's painting. Trump's brazern conflicts of interests are too many for anyone to give a crap about small stuff like that.

Trump PERSONALLY AND DIRECTLY pocketed money all over the world while driving America's foreign policy.

He specifically admitted to have conflict of interest in Turkey due to his twin towers in Instambul and close relationship with Arduan. Bolton directly said that Trump's foreign policy towards Turkey is driven by personal financial interests.

And then SURPRISE! Trump backstabs our Kurdish allies and lets Turks run them over to EVERYONE's objection including Republicans.


This is just a small example of all the crazy shit that makes painting selling like a petty joke.
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We all know exactly what this is about.

Buying access.

Lefties, you are liars if you claim it is not possible,for anything untoward coming from this.

Fuck you liars.
Trump's remarks in 2015 make me wonder why the democrats wasted the next four years
and didn't make his own comments a battle cry? Was Nancy asleep at the wheel?
Robert Mueller too?
Or is it easier said than done to prove a crime linking Trump's holdings in Turkey
to Trump"s official policies in Turkey?
All the while, while democrats were impeaching Trump, I can't believe they found nothing there
they could make a case out of.

Must be a slow day for you.

So that's all water under the bridge (uncapitalized on water under the bridge).

Have you ever heard the phrase that was then...this in now?

And most significantly, regardless of what you say the shit Biden has this nation in is far, far greater
than any two bit complaints over a Turkish Trump business holding.
This is weak troll sauce. Very weak indeed.
A gallery owner who struck an arrangement to sell Hunter Biden's paintings says the individual pieces of art could go for anywhere from $75,000 to $500,000 each, The Washington Post reports.
White House officials came to an unprecedented agreement with the gallery that allows Hunter, President Joe Biden's eldest son, to earn a living from his art while not knowing who buys his paintings.

Who will be subsidizing Hunter folks? Democrat party? Bezos? Zuckerberg? Russians? Chinese?

Really... but the biggest issue is where is the MSM in this?
A google search of the news for Hunter Biden to get $75,000 to $500,000
1,150 news results.

Really? Where is the MSM? Hunter has never been an artist. Yet he will get $75,000 to $500,000 for his first painting?
Really? What is even more surprising is the acceptance by the MSM and idiots that believe the MSM!

What government job does Hunter Biden hold? He won't get sweet fuck all for his paintings unless someone offers to buy them.

Why didn't you go batshit crazy about all of the "gifts" President Xi gave to the Trump children? All those personal trade marks for Ivanka, and that $500 million loan for Junior? And they were working at the White House at the same time.
We all know exactly what this is about.

Buying access.

Lefties, you are liars if you claim it is not possible,for anything untoward coming from this.

Fuck you liars.

If you had said just one word about all off the corruption and self-dealing that went on during the Trump White House. The selling of access through initiation fees for Trump's golf club. All of the parties booked at the Trump Hotel Washington. I might believe that you have a real concern about this, but since you didn't say fuck all then, you saying ANYTHING about someone who doesn't even work for his father, just makes you sound like a partisan hack throwing dirt.
What government job does Hunter Biden hold? He won't get sweet fuck all for his paintings unless someone offers to buy them.

Why didn't you go batshit crazy about all of the "gifts" President Xi gave to the Trump children? All those personal trade marks for Ivanka, and that $500 million loan for Junior? And they were working at the White House at the same time.
Where is your proof? You just made that up ! Prove it! GEEZ why do you think YOU are so righteously always right?
That's the problem with people like you never prove it! I put up the statements I don't make them! Experts do! LINKS!
If you had said just one word about all off the corruption and self-dealing that went on during the Trump White House. The selling of access through initiation fees for Trump's golf club. All of the parties booked at the Trump Hotel Washington. I might believe that you have a real concern about this, but since you didn't say fuck all then, you saying ANYTHING about someone who doesn't even work for his father, just makes you sound like a partisan hack throwing dirt.
I just did a search for "Did any Trump kids get a $500 million loan" on Google ZERO. NOTHING ZILCH...
and you wrote:"...$500 million loan for Junior?:
NOT ONE result! So where did you get that totally erroneous statement or did YOU MAKE IT UP?
FACTS not your dumb ass subjective and totally errant statements!
We all know exactly what this is about.

Buying access.

...did you just seriously say that?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret - THE WHOLE WASHINGTON LIVES ON BOUGHT ACCESS.

With a generous enough donations you can 100% legaly buy your way to just about any politician's ear in Washington and possibly even land high level positions in administrations. Anyone not born yesterday knows that.

Trouble is, the trump agenda is for success by hook or crook, fair or foul, legal or illegal and the people that support trump in the party are willing to go along with anything in order to regain and keep power, as power is more important to them than constitution or historical precedent. Only an idiot would sacrifice or even take a chance on sacrificing democratically elected representative government under rule of law, set up by our present constitution that is about 245 years old. We decided to keep it, so we're keeping it. Screw trump and all the trumpers that don't want it.

Not one bit of crook, foul, or illegal. You just mouth what the globalists tell you on our government media. Remember the whole Putin's bitch bullshit? All crook, foul and illegal from the Democrats. They dug and dug for crook, foul or illegal and there was none. So, they created and paid for the lying bullshit you lapped up. Now we all get to pay for your gullibility.

Trump is a businessman who knows how to prosper and knew he could make our country prosper. And he did.
Elect him again so we can prosper again.
No Taiwan for China.
No pipeline for Russia.
No gouging by the UN.
No open borders.
No begging for oil.
Ivermectin to cure covid.
$1.75 for gas.
Energy independence.

^ let's do that again, you dumbass...
Not one bit of crook, foul, or illegal. You just mouth what the globalists tell you on our government media. Remember the whole Putin's bitch bullshit? All crook, foul and illegal from the Democrats. They dug and dug for crook, foul or illegal and there was none. So, they created and paid for the lying bullshit you lapped up. Now we all get to pay for your gullibility.

Trump is a businessman who knows how to prosper and knew he could make our country prosper. And he did.
Elect him again so we can prosper again.
No Taiwan for China.
No pipeline for Russia.
No gouging by the UN.
No open borders.
No begging for oil.
Ivermectin to cure covid.
$1.75 for gas.
Energy independence.

^ let's do that again, you dumbass...

No you stupid dotard, there is only one truth and that is that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are lying to you.

There are no globalist plots by the Democrats, but there is a plan by the Republicans and by the billionaire owned Republican media, to turn the United States into a white supremacist authoritarian dictatorship.

Trump is a total FAILURE as a businessman. 7 bankruptcies and over a billion dollars lost in the 1980's are both records by any American businessman. If not for money laundering for the Russians, Trump would have been broke and in jail years ago.

There are no "open borders" and those who advocated for invermectinn are scam artists. Those who took it to treat covid are mostly dead.

The rest is just post pandemic lies and bullshit you're still be sold.
Not one bit of crook, foul, or illegal. You just mouth what the globalists tell you on our government media. Remember the whole Putin's bitch bullshit? All crook, foul and illegal from the Democrats. They dug and dug for crook, foul or illegal and there was none. So, they created and paid for the lying bullshit you lapped up. Now we all get to pay for your gullibility.

Trump is a businessman who knows how to prosper and knew he could make our country prosper. And he did.
Elect him again so we can prosper again.
No Taiwan for China.
No pipeline for Russia.
No gouging by the UN.
No open borders.
No begging for oil.
Ivermectin to cure covid.
$1.75 for gas.
Energy independence.

^ let's do that again, you dumbass...
He's a con artist. Doesn't believe in the Constitution, even on the day he took and oath on a bible, not thinking much of that either, pretty much like the vows he took to all his wives. He does pay off well with hush money. He takes care of friends and associates until it is more convenient screw them over. He is popular with criminal, as he hired several and pardoned other criminal friends.

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