So where are the headlines... MSM: "Hunter Biden to get $75,000 to $500,000..."

I've been painting since the 5th grade and have talent too, I even went to art school on a scholarship. No one is offering me half a million for some paint squiggles. Another quid pro quo by the left, first it was Hillary selling favors to foreign countries and nights in the Lincoln bedroom for donations, and now the Bidens are selling art (and anything else they can) to buy favors from his administration.

Do democrats ever do anything which isn't overtly criminal?
Your charges are pure bologna, crap propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off scumbag pundits. Everything you know is wrong.
What the f does that have to do with comparing gasoline prices?

Are you just randomly chaning topics when left with nothing to say?
Trump totally screwed up the pandemic response so there were lock downs and the economy was screwed and that's why the gas prices went down, brainwashed functional moron.
Trump totally screwed up the pandemic response so there were lock downs and the economy was screwed and that's why the gas prices went down, brainwashed functional moron.
You are barking up the wrong tree buddy ;)
A gallery owner who struck an arrangement to sell Hunter Biden's paintings says the individual pieces of art could go for anywhere from $75,000 to $500,000 each, The Washington Post reports.
White House officials came to an unprecedented agreement with the gallery that allows Hunter, President Joe Biden's eldest son, to earn a living from his art while not knowing who buys his paintings.

Who will be subsidizing Hunter folks? Democrat party? Bezos? Zuckerberg? Russians? Chinese?

Really... but the biggest issue is where is the MSM in this?
A google search of the news for Hunter Biden to get $75,000 to $500,000
1,150 news results.

Really? Where is the MSM? Hunter has never been an artist. Yet he will get $75,000 to $500,000 for his first painting?
Really? What is even more surprising is the acceptance by the MSM and idiots that believe the MSM!
Why should we care about what he makes, has he ever been president no so move along.
Why should we care about what he makes, has he ever been president no so move along.
Oh wow! Well I'm not qualified as you evidently are with constitutional/criminal law but
here are what experts...not me have said about Hunter's selling Presidential influence under the guise of "art".

Federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings in China​

Investigators have been examining multiple financial issues, including whether Hunter Biden and his associates violated tax and money laundering laws in business dealings in foreign countries, principally China, according to two people briefed on the probe.

Hunter Biden paintings pose ethical challenge for president​

The White House has established an arrangement that would allow President Joe Biden’s son Hunter to sell his artwork for tens of thousands of dollars
without knowing the identity of the purchaser, an agreement established in attempt to avoid any potential ethical concerns surrounding his sales.
Under the arrangement, a private art gallery owner will set prices for his work and will handle all bidding and sales, but will not share any information about buyers or prospective buyers with Hunter or anyone in the administration. The deal was first reported by The Washington Post.

Really? Not me remember saying these things... I'm not making any of it up!
  • A new book coming out Tuesday alleges Bobulinski had two separate 'high level' meetings with now-President Joe Biden in Los Angeles in May 2017
  • Less than two weeks after they took place, an email sent to Hunter Biden outlined the family's equity in a Chinese energy firm - including 10% for Joe
  • Joe Biden was identified as 'the big guy' when the emails were leaked in 2020
  • Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden were reportedly 'paranoid' about Joe's role
Math and data analisys is a bit of a specialty of mine.

Decoding your round-about bs is not. Come back when you can clearly articulate your point.
You’ve failed in your specialty. I drive around the country for a living and track gas prices in the process because it’s overhead. That’s my specialty.
You’ve failed in your specialty. I drive around the country for a living and track gas prices in the process because it’s overhead. That’s my specialty.

Thats great, then you should have no problem at all showing fair, comparative historical data 2015-now for whatever select states your heart desires.

If you think anyone will simply take your I-drive-around-doncha-know word for it, then you are out to lunch.

The claim was that sometime a year ago NATIONAL gas price was $1.80 and that this is somehow a fair comparison point to proper pricing in a healthy economy. We can compare that to your sample state avg. price at that time for a fair adjustment.
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Thats great, then you should have no problem at all showing fair, comparative historical data 2015-now for whatever select states your heart desires.

If you think anyone will simply take your I-drive-around-doncha-know word for it, then you are out to lunch.

The claim was that sometime a year ago NATIONAL gas price was $1.80 and that this is somehow a fair comparison point to proper pricing in a healthy economy. We can compare that to your sample state avg. price at that time for a fair adjustment.
I can only attest to what I witness, including my own budget.
I live in an area of gouging and I drive through a much greater swath that does not gouge.
Your average is skewed.
This admin has intentionally caused fuel prices to increase by >50%. I’ve lost over $4k since February.
I can only attest to what I witness, including my own budget.
Thats just silly, no one needs your very limited attestations for any kind of serious oil price comparisons.

You just don't like that the data pretty clearly shows that the prices during shut down were way lower than what they were during times of normal demand, so you post this silly garbage.

Retail prices directly track crude prices. The only way to explain that is that all the "gouging and Democrats" stuff you are talking about are fairly consistent factors, which is another way of saying they aren't really relavant for historic comparision we are doing.

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It only takes enhanced supply (the result of the removal of supply restrictions imposed by the Biden cabal) to get the price back down.

Biden hasn't imposed ANY restrictions on the supply or price of oil. He placed a restriction on new drilling leases on public land. The restrictions on production, were imposed by OPEC, over which neither Biden, nor Trump, have any control, and OPEC are refusing to lift those restrictions because they like high priced oil.
Thats just silly, no one needs your very limited attestations for any kind of serious oil price comparisons.

You just don't like that the data pretty clearly shows that the prices during shut down were way lower than what they were during times of normal demand, so you post this silly garbage.

Retail prices directly track crude prices. The only way to explain that is that all the "gouging and Democrats" stuff you are talking about are fairly consistent factors, which is another way of saying they aren't really relavant for historic comparision we are doing.

Moron, the Biden cabal squeezed down supply, the price went up, we’ve all lost lots of money.
Get over yourself.
I can only attest to what I witness, including my own budget.
I live in an area of gouging and I drive through a much greater swath that does not gouge.
Your average is skewed.
This admin has intentionally caused fuel prices to increase by >50%. I’ve lost over $4k since February.

This administration has done nothing of the kind, because they don't have any control over the price of gas. I find it amazing that you fools, who never gave Obama ANY credit whatsoever for the cheap gas under his administration, and who spoke not a word when prices rose by over $1 per gallon in the first two years of the Trump Administration, are now absolutely apoplectic over the price of gas in the USA under Joe Biden, and blaming Biden for the increase.

If you've lost $4,000 over the price of fuel oil at your house in the past 9 months, you need to stay home more and turn the thermostat down. You must live in a 10,000 square foot home and travel back and forth across the nation by automobile, multiple times per year, to run up those kinds of bills.
I can only attest to what I witness, including my own budget.
I live in an area of gouging and I drive through a much greater swath that does not gouge.
Your average is skewed.
This admin has intentionally caused fuel prices to increase by >50%. I’ve lost over $4k since February.
One of the most direct ways Biden has caused gas prices is this:
Biden orders reversal of Trump’s ‘energy independence’ policies
“Restricting development on federal lands and waters is nothing more than an ‘import more oil’ policy,” Mike Sommers, president of the American Petroleum Institute, said.
“With this move, the administration is leading us toward more reliance on foreign energy from countries with lower environmental standards and risks to hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions in government revenue for education and conservation programs.”

This is what Obama did, then Trump opened more federal lands which by the way provide 25% of our nation's gas,
and then Biden canceled Federal land exploration(where 25% of oil is produced today)
Oil from federal lands tops 1B barrels as Trump eases rules
So remember Biden forbid any exploration leases on Federal land.
So what happens to gasoline companies' planning if 25% of federal lands now eliminated from exploration and possible production?

Just more BS, supply did nothing but expand under Biden, but hasn't kept up with demand.
OK... so you are saying that oil companies' executives don't consider net profits.
Think about it. These executives have a 100% excuse for raising prices TODAY by explaining that
Biden cuts the production sources by 25% i.e. Federal lands! You don't agree with the fact 25% of gasoline production comes from Federal lands? I provided the link!
And you really are naive enough to think these planners don't use ANY excuse to raise prices?
Hey... Biden cut our future supply source... we need to raise prices to protect our future profits!"
Wow how truly uninformed you are! Oh prove to me supply expanded under Biden!

US oil companies are in no rush to solve Biden's gas price problem​

Normally, the best cure for high prices is high prices, which incentivize more supply.
And yet, even though US oil prices have surged by more than 65% this year,
US oil production is about 14% below the levels of the end of 2019, before Covid erupted.

SO MUCH FOR YOUR UNINFORMED STATEMENT: "supply did nothing but expand under Biden"
And yet he can't tell Big Oil to drill-baby-drill and still credibly argue his administration is doing its part to save the planet.
Therein lies the inherent tension facing Biden right now. His climate ambitions are colliding head-on with economic reality.

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