So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

The anti war protesters support killing the troops. The obama regime supports killing the troops and any other Americans that can be killed by whatever foreign fighters as can be brought here.

obama is not only on the same side as the anti war protesters but has gone them one better.
You're a despicable LIAR!
And I'm amused by the furor over the Code Pink sign. Does the fact that someone photo shopped a picture of a banner somehow change the fact that the "anti-war" movement has been strangely silent during Barack Obama's six years in office?

It does matter when in post #2 somebody calls for their deaths.
And I'm amused by the furor over the Code Pink sign. Does the fact that someone photo shopped a picture of a banner somehow change the fact that the "anti-war" movement has been strangely silent during Barack Obama's six years in office?

Except they haven't been "silent", at all.

Code Pink has been protesting against Obama since he was first elected. They just protested at his speech last week.
The anti war protesters support killing the troops. The obama regime supports killing the troops and any other Americans that can be killed by whatever foreign fighters as can be brought here.

obama is not only on the same side as the anti war protesters but has gone them one better.
RW brown acid taker says what?

Seriously though, you need an intervention. You are bat shit cray cray :wtf:

The pic from Vagisilante was debunked as being photochopped dummy:
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again.

You're a real scum bag for putting out a hoax photo photoshopped by some wingnut outfit.

How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again.

You're a real scum bag for putting out a hoax photo photoshopped by some wingnut outfit.


Fuck you, Komrad! Tell me these aren't real.

So THAT'S your excuse for posting a phony picture? Maybe you need to review the response of the mental midget of post #2.

Also, real cute the way you misspelled my name. Hardly the first to do so and just an indication of a low IQ. I understand the F-bomb though. Tough getting called out that quickly, eh?
You seem to be taking this thread personally, Komrad.
Yes, I think [deleted] is taking it personally.

Hmmm..., who's really the skank here? I think the righties here are all on the rag. Guess you're all synchronized this month.
Konradv, I apologize for the childish and vulgar name I called you. I thought I was being clever and posted without thinking of your feelings. If I could delete my original remarks, I would do so. My deep regrets for being an ass and any embarrassment I may have caused you.

Anti-war activists always protest and are usually scattered and few. Before and during the Bush war of choice they had a LOT of regular folks who agreed with them enough to join them. Few people are totally against our using the military for just purposes but it is still impossible to justify the invasion of Iraq in terms of humanitarian or peacekeeping missions. No one in the current administration wants to start another useless war unlike the last that openly thirsted for open-ended war powers to demolish a sovereign nation that was no threat to us.
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


So I see you're starting your opening post with a lie. I guess you could go directly to their web site....but you're just too lazy.



We've been through this :ahole-1:, perhaps if you read the thread, YOU wouldn't look so stupid!
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

What war? Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, perhaps Yemen, or Egypt? ....You know, all the ones that's he's LOST, or helped to lose!
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Those bitches right ^ there ^ need to DIE.
Those bitches will not be protesting this time because a Democrat is in the White House. But, rest assured one of those fat-ass bimbos will be charging the podium at the next Republican National Convention like they did before.

Fuckin' skanks!

No mention at all that this is a photoshopped picture? What an asshole you are. You've been taken in, idiot!!!

What, NO MENTION of the UNPHOTOSHOPPED KILL BUSH and KILL YOUR MILITARY LEADERS posters?....You ARE a bigger idiot than I thought!
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....

And I'm amused by the furor over the Code Pink sign. Does the fact that someone photo shopped a picture of a banner somehow change the fact that the "anti-war" movement has been strangely silent during Barack Obama's six years in office?

Except they haven't been "silent", at all.

Code Pink has been protesting against Obama since he was first elected. They just protested at his speech last week.

Was that covered by a SILENT MSM, or was it UP FRONT NEWS as when Bush was president?
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Those bitches right ^ there ^ need to DIE.
Those bitches will not be protesting this time because a Democrat is in the White House. But, rest assured one of those fat-ass bimbos will be charging the podium at the next Republican National Convention like they did before.

Fuckin' skanks!

No mention at all that this is a photoshopped picture? What an asshole you are. You've been taken in, idiot!!!

What, NO MENTION of the UNPHOTOSHOPPED KILL BUSH and KILL YOUR MILITARY LEADERS posters?....You ARE a bigger idiot than I thought!

You're the one posting phony pictures. I don't see anyone else doing it. Quit acting like a child and take responsibility for your own actions. That seems to be something you wingnuts can't accept, can you? Personal responsibility is important as long as it's the other guy, right?
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Those bitches right ^ there ^ need to DIE.
Those bitches will not be protesting this time because a Democrat is in the White House. But, rest assured one of those fat-ass bimbos will be charging the podium at the next Republican National Convention like they did before.

Fuckin' skanks!

No mention at all that this is a photoshopped picture? What an asshole you are. You've been taken in, idiot!!!

What, NO MENTION of the UNPHOTOSHOPPED KILL BUSH and KILL YOUR MILITARY LEADERS posters?....You ARE a bigger idiot than I thought!

You're the one posting phony pictures. I don't see anyone else doing it. Quit acting like a child and take responsibility for your own actions. That seems to be something you wingnuts can't accept, can you? Personal responsibility is important as long as it's the other guy, right?

As I stated, subversives haven't the mental acuity to understand political satire.... here's proof of the assertion!.... You CumWad, personal responsibility!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


So I see you're starting your opening post with a lie. I guess you could go directly to their web site....but you're just too lazy.



We've been through this :ahole-1:, perhaps if you read the thread, YOU wouldn't look so stupid!

That would mean giving up minutes of my life, that I'll never get back, on this dumbass thread. I don't think so.

Have fun.

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