So where was the MSM when Obama actually tells Russians: After my election I have more flexibility,"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 7.09.49 AM.png
BUT when it comes Sessions????
No proof, nothing... but the MSM says "Sessions talks with Russians"

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Did the MSM even ask Big Ears about that exchange?

Now imagine if Trump did that.

If only lefties would stop being dupes.
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As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
No matter what dialog, Obama had with Russia, he never degraded this country, he never praised Putin while putting down judges, women, the handicap, minorities, etc...and and and, one single comment vs every gotdamned body in the Trump circle???? Really? Stop trying to equate Obama with this lying good for nothing Trump circus that I pray to God crumbles soon along with the idiots, like you who support this bitch!!
Did the MSM even ask Big Ears about that exchange?

Now imagine if Trump did that?

If only lefties would stop being dupes.
Bitch, Trump did worse...listen, fool stop being so gotdamn stupid, you are an embarrassment to the white trash, you represent here.
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
I think the democrats were busy selling the Russians our uranium to make Hillary a profit....
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
No matter what dialog, Obama had with Russia, he never degraded this country, he never praised Putin while putting down judges, women, the handicap, minorities, etc...and and and, one single comment vs every gotdamned body in the Trump circle???? Really? Stop trying to equate Obama with this lying good for nothing Trump circus that I pray to God crumbles soon along with the idiots, like you who support this bitch!!
. Racist like you are done, so get ready to live with the fact that Americans are moving on from the bull crap. White guilt has ended.
Dang, even for Trump snowflakes, this is pathetic.

Obama was president. Presidents are allowed to talk about policy with foreign leaders.

The Trump snowflakes are so damn stupid and corrupt, they don't see the difference between a president talking about policy with foreign leaders, and private citizens doing it.
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
Missing President Obama already?
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
I think the democrats were busy selling the Russians our uranium to make Hillary a profit....
. Or make money to corrupt and control future campaigns.
I think the democrats were busy selling the Russians our uranium to make Hillary a profit....

There really is no lie too big for you to tell, eh?

But then, you're a Trumpswab. Your mentors -- Trump, Alinsky, Goebbels and Stalin -- have trained you well. You've learned to lie more readily than normal humans breathe.

Oh well. At least we have the satisfaction of knowing you'll burn in hell for eternity.
Obama did not lie is the difference.

But the alt right apparently wants Trump to be like Obama.
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
you clearly suck at googling.
You don't suck at swallowing biased media crap.
Dang, even for Trump snowflakes, this is pathetic.

Obama was president. Presidents are allowed to talk about policy with foreign leaders.

The Trump snowflakes are so damn stupid and corrupt, they don't see the difference between a president talking about policy with foreign leaders, and private citizens doing it.
. Talking to any country be it as a campaign candidate or projected government officials fixing to do business with the world was not illegal. Only the content of the conversations could determine whether the conversations were illegal or not)...... If Obama accused the Russians of something they didnot do in the context of which he accused them of, then it wasn't wrong for those who saw it as wrong to then assure the Russians (a powerful actor in the world) that relations with them would continue, and even get better as time goes by under new management, just like Obama was doing with the Russian official over the flexibility issue concerning missle defenses in which was caught on mic. Now that conversation may have been illegal, because who was he keeping such a thing as that secret from here ?
Talking to any country be it as a campaign candidate or projected government officials fixing to do business with the world was not illegal. Only the content of the conversations could determine whether the conversations were illegal or not)......

So then let's investigate that fully.

Can we all agree on that?
Did the MSM even ask Big Ears about that exchange?

Now imagine if Trump did that?

If only lefties would stop being dupes.
Bitch, Trump did worse...listen, fool stop being so gotdamn stupid, you are an embarrassment to the white trash, you represent here.

How, he's only been President a month, we haven't heard a recording of Trump talking to the most terrible Russians.
Oh since you seam to know the answers, can you show the proof of the Russians election interference, or will you just call me a name just like every liberal.
I'm waiting for a very detailed answer of the evidence.

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