So Where’s Your Precious UN?

Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And oncUN e again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.

So tell me...when was the last time the UN did anything in regard to helping anyone other than the blue helmets raping women and children?
UNICEF? Planet wide sanctions against North Korea?

It's so discouraging to see the venom people spit for an organization just because it doesn't always agree with you. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR--FOR EVERY VIEW POINT TO BE HEARD. If you're too delicate to take it, don't listen.

The UN sucks.
what do they actually do?

Not a damn thing.
In case you aren't aware of it, the good general participated in that endeavor.
So he was killed NOW, for something he participated in half a century ago? One wonders about the timing there genius...and why other Presidents didn't do so.
Someone needs to explain it to you. Here's a clue: being a Republican isn't a war crime.

But intentionally bombing cultural sites IS a war crime
When did Trump bomb a cultural site, you brain dead TDS moron?

The general was killed because he has already killed over 400 Americans, and he was planning to kill more.

When will you stupid fucks get that through your thick skulls?
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And oncUN e again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.

So tell me...when was the last time the UN did anything in regard to helping anyone other than the blue helmets raping women and children?
UNICEF? Planet wide sanctions against North Korea?

It's so discouraging to see the venom people spit for an organization just because it doesn't always agree with you. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR--FOR EVERY VIEW POINT TO BE HEARD. If you're too delicate to take it, don't listen.

The UN sucks.
Yeah, I heard ya
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And once again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
The UN is powerless if a Security Council member is involved. Good thing too since Iran has a good case that what we did was an act of war.

UN is pretty much a freak show gathering. Whenever they condemn someone, you know the country is more than likely correct in the action they took.
Aren't Israel and the USA the only countries they ever condemn?
we were the country that freed the jews. All the hitlers of the world can't stand we did that. this is all blowback for WWII's victory.
Israel is condemned because of the displacement of the Palestinians. We because we are such staunch supporters of Israel. Although many confuse the two, it is Zionism that is really the issue, not Judaism.

"Zionism" is a word used to disguise antisemitism.
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And once again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
The UN is powerless if a Security Council member is involved. Good thing too since Iran has a good case that what we did was an act of war.
You mean after the Iran-sponsored militia group attacked a US embassy ?
Plausible deniability. We don't have it, they do.
What ? The militia that attacked the embassy was commanded by Soleimani. You people are so delusional its terrifying.
Soleimani was in Iran at the time wasn't he? Can you prove he gave the order to attack the embassy/
He was in Iraq, moron.
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And once again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.
What is it's function. Please enlighten us.
They have no clue what the UN is good for either, other than it’s anti America and Israel.

Well the UN helped negotiate the original agreement which was stopping Iran getting Nuclear Weapons...

Your Orange Duffus took a dump on that and then made a mess of the situation.

And after all that you now want the UN to fix it... They can fix it, but much like a puppy shitting all over your house, first kick the puppy out the door... That would be Trump....
If the agreement was so good why didn't Barry Hussein submit it the the Senate?
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And oncUN e again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.

So tell me...when was the last time the UN did anything in regard to helping anyone other than the blue helmets raping women and children?
UNICEF? Planet wide sanctions against North Korea?

It's so discouraging to see the venom people spit for an organization just because it doesn't always agree with you. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR--FOR EVERY VIEW POINT TO BE HEARD. If you're too delicate to take it, don't listen.

The UN sucks.
what do they actually do?

Didn't our embassy get bombed in Iraq? didn't a contractor lose his life? where are they? why didn't they condemn Iran for the hit? Truly, I'm serious, what is their use if they ignore terrorists and their evil acts?
Is it because one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter?

What do our terrorist enemies call us?

You see how there's two sides here? The UN, within the bounds of decency, hears both sides, including those who don't consider their fighters to be terrorists..
Killing our troops in Iraq and Syria is an act of war too, Ordering an attack on the US embassy is as well. But of course you cowards would do nothing about any of that cause you hate America and support terrorist attacks on the US

Fuck yourself you right wing piece of shit.

Are we in any way safer now?

We're not? We're worse off?

You really get unhinged when the terrorist deeds of the terrorist regime you love are exposed.
In case you aren't aware of it, the good general participated in that endeavor.
So he was killed NOW, for something he participated in half a century ago? One wonders about the timing there genius...and why other Presidents didn't do so.
Someone needs to explain it to you. Here's a clue: being a Republican isn't a war crime.

But intentionally bombing cultural sites IS a war crime
That, and the deaths of hundreds of our troops, attacks on our drones, the attack on our embassy, and the attacks he was planning.

Why are you so upset this terrorist finally got what he had coming?
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.

So tell me...when was the last time the UN did anything in regard to helping anyone other than the blue helmets raping women and children?
UNICEF? Planet wide sanctions against North Korea?

It's so discouraging to see the venom people spit for an organization just because it doesn't always agree with you. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR--FOR EVERY VIEW POINT TO BE HEARD. If you're too delicate to take it, don't listen.

The UN sucks.
what do they actually do?

Didn't our embassy get bombed in Iraq? didn't a contractor lose his life? where are they? why didn't they condemn Iran for the hit? Truly, I'm serious, what is their use if they ignore terrorists and their evil acts?
Is it because one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter?

What do our terrorist enemies call us?

You see how there's two sides here? The UN, within the bounds of decency, hears both sides, including those who don't consider their fighters to be terrorists..
so trump killed a freedom fighter in Iraq? why was the freedom fighter in Iraq where there was already freedom happening? The general attacked the freest complex in the country. and it was attacked? are you saying that they are fighting to get freedom the fk away from their country? Now that I'd agree with. and when they did that, they opened themselves up for a retaliation attack. Thanks!
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.

So tell me...when was the last time the UN did anything in regard to helping anyone other than the blue helmets raping women and children?
UNICEF? Planet wide sanctions against North Korea?

It's so discouraging to see the venom people spit for an organization just because it doesn't always agree with you. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR--FOR EVERY VIEW POINT TO BE HEARD. If you're too delicate to take it, don't listen.

The UN sucks.
what do they actually do?

Didn't our embassy get bombed in Iraq? didn't a contractor lose his life? where are they? why didn't they condemn Iran for the hit? Truly, I'm serious, what is their use if they ignore terrorists and their evil acts?
Is it because one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter?

What do our terrorist enemies call us?

You see how there's two sides here? The UN, within the bounds of decency, hears both sides, including those who don't consider their fighters to be terrorists..
Yeah, go find one person in the world who thinks ISIS fights for freedom. Outside you insane freaks on the Left that is.
The UN should be de-funded by The US. El Salami had a UN Travel ban since 2007, and he flew to Russia, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq and elsewhere multiple times.
Perhaps he should have been penalized by the UN, but why would that mean we should defund the UN?
He was "penalized by the toothless UN". He ignored the feckless UN.

Trump didn't ignore him.
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And once again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
The UN is powerless if a Security Council member is involved. Good thing too since Iran has a good case that what we did was an act of war.
You mean after the Iran-sponsored militia group attacked a US embassy ?
Plausible deniability. We don't have it, they do.
What ? The militia that attacked the embassy was commanded by Soleimani. You people are so delusional its terrifying.
Soleimani was in Iran at the time wasn't he? Can you prove he gave the order to attack the embassy/
Soleimani was in Iran at the time wasn't he? Can you prove he gave the order to attack the embassy/

That’s the level of knowledge Leftards have, folks. Totally clueless.
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And oncUN e again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.

So tell me...when was the last time the UN did anything in regard to helping anyone other than the blue helmets raping women and children?
UNICEF? Planet wide sanctions against North Korea?

It's so discouraging to see the venom people spit for an organization just because it doesn't always agree with you. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR--FOR EVERY VIEW POINT TO BE HEARD. If you're too delicate to take it, don't listen.

Not to mention this service.

2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa | History | Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) | CDC

On March 23, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the forested rural region of southeastern Guinea. The identification of these early cases marked the beginning of the West Africa Ebola epidemic, the largest in history.
Last I checked launching ballistic missiles into another nation is an act of war. And oncUN e again as it’s done throughout its existence, the UN does nothing.
I don't think the facts that you UN bashers hate the UN and also clearly are clueless of its function are coincidental.

So tell me...when was the last time the UN did anything in regard to helping anyone other than the blue helmets raping women and children?
UNICEF? Planet wide sanctions against North Korea?

It's so discouraging to see the venom people spit for an organization just because it doesn't always agree with you. THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR--FOR EVERY VIEW POINT TO BE HEARD. If you're too delicate to take it, don't listen.

Not to mention this service.

2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa | History | Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) | CDC

On March 23, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the forested rural region of southeastern Guinea. The identification of these early cases marked the beginning of the West Africa Ebola epidemic, the largest in history.
Wow, they reported some medical cases! Where would the world be without them!

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