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So Who Launched the Attack on Biden?

The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
with women who like it sure!!! You don't think ol Stormy doesn't enjoy it? Fk dude, she's made a living out of receiving grabbers. funny how you jumped there, instead of answering the question. too fking expected.
Both of the first two women "came forward" based on politics.
Everyone does. Don't you think the Kavanaugh lady did? The Clinton accusers? The Trump accusers? Why was it only taken serious against Kavanaugh and Trump?
NEITHER have said this contact was in any way sexual.
Nope. Just inappropriate. Even Nancy told him to knock it off. Aren't we up to 4 women now? Not only inappropriate, but blatantly unnecessary and repeated over, and over, and OVER again.
If they had been made uncomfortable they could have very simply gone to one of Biden's staffers and made their feelings known (avoiding the issue of confronting someone of Biden's political stature). They would have gotten a near immediate apology and HE would have known not to be as friendly...at least with them.
SURE you would. It was THEIR fault.
And people..do NOT listen to Trump supporters over this.They support someone who we know IS a serial sexual abuser. He has admitted it on the TV folks. We all saw it.
You did? An admitted sex abuser because BEFORE A LIVE CAMERA he bragged to a guy 15 years ago about beauty contestants THROWING themselves at you? Good thing Donald didn't claim to have a 12" schlong.
Kavanaugh almost had his life and career ruined over the unsubstantiated claim of one woman that Kavanaugh had a beer 30 years ago and fondled her. And she waited 30 years to speak up. Right before his nomination. But 50 pictures and videos of Biden groping, touching, holding, feeling, and smelling women and children POINT BLANK with their obvious (and stated) discomfort is nothing to write home about? Try doing that at work.

Why are Kav and the Orange Gibbon Innocent automatically?

When did "Kav" or the "Orange Gibbon" ever get proven guilty much less convicted of anything?

That IS, after all, the eternal rallying defense of Hillary (despite mountains of real evidence against her).

And do you actually expect me to take seriously a person whose avatar is a fantasy caricature of Trump?

When did Mr. Biden get proven guilty? There is very much a double standard here. HRC...really...HRC??? Is that all you've got left...Goddamn HRC?

Let me remind you, that when those 17-Women came forward about the Seuxal Abuse/Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment by 45 they were automatically called liars. Never mind that it is a statistical improbability for each of those 17-Women to have lied, but that is exactly what you and all others followers believed without a doubt. 45 told you they were liars and so they had to be liars.

But OMMFG!!!!!! when it is Joe Biden, each of those poor Women is a pure as the driven snow and as innocent as goddamn baby...but each and every one of those 17-Women who accused the Lying Lowlife Scum Sucking 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward were all liars....each and every one of them.

When the Shit Gibbon boasted about Grabbing Women "By Their Pussy", it was passed off as "Locker Room Talk"...but OMMFG....Joe Biden.....Joe Biden.....Joe Biden....

When the lying Scum Sucking Draft Dodging POS Coward 45 was found to have entered the Dressing Rooms of Beauty Pageant Contestants, some as 14-Years Old and 15-Years Old, you people were goddamn silent. But OMMFG!!!! Joe Biden.....Joe Biden.....JOE GODDAMN BIDEN!!!!!!!!!

You people ignored every sick, twisted, sexually perverted thing 45 ever did.

Shut the hell up about Biden. You voted for a pervert. Live with it.
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And as I am sure that somewhere out there is a dead from the neck up Con thinking to theirself...aha...we know who HE is going to vote for...no you do not.

I never favored or supported Biden. The time Old White Politician is done.

The California Primary is 11-Months away. It was moved up to March 2 starting in 2020.

I will still be doubly constrained. The California Democratic Party is holding TWO Conventions this year. One in May (May 31-June 2). That Convention will be to elect a new Chairperson. The Endorsement Convention will not be held until September or October of this year. I know because I am a Delegate to the CADEM 2019.

I have NOT decided who I will vote for. I know I am NOT voting for Bernie. I would be required to support the person the CADEM will endorse. I have an idea of whom I would like to see. It is not some old white guy. In fact at this point I am not sure a Man should be the Democratic Nominee period.

Unlike RePuBliKlans who bound and determined to ignore the fact their Old White Conservative Base dying off, the Democrats have a wealth of diversity in their Nominee Selection. Cons will continue to vote for some old out of touch white guy, even if that old out of touch white guy is a sexual pervert who is serial adulterer.

You people voted for sick, twisted, sexual pervert. Live with it.
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
that would depend on the individuals involved and if they consented or not. your faux outrage is duly noted.
To answer the op, I don't know, it could have been anyone with something to gain with Biden out, R or D.
When did Mr. Biden get proven guilty? There is very much a double standard here. HRC...really...HRC??? Is that all you've got left...Goddamn HRC?

Biden? He has been proven guilty of his creepiness for DECADES, dude. We've seen dozens of photos and video documenting it just in these threads. HE HAS ADMITTED it and has promised to STOP IT. Face up to it.

All I got left is HRC? Are you kidding? Hillary is like the goose's golden egg. She is like the loose thread that tugged on, the entire suit falls apart. The woman has NO up side! Her list of crimes, offenses and suspicions are so long, to list them here again would require being continued onto the next server. Hillary is the STANDARD by which all scum sucking despicable crime lords are compared. She only remains free on the street because to convict her would necessitate taking down too many other high politicians around her (like Obama).
When Republicans acknowledge they support a known sexual predator, then and only can they bitch about Biden.

Dear Trump Supporters: You Lost The Right To Smear Biden When You Voted For A Sexual Predator.

Weakass attempt to forestall criticism of The Perv. Trump is never been a "sexual predator." He's nothing more than a rich playboy that chased after beautiful women like Hugh Hefner, and his only claim to fame is that some beauty contestants would throw themselves at you. Or at least SO HE SAYS.

If any beauty contestants want to throw themselves at me, I'd be happy to grab their pussies as well! I'm a guy. I like pussies. Almost as much as Hillary. Hell of a lot better than Barry Obama who WAS a pussy. Really a lot better than Willy Clinton who beat, attacked and raped women, brutalized them, got teens stoned and had sex with them, used them, and probably worse. Much much worse.

If Biden AIN'T a deliberate fondler of women and children, that is almost WORSE than to admit he does all he's done and WASN'T EVEN AWARE OF HIS ACTIONS!
17-Women has accused 45 Sexual Abuse/Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment.

45 is a serial adulterer, he fucked around on each of his wives.

45 boasted of grabbing Women "Pussy".

45 walked into the dressing rooms of Beauty Pageant Contestants, some as young as 14-Years Old and 15-Years Old.

45 perved on a 10-Year Old Girl.

45 is a Sexual Predator.
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
you are comparing what is first only what someone said, not did.

that alone is a fundamental difference between biden and trump. but hey - you have to counter vs. go "yes, biden needs to cut that out". we must attack people not issues. if your people gets attacked throw something / ANYTHING back in defense.

shitty way to go about resolving issues, isn't it?
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
you are comparing what is first only what someone said, not did.

that alone is a fundamental difference between biden and trump. but hey - you have to counter vs. go "yes, biden needs to cut that out". we must attack people not issues. if your people gets attacked throw something / ANYTHING back in defense.

shitty way to go about resolving issues, isn't it?
I wish they would just admit it isn't normal and he shouldn't do that, it looks creepy.
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
you are comparing what is first only what someone said, not did.

that alone is a fundamental difference between biden and trump. but hey - you have to counter vs. go "yes, biden needs to cut that out". we must attack people not issues. if your people gets attacked throw something / ANYTHING back in defense.

shitty way to go about resolving issues, isn't it?
I wish they would just admit it isn't normal and he shouldn't do that, it looks creepy.
agreed. it does come off as "creepy uncle joe" and that is going to hurt him regardless of his intentions. his "jokes" the other day and refusal to apologize are not going to help his stance.

the left can post a questionable pic of trump and go BUT HEY LOOK THERE - great. no one denied trump can do some creepy stuff also. but why all the deflections? like you i wish they'd just go "yep that's creepy" and we can baseline there for once. but no - never that simple in a modern world. :)
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
you are comparing what is first only what someone said, not did.

that alone is a fundamental difference between biden and trump. but hey - you have to counter vs. go "yes, biden needs to cut that out". we must attack people not issues. if your people gets attacked throw something / ANYTHING back in defense.

shitty way to go about resolving issues, isn't it?
I wish they would just admit it isn't normal and he shouldn't do that, it looks creepy.
agreed. it does come off as "creepy uncle joe" and that is going to hurt him regardless of his intentions. his "jokes" the other day and refusal to apologize are not going to help his stance.

the left can post a questionable pic of trump and go BUT HEY LOOK THERE - great. no one denied trump can do some creepy stuff also. but why all the deflections? like you i wish they'd just go "yep that's creepy" and we can baseline there for once. but no - never that simple in a modern world. :)
Biden's actions are not in any way comparable to Trump. You just need to end that now to have any credibility.

The dems' problem is simply that how Biden has behaved up till now is just the way 60 year old condescending males (white and black)behaved towards younger women 15 years ago. Even then when I was 45 or so I thought I'd never do the same, but chalked it to him being "older." And now, fifteen years plus down the road, Biden still seems unable to catch a clue. Is that REALLY what they want in a leader? It's NEVER been ok to sexually assault people, although Trump, Wienstein and Spacey et all go away with it, and Trump still hasn't paid a price because his base DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK. Conversely, Biden appears never to have gotten the memo that there's no touching of anyone beyond hand shaking, and he apparently DOESN'T GIVE FUCK. But it's sexual assault v. an old fart.
yeah, cause you think his hair sniffing is normal right? Too fking funny. are you truly that hateful of children and women to believe his behavior is normal?
You think pussy grabbing is normal. STFU
you are comparing what is first only what someone said, not did.

that alone is a fundamental difference between biden and trump. but hey - you have to counter vs. go "yes, biden needs to cut that out". we must attack people not issues. if your people gets attacked throw something / ANYTHING back in defense.

shitty way to go about resolving issues, isn't it?
I wish they would just admit it isn't normal and he shouldn't do that, it looks creepy.
agreed. it does come off as "creepy uncle joe" and that is going to hurt him regardless of his intentions. his "jokes" the other day and refusal to apologize are not going to help his stance.

the left can post a questionable pic of trump and go BUT HEY LOOK THERE - great. no one denied trump can do some creepy stuff also. but why all the deflections? like you i wish they'd just go "yep that's creepy" and we can baseline there for once. but no - never that simple in a modern world. :)
Biden's actions are not in any way comparable to Trump. You just need to end that now to have any credibility.

The dems' problem is simply that how Biden has behaved up till now is just the way 60 year old condescending males (white and black)behaved towards younger women 15 years ago. Even then when I was 45 or so I thought I'd never do the same, but chalked it to him being "older." And now, fifteen years plus down the road, Biden still seems unable to catch a clue. Is that REALLY what they want in a leader? It's NEVER been ok to sexually assault people, although Trump, Wienstein and Spacey et all go away with it, and Trump still hasn't paid a price because his base DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK. Conversely, Biden appears never to have gotten the memo that there's no touching of anyone beyond hand shaking, and he apparently DOESN'T GIVE FUCK. But it's sexual assault v. an old fart.
wow, how much did you have to spend for that bullshit? why can't you accept that it's creepy and move along? who cares what trump did, this is about biden, address biden. is it creepy or not? I know of no man that age behaving like him. No one.

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