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So Who Launched the Attack on Biden?

All Seventeen (17) Women accused 45 if Sexual Abuse/Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment are called liars, each and every one of them.

But OMMFG..Joe Biden...Joe Biden...Joe Biden.

RePuBliKlans voted for a pervert. You have no room to talk!
Both of the first two women "came forward" based on politics.
Everyone does. Don't you think the Kavanaugh lady did? The Clinton accusers? The Trump accusers? Why was it only taken serious against Kavanaugh and Trump?
NEITHER have said this contact was in any way sexual.
Nope. Just inappropriate. Even Nancy told him to knock it off. Aren't we up to 4 women now? Not only inappropriate, but blatantly unnecessary and repeated over, and over, and OVER again.
If they had been made uncomfortable they could have very simply gone to one of Biden's staffers and made their feelings known (avoiding the issue of confronting someone of Biden's political stature). They would have gotten a near immediate apology and HE would have known not to be as friendly...at least with them.
SURE you would. It was THEIR fault.
And people..do NOT listen to Trump supporters over this.They support someone who we know IS a serial sexual abuser. He has admitted it on the TV folks. We all saw it.
You did? An admitted sex abuser because BEFORE A LIVE CAMERA he bragged to a guy 15 years ago about beauty contestants THROWING themselves at you? Good thing Donald didn't claim to have a 12" schlong.
Kavanaugh almost had his life and career ruined over the unsubstantiated claim of one woman that Kavanaugh had a beer 30 years ago and fondled her. And she waited 30 years to speak up. Right before his nomination. But 50 pictures and videos of Biden groping, touching, holding, feeling, and smelling women and children POINT BLANK with their obvious (and stated) discomfort is nothing to write home about? Try doing that at work.

Why are Kav and the Orange Gibbon Innocent automatically?
Yes, it was so bad, not a single parent standing right next to him thought he was inappropriate.

Please play us the interview where they said that. Also, let us know when Joe can come and fondle your little girl by the hair, pinch her cheek, hold her by the shoulders and head and joke about wanting to take her away to be alone with her for awhile.
The onus to prove your hallucinations are real falls upon you. You’re the one claiming these kids were fondled...

NO, jackass, the photos and video SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. I would say that any idiot can see that, but I guess that leaves you out.

You remain an idiot.

Everyone remains something with you. It's never good because you're just so damned smart! Sure, had you been up there and the VP fondled YOUR kid like that, you would have hauled off and cold-cocked him, right? No, no, no . . . . you just would have pulled Biden aside and explained to him the inappropriateness and warned him not to do it again, right? No, you would have gritted your teeth like everyone else, tried to keep smiling, and reminded yourself that after the event was over, nothing could happen in public, you'd be out of there soon and you'd at least never be seeing this strange, disturbing man again.

You’re such s flippin’ moron.

There were dozens of families there. No one said they saw anything inappropriate. Not even to this day did anyone of those Senators being sworn in, nor anyone in their families who were there, ever say Biden was inappropriate.

As always, your delusions are laughed at and summarily discarded.

Jesus people. I feel like an episode of Friends has come to life.

Yea Chandler's boss slapped him on the Butt. Yea it made him feel weird.

What's fucked up is that this isn't even THAT.

Both of the first two women "came forward" based on politics. Flores is a Bernie supporter and the second woman has declared that no male should get the Dem nomination.

NEITHER have said this contact was in any way sexual. THAT is huge.


If they had been made uncomfortable they could have very simply gone to one of Biden's staffers and made their feelings known (avoiding the issue of confronting someone of Biden's political stature). They would have gotten a near immediate apology and HE would have known not to be as friendly...at least with them.
That didn't happen of course.

These woman are using the "me too" movement for political advantage and they are doing damage TO that movement.

And people..do NOT listen to Trump supporters over this.They support someone who we know IS a serial sexual abuser. He has admitted it on the TV folks. We all saw it.

Defending the groper, Priceless!
Who’s defending trump?
Both of the first two women "came forward" based on politics.
Everyone does. Don't you think the Kavanaugh lady did? The Clinton accusers? The Trump accusers? Why was it only taken serious against Kavanaugh and Trump?
NEITHER have said this contact was in any way sexual.
Nope. Just inappropriate. Even Nancy told him to knock it off. Aren't we up to 4 women now? Not only inappropriate, but blatantly unnecessary and repeated over, and over, and OVER again.
If they had been made uncomfortable they could have very simply gone to one of Biden's staffers and made their feelings known (avoiding the issue of confronting someone of Biden's political stature). They would have gotten a near immediate apology and HE would have known not to be as friendly...at least with them.
SURE you would. It was THEIR fault.
And people..do NOT listen to Trump supporters over this.They support someone who we know IS a serial sexual abuser. He has admitted it on the TV folks. We all saw it.
You did? An admitted sex abuser because BEFORE A LIVE CAMERA he bragged to a guy 15 years ago about beauty contestants THROWING themselves at you? Good thing Donald didn't claim to have a 12" schlong.
Kavanaugh almost had his life and career ruined over the unsubstantiated claim of one woman that Kavanaugh had a beer 30 years ago and fondled her. And she waited 30 years to speak up. Right before his nomination. But 50 pictures and videos of Biden groping, touching, holding, feeling, and smelling women and children POINT BLANK with their obvious (and stated) discomfort is nothing to write home about? Try doing that at work.

Why are Kav and the Orange Gibbon Innocent automatically?

When did "Kav" or the "Orange Gibbon" ever get proven guilty much less convicted of anything?

That IS, after all, the eternal rallying defense of Hillary (despite mountains of real evidence against her).

And do you actually expect me to take seriously a person whose avatar is a fantasy caricature of Trump?
I Love the smell of adolescent hair in the morning. Smells like - puberty. One day this campaign is gonna end

You’re such s flippin’ moron.

And you're such a predictably broken record of 2nd grade ad hominem garbage. If Biden WEREN'T toast, you wouldn't be so HOG WILD to defend him.

And if my statements were so crazy as to be discarded, you wouldn't keep attacking them.
Making fun of rightards like you is entertaining; so of course I continue. And no, this doesn’t make Biden toast. It’s amusing though how trump can speak of grabbing pussies, uncontrollably kissing girls he meets, trying to fuck married women, cheating on his own wife’s, get accused of sexual harassment by dozens of women... and rightards elect him president anyway; Biden doesn’t get accused of sexual harassment by anyone — and you rightards are claiming his presidential run is over.

Moving a girls hair out of the way for a photo with with Vice President, putting his hands on people shoulders, giving hugs and kisses. All while posing for pictures in front of the press. Wow, what a monster. You’re an idiot.

Not half as stupid as trying to rationalize and dismiss a LIFETIME CAREER of ESTABLISHED and LONG-LIVED HABITUAL and apparently UNCONTROLLABLE unwelcome touching, holding, fondling, sniffing and caressing of obviously surprised and uncomfortable women and children along with many inappropriate comments. As a VP and highly public figure, any normal, self-aware human being at the very least would error on the side of good taste and safety. If Joe Biden embarrasses us to this degree NOW, can you imagine this guy as head of our country? He would outdistance all the gaffs of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton AND Donald Trump COMBINED.
You support Trump and you’re worried about Biden embarrassing us? Is that a joke? We are the laughing stock of the world with Trump at the wheel. It’s amazing at how clueless some people are. Wow!

We are the laughing stock of the world with Trump at the wheel.

and they won't stop laughing if Biden replaces him
Biden was VP for 8 years. He did a fine job. He would do just fine as POTUS. Not nearly as embarrassing as Trump, in my eyes. And I was a Trump fan before he entered politics

TELL ME Genius, what VP DIDN'T do a "fine job."
Incapable of figuring a list yourself? LOL
Who is really running the Democratic Party nowadays?

You don't get it. It's not like the Republican Party where the Koch's or the Mercer's tell you folks what to think and you dutifully do it.

It IS a Democratic Party. WE run the party
You guys are always busy running train. No wonder nobody wants to be a real republican anymore.
The claims against Biden are not claims of sexual harassment. No one accused him of even the crime of Al Franken which really was a guy thinking he was funny when he wasn't.

But I wonder about the OP. What happens if there turns out to be some coordination in getting women to come forward, even granting that some of Biden's touchy feely stuff was socially inappropriate post Monicagate?
Not half as stupid as trying to rationalize and dismiss a LIFETIME CAREER of ESTABLISHED and LONG-LIVED HABITUAL and apparently UNCONTROLLABLE unwelcome touching, holding, fondling, sniffing and caressing of obviously surprised and uncomfortable women and children along with many inappropriate comments. As a VP and highly public figure, any normal, self-aware human being at the very least would error on the side of good taste and safety. If Joe Biden embarrasses us to this degree NOW, can you imagine this guy as head of our country? He would outdistance all the gaffs of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton AND Donald Trump COMBINED.
You support Trump and you’re worried about Biden embarrassing us? Is that a joke? We are the laughing stock of the world with Trump at the wheel. It’s amazing at how clueless some people are. Wow!

We are the laughing stock of the world with Trump at the wheel.

and they won't stop laughing if Biden replaces him
Biden was VP for 8 years. He did a fine job. He would do just fine as POTUS. Not nearly as embarrassing as Trump, in my eyes. And I was a Trump fan before he entered politics

TELL ME Genius, what VP DIDN'T do a "fine job."
Incapable of figuring a list yourself? LOL

No, Bentdick, but obviously YOU ARE since YOU brought it up! :auiqs.jpg:
Let's See.
Seventeen Separate Women accuse 45 of Sexual Abuse/Sexual/Sexual Harassment/Unwanted Sexual Contact and 45 says that each and every one of these Women are LIARS (which is Statistical Impossibility) and without any proof whatsoever Cons believe him,

45 had his former Fixer/Lawyer Michael Cohen pay off a Porn Actress (Stormy Daniels) to prevent her from talking an extra-marital he had with her. 45 at first denied not only
Biden was the author of VAWA (VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT)...how dare you say he's not strong on women?
Biden was the author of VAWA (VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT)...how dare you say he's not strong on women?
so was this act for or against it? the name of it doesn't really say.
against against against! i think!
Why even fall for that sucky bait?

I thought this was interesting.

I Worked With Joe Biden. Here’s What to Know About the Myth Growing Around Him

But jmo, when a pol passes on getting into a race that most knew he should have been in, it sort of taints him. Hillary ran for Obama's third term and legacy, which is a pretty bad joke because Hillary was never on the Obama team. Yeah I know Biden's son died and that really sucked, but now it's sort of like he wants a do over.

The dems need to just move the fck on, imo. Like the link says, anyone paying remote attention had to see this coming. And I'd add that Biden has been retired and cashing in for over two years now. When Reagan ran in 80 at age 68 or something after losing the primary in 76, he'd spent four long years speaking to state gop organizations and explaining his view of what the gop should stand for.

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