So who won last night's GOP debate in Milwaukee?

Who won the GOP debate?

  • DeSantis

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • Ramaswamy

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • Scott

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pence

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christie

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • Haley

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • Hutchinson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Burgum

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • Nobody

    Votes: 2 4.1%

  • Total voters
As much worth as yours is.

I mean, did you even watch the debate. I did.
And I wouldn't have picked any of the three you mentioned.
Your picks are wishful Republican thinking.
What I'm thinking???...Republicans may be done. :)
Yes, I did watch it…

I watched Christie get booed when he was introduced, Ramaswamy and DeSantis give some good answers, Pence had a couple of moments, and Haley, and Bergam had a couple of decent answers….

All you watched it for is to see who you could tear down, with the knowledge that you’d never pull the lever for a Republican ever…Your opinion means nothing on it.
Once again Moon Bat you are confused.

Trump was attacked by the Leftest moderators in both the 2016 and 2020 debates.

By "Attacked" you mean asked serious questions he didn't have answers for?

In 2016 he made Crooked Hillary look like the little corrupt bitch she was. Crooked Hillary lost the election by being Trump's bitch during the debates, even with her getting help from the moderators.

Actually, she won the election by 3 million votes...

As is normal for him Joe Potatohead was a real dufus in the debates but the Leftest asshole moderators tried to do the debate for him and that was despicable. Trump still made him look like an idiot. Trump won the 2020 Electoral College delegates but the Democrat turds stole them away with using the Pandemic to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.
Trump lost by 7 million votes.... which is why he tried to steal the election.
And why he's going to the big house.
Yes, I did watch it…

I watched Christie get booed when he was introduced, Ramaswamy and DeSantis give some good answers, Pence had a couple of moments, and Haley, and Bergam had a couple of decent answers….

All you watched it for is to see who you could tear down, with the knowledge that you’d never pull the lever for a Republican ever…Your opinion means nothing on it.

Actually, what I saw were a bunch of guys quivering in their boots at the guy who didn't show up.
I think that Ramaswamy is too annoying to be elected. His voice is annoying and he talks over others....meaning he doesn't believe what he has said to be substantial enough to stand on its own.

Pence is good in debates. He is confident and knowledgeable about the things he says. He isn't apologetic with his convictions...and accusations for his holding of them are laughed at by him...because he DOES know what he is talking about and why. It's not propaganda.
Trump is the leader at the moment though.
That doesn't mean that he will get the nomination. Trump has always been a marginal Republican and more of a RINO. He might not get the nomination by the Republicans because of a disagreement in policy.
Trump will be your next President.
Donald Trump won. He won without showing up. He won without saying a word. He won despite the fact that he's gonna do the perp walk later today. :)
There was a moment last night when the candidates were asked if they'd support Trump as the nominee if he were convicted. Six of them raised their hands.
In that moment, we were witnessing the end of the Republican party as we have known it. A moment of surrender. Capitulation. Reality setting in that without the MAGA base, or at least some of it, no Republican can win.
That puts a knife in the party.

On the stage last night, Nikki Haley actually ended up winning. Mostly because she took Viv's bullshit apart..quite well too. If Republicans were smart, they'd throw their support behind her.
Because she actually has a chance of winning a general election. Ron DeSantis took the shotgun and permanently put a hole in his campaign. He may as well just drop out. Don't know
why he didn't wait until 2028 (like Chris Sununu). Hutchinson, Christie, Scott, and Pence have no chance. They were non factors. And finally, just Viv. He's full of shit. No shot at winning. But mark my
words, no matter what he says, Viv is angling to be Trump's VP pick.
Trump basically won because none of them were really going to attack him...

GOP is asking for simple alternative:
  • Have GOP/Conservative views which are similar to Trumps but have a few differences
  • Show the promises Trump didn't deliver on.
  • Show that you are Trump policies without the baggage and a better delivery record.
  • Finally say that you show up for work and Trump obviously doesn't, explain to the MAGA that you need a guy who shows up.

If think you got them then explain that Trump is facing 91 charges but lets look at just one. The prosecutors have him on tape with confidential documents showing them to non classified people (it is on tape). There are people in jail (name one) who pleaded guilty and are serving 2 years, Trump is pleading not guilty while caught red handed on tape..
This was Trump being Trump... He made this mistake, he didn't need to show them that document... How smart was that really, while being recorded.

Then explain to them that you will enact Trump's policies and America First with out the baggage...

That is an alternative..
Trump basically won because none of them were really going to attack him...

GOP is asking for simple alternative:
  • Have GOP/Conservative views which are similar to Trumps but have a few differences
  • Show the promises Trump didn't deliver on.
  • Show that you are Trump policies without the baggage and a better delivery record.
  • Finally say that you show up for work and Trump obviously doesn't, explain to the MAGA that you need a guy who shows up.

If think you got them then explain that Trump is facing 91 charges but lets look at just one. The prosecutors have him on tape with confidential documents showing them to non classified people (it is on tape). There are people in jail (name one) who pleaded guilty and are serving 2 years, Trump is pleading not guilty while caught red handed on tape..
This was Trump being Trump... He made this mistake, he didn't need to show them that document... How smart was that really, while being recorded.

Then explain to them that you will enact Trump's policies and America First with out the baggage...

That is an alternative..
In this day and age with ‘deep fakes‘? Not buying it.
All of what you mentioned caused by leftists…

Trump was in charge... not leftists.

If leftists had been in charge, we'd have contained Covid, enacted real police reform, and quickly propped up the economy when it faltered (instead of waiting until 2021 to do it).
Trump was in charge... not leftists.

If leftists had been in charge, we'd have contained Covid, enacted real police reform, and quickly propped up the economy when it faltered (instead of waiting until 2021 to do it).
Sure….Your bumbling idiot has all but destroyed this nation.
Sure….Your bumbling idiot has all but destroyed this nation.

Unemployment is at record lows.
Inflation is at 3%.
No riots.
Few Covid deaths

I mean, you live in mortal fear a Mexican might move in next door, but most of the country is fine with it, Anger Issues.
In this day and age with ‘deep fakes‘? Not buying it.
So you are saying that it wasn't Trump on the tape...

Trump or his legal team have not stated this...

Deep Fakes are easy to identify by forensics..

You are clinging on to nothing... This tape was analysed immediately and verified before put into evidence..
Seriously, just think for a second, stop rabbiting stuff and just think of what you are saying..
The prosecutors have him on tape with confidential documents showing them to non classified people (it is on tape).
1) According to the prosecutor, as reported by your media. We haven't seen the tape.
2) We won't ever "see" the tape, because it is audio. Therefore it can only show Trump saying things, not doing things.
3) By "showing them," your media means talking about them while holding them. If what your media is telling us is true, then at worst Trump was waiving a document around as a prop. There's no evidence at all that he allowed the "non classified people" to read any of it. For all we know, it had a classified cover on it.
4) The prosecutor has a history of partisan and fraudulent prosecutions of Republicans, so we have no way to know any of what he says is true.
1) According to the prosecutor, as reported by your media. We haven't seen the tape.
2) We won't ever "see" the tape, because it is audio. Therefore it can only show Trump saying things, not doing things.
3) By "showing them," your media means talking about them while holding them. If what your media is telling us is true, then at worst Trump was waiving a document around as a prop. There's no evidence at all that he allowed the "non classified people" to read any of it. For all we know, it had a classified cover on it.
4) The prosecutor has a history of partisan and fraudulent prosecutions of Republicans, so we have no way to know any of what he says is true.


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