So Who’s Going to Reject Trumps Check in the Mail?

Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
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Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Trumpism 2020

Will you send it back?
I'll say it again:

Nope, unlike you I am consistent (although I don't I qualify for any checks).

Government often plays a role that the free market can't replicate.

I'll leave the hypocrisy to you Trumpsters: Attack the government 24/7 until you need it.

Thanks for asking!

Well said. And not one of them will turn down the money either. It's no different than other parts of the social safety net the government, through our tax dollars, provides.

Maybe next time people sneer at folks getting health insurance benefits, food stamps, CHIP, housing assistance - they should take a look at the check they're getting from the government.

Which kind of makes me wonder. Should recipients be drug tested?
This has been such blatant hypocrisy (at that includes the last three years of Trump's huge government/Fed intervention in the economy) that I'd just as soon not discuss it with these people. They are clueless, they are lying, or they are mal-informed, or some combination therein. Whatever it is, they refuse to admit their ignorance.

They are going to redefine socialism in order to avoid cognitive dissonance. That's their only hope

And...actually, what's really hilarious is the right has been steadily expanding the definition of "socialism" and now it's slapping them in the face.
Yep, that's the comical hypocrisy of this.

I mentioned this elsewhere here: I had one of them tell me that this bill is an example of CAPITALISM, because corporate taxes (wrong) are paying for it.

That is a level of -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidity that makes trying to communicate with these people a waste of time.

Blame cable news.
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
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Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Surely all you lot who bitched about socialism won't be accepting a socialist hand out right?

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This really isn't about Socialism or those who've denied it are now forced to accept it. Nobody voted here to accept or deny it.

What Im trying to say is this...……...right now, because of this virus and the panic of it, our country as well as the rest of the world are in some deep shit. The attempts for a stimulus is to help those effected by it. True that it's coming under the guise of Socialism......but it's really not Socialism.

What are we all supposed to do? Just tough it out until the virus & resulting problems resolve itself? Or accept the government handouts to hopefully get back on our feet to resume our lives as we did before (Capitalism)…….this is only temporary 'Socialism' as it were, not a complete change of politics.

And for those trying to make it political partisan and pointing fingers of blame to one side or the other....remember this......we are all, EVERYONE, is effected by this both short and long term. The virus and resulting fallout from it, doesn't play party favors and neither should we
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Surely all you lot who bitched about socialism won't be accepting a socialist hand out right?

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This really isn't about Socialism or those who've denied it are now forced to accept it. Nobody voted here to accept or deny it.

What Im trying to say is this...……...right now, because of this virus and the panic of it, our country as well as the rest of the world are in some deep shit. The attempts for a stimulus is to help those effected by it. True that it's coming under the guise of Socialism......but it's really not Socialism.

What are we all supposed to do? Just tough it out until the virus & resulting problems resolve itself? Or accept the government handouts to hopefully get back on our feet to resume our lives as we did before (Capitalism)…….this is only temporary 'Socialism' as it were, not a complete change of politics.

And for those trying to make it political partisan and pointing fingers of blame to one side or the other....remember this......we are all, EVERYONE, is effected by this both short and long term. The virus and resulting fallout from it, doesn't play party favors and neither should we

Last time they did it it was supposed to stimulate the economy. I don't think it did.
It's much less believable when somebody on the left claiming their wealth says they are for higher taxation on themselves, or they own a business and want higher minimum wages
And yet every time a democrat politician (they are all rich) says this, you cry your eyes out for a week about democrats raising taxes. So clearly you are talking out of your ass. . Ray, do these words fall out of mind randomly, or do you mean for them to come out in that order?
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Trumpism 2020

Will you send it back?
I'll say it again:

Nope, unlike you I am consistent (although I don't I qualify for any checks).

Government often plays a role that the free market can't replicate.

I'll leave the hypocrisy to you Trumpsters: Attack the government 24/7 until you need it.

Thanks for asking!

Well said. And not one of them will turn down the money either. It's no different than other parts of the social safety net the government, through our tax dollars, provides.

Maybe next time people sneer at folks getting health insurance benefits, food stamps, CHIP, housing assistance - they should take a look at the check they're getting from the government.

Which kind of makes me wonder. Should recipients be drug tested?
This has been such blatant hypocrisy (at that includes the last three years of Trump's huge government/Fed intervention in the economy) that I'd just as soon not discuss it with these people. They are clueless, they are lying, or they are mal-informed, or some combination therein. Whatever it is, they refuse to admit their ignorance.

They are going to redefine socialism in order to avoid cognitive dissonance. That's their only hope

And...actually, what's really hilarious is the right has been steadily expanding the definition of "socialism" and now it's slapping them in the face.
Yep, that's the comical hypocrisy of this.

I mentioned this elsewhere here: I had one of them tell me that this bill is an example of CAPITALISM, because corporate taxes (wrong) are paying for it.

That is a level of -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidity that makes trying to communicate with these people a waste of time.

Blame cable news.
Yes, Fox is culpable, along with talk radio.
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Surely all you lot who bitched about socialism won't be accepting a socialist hand out right?

What's socialist about it?

Government giving free money, bail outs, etc. - when Obama did similar in the Great Recession you screamed "socialism"...redistribution.... :dunno:

I didn't scream anything. And BTW, these are not bailouts, these are government loans so the early reporting states.

When Obama did was called "bailouts". Does the term change when there is an R at the helm?

Bailouts are and handouts that are not repaid. Loans are repaid.
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Surely all you lot who bitched about socialism won't be accepting a socialist hand out right?

What's socialist about it?

Government giving free money, bail outs, etc. - when Obama did similar in the Great Recession you screamed "socialism"...redistribution.... :dunno:

I didn't scream anything. And BTW, these are not bailouts, these are government loans so the early reporting states.

When Obama did was called "bailouts". Does the term change when there is an R at the helm?

Bailouts are and handouts that are not repaid. Loans are repaid.
Which Obama "bailout" was not repaid? Ray, are you making stuff up again?
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Surely all you lot who bitched about socialism won't be accepting a socialist hand out right?

What's socialist about it?

Government giving free money, bail outs, etc. - when Obama did similar in the Great Recession you screamed "socialism"...redistribution.... :dunno:

I didn't scream anything. And BTW, these are not bailouts, these are government loans so the early reporting states.

When Obama did was called "bailouts". Does the term change when there is an R at the helm?

Bailouts are and handouts that are not repaid. Loans are repaid.
This Trump re-election campaign slush fund contains outright grants that do not have to be paid back.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™
The airlines alone are getting $25 billion in grants that don't have to be paid back.

"It's only soshulism if someone else gets free money, not me!"
This Trump bailout contains outright grants that do not have to be paid back.
And we're going into a recession with record deficits, right after an unnecessary tax cuts, and with rates at zero.

Gee, who could have predicted the lifetime conman and bankruptcy artist would bankrupt the country? Besides everyone ...
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check will think of it as coming from the Democrats who made it a lot more fair.from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.
we will think of it as coming from the Democrats who made it a lot more fair. Trump would have given it all to himself if he could have.
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Surely all you lot who bitched about socialism won't be accepting a socialist hand out right?

View attachment 315163

This really isn't about Socialism or those who've denied it are now forced to accept it. Nobody voted here to accept or deny it.

What Im trying to say is this...……...right now, because of this virus and the panic of it, our country as well as the rest of the world are in some deep shit. The attempts for a stimulus is to help those effected by it. True that it's coming under the guise of Socialism......but it's really not Socialism.

What are we all supposed to do? Just tough it out until the virus & resulting problems resolve itself? Or accept the government handouts to hopefully get back on our feet to resume our lives as we did before (Capitalism)…….this is only temporary 'Socialism' as it were, not a complete change of politics.

And for those trying to make it political partisan and pointing fingers of blame to one side or the other....remember this......we are all, EVERYONE, is effected by this both short and long term. The virus and resulting fallout from it, doesn't play party favors and neither should we

Last time they did it it was supposed to stimulate the economy. I don't think it did.

To some extent it probably did, but not in the way they had hoped I suppose......but the situations are different. Nobody has seen anything like what we are now experiencing or atleast not to this extent.
The airlines alone are getting $25 billion in grants that don't have to be paid back.

"It's only soshulism if someone else gets free money, not me!"

You are a socialist. You are now a Trump supporter?
The new Republican catch-phrase which they have all been coached to use is "snap loan" instead of "grant".
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

I'm not a democrat but I will reject it. I don't want it. I don't need it.

The bush boy sent out 2 checks. I got one of them. I didn't want it so I donated it to charity.

Which is what I will do with this check if I get one.

I don't want or need the money so I will give it to the charity I found when I got one of the bush boy's checks. An organization that does nothing but pay for abortions and help women get to a state where they can have one.

So your tax dollars will pay for some abortions. Again.

If you really don't want it, then cash the check, and write another one to the federal treasury. I'm sure they won't reject it.

I really don't want it.

I know that you believe everyone who doesn't believe as you do doesn't make much of any money. Or maybe it's that you think since you don't make much money, most everyone else who isn't rich, is the same as you.

Either one, I'm not like you. I succeeded in my career and was able to retired financially independent when I was 54 years old.

Just who do you think you are that you think you can tell me what to do with that check? It has my name on it so I can do whatever I want with it.

I will do what I did in the bush boy years. Send it to an organization that all they do is pay for abortions and help women get to a state where they can have one. Then this time next year, I'm going to deduct that money from my taxes as a charitable contribution.

I enjoy knowing that tax dollars are paying for several abortions against your will.

I'm just making a suggestion on what you can do if you don't want it. Just give it back. What's the difference if you use the money for yourself or somebody else? You're still cashing the check, and you're still spending government money.

If I get a check, I read those who make up to 75 grand a year will get one. If that's true, I won't get one.

When I got that insult of a check from the bush boy in his first round of sending out checks, I was insulted. I didn't need the money and believed that sending out that check to me while the bush boy gave the filthy rich billions was an insult to me and those who weren't filthy rich.

So I thought what would be an insult to the bush boy and conservatives? Sending that money to be spent only on an abortion. I know how much you hypocrites hate abortion so I found an organization that all they do is pay for. abortions and help women get to states where they can have one. I've been donating money to that organization every year since that first bush boy check,

I turned what I considered an insult into something that was needed and helped women.

I also enjoy knowing how much you people hate tax dollars to pay for abortions, that some federal tax dollars go to paying for abortions.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to laugh at you people.

Enjoy knowing tax dollars are paying for several abortions and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

We don't know what you're spending it on, nor do we care. And to be totally honest, nearly every liberal on this forum is either independently wealthy, has their own business, or retired early. Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place.

So when leftists tell me they have all this money, forgive me if I don't quite believe it. Because I find it ironic that most of the self-proclaimed wealthy people on this board are for higher taxes, especially on the wealthy, more government handouts, and forced higher pay for menial labor.

I agree. Most on line pretend to be something they aren't.

I'm not like that.

I spent 35 years photographing the greatest musicians of our lifetime on and off stage. I'm a former photographer for the original owners of the Gorge Amphitheater, Rolling Stone Magazine, former photographer for the House of Blues Concerts and technically still a photographer for Getty Images. I haven't done a job with them in about 5 years. They sell my work. I receive royalties from those sales.

I've been published in every major publication on the planet including the New York Times. I'm a member of the media you and trump love to hate. There are just too many media outlets I've been published in or worked with to list in a message box. I've worked with actors, writers, directors and producers since I was the photographer for the Seattle International Film Festival for nearly a decade. Here's some of my work in order they appear, Sting, Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, Rod Stewart, Carlos Santana, Mike Stipe of REM, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd.

I was the first person who bands and their managers or PR people contacted to work with when they came to my area. I've worked with two members of the band the Beatles. I've worked with Paul McCartney 3 times. The last time I was chosen over the house photographer. The house photographer wasn't allowed to photograph the show or spend the day with McCartney. Only I was.

Who is your favorite musician or band? There's a very good chance I've worked with them. If you like I can post my list of musicians I've worked with. There's over 500 names on that list and most I've worked with more than once.

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Simply fantastic!

Dana, you'll have to forgive our petty, pretentious Republican keyboard kowboy friends here for slinking away and pretending not to read your post or admire these wonderful photos! What a life you have had!

(I've been very fortunate to have my life work also be in the visual arts!)


Thank you Blaine.

I don't usually post about what my career was or my financial situation but did in this thread.

People who are really successful in life don't usually talk about it. At least I don't. It's just what I did for my career.

I just steal what's in front of me by pressing a button. There really isn't much more to it. I just happened to have started in 1979 when there wasn't a real industry for it so I was one of the people who helped start it. Because of that I have experience most in the industry don't have. Only because I did it for so long.

Yes it took a lot of hard work but everything worth while does and is worth it.
The airlines alone are getting $25 billion in grants that don't have to be paid back.

"It's only soshulism if someone else gets free money, not me!"

You are a socialist. You are now a Trump supporter?
I am a fiscal conservative with a wide libertarian streak, which is one of many reasons why I hate Trump. Perhaps you have noticed the bazillion posts I have been making for the past nine years about government debt. Trump doubled the deficit he inherited. Perhaps you noticed I did not like that one bit.

I enjoy watching you hypocrites twist in the wind. :lol:

Nice try, dipshit.
This Trump bailout contains outright grants that do not have to be paid back.
And we're going into a recession with record deficits, right after an unnecessary tax cuts, and with rates at zero.

Gee, who could have predicted the lifetime conman and bankruptcy artist would bankrupt the country? Besides everyone ...

No matter how you spin it...…...he's not responsible for the virus or fall out from it.

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