So Who’s Going to Reject Trumps Check in the Mail?

It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.
And it's a shame you are such a handicapped cultist. If you weren't, the idea might have fizzled into your head that the president could mobilize and fund manufacture and development of more test kits. At any time. Instead, at that time, he was calling the concerns about the virus a hoax.

Don cannot open anything up come Easter, he never shut anything down and Governors can tell him to go fock himself all day long, Don has no legal standing. And they should. And they should transport all the bodies that pile up from Don's refusal to address known equipment/supplies needs/shortfalls to the white house and pile them up there for the world to see.
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump sat with his thumb up his fat ass and went golfing.

Their rate of infections has been falling, while ours have yet to peak.

So anyone who says there was nothing which could have prevented this disaster, they are full-on retarded.

We are paying a $2 trillion penalty for electing an incompetent, lying retard.

It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.

The only fault of Trump is he didn't go after all these bureaucracies when he first entered the White House; nameless, faceless people with virtually nobody they have to answer to, and all the power of our US Congress.

It was my hope he was going to go after them; close most of them down, and totally strip power away from the others.

I don’t know what you mean by “go after” the bureaucracies. What I know is that this has demonstrated why we need bureaucracies and why we need them run by serious people.

The FDA, the CDC do answer to someone. They answer to the president. If they’re not functioning, then maybe it has something to do with the person who doesn’t seem to understand why they are there and what they do.
Holy crap, Trump is back out there in a press conference, spreading this phony fake Nazi Marxist news that the virus is an emergency!

And Trumpsters coast to coast are FURIOUS at him! He's a commie I tell you!
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump sat with his thumb up his fat ass and went golfing.

Their rate of infections has been falling, while ours have yet to peak.

So anyone who says there was nothing which could have prevented this disaster, they are full-on retarded.

We are paying a $2 trillion penalty for electing an incompetent, lying retard.

It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.

The only fault of Trump is he didn't go after all these bureaucracies when he first entered the White House; nameless, faceless people with virtually nobody they have to answer to, and all the power of our US Congress.

It was my hope he was going to go after them; close most of them down, and totally strip power away from the others.

I don’t know what you mean by “go after” the bureaucracies. What I know is that this has demonstrated why we need bureaucracies and why we need them run by serious people.

The FDA, the CDC do answer to someone. They answer to the president. If they’re not functioning, then maybe it has something to do with the person who doesn’t seem to understand why they are there and what they do.

" … and why we need them run by serious people", instead of kleptocratic kakistocratic predatory aristocrat carpetbaggers.
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump sat with his thumb up his fat ass and went golfing.

Their rate of infections has been falling, while ours have yet to peak.

So anyone who says there was nothing which could have prevented this disaster, they are full-on retarded.

We are paying a $2 trillion penalty for electing an incompetent, lying retard.

It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.

The only fault of Trump is he didn't go after all these bureaucracies when he first entered the White House; nameless, faceless people with virtually nobody they have to answer to, and all the power of our US Congress.

It was my hope he was going to go after them; close most of them down, and totally strip power away from the others.

I don’t know what you mean by “go after” the bureaucracies. What I know is that this has demonstrated why we need bureaucracies and why we need them run by serious people.

The FDA, the CDC do answer to someone. They answer to the president. If they’re not functioning, then maybe it has something to do with the person who doesn’t seem to understand why they are there and what they do.

It was in response to a claim how great South Korea handled it compared to Trump. We have a different government, a very complex government. We have a President, but a US President also has limited power. He can't bark an order out and everybody just fall in line on the dime.
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump sat with his thumb up his fat ass and went golfing.

Their rate of infections has been falling, while ours have yet to peak.

So anyone who says there was nothing which could have prevented this disaster, they are full-on retarded.

We are paying a $2 trillion penalty for electing an incompetent, lying retard.

It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.

The only fault of Trump is he didn't go after all these bureaucracies when he first entered the White House; nameless, faceless people with virtually nobody they have to answer to, and all the power of our US Congress.

It was my hope he was going to go after them; close most of them down, and totally strip power away from the others.

I don’t know what you mean by “go after” the bureaucracies. What I know is that this has demonstrated why we need bureaucracies and why we need them run by serious people.

The FDA, the CDC do answer to someone. They answer to the president. If they’re not functioning, then maybe it has something to do with the person who doesn’t seem to understand why they are there and what they do.

It was in response to a claim how great South Korea handled it compared to Trump. We have a different government, a very complex government. We have a President, but a US President also has limited power. He can't bark an order out and everybody just fall in line on the dime.
But Trump makes the sun rise every day! Trump moves stock markets to new highs. Food tastes better and we get better cable reception, all thanks to Trump.

I find it simply astonishing Trump can't bark an order to the CDC or the FDA or FEMA, which are part of the Executive branch. Did he lose their phone number? Are the directors banned from the White House for making fun of Trump's fake hair?

What do you want to bet that when this is all over, Trump will thump his chest and take credit?
Trump is working from a $3 trillion hole he created before this crisis. Now he's digging another $2 trillion deeper, and that's just the beginning!

And we once again get to watch the pseudocons abdicate on yet another principle they falsely claimed to believe in.

And if Trump did nothing, and we went into a recession/ depression, you would be the first here blaming him for not giving money out to save the economy.
The reason Trump has to dole out another $2 trillion is because of his disgraceful, disastrous, and apathetic response to the virus.

We wouldn't be here if he hadn't blown it off and went golfing.

$2 trillion. That's the cost of electing a retard.

The countries which took it seriously are far better off than we are.

There is nothing that could have prevented this and you know it. Why did the Democrats work through a bill earlier this month to rescind Trump's travel ban?
That was a bill to rescind Trump's MUSLIM travel ban, idiot.
You better kneel down and thank God the Democrats were not in charge now. We would likely have thousands dead and more to come.


No idiot, it was the House wanting to control all travel bans. Trump didn't want to piss China off because we desperately needed their patient research. They are also a major trading partner with the US, and China is where we borrow our money from.

So he insults China, you actually think we're getting the level of assistance China has offered to others? Where did you come by that notion? Yes, capitalism in American is dependent upon communists.

Fuck Breitbart, it's real fake news.

It's been reported by other sources if you'd like to see them. Attack the messenger........

Yes, China has been less than cooperative, and that's when Trump started calling it the Chinese virus, but he didn't know that at the onset. He was trying to get them to help us out.
It was in response to a claim how great South Korea handled it compared to Trump. We have a different government, a very complex government. We have a President, but a US President also has limited power. He can't bark an order out and everybody just fall in line on the dime.

Psst! South Korea is a democracy with an Executive branch, a legislative branch, a judicial branch and everything!

And they have a Constitution!
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump sat with his thumb up his fat ass and went golfing.

Their rate of infections has been falling, while ours have yet to peak.

So anyone who says there was nothing which could have prevented this disaster, they are full-on retarded.

We are paying a $2 trillion penalty for electing an incompetent, lying retard.

It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.

The only fault of Trump is he didn't go after all these bureaucracies when he first entered the White House; nameless, faceless people with virtually nobody they have to answer to, and all the power of our US Congress.

It was my hope he was going to go after them; close most of them down, and totally strip power away from the others.

I don’t know what you mean by “go after” the bureaucracies. What I know is that this has demonstrated why we need bureaucracies and why we need them run by serious people.

The FDA, the CDC do answer to someone. They answer to the president. If they’re not functioning, then maybe it has something to do with the person who doesn’t seem to understand why they are there and what they do.

It was in response to a claim how great South Korea handled it compared to Trump. We have a different government, a very complex government. We have a President, but a US President also has limited power. He can't bark an order out and everybody just fall in line on the dime.
He could have tried being a leader.
It was in response to a claim how great South Korea handled it compared to Trump. We have a different government, a very complex government. We have a President, but a US President also has limited power. He can't bark an order out and everybody just fall in line on the dime.

Psst! South Korea is a democracy with an Executive branch, a legislative branch, a judicial branch and everything!

And they have a Constitution!

Oh really? And how many bureaucracies do they have?
I suppose lefties will have to. On one hand they believe free shit conquers all, but they hate Trump even more than they love free shit, is that not correct?
It was in response to a claim how great South Korea handled it compared to Trump. We have a different government, a very complex government. We have a President, but a US President also has limited power. He can't bark an order out and everybody just fall in line on the dime.

Psst! South Korea is a democracy with an Executive branch, a legislative branch, a judicial branch and everything!

And they have a Constitution!

Oh really? And how many bureaucracies do they have?
You tell us, it was your "big" point, Cletus.
Holy crap, Trump is back out there in a press conference, spreading this phony fake Nazi Marxist news that the virus is an emergency!

And Trumpsters coast to coast are FURIOUS at him! He's a commie I tell you!

Hmm... if you meant he is the best president in history, you are correct.
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay from with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
I had one of them -- seriously, I am not making this up -- trying to tell me that this is an example of capitalism, because corporate tax dollars (wrong) are being used.

Again, I am not making this up.

This is how far gone they are.
These are the same folks who think the exporters pay tariffs. So whatcha gonna do?

Trumpism 2020

I think the 0P has a point and so do you. The Trump supporters who have screamed socialism nonstop will happily take this money as well the TDS sufferers who have done nothing but foam at the mouth about this man for the last four years. Basically everybody is a hypocrite all the way around
This was Trump’s idea?

Trumpism 2020

I think the 0P has a point and so do you. The Trump supporters who have screamed socialism nonstop will happily take this money as well the TDS sufferers who have done nothing but foam at the mouth about this man for the last four years. Basically everybody is a hypocrite all the way around
I’ll ask you also then. How’s a one time tax refund socialism?
We were running a surplus? This is debt
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
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Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

Surely all you lot who bitched about socialism won't be accepting a socialist hand out right?

What's socialist about it?

Government giving free money, bail outs, etc. - when Obama did similar in the Great Recession you screamed "socialism"...redistribution.... :dunno:

I didn't scream anything. And BTW, these are not bailouts, these are government loans so the early reporting states.

When Obama did was called "bailouts". Does the term change when there is an R at the helm?

Bailouts are and handouts that are not repaid. Loans are repaid.

With TARP, they were almost entirely paid back...but still referred to as bailouts.

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