So Who’s Going to Reject Trumps Check in the Mail?

The airlines alone are getting $25 billion in grants that don't have to be paid back.

"It's only soshulism if someone else gets free money, not me!"

You are a socialist. You are now a Trump supporter?
I am a fiscal conservative with a wide libertarian streak, which is one of many reasons why I hate Trump. Perhaps you have noticed the bazillion posts I have been making for the past nine years about government debt. Trump doubled the deficit he inherited. Perhaps you noticed I did not like that one bit.

I enjoy watching you hypocrites twist in the wind. :lol:

Nice try, dipshit.

Sure it is. Thats why you prefer the socialists in the Democrat party. Because you are a fiscal conservative. See lots of those here.
I am not surprised to see you make up lies about me. After all, you are just mimicking your pathological liar role model Trump.

It's what you tards do.

I am glad you fiscally responsible Democrats are around. Otherwise the US would be in huge debt right now.
The ignorance flows deeply, since the ENTITTLEMENTS part of the Federal budget were created by the Democratic Party over the decades, which is what is driving the deficit spending today, Trump INHERITED a built in problem, one that has ballooned over time, which will never be fixed until the economy collapses, which is inevitable.

Hating Trump will not solve anything but make you dumber over time, partisanship is a sign of mental defect, since taking sides for EITHER party no matter what, doesn't fix anything. Being an ideologist (which is what most people here are) forces you to defend the indefensible, thus be stupid and vote for stupid people into office, it is why we have Trump in the first place!

I quit voting for a President since 2001, since then we get terrible choices to vote for to the point that this country is in serious trouble.
"Anybody who wants a test can get a test."

This sums up the whole Trump story from the 1980s to the present. Create a delusion, get the rubes to bleev it, and avoid the hard honest work.

That's his whole schtick.

And now we are paying a heavy price for following the Pied Piper huckster.
The airlines alone are getting $25 billion in grants that don't have to be paid back.

"It's only soshulism if someone else gets free money, not me!"

You are a socialist. You are now a Trump supporter?
I am a fiscal conservative with a wide libertarian streak, which is one of many reasons why I hate Trump. Perhaps you have noticed the bazillion posts I have been making for the past nine years about government debt. Trump doubled the deficit he inherited. Perhaps you noticed I did not like that one bit.

I enjoy watching you hypocrites twist in the wind. :lol:

Nice try, dipshit.

Sure it is. Thats why you prefer the socialists in the Democrat party. Because you are a fiscal conservative. See lots of those here.
I am not surprised to see you make up lies about me. After all, you are just mimicking your pathological liar role model Trump.

It's what you tards do.

I am glad you fiscally responsible Democrats are around. Otherwise the US would be in huge debt right now.
The ignorance flows deeply, since the ENTITTLEMENTS part of the Federal budget were created by the Democratic Party over the decades, which is what is driving the deficit spending today, Trump INHERITED a built in problem, one that has ballooned over time, which will never be fixed until the economy collapses, which is inevitable.

Hating Trump will not solve anything but make you dumber over time, partisanship is a sign of mental defect, since taking sides for EITHER party no matter what, doesn't fix anything. Being an ideologist (which is what most people here are) forces you to defend the indefensible, thus be stupid and vote for stupid people into office, it is why we have Trump in the first place!

I quit voting for a President since 2001, since then we get terrible choices to vote for to the point that this country is in serious trouble.
I voted the straight Republican ticket until 2006, and I am still mad at myself for not waking up sooner.

Even so, I kept hoping the Republican party would come to its senses, too, and purge itself of the bigots, retards, hypocrites, and psychopaths which have infected it.

But once Trump was elected, I knew there was no hope. So I quit the party and registered Independent.

I plan on voting for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen for President, depending on which way the coin toss goes.

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend
The airlines alone are getting $25 billion in grants that don't have to be paid back.

"It's only soshulism if someone else gets free money, not me!"

You are a socialist. You are now a Trump supporter?
I am a fiscal conservative with a wide libertarian streak, which is one of many reasons why I hate Trump. Perhaps you have noticed the bazillion posts I have been making for the past nine years about government debt. Trump doubled the deficit he inherited. Perhaps you noticed I did not like that one bit.

I enjoy watching you hypocrites twist in the wind. :lol:

Nice try, dipshit.

Sure it is. Thats why you prefer the socialists in the Democrat party. Because you are a fiscal conservative. See lots of those here.
I am not surprised to see you make up lies about me. After all, you are just mimicking your pathological liar role model Trump.

It's what you tards do.

I am glad you fiscally responsible Democrats are around. Otherwise the US would be in huge debt right now.
The ignorance flows deeply, since the ENTITTLEMENTS part of the Federal budget were created by the Democratic Party over the decades, which is what is driving the deficit spending today, Trump INHERITED a built in problem, one that has ballooned over time, which will never be fixed until the economy collapses, which is inevitable.

Hating Trump will not solve anything but make you dumber over time, partisanship is a sign of mental defect, since taking sides for EITHER party no matter what, doesn't fix anything. Being an ideologist (which is what most people here are) forces you to defend the indefensible, thus be stupid and vote for stupid people into office, it is why we have Trump in the first place!

I quit voting for a President since 2001, since then we get terrible choices to vote for to the point that this country is in serious trouble.
I voted the straight Republican ticket until 2006, and I am still mad at myself for not waking up sooner.

Even so, I kept hoping the Republican party would come to its senses, too, and purge itself of the bigots, retards, hypocrites, and psychopaths which have infected it.

But once Trump was elected, I knew there was no hope. So I quit the party and registered Independent.

I plan on voting for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen for President, depending on which way the coin toss goes.

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend

Youll vote for Biden..only because Hillary isnt running (at this moment anyhow)
The airlines alone are getting $25 billion in grants that don't have to be paid back.

"It's only soshulism if someone else gets free money, not me!"

You are a socialist. You are now a Trump supporter?
I am a fiscal conservative with a wide libertarian streak, which is one of many reasons why I hate Trump. Perhaps you have noticed the bazillion posts I have been making for the past nine years about government debt. Trump doubled the deficit he inherited. Perhaps you noticed I did not like that one bit.

I enjoy watching you hypocrites twist in the wind. :lol:

Nice try, dipshit.

Sure it is. Thats why you prefer the socialists in the Democrat party. Because you are a fiscal conservative. See lots of those here.
I am not surprised to see you make up lies about me. After all, you are just mimicking your pathological liar role model Trump.

It's what you tards do.

I am glad you fiscally responsible Democrats are around. Otherwise the US would be in huge debt right now.
The ignorance flows deeply, since the ENTITTLEMENTS part of the Federal budget were created by the Democratic Party over the decades, which is what is driving the deficit spending today, Trump INHERITED a built in problem, one that has ballooned over time, which will never be fixed until the economy collapses, which is inevitable.

Hating Trump will not solve anything but make you dumber over time, partisanship is a sign of mental defect, since taking sides for EITHER party no matter what, doesn't fix anything. Being an ideologist (which is what most people here are) forces you to defend the indefensible, thus be stupid and vote for stupid people into office, it is why we have Trump in the first place!

I quit voting for a President since 2001, since then we get terrible choices to vote for to the point that this country is in serious trouble.
I voted the straight Republican ticket until 2006, and I am still mad at myself for not waking up sooner.

Even so, I kept hoping the Republican party would come to its senses, too, and purge itself of the bigots, retards, hypocrites, and psychopaths which have infected it.

But once Trump was elected, I knew there was no hope. So I quit the party and registered Independent.

I plan on voting for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen for President, depending on which way the coin toss goes.

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend

Youll vote for Biden..only because Hillary isnt running (at this moment anyhow)
You're doubling down and still making shit up? No wonder Trump is so easily able to hoax you idiots. :lol:

To lie to you as much as he does, he must hold you in utter contempt.
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump sat with his thumb up his fat ass and went golfing.

Their rate of infections has been falling, while ours have yet to peak.

So anyone who says there was nothing which could have prevented this disaster, they are full-on retarded.

We are paying a $2 trillion penalty for electing an incompetent, lying retard.

It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.

The only fault of Trump is he didn't go after all these bureaucracies when he first entered the White House; nameless, faceless people with virtually nobody they have to answer to, and all the power of our US Congress.

It was my hope he was going to go after them; close most of them down, and totally strip power away from the others.

You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay from with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
I had one of them -- seriously, I am not making this up -- trying to tell me that this is an example of capitalism, because corporate tax dollars (wrong) are being used.

Again, I am not making this up.

This is how far gone they are.
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay from with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
I had one of them -- seriously, I am not making this up -- trying to tell me that this is an example of capitalism, because corporate tax dollars (wrong) are being used.

Again, I am not making this up.

This is how far gone they are.
What's more ignorant? Thinking it's corporate dollars or categorizing the relief checks as coming from the King of Debt? Both reflection appalling stupidity by members of The Following.

Hold on....are you boys being serious? You honestly didn't know that capitalism is what funds the socialist components in this nation?
No capitalism = No socialism....the formula doesn't work the other way around....hahaha....DUMMIES!
My wife and I won't be getting a check.

Yeah, me either.

Even those who do, any direct payments to those people are just going to be offset against any tax refunds in the future. So, no real relief and the government is still gonna take its cut.

The payroll tax cut won't apply to workers either. Only employers, but that, too, will be recuperated in following tax years.

It's doubtful that many will actually read the bill, unfortunately. But that won't stop the hoorahs for big-government.
Trump is working from a $3 trillion hole he created before this crisis. Now he's digging another $2 trillion deeper, and that's just the beginning!

And we once again get to watch the pseudocons abdicate on yet another principle they falsely claimed to believe in.

And if Trump did nothing, and we went into a recession/ depression, you would be the first here blaming him for not giving money out to save the economy.
The reason Trump has to dole out another $2 trillion is because of his disgraceful, disastrous, and apathetic response to the virus.

We wouldn't be here if he hadn't blown it off and went golfing.

$2 trillion. That's the cost of electing a retard.

The countries which took it seriously are far better off than we are.

There is nothing that could have prevented this and you know it. Why did the Democrats work through a bill earlier this month to rescind Trump's travel ban?
That was a bill to rescind Trump's MUSLIM travel ban, idiot.
You better kneel down and thank God the Democrats were not in charge now. We would likely have thousands dead and more to come.


No idiot, it was the House wanting to control all travel bans. Trump didn't want to piss China off because we desperately needed their patient research. They are also a major trading partner with the US, and China is where we borrow our money from.

Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

This token gesture by the aristocracy who withheld what was coming from the public until they informed the donor class and wrapped up their insider trading will ensure it's all past by Easter. Note to the public, your power structure sees you as disposable. A check for your livelihood and/or life should do the trick. We're already rationing care. Enjoy the empty shelves we used to scoff at others when we created those economic conditions in their societies. Enjoy the wave, lick a religious totem come Easter.
It's a shame you have no idea WTF you're talking about. All test kits have to be approved of by the FDA. The only people that had test kits with their approval was the CDC. When they started to use them, they found out they were defective.
And it's a shame you are such a handicapped cultist. If you weren't, the idea might have fizzled into your head that the president could mobilize and fund manufacture and development of more test kits. At any time. Instead, at that time, he was calling the concerns about the virus a hoax.
Trump is working from a $3 trillion hole he created before this crisis. Now he's digging another $2 trillion deeper, and that's just the beginning!

And we once again get to watch the pseudocons abdicate on yet another principle they falsely claimed to believe in.

And if Trump did nothing, and we went into a recession/ depression, you would be the first here blaming him for not giving money out to save the economy.
The reason Trump has to dole out another $2 trillion is because of his disgraceful, disastrous, and apathetic response to the virus.

We wouldn't be here if he hadn't blown it off and went golfing.

$2 trillion. That's the cost of electing a retard.

The countries which took it seriously are far better off than we are.

There is nothing that could have prevented this and you know it. Why did the Democrats work through a bill earlier this month to rescind Trump's travel ban?
That was a bill to rescind Trump's MUSLIM travel ban, idiot.
You better kneel down and thank God the Democrats were not in charge now. We would likely have thousands dead and more to come.


No idiot, it was the House wanting to control all travel bans. Trump didn't want to piss China off because we desperately needed their patient research. They are also a major trading partner with the US, and China is where we borrow our money from.

So he insults China, you actually think we're getting the level of assistance China has offered to others? Where did you come by that notion? Yes, capitalism in American is dependent upon communists.

Fuck Breitbart, it's real fake news.

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