So would the Conservatives on this Board, or those who voted Trump

Both are acceptable to me.
Penelope, Clinton was every bit as terrible as Trump, with the major exception she would have been less likely to be removed because she is smarter that Orange Man.
LMAO! Yeah she's got a lot going on upstairs.
She would not have been in the pickle as Donald is in his first 120 days. What a doofus!

I voted for the issues. I believed in the ACA, I believe in global warming and the EPA, and I do not think we need tax cuts.
Well that's four issues you're kind of dumb supporting.
since I'm not sure who you are, since Trump is a new Republican since the advent of Obama, be ok with Pence or Ryan? Just curious?

I'll go first, absolutely not, neither of them.
The problem you lefties are having is you hate the man so expect all of us should. I don't think he's a nice guy but his policies are already making things better so I don't give a crap. He's not going anywhere. And the dem obstruction is going to hurt them in 2018.

No, I just know his reputation , he has been around for many years. He is a charlatan. The only thing good I can see is they are going after the gangs, I do hope that is not a lie, among his many others.

There are no more jobs, and tax cuts are not bringing them back. We support the Corps as it is with our huge tax cuts, we actually buy our jobs.
Over the last eight years, if you're correct about tax cuts and reducing regulation not creating jobs. Why didn't higher taxes and more regulations create any?
Both are acceptable to me.
Penelope, Clinton was every bit as terrible as Trump, with the major exception she would have been less likely to be removed because she is smarter that Orange Man.
LMAO! Yeah she's got a lot going on upstairs.
She would not have been in the pickle as Donald is in his first 120 days. What a doofus!

I voted for the issues. I believed in the ACA, I believe in global warming and the EPA, and I do not think we need tax cuts.
Well that's four issues you're kind of dumb supporting.
since I'm not sure who you are, since Trump is a new Republican since the advent of Obama, be ok with Pence or Ryan? Just curious?

I'll go first, absolutely not, neither of them.
The problem you lefties are having is you hate the man so expect all of us should. I don't think he's a nice guy but his policies are already making things better so I don't give a crap. He's not going anywhere. And the dem obstruction is going to hurt them in 2018.

No, I just know his reputation , he has been around for many years. He is a charlatan. The only thing good I can see is they are going after the gangs, I do hope that is not a lie, among his many others.

There are no more jobs, and tax cuts are not bringing them back. We support the Corps as it is with our huge tax cuts, we actually buy our jobs.
Over the last eight years, if you're correct about tax cuts and reducing regulation not creating jobs. Why didn't higher taxes and more regulations create any?

Just because Obama inherited a recession, we have had growth. Every time we have 8 years of Republicans we have a depression or recession. Its time to trickle up.
I'm a registered libertarian, and Donald Trump is the first time I voted for a major party candidate in my life. I probably wouldn't vote for a career politician from either major party except for Rand Paul or Ron Paul. I'd go back to voting libertarian if Trump wasn't a candidate.
President Trump wasn't really a GOP candidate but he was able to subvert the party to his benefit. I think that came about because so many Americans are totally disillusioned by the political status quo and Trump managed to come out as the GOP candidate. Trump has always been more independent than GOP. Bernie tried the same tactic with the Dems but Hillary had already bought and paid for her nomination...and ostensibly, the election. Bernie was cheated but his supporters proved ultimately too stupid to let the party affiliation go.
since I'm not sure who you are, since Trump is a new Republican since the advent of Obama, be ok with Pence or Ryan? Just curious?

I'll go first, absolutely not, neither of them.
A silly questions since Trump will be president until at least 2020 and if he manages to get his major initiatives through Congress by then until 2024.

You do not know that, none of us know what the next hour will bring, this is of course a hypothetical quest.
Those of us who are sane and intelligent do know that if the President's health allows, he will be in office at least until 2020, and if he manages to get his major agenda items through Congress until 2024.

Those of us who are sane or intelligent would never vote for Trump. He is the antithesis of both sanity and intelligence.
You write that like you think you represent "sanity" and "intelligence". Who did you vote for?
since I'm not sure who you are, since Trump is a new Republican since the advent of Obama, be ok with Pence or Ryan? Just curious?

I'll go first, absolutely not, neither of them.
The problem you lefties are having is you hate the man so expect all of us should. I don't think he's a nice guy but his policies are already making things better so I don't give a crap. He's not going anywhere. And the dem obstruction is going to hurt them in 2018.

No, I just know his reputation , he has been around for many years. He is a charlatan. The only thing good I can see is they are going after the gangs, I do hope that is not a lie, among his many others.

There are no more jobs, and tax cuts are not bringing them back. We support the Corps as it is with our huge tax cuts, we actually buy our jobs.
And the Hildabeest would have been better how?
Futile point. Trump ain't going anywhere. All these investigations will roll off his back and in 4 years he will be more popular than ever and reelected. And when people step up to say I'm crazy, just remember, all you assholes were wrong about him the first 1,379 times out of 1,379 times before. Libs never learn.
As an alternative to Trump, I'd be content with any of a swam of individuals. Hell, someone's dog would be a better POTUS. At least one can rely on a dog being honest, clear and consistent with its intentions, motivations and feelings.
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Both are acceptable to me.
Penelope, Clinton was every bit as terrible as Trump, with the major exception she would have been less likely to be removed because she is smarter that Orange Man.
LMAO! Yeah she's got a lot going on upstairs.
She would not have been in the pickle as Donald is in his first 120 days. What a doofus!
Of course not. Nobody in the media would even be asking any questions.
Oh, good Americans from right to left would be after her, yes.
I said never again. I felt the ACA was the best thing, and the GOP ruined it and now its on the rocks. I credit them with it's ruin.

Specifically, how did the GOP destroy Obamacare? You got everything and more, that you demanded. We simply told you that it would fail, and it has. That's not our problem. We're trying to fix this SNAFU!
Penelope, Clinton was every bit as terrible as Trump, with the major exception she would have been less likely to be removed because she is smarter that Orange Man.

Hillary Clinton was far more likely to be removed from office. In the ill-advised speech by Comey, he enumerated numerous crimes of which she was guilty. Intent has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not she had committed a crime.

Now that Comey has been canned, and a special counsel has been appointed, most likely her crimes and the rest of the Clintons including the foundation, will come under scrutiny, again.
Penelope, Clinton was every bit as terrible as Trump, with the major exception she would have been less likely to be removed because she is smarter that Orange Man.

Hillary Clinton was far more likely to be removed from office. In the ill-advised speech by Comey, he enumerated numerous crimes of which she was guilty. Intent has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not she had committed a crime.

Now that Comey has been canned, and a special counsel has been appointed, most likely her crimes and the rest of the Clintons including the foundation, will come under scrutiny, again.
Clinton would have been far more difficult to dislodge if she have been elected than Trump.

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