So wtf do these college kids produce?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.
You work two jobs because you have a bachelors in music.

Maybe if you had decided to do a degree in business or technology?

I'm not even sure why you posted this. You have some kind of resentment about having to write persuasive essays that teach people how to form a premise and then make an argument for that premise?
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.
You work two jobs because you have a bachelors in music.

Maybe if you had decided to do a degree in business or technology?

I'm not even sure why you posted this. You have some kind of resentment about having to write persuasive essays that teach people how to form a premise and then make an argument for that premise?

He sounds like a pretty productive dude to me...can you read?
I'm not even sure why you posted this. You have some kind of resentment about having to write persuasive essays that teach people how to form a premise and then make an argument for that premise?


I want to know why my peers have NEVER had a job and are still "producing essays" like in high school. I pity them. I am proud of myself. What I want to know is why their "lifestyle" is subsidized.

I am proud of where I am today. I would be very depressed if I was them. They have yet to contribute ANYTHING to the world. I'm already looking for a wife, they're still looking for one-night stands. That's right, not "another girlfriend," a fully committed wife.

Technically, even a "girlfriend" would be an upgrade for most of these parasites I graduated with.
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Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

There's nothing left for them to do.
At 23 and having been to college for math and music, there is no way in hell you are a master craftsman, maybe a journeyman...more like an apprentice...maybe you should worry more about the college money you wasted to be a caterer...You can't even write a sentence, how the hell did you get a college degree?
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Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.
You work two jobs because you have a bachelors in music.

Maybe if you had decided to do a degree in business or technology?

I'm not even sure why you posted this. You have some kind of resentment about having to write persuasive essays that teach people how to form a premise and then make an argument for that premise?

He sounds like a pretty productive dude to me...can you read?
Yes, I can. He is complaining that he has to work two jobs while college kids are whining about writing essays.

Can you then extrapolate from that with a little thought about the fact that he is working two jobs (not in a career that he went to school for) and it may be because he made poor choices regarding education?

I have an AA degree in Database Administration, and a Bachelors in Web Design/Development. July starts the MBA with an emphasis in Technology Management. I only have to work one job and not worry about what the kids in college are doing.

Follow along if you'd like.
Get out of nursery school kids.

you really should stop being resentful of people smarter and more educated than you are.


I have two degrees, they have .... one at most (usually). I can build a house and practically rebuild a car.

What is your definition of "smart" and "educated" because it seems those people have taken over the US Government and mauled this nation.
You work two jobs because you have a bachelors in music.

Maybe if you had decided to do a degree in business or technology?

I'm not even sure why you posted this. You have some kind of resentment about having to write persuasive essays that teach people how to form a premise and then make an argument for that premise?

He sounds like a pretty productive dude to me...can you read?
Yes, I can. He is complaining that he has to work two jobs while college kids are whining about writing essays.

Can you then extrapolate from that with a little thought about the fact that he is working two jobs (not in a career that he went to school for) and it may be because he made poor choices regarding education?

I have an AA degree in Database Administration, and a Bachelors in Web Design/Development. July starts the MBA with an emphasis in Technology Management. I only have to work one job and not worry about what the kids in college are doing.

Follow along if you'd like.

It didn't sound to me like he was complaining...but then you are a libtard...I understand.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Bachelors in music and you aren't liberal? How did you escape that paradigm?
it may be because he made poor choices regarding education?

NO, I simply no longer wanted to be a teacher in the public school system. I've still made wonderful use of both degrees. As I said, I'm having my Pipe Organ music played in North Carolina and my mathematical skills have allowed engineer specialized trusses and arches --- made of wood --- to support unusually distributed loads.

The next I return to college it will be for engineering and architecture. But I'll still have at least one of my jobs, and possibly children by the time.

What I don't think you understand is that I am content with my own life.

I am appalled of how many "kids" in my generation haven't even got their feet wet in the real world --- and are proud of it --- or at this point in their life --- completely oblivious to what a waste on society they are. I'd be so ashamed.
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Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Over the many years of employment in my field, my graduate degree has more than paid for itself over and over again. I worked my way through 6 years of university and didn't party or anything, but I loved being in university because of the intellectual stimulation. My graduate degree has in no way been useless. Those who are in school not just to learn a vocation but to learn how to think are the ones you seem most jealous of. It is clear that whatever your college education consisted of, it did not include the ability to do any critical thinking. You are obviously as obtuse as you were the day you entered higher education. But, the reality is that people get out of a university education what they put into it.

BTW, you are a university graduate, bachelor's degree, and you work at Home Depot and repair cars. This is a reason for you to look down on others? You probably don't even know what critical thinking skills are, but it appears you don't have them. For example, how are those still in school “leeching the system dry”? If they are paying for their educations, how are they leeching anything? Your comment doesn’t make sense.

And this claim, “Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.” I’d say this assertion is incorrect; such a thing is highly unlikely. All of the people I knew in university who were liberal are still liberal 35 years later. Do you have some kind of verifiable evidence for your claim?

Also, your writing style is sophomoric. It’s amazing you managed to graduate university. You need to mind your own business and not judge other peoples’ choices. They are not leeching on anything or being a burden to society.
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there is no way in hell you are a master craftsman, maybe a journeyman...more like an apprentice..

What? I grew up with my grandfather who was an Ironworker and was also a master woodworker.

Wtf do you know about me punk?

As far as we know you are full of shit.....worry about #1...and not what others are doing...caterer, I was frickin restaurant manager at your age..I ran my own company at 26, had people working for me. Innovated a system that made others think I was crazy for breaking the mold of the status quo..yet I made money...had my own house at 24 which I bought and then bought 43 acres with cash...whoop de do, others have too..
But to be smug and egotistical when you don't even have a house you bought with credit is such a let down, you must be in a nursery..
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It is clear that whatever your college education consisted of, it did not include the ability to do any critical thinking. You are obviously as obtuse as you were the day you entered higher education. But, the reality is that people get out of a university edcuation what they put into it.

You're right about that. Listen to me playing my own Organ music:

What can you do?

Here's the earlier piano version.

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Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Over the many years of employment in my field, my graduate degree has more than paid for itself over and over again. I worked my way through 6 years of university and didn't party or anything, but I loved being in university because of the intellectual stimulation. My graduate degree has in no way been useless. Those who are in school not just to learn a vocation but to learn how to think are the ones you seem most jealous of. It is clear that whatever your college education consisted of, it did not include the ability to do any critical thinking. You are obviously as obtuse as you were the day you entered higher education. But, the reality is that people get out of a university edcuation what they put into it.

That was a mouthful..........of mush.

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