So you are a Army EV tank commander fighting in a foreign country, where do you get the electricity to charge the tank in the midst of a battle?

Yes. Right between the round table with an umbrella and the beer cooler. And since it's only -40 degrees F and been snowing for 10 days you should have extra underwear and socks.

Seriously. Where do they find gasoline in the desert??? Everywhere the tanks go, a fuel tanker goes with them.

There's no reason why they can't take a portable charging station with them. And having a solar powered charging station is not out of the question.
Seriously. Where do they find gasoline in the desert??? Everywhere the tanks go, a fuel tanker goes with them.
There's no reason why they can't take a portable charging station with them. And having a solar powered charging station is not out of the question.
Fucking moron. You send your kids into battle lugging a portable generator or thousands of solar panels, and chainsaws to cut down trees so the sun can hit the solar panels, except in the mountains or for night battles, huh?

You are one of the dumbest posters on this forum.
No supply train.
EV tanks is a MORONIC idea. Not to mention the added fire hazard from those gigantic batteries needed to move a big heavy tank.
China isn't worried about EV tanks are they?
Russia isn't worried about EV tanks are they?

Tanks are about warfare and survival. EV tanks are death traps. You'll need to send really stupid democrats in them.
Untrue. One example is Napoleonic warfare strategy.

Hitler's troops had problems too. The Russians torched everything the NAZI's could use when they retreated to Stalingrad, and the Germans had no supply lines. 220,000 troops invaded Russia, 90,000 surrendered at Stalingrad, the rest having, frozen, starved or been killed. 0nly around 6,000 survived the Russian prison camps.

The tanks really slowed them down. The Germans had a veritable Disneyland array of tanks for all occasions. Parts were not interchangeable, so when tanks broke down, they were unable to make repairs or even canibalize
Fucking moron. You send your kids into battle lugging a portable generator or thousands of solar panels, and chainsaws to cut down trees so the sun can hit the solar panels, except in the mountains or for night battles, huh?

You are one of the dumbest posters on this forum.

That is not what I am proposing at all. Do you think that there is only one way to generate electricity? Do you think that things have to be recharged every 30 minutes or so? Do you have any experience whatsoever with electric vehicles?

Instead of posting idiotic comments, you might try doing with what I did, which is look up what they’re doing now or how they could potentially do it. The Internet is full of real facts, if only you would look for them
That is not what I am proposing at all. Do you think that there is only one way to generate electricity? Do you think that things have to be recharged every 30 minutes or so? Do you have any experience whatsoever with electric vehicles?
Instead of posting idiotic comments, you might try doing with what I did, which is look up what they’re doing now or how they could potentially do it. The Internet is full of real facts, if only you would look for them
1. Why generate electricity when you don't need to? Why use batteries for tanks? Its MORONIC.
2. EV military equipment will have ZERO effect on climate change, China and India have the only effect on climate change, and they aren't changing.
3. You have to be even dumber than your posts indicate.
4. So you'd rather send your kids to war in EV tanks than non-EV tanks knowing that they are inferior on the battlefield?
How much equipment does the secretary of energy purchase for the military? Does she order the Tanks and other battlefield necessities?
Anything one pootyhead liberal suggests are Words From God to every other liberal jackass.
Okay fecalbrain, is it within the Secretary of Energy's power to determine what powertrain our tanks use? Don't the Abrams weight in about 60 tons or so? My guess is she was talking about the civil fleet of cars not battle tanks or other battlefield vehicles.

WTF is next an all electric Indy 500 or an all electric Daytona 200 (for all the F1, motorcycle fans)
We will build fields of solar panels all over the enemies territory. We just have to preemptively build them behind enemy lines so they are available to us once we take that territory. We charge up there, then push forward to the next solar panel field that we built inside the enemies territory. Seems doable if you ask me. :dunno:
As a general rule of thumb, it takes 3 months (per 2 MW DC) for a standard ground-mounted solar farm. Installation of solar modules and racking tends to be the quickest aspect, with electrical contracting taking the longest. How Long Does It Take To Construct A Solar Farm? | YSG Solar.
So how do you get the electricity from the solar farms to the EVs? Do they all drive back to the solar farms spend 40 minutes getting charged, only to spend another 20 minutes using up the batteries and then driving back to the farms?

A forward arming and refueling point (FARP) is a location for a refuel on the move.
The refueling point has to support refueling within a time limit, such as 30 seconds per vehicle, which has tactical consequences for an 87 tank BCT, if it were to be under fire. Refuel On the Move - Wikipedia

Terra 360 is a new charger from ABB.
This modular charger is capable of fully charging EVs in less than 15 minutes or more than 62 miles of range in less than three minutes.

Charging an electric car can be done at home or at any public charging stations. Fully charging a car can be done in just 30 minutes, .....
or it may take as long as half a day.

Now you are aware that charging stations don't create electricity. They are connected to a grid of "transmission towers"! On the battlefield where are the
transmission towers and more importantly all the enemy need do is destroy ONE tower and the power is interrupted. The enemies of the USA are just salivating over
the US military no longer using extremely portable and secure fossil fuels, i.e. GASOLINE/Diesel. Transported by trucks ...not by transmission towers any tower being destroyed brings down the entire network! Have you considered that???

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!
Where do tanks get gas on the battlefield?

Go from there and I am sure your big mind can figure out how EV tanks will be charged.
The first stage will be anyway the AbramsX, a new, 60-ton, AI-enabled, fuel efficient hybrid-electric main battle tank.
Then we will see to where this EV mania leads to.
A Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed of 42 mph and a range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.

So if an EV uses in 1 mile .25/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles X.25 kWh would require 132 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 133 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum

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