So you want a Civil War?

We're already in a civil war. Some of you obviously weren't watching the news this past summer.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.
There's been minor gang confrontations, but the left doesn't really want to have totally unrestrained confrontations because they know they would get creamed. They're agitators. Their plan is poke, poke, poke, and then when they get flattened they run to mommy and cry about the mean nasty conservatives. Cowards.
The police wont come to their aid, and the military wont help them, the only people who might aid the prog slaves are the Chinese. It will be a two front attack, but if the yellow bastards do invade, i hope the nukes go, and everyone bites the bullet. Better to die free, than be a slave to a slant eyed..
Trump is responsible for over 300,000 deaths. At least your picture is not from a real person.
We can show you body bags of people who are directly linked to Trump. And the body bags have real people in them.

What 300,000 deaths is Trump responsible for? That would be as stupid as me saying DumBama is responsible for the over 200,000 deaths from the flu that took place under his two terms.
That's already been explained hundreds of times on this very forum with no intelligent counter arguments. You are struggling to stay relevant, and it's not working.
Trump is responsible for over 300,000 deaths. At least your picture is not from a real person.
We can show you body bags of people who are directly linked to Trump. And the body bags have real people in them.

What 300,000 deaths is Trump responsible for? That would be as stupid as me saying DumBama is responsible for the over 200,000 deaths from the flu that took place under his two terms.
Obammy would also be responsible for all the deaths that happened because of his "Workplace violence" rhetoric while the rest of the country knew it was Muslims killing innocent people...
Boohoo, woe is me!

The other half believes in equality for all, do not want their kids and families killed by crazy loons with machine guns. We want them safe and happy.

They want decent Jobs, good Schools to educate their children, fair taxes, decent Health care for all, taking care of the elderly and children. Birth control so they do not have so many poor children, thus avoiding abortion.

Giving people a hand up when they need it.

We have most of these things now. If you want government to put this force field around every human being, they don't even have that in Democrat utopias like North Korea and Cuba. However in places like that, the government provides jobs, takes care of the young and elderly, free healthcare, makes sure nobody has anyway to protect themselves in their cradle-to-grave government you desire here. You should move there and try it out first.

Of course if you don't want to move, we have areas like that here; places where you do get free healthcare, don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, nobody has guns or money except the government. We call these places prisons, and they're not that difficult to join. The best part for you is, they are full of Democrats already.
No. What we have now is a government entirely controlled by the ultra wealthy for the benefit of the ultra wealthy. Sadly, people like you refuse to accept this reality, as you’re blinded by your dogma.
The honest to god truth?

Ray could do with a good month of really listening to NPR and PBS, and taking to heart the POV there, and Mary should listen to a good month of Rush Limbaugh, and taking to heart that POV. . .

And then BOTH of them need to learn everything written by Lysander Spooner and Larkin Rose, and video taped sessions by Rose.


They both need to unshackle their minds and get rid of having other folks tell them how to think. Understanding is key.

. . . and consequently, disabuse themselves of the notion, that if they disagree, that they are in fact, not each others enemies, nor do they have the right to foist their ideas off on each other. They are Americans, so act like it.

I listened to Randi Rhodes and Thom Hartmann for a few years when GW was destroying the US.
The problem is that both sides go too far.
Very true, but why? I think it’s to divide us for the benefit of the oligarchs.
Give a rich man a penny and he'll get an erection.
Give a Liberal man a chick and he'll want a guy.
So, hate gives you comfort. Color me surprised. Tell us, what exactly have gay people done to you?
I'm just relating fact.
I like most gay people and couples I meet as they know how to not push it in your face.
It's the asshole gays on line here who want hetero to be gay.
Wait a minute, what? "Want heterosexuals to be gay?" Seriously? What gays want, and what heterosexuals are going to do are two different things. What makes you think hetero sexuals will choose to be gay? Do you have some scientific evidence proving this point of yours? Answer, no you don't. You are talking shit, to hide your own hate.
I suggest you visit YouTube on occasion; you know, the YouTube that is now censoring conservatives because the Gays working for YouTube are very sensitive.
Yea, as I suspected. You hate gays. Maybe you are afraid of them? Who knows. The fact that you are worried about the sensitivity of gays working for You-tube, tells us this is one of the things that keeps you up at night. You were too obvious, and your hate is clear.
Just because everybody in Biden's cabinet has to be female, minority and a lesbian.
You are a hater and a liar. Biden also has white male Caucasians in his cabinet. Meet Joe Biden's Cabinet picks | Pictures | Reuters

Dude, you are simply pitiful at lying.
Apparently you don't check out what BLM and AOC want.
BLM and AOC are on your side of the aisle.
"My side of the aisle?" I'm on the side of the aisle that protects peoples human and civil rights. What side are you on? Lol! We already established that now didn't we?
It seems you usually fail to recognize the overtly violent Liberals out there.
Running from the argument I see. Nice try.
I read CNN and Fox as well as a dozen others and I know what the Ds were demanding from Biden.
Thankfully, Biden's handlers weren't too interested.
You've gone off the reservation with the argument here. Between your homophobia, and racism, your nonsensical rants are your own canard to deal with. Of which I have no interest in caring about. You're a lost cause.
Boohoo, woe is me!

The other half believes in equality for all, do not want their kids and families killed by crazy loons with machine guns. We want them safe and happy.

They want decent Jobs, good Schools to educate their children, fair taxes, decent Health care for all, taking care of the elderly and children. Birth control so they do not have so many poor children, thus avoiding abortion.

Giving people a hand up when they need it.

We have most of these things now. If you want government to put this force field around every human being, they don't even have that in Democrat utopias like North Korea and Cuba. However in places like that, the government provides jobs, takes care of the young and elderly, free healthcare, makes sure nobody has anyway to protect themselves in their cradle-to-grave government you desire here. You should move there and try it out first.

Of course if you don't want to move, we have areas like that here; places where you do get free healthcare, don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, nobody has guns or money except the government. We call these places prisons, and they're not that difficult to join. The best part for you is, they are full of Democrats already.
No. What we have now is a government entirely controlled by the ultra wealthy for the benefit of the ultra wealthy. Sadly, people like you refuse to accept this reality, as you’re blinded by your dogma.
The honest to god truth?

Ray could do with a good month of really listening to NPR and PBS, and taking to heart the POV there, and Mary should listen to a good month of Rush Limbaugh, and taking to heart that POV. . .

And then BOTH of them need to learn everything written by Lysander Spooner and Larkin Rose, and video taped sessions by Rose.


They both need to unshackle their minds and get rid of having other folks tell them how to think. Understanding is key.

. . . and consequently, disabuse themselves of the notion, that if they disagree, that they are in fact, not each others enemies, nor do they have the right to foist their ideas off on each other. They are Americans, so act like it.

I listened to Randi Rhodes and Thom Hartmann for a few years when GW was destroying the US.
The problem is that both sides go too far.
Very true, but why? I think it’s to divide us for the benefit of the oligarchs.
Give a rich man a penny and he'll get an erection.
Give a Liberal man a chick and he'll want a guy.
So, hate gives you comfort. Color me surprised. Tell us, what exactly have gay people done to you?
I'm just relating fact.
I like most gay people and couples I meet as they know how to not push it in your face.
It's the asshole gays on line here who want hetero to be gay.
Wait a minute, what? "Want heterosexuals to be gay?" Seriously? What gays want, and what heterosexuals are going to do are two different things. What makes you think hetero sexuals will choose to be gay? Do you have some scientific evidence proving this point of yours? Answer, no you don't. You are talking shit, to hide your own hate.
I suggest you visit YouTube on occasion; you know, the YouTube that is now censoring conservatives because the Gays working for YouTube are very sensitive.
Yea, as I suspected. You hate gays. Maybe you are afraid of them? Who knows. The fact that you are worried about the sensitivity of gays working for You-tube, tells us this is one of the things that keeps you up at night. You were too obvious, and your hate is clear.
Just because everybody in Biden's cabinet has to be female, minority and a lesbian.
You are a hater and a liar. Biden also has white male Caucasians in his cabinet. Meet Joe Biden's Cabinet picks | Pictures | Reuters

Dude, you are simply pitiful at lying.
Apparently you don't check out what BLM and AOC want.
BLM and AOC are on your side of the aisle.
"My side of the aisle?" I'm on the side of the aisle that protects peoples human and civil rights. What side are you on? Lol! We already established that now didn't we?
It seems you usually fail to recognize the overtly violent Liberals out there.
Running from the argument I see. Nice try.
I read CNN and Fox as well as a dozen others and I know what the Ds were demanding from Biden.
Thankfully, Biden's handlers weren't too interested.
You've gone off the reservation with the argument here. Between your homophobia, and racism, your nonsensical rants are your own canard to deal with. Of which I have no interest in caring about. You're a lost cause.
Thanks for admitting you haven't been checking out various news outlets for the last month or so, not that Liberals read past headlines anyway.

I go to Reuters, AP, BBC, and a whole bunch of others and BLM and the Squad were screaming for minority females and gays.
We're already in a civil war. Some of you obviously weren't watching the news this past summer.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.
There's been minor gang confrontations, but the left doesn't really want to have totally unrestrained confrontations because they know they would get creamed. They're agitators. Their plan is poke, poke, poke, and then when they get flattened they run to mommy and cry about the mean nasty conservatives. Cowards.
The police wont come to their aid, and the military wont help them, the only people who might aid the prog slaves are the Chinese. It will be a two front attack, but if the yellow bastards do invade, i hope the nukes go, and everyone bites the bullet. Better to die free, than be a slave to a slant eyed..
It won't get that far. The police should just stay out of it. When the punks realize no one will protect them they'll stop this shit. Cowards.
No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

When people start imagining things that are not happening or who vote for and supported the political class that refuses to live by the rules they enact, and deemed itself exempt from the laws that govern this land, and who have stolen elections by voter suppression, then call for civil war because nobody wants that shit to continue, those people are delusional. And that's what has happened to the republican party.

So, what do you call a person who blames the actions of people 200 years ago, for their incompetence today? Delusional?
Was that 200 years ago when we watched the father and son hillbilly team in Georgia hunting black men? They bagged one.

Individual crimes are horrible. Care to explain how the actions of two assholes is systemic racism? And, if you truly cared about black lives you would demand real actions be taken to curb black on black crime which kills orders of magnitude more black children than whitey ever could.

In other words, stop talking out of your wide ass.
Systemic racism is when people feel free to murder blacks because they know the police will give them a pass. Do you think what happened in Georgia was an isolated incident? George Zimmerman also had a successful negro hunt and walked away. This stuff isn`t limited to the former traitor states. This one happened near my town 25 years ago. A cousin of a Pittsburgh Steeler had borrowed his cousin`s Jaguar and was pulled over and killed for it. No one went to jail. Driving a Jaguar while being black cost him his life. Remember Jonny Gammage, who never got justice (Commentary) -
The claim that anybody of any given race that is killed is killed because of their race is itself racism. Some folks whine about "racism" in an attempt to get a free pass for whatever crime they wish to commit and then are amazed when they are actually held accountable for their actions. No sympathy from me.
No, actually that's a reality that happens. Racism is a belief that you are superior based on race, you don't get to make up definitions for it because you don't like hearing what whites have done.
I agree with your definition of racism. You don't get to assume I'm racist based on whatever race I happen to be. Doing so is racist because doing so implies that your race is superior to mine because my race is racist and yours isn't (which is total bullspit). I am no more responsible for what someone else has done-whether we are of the same race or not-than you are no matter how much you insist otherwise.
Wrong. When whites have a 400 year pattern of racist behavior and a white person repeats the same beliefs held by racists, one can conclude that perhaps you are just like them. Now when you can provide evidence of 400 years of black racist behavior and not black peoples angry response to racism put on us, you can make the claims you do. Last when talking about the effect of a system based on white group preference your excuse of what you aren't responsible for as an individual is without merit. I am have never committed a crime but I have to listen to white bullshit about black on black crime all the time. The I am an individual claim is NEVER used then, nor did you consider using it in that instance. Such things give people away.
Again, BULLSPIT. Where exactly was it I ever accused you of a crime? Black on black or otherwise? Racism is a personal attitude or belief, not a racial trait. You are altogether wrong to assume you know what an unknown person's attitudes or beliefs are when you've never even met them. People make decisions based on what they know about people. White people tend to know and trust more white people than those of other races so it is altogether natural that their decisions tend to favor other white people. And the same is true other races if most of the people of their race are grouped together. That's not racist; that's just human. Whoever told you you had to listen to anything you didn't choose to? Not me. And I'm not going to listen to that "400 years of racism" bullshit. Whatever happened is not my fault nor my problem nor is it yours.
Trump is responsible for over 300,000 deaths. At least your picture is not from a real person.
We can show you body bags of people who are directly linked to Trump. And the body bags have real people in them.

What 300,000 deaths is Trump responsible for? That would be as stupid as me saying DumBama is responsible for the over 200,000 deaths from the flu that took place under his two terms.
Obammy would also be responsible for all the deaths that happened because of his "Workplace violence" rhetoric while the rest of the country knew it was Muslims killing innocent people...
Was it?
Robert Barnes a lawyer that at times host a show on Infowars. Had said that martial law will not be declare because it is against the law for the military to get involve with election disputes. And he said that Pres. Trump can't prove voter machine tampering. It is hard to prove in the court of law. But examining the signatures on the ballots he can prove in court. And he said that is why the Deep state had him focusing more on the voter machines cases instead of the ballot's signature case. So it was a psyop to diverting everyone's attentions from off the ballot's signature cases and onto the voter machine which I believe that it was rehearsed. That is why they have had the machines glitches done right on live T.V. And that is why Millie Weaver's friends had put out the story of voter machine tampering to lure Pres. Trump's supporters from off of the validity of the signatures on the ballots, to something that can't be proven at all in the court of law.
But none of the supreme court justices never hinted around to Pres. Trump about that. I know that judges aren't allowed to give legal advice while the court is in session.
And so the conservatives are not looking forward for a civil war because Pres. Trump will be doing another term in office. The only ones will be trying to start one are the Far Lefties. and their commander in chief Soros

View attachment 431685

This is a total crock of shit. Compliments from your own post. Biden was declared the winner, and Trump will be escorted off the premise. No war needed.

No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

When people start imagining things that are not happening or who vote for and supported the political class that refuses to live by the rules they enact, and deemed itself exempt from the laws that govern this land, and who have stolen elections by voter suppression, then call for civil war because nobody wants that shit to continue, those people are delusional. And that's what has happened to the republican party.

So, what do you call a person who blames the actions of people 200 years ago, for their incompetence today? Delusional?
Was that 200 years ago when we watched the father and son hillbilly team in Georgia hunting black men? They bagged one.

Individual crimes are horrible. Care to explain how the actions of two assholes is systemic racism? And, if you truly cared about black lives you would demand real actions be taken to curb black on black crime which kills orders of magnitude more black children than whitey ever could.

In other words, stop talking out of your wide ass.
Systemic racism is when people feel free to murder blacks because they know the police will give them a pass. Do you think what happened in Georgia was an isolated incident? George Zimmerman also had a successful negro hunt and walked away. This stuff isn`t limited to the former traitor states. This one happened near my town 25 years ago. A cousin of a Pittsburgh Steeler had borrowed his cousin`s Jaguar and was pulled over and killed for it. No one went to jail. Driving a Jaguar while being black cost him his life. Remember Jonny Gammage, who never got justice (Commentary) -
The claim that anybody of any given race that is killed is killed because of their race is itself racism. Some folks whine about "racism" in an attempt to get a free pass for whatever crime they wish to commit and then are amazed when they are actually held accountable for their actions. No sympathy from me.

Wait --- you're actually sitting on this board proposing that "it's racist" to notice racism?

That's racist.

We could pile this on all night. Yuk yuk. But the important thing is that we trivialize actual racism, right?
Not at all I'm stating that it is racist to invent racism that doesn't exist and blame it on someone else's race exclusively. Some folks are really really into shouting "racism" for fun and profit.
Can you show us where the profit is?
Rioting and looting make invented racism fun and profitable. BLM has turned invented racism into big business.
When folks are arrested for rioting and looting, how is that profitable?
It isn't which is why it is profitable to use any excuse to have the police called away and/or unfunded.
That's already been explained hundreds of times on this very forum with no intelligent counter arguments. You are struggling to stay relevant, and it's not working.

Then why don't you remind us of what's been discussed. You are making claim that President Trump is responsible for a microorganism that's killing Americans, most of whom weren't taking precautions, or were near death anyway. How is it DumBama is not responsible for a similar microorganism--one in which we have shots to prevent getting it?
Robert Barnes a lawyer that at times host a show on Infowars. Had said that martial law will not be declare because it is against the law for the military to get involve with election disputes. And he said that Pres. Trump can't prove voter machine tampering. It is hard to prove in the court of law. But examining the signatures on the ballots he can prove in court. And he said that is why the Deep state had him focusing more on the voter machines cases instead of the ballot's signature case. So it was a psyop to diverting everyone's attentions from off the ballot's signature cases and onto the voter machine which I believe that it was rehearsed. That is why they have had the machines glitches done right on live T.V. And that is why Millie Weaver's friends had put out the story of voter machine tampering to lure Pres. Trump's supporters from off of the validity of the signatures on the ballots, to something that can't be proven at all in the court of law.
But none of the supreme court justices never hinted around to Pres. Trump about that. I know that judges aren't allowed to give legal advice while the court is in session.
And so the conservatives are not looking forward for a civil war because Pres. Trump will be doing another term in office. The only ones will be trying to start one are the Far Lefties. and their commander in chief Soros

View attachment 431685

This is a total crock of shit. Compliments from your own post. Biden was declared the winner, and Trump will be escorted off the premise. No war needed.

View attachment 431719

"Trump lawyer?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Man, get the hell out of here with your lame shit.
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That's already been explained hundreds of times on this very forum with no intelligent counter arguments. You are struggling to stay relevant, and it's not working.

Then why don't you remind us of what's been discussed. You are making claim that President Trump is responsible for a microorganism that's killing Americans, most of whom weren't taking precautions, or were near death anyway. How is it DumBama is not responsible for a similar microorganism--one in which we have shots to prevent getting it?
Damn your stupid. No one said Trump was responsible for micro-organisms. That's your made up lie.
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And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.........

I have no concern about what other people make. If they do better than I do, they are lauded by me whereas you express contempt. If I'm upset because you have a beautiful wife, the only reason it bothers me is because she is more beautiful than my wife. Pure jealousy.

Lower income people pay no income tax at all. In fact slightly less than half of our people don't pay any income tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, yes, we pay those, but those taxes go for things we use everyday or save up for our later years in life. If you live the average lifespan in this country, you will get back every dollar you and your employer paid into Social Security and Medicare and much more. However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it. Half of us don't pay anything into the actual federal government outside of SS and Medicare which again, we get back anyway.


However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it.

What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.
Yep. Raymond essentially mouths exactly what Rush spouts. It’s sad so many are so easily duped into supporting the wealthy oligarchs , over their self interest.

I once thought as he did, in my youth. We can only hope Raymond and those like him wakeup and reach the high level of intelligence we have, but I fear it’s too late for Raymond.

Again, truth.
And somewhat ironical that you'd bring it up since you melted down about this...... huh Mistah B?
I 'melted down," as you so lamely trolled. . . b/c you wanted me to acknowledge stupidity. Do you? No, you participate in it. And everyone knows it.

Only you could equate hyperbole like this;


. . . as "atrocities."

Trump is responsible for over 300,000 deaths. At least your picture is not from a real person.
We can show you body bags of people who are directly linked to Trump. And the body bags have real people in them.
Easy to say but I see no proof or even rumor. Why is that?
No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

When people start imagining things that are not happening or who vote for and supported the political class that refuses to live by the rules they enact, and deemed itself exempt from the laws that govern this land, and who have stolen elections by voter suppression, then call for civil war because nobody wants that shit to continue, those people are delusional. And that's what has happened to the republican party.

So, what do you call a person who blames the actions of people 200 years ago, for their incompetence today? Delusional?
Was that 200 years ago when we watched the father and son hillbilly team in Georgia hunting black men? They bagged one.

Individual crimes are horrible. Care to explain how the actions of two assholes is systemic racism? And, if you truly cared about black lives you would demand real actions be taken to curb black on black crime which kills orders of magnitude more black children than whitey ever could.

In other words, stop talking out of your wide ass.
Systemic racism is when people feel free to murder blacks because they know the police will give them a pass. Do you think what happened in Georgia was an isolated incident? George Zimmerman also had a successful negro hunt and walked away. This stuff isn`t limited to the former traitor states. This one happened near my town 25 years ago. A cousin of a Pittsburgh Steeler had borrowed his cousin`s Jaguar and was pulled over and killed for it. No one went to jail. Driving a Jaguar while being black cost him his life. Remember Jonny Gammage, who never got justice (Commentary) -
The claim that anybody of any given race that is killed is killed because of their race is itself racism. Some folks whine about "racism" in an attempt to get a free pass for whatever crime they wish to commit and then are amazed when they are actually held accountable for their actions. No sympathy from me.

Wait --- you're actually sitting on this board proposing that "it's racist" to notice racism?

That's racist.

We could pile this on all night. Yuk yuk. But the important thing is that we trivialize actual racism, right?
Not at all I'm stating that it is racist to invent racism that doesn't exist and blame it on someone else's race exclusively. Some folks are really really into shouting "racism" for fun and profit.
Can you show us where the profit is?
Rioting and looting make invented racism fun and profitable. BLM has turned invented racism into big business.
When folks are arrested for rioting and looting, how is that profitable?
It isn't which is why it is profitable to use any excuse to have the police called away and/or unfunded.
Then make up your mind people. It's either profitable or it isn't.
And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.........

I have no concern about what other people make. If they do better than I do, they are lauded by me whereas you express contempt. If I'm upset because you have a beautiful wife, the only reason it bothers me is because she is more beautiful than my wife. Pure jealousy.

Lower income people pay no income tax at all. In fact slightly less than half of our people don't pay any income tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, yes, we pay those, but those taxes go for things we use everyday or save up for our later years in life. If you live the average lifespan in this country, you will get back every dollar you and your employer paid into Social Security and Medicare and much more. However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it. Half of us don't pay anything into the actual federal government outside of SS and Medicare which again, we get back anyway.


However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it.

What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.
Yep. Raymond essentially mouths exactly what Rush spouts. It’s sad so many are so easily duped into supporting the wealthy oligarchs , over their self interest.

I once thought as he did, in my youth. We can only hope Raymond and those like him wakeup and reach the high level of intelligence we have, but I fear it’s too late for Raymond.

Again, truth.
And somewhat ironical that you'd bring it up since you melted down about this...... huh Mistah B?
I 'melted down," as you so lamely trolled. . . b/c you wanted me to acknowledge stupidity. Do you? No, you participate in it. And everyone knows it.

Only you could equate hyperbole like this;


. . . as "atrocities."

Trump is responsible for over 300,000 deaths. At least your picture is not from a real person.
We can show you body bags of people who are directly linked to Trump. And the body bags have real people in them.
Easy to say but I see no proof or even rumor. Why is that?
Trumps own admission.
OMG you are so unbelievably ignorant.

Don't use words you don't know the definition of. It makes YOU look ignorant.
Let's try this again for the visually impaired. Tell us, what are the exact figures the government is paying for NPR and PBS? You don't know do you? You lost this argument bigly.
View attachment 431712

In 2018, the federal funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which includes PBS) was 445 million dollars. It's hardly chicken scratch.
That's already been explained hundreds of times on this very forum with no intelligent counter arguments. You are struggling to stay relevant, and it's not working.

Then why don't you remind us of what's been discussed. You are making claim that President Trump is responsible for a microorganism that's killing Americans, most of whom weren't taking precautions, or were near death anyway. How is it DumBama is not responsible for a similar microorganism--one in which we have shots to prevent getting it?
You can look it up yourself. Talk to Bob Woodward. He knows all about it.
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