So you want a Civil War?

And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.........

I have no concern about what other people make. If they do better than I do, they are lauded by me whereas you express contempt. If I'm upset because you have a beautiful wife, the only reason it bothers me is because she is more beautiful than my wife. Pure jealousy.

Lower income people pay no income tax at all. In fact slightly less than half of our people don't pay any income tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, yes, we pay those, but those taxes go for things we use everyday or save up for our later years in life. If you live the average lifespan in this country, you will get back every dollar you and your employer paid into Social Security and Medicare and much more. However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it. Half of us don't pay anything into the actual federal government outside of SS and Medicare which again, we get back anyway.


However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it.

What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.
Yep. Raymond essentially mouths exactly what Rush spouts. It’s sad so many are so easily duped into supporting the wealthy oligarchs , over their self interest.

I once thought as he did, in my youth. We can only hope Raymond and those like him wakeup and reach the high level of intelligence we have, but I fear it’s too late for Raymond.

Again, truth.
And somewhat ironical that you'd bring it up since you melted down about this...... huh Mistah B?
I 'melted down," as you so lamely trolled. . . b/c you wanted me to acknowledge stupidity. Do you? No, you participate in it. And everyone knows it.

Only you could equate hyperbole like this;


. . . as "atrocities."

Trump is responsible for over 300,000 deaths. At least your picture is not from a real person.
We can show you body bags of people who are directly linked to Trump. And the body bags have real people in them.
It appears as though every leader in Europe and Asia needs to be replaced.
How so? Did they lie to the people about it? No! Did they tell the people it was a hoax? No! Your argument, once again sucks. Try again.
They all knew about it and masked up and distanced didn't work, did it?
By the way, not one of the 17 MDs in Congress said one word about it and when Trump wanted to stop flights from China you called him a racist, so eat shit.
And guess what? Europe and Asia are still following the rules and spiking.
They didn't mask up. That's why it didn't work. And it still isn't working. I see people every day not wearing them. We have the most cases in the world, and the worst track record for wearing masks. Next?
And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.........

I have no concern about what other people make. If they do better than I do, they are lauded by me whereas you express contempt. If I'm upset because you have a beautiful wife, the only reason it bothers me is because she is more beautiful than my wife. Pure jealousy.

Lower income people pay no income tax at all. In fact slightly less than half of our people don't pay any income tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, yes, we pay those, but those taxes go for things we use everyday or save up for our later years in life. If you live the average lifespan in this country, you will get back every dollar you and your employer paid into Social Security and Medicare and much more. However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it. Half of us don't pay anything into the actual federal government outside of SS and Medicare which again, we get back anyway.


However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it.

What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.
Yep. Raymond essentially mouths exactly what Rush spouts. It’s sad so many are so easily duped into supporting the wealthy oligarchs , over their self interest.

I once thought as he did, in my youth. We can only hope Raymond and those like him wakeup and reach the high level of intelligence we have, but I fear it’s too late for Raymond.

Again, truth.
And somewhat ironical that you'd bring it up since you melted down about this...... huh Mistah B?
I 'melted down," as you so lamely trolled. . . b/c you wanted me to acknowledge stupidity. Do you? No, you participate in it. And everyone knows it.

Only you could equate hyperbole like this;


. . . as "atrocities."

Trump is responsible for over 300,000 deaths. At least your picture is not from a real person.
We can show you body bags of people who are directly linked to Trump. And the body bags have real people in them.
It appears as though every leader in Europe and Asia needs to be replaced.
How so? Did they lie to the people about it? No! Did they tell the people it was a hoax? No! Your argument, once again sucks. Try again.
They all knew about it and masked up and distanced didn't work, did it?
By the way, not one of the 17 MDs in Congress said one word about it and when Trump wanted to stop flights from China you called him a racist, so eat shit.
And guess what? Europe and Asia are still following the rules and spiking.
Trump is a flat out idiot and racist. He tried to stop flights from China, and forgot about Europe. What a fucking idiot. And fuck you.
Damn your stupid. No one said Trump was responsible for micro-organisms. That's your made up lie.

It's not a lie. You said Trump is responsible for the 300,000 deaths of Americans. So if not the virus, what 300,000 deaths are you talking about?
I'm already bored of the idiot.
You aren't bored. You just ran out of anything intelligent to debate. You can only cover for failure but for so long.
OMG you are so unbelievably ignorant.

Don't use words you don't know the definition of. It makes YOU look ignorant.
Let's try this again for the visually impaired. Tell us, what are the exact figures the government is paying for NPR and PBS? You don't know do you? You lost this argument bigly.
View attachment 431712

In 2018, the federal funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which includes PBS) was 445 million dollars. It's hardly chicken scratch.

CPB does not "include PBS". CPB is an outside federal service which funds public broadcast services, ONE OF WHICH IS PBS among many other radio and TV stations and networks, right down to individual stations like KILI in Porcupine South Dakota serving the local Lakota community.

In the same year cited, the federal funding for the Broadcasting Board of Governors was $685,154. That's the government propaganda arm.
And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.........

I have no concern about what other people make. If they do better than I do, they are lauded by me whereas you express contempt. If I'm upset because you have a beautiful wife, the only reason it bothers me is because she is more beautiful than my wife. Pure jealousy.

Lower income people pay no income tax at all. In fact slightly less than half of our people don't pay any income tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, yes, we pay those, but those taxes go for things we use everyday or save up for our later years in life. If you live the average lifespan in this country, you will get back every dollar you and your employer paid into Social Security and Medicare and much more. However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it. Half of us don't pay anything into the actual federal government outside of SS and Medicare which again, we get back anyway.


However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it.

What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.
Yep. Raymond essentially mouths exactly what Rush spouts. It’s sad so many are so easily duped into supporting the wealthy oligarchs , over their self interest.

I once thought as he did, in my youth. We can only hope Raymond and those like him wakeup and reach the high level of intelligence we have, but I fear it’s too late for Raymond.

Again, truth.
And somewhat ironical that you'd bring it up since you melted down about this...... huh Mistah B?
I 'melted down," as you so lamely trolled. . . b/c you wanted me to acknowledge stupidity. Do you? No, you participate in it. And everyone knows it.

Only you could equate hyperbole like this;


. . . as "atrocities."


Apparently when MB melts down with his guilt trips he forgets English.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write. It's the constitutional rights of people you disagree with that you really see as a threat. Their votes, their speech, their very existence is a threat to your white bread single party view of what the country ought to be. Bring it on you stupid inbred fuck or shut the hell up. I fear none of you and your impotent rage.
The utter gall of your hypocrisy would be comical if it weren't so fucking pathetic
The pride you have for your ignorance would be sad if it wasn't so delicious

White bread single party view of what the country ought to be

I fear none of you and your impotent rage

You're a fucking joke and deserve to get run over by the bus heading your way
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Here's a klown accusing another "side" of violence ----------- by threatening violence.

Can't make this joint up.
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Here's a klown accusing another "side" of violence ----------- by threatening violence.

Can't make this joint up.
Go step in front of a bus you uneducated retarded monkey. Learn to read and learn some truth asshole. YOU assholes started the violence. Period. Proven and undeniable. See asshole, I WILL defend myself. There’s a difference between that and starting violence asshole. See, a coward like you spouts your bullshit and runs away. You threaten me or my family, you’ll be in a box. Period. I hope it’s YOU who tries it.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

I can see an endless army of lefty pajama boys in their plaid onesies marching out of Mommie's basement holding their play station console ready for war.

To the Right. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :auiqs.jpg:
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Here's a klown accusing another "side" of violence ----------- by threatening violence.

Can't make this joint up.
Go step in front of a bus you uneducated retarded monkey. Learn to read and learn some truth asshole. YOU assholes started the violence. Period. Proven and undeniable. See asshole, I WILL defend myself. There’s a difference between that and starting violence asshole. See, a coward like you spouts your bullshit and runs away. You threaten me or my family, you’ll be in a box. Period. I hope it’s YOU who tries it.

"YOU"RE the violent one asshole so agree with me or I'll bash your head".

Can't make it up.
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Here's a klown accusing another "side" of violence ----------- by threatening violence.

Can't make this joint up.
Go step in front of a bus you uneducated retarded monkey. Learn to read and learn some truth asshole. YOU assholes started the violence. Period. Proven and undeniable. See asshole, I WILL defend myself. There’s a difference between that and starting violence asshole. See, a coward like you spouts your bullshit and runs away. You threaten me or my family, you’ll be in a box. Period. I hope it’s YOU who tries it.

"YOU"RE the violent one asshole so agree with me or I'll bash your head".

Can't make it up.
Where did I say that asshole? Put up the link and the exact quote you claim or forever be known as the liar you are. I throw Sandmann in your face again retard. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Again, learn how to read you retarded monkey spawn.
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Here's a klown accusing another "side" of violence ----------- by threatening violence.

Can't make this joint up.
Go step in front of a bus you uneducated retarded monkey. Learn to read and learn some truth asshole. YOU assholes started the violence. Period. Proven and undeniable. See asshole, I WILL defend myself. There’s a difference between that and starting violence asshole. See, a coward like you spouts your bullshit and runs away. You threaten me or my family, you’ll be in a box. Period. I hope it’s YOU who tries it.

"YOU"RE the violent one asshole so agree with me or I'll bash your head".

Can't make it up.
Where did I say that asshole? Put up the link and the exact quote you claim or forever be known as the liar you are. I throw Sandmann in your face again retard. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Again, learn how to read you retarded monkey spawn.

Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Here's a klown accusing another "side" of violence ----------- by threatening violence.

Can't make this joint up.
Go step in front of a bus you uneducated retarded monkey. Learn to read and learn some truth asshole. YOU assholes started the violence. Period. Proven and undeniable. See asshole, I WILL defend myself. There’s a difference between that and starting violence asshole. See, a coward like you spouts your bullshit and runs away. You threaten me or my family, you’ll be in a box. Period. I hope it’s YOU who tries it.

"YOU"RE the violent one asshole so agree with me or I'll bash your head".

Can't make it up.
Where did I say that asshole? Put up the link and the exact quote you claim or forever be known as the liar you are. I throw Sandmann in your face again retard. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Again, learn how to read you retarded monkey spawn.

Your total surrender is recorded. No link, no quote, and no brain. As usual for the retarded inbred monkey boy. Sorry assshole, you’re burying yourself because you can’t read or think critically. You like your stupid emojis so much here’s one asshole.

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