so you want to know about Pelosi's expressions last night -

Straight outta "The Snake Pit". She looked like a doddering old hag with a facial tic who was confused about the order of her papers.

Straight outta "The Snake Pit". She looked like a doddering old hag with a facial tic who was confused about the order of her papers.

Well, those grey cards she kept referencing were to tell her what part of the speech she was to perform a predetermined script of actions.
Her, and Schumer were classic, evil Democrats showing they are for their Party over the good of the country, and the American citizens. Illegal aliens? Of course, lets help, and promote them! American citizens who do all the work, and pay all the taxes can go to HELL!

Straight outta "The Snake Pit". She looked like a doddering old hag with a facial tic who was confused about the order of her papers.


Wait, Nancy Pelosi and genius in the same sentence without a negative disqualifier?!?!?!?!?!

Is there a place to post comedy threads on this board?!?!?!?!?!?!

Everybody who watched seen what she did and thought she was batsh**. Soooooooooooo, they hurry up a find a supposed Leftist EXPERT who claims it was genius, and now everyone is suppose to change their minds, lol!

Listen Mr OP, a GENIUS move is something like...…….oh I dunno, give a SOTU speech that over 70% of the people instantly like and approve of! A non genius move is doing something that 80% viewing it think you are batsh**. then have some purported expert clarify what you were doing, only to discover that over 80% of the viewers STILL think you are batsh**!
Nancy's making faces because she's trying hard not to mess her Depends! Sitting for long stretches of time like that is hard when you're eighty years old!
Wonder if she had to change her drawers at the end of the speech???

I dunno if she did at the end of the speech, but 5 will get you 10 she did when she was made aware later of the approval ratings the speech got, lol!
When you "resist" an improving economy because you don't like the're hurting more than just him...something that far left Democrats can't seem to grasp.
When you "resist" an improving economy because you don't like the're hurting more than just him...something that far left Democrats can't seem to grasp.

They grasp it just fine. They simply don't care.
When you "resist" an improving economy because you don't like the're hurting more than just him...something that far left Democrats can't seem to grasp.

They grasp it just fine. They simply don't care.

Yes they do! How do we know?

ANSWER: When over 80% of independents give a speech thumbs up that include ostrasizing Socialism, you know you are on to something!
When you "resist" an improving economy because you don't like the're hurting more than just him...something that far left Democrats can't seem to grasp.

They grasp it just fine. They simply don't care.

Let me rephrase that last post-------->when 80% of independents give a speech thumbs up that goes against 2 sacraments of the opposing party...…..being Socialism, and late term abortion...…..basically killing a baby AFTER it is born, you got a winner.

We MUST all remember that the Left is painted into a box on this. The far Left that controls the Democrats MUST have Socialism, and basically infanticide. Northam has made that clear, and so did Pelosi.

How far does anybody think Americans are going to go along with this, even if they do not like Trump?

Let me ask Trump supporters a question if they doubt me---------------> If Donald Trump came out tomorrow and had changed his mind and proclaimed...………….I am now for Socialism and late term abortion, including killing a baby AFTER it has been delivered, would you support him?

OF COURSE NOT! And neither will independents support Leftists once their position is defined, and they have done that perfectly for us this last month, up to and including the SOTU. Nazis killed delivered babies, did they not? Now, who are the Nazis-)
When you "resist" an improving economy because you don't like the're hurting more than just him...something that far left Democrats can't seem to grasp.

They grasp it just fine. They simply don't care.

Actually Billy...I think they've convinced themselves that if they DO manage to hurt the economy...they can use their allies in the main stream media to blame Donald Trump's policies even though those same policies have resulted in one of the best economies in the world!
Straight outta "The Snake Pit". She looked like a doddering old hag with a facial tic who was confused about the order of her papers.

She looked like she was having a good time st Trumps expense

We ain’t buying it Donnie

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