Socialism Creates Poverty

If you want to find Fascists find the people who believe they are above the law, have a direct line to the government and above all, hate populism in all it's forms. ...

No Populism, no fascism... the two terms are synonymous.

So try again.
No they are not, fascism despises democracy, you try again after consulting a dictionary.


Man... you're ignorant of everything fascist.

Fascism is born through populism... rises up through democratic processes then, once power is secured, rejects those things which challenge that power... but no more or less than socialism, liberalism, progressivism or cretinism.

No populism, no ideological left. Can't have one without the other.


During the FASCISTIC STAGE - the politicians acquire power and fame though elections. Hitler was power. Demagogue politicians make all kinds of promises to the narcotized populace during the TRANSITIONAL STAGE FROM A FREE COUNTRY TO A COMMUNISTIC ONE.

According to Karl Marx

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

Now, after the transitory period , once the socialist/communist state has been accomplished elections are either abolished or restricted to re-electing the candidate the Commissars believe is the best candidate to preserve the "revolution". The welfare type benefits typically cease.

Rightwinger, fathertosixteen and other parasites will be assign to clean latrines as ordered by the almighty socialist state Supreme Leader.


Political socialism starts with seizure and nationalization of private business and wealth, Fascism starts when private business and established wealth becomes the government and runs it for their own ends. Trying to make fascism and socialism the same thing is making you people sound terribly misinformed. The relatively new conservative theory that everything bad in the history of human governance is because of leftists is a lie that Goebbels would have thought ingenious.


...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Now, let's review the "voting for the lesser of two evils" maxim.

If I own the XYZ Corporation, and I see that parasites are getting ready to NATIONALIZE - socialized industry - then I may be force to support a fascist candidate because fascism allows private ownership under heavy government regulation and confiscatory taxation.

No Populism, no fascism... the two terms are synonymous.

So try again.
No they are not, fascism despises democracy, you try again after consulting a dictionary.


Man... you're ignorant of everything fascist.

Fascism is born through populism... rises up through democratic processes then, once power is secured, rejects those things which challenge that power... but no more or less than socialism, liberalism, progressivism or cretinism.

No populism, no ideological left. Can't have one without the other.


During the FASCISTIC STAGE - the politicians acquire power and fame though elections. Hitler was power. Demagogue politicians make all kinds of promises to the narcotized populace during the TRANSITIONAL STAGE FROM A FREE COUNTRY TO A COMMUNISTIC ONE.

According to Karl Marx

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

Now, after the transitory period , once the socialist/communist state has been accomplished elections are either abolished or restricted to re-electing the candidate the Commissars believe is the best candidate to preserve the "revolution". The welfare type benefits typically cease.

Rightwinger, fathertosixteen and other parasites will be assign to clean latrines as ordered by the almighty socialist state Supreme Leader.


Political socialism starts with seizure and nationalization of private business and wealth, Fascism starts when private business and established wealth becomes the government and runs it for their own ends. Trying to make fascism and socialism the same thing is making you people sound terribly misinformed. The relatively new conservative theory that everything bad in the history of human governance is because of leftists is a lie that Goebbels would have thought ingenious.


...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Now, let's review the "voting for the lesser of two evils" maxim.

If I own the XYZ Corporation, and I see that parasites are getting ready to NATIONALIZE - socialized industry - then I may be force to support a fascist candidate because fascism allows private ownership under heavy government regulation and confiscatory taxation.

I stated earlier that neither socialist or fascist states are good systems and that things seem to work when there is balance between economic freedom for the wealthy and social security for the poor and when things get out of balance one extreme is usually going to follow the other. Thanks for illustrating that principle.
No they are not, fascism despises democracy, you try again after consulting a dictionary.


Man... you're ignorant of everything fascist.

Fascism is born through populism... rises up through democratic processes then, once power is secured, rejects those things which challenge that power... but no more or less than socialism, liberalism, progressivism or cretinism.

No populism, no ideological left. Can't have one without the other.


During the FASCISTIC STAGE - the politicians acquire power and fame though elections. Hitler was power. Demagogue politicians make all kinds of promises to the narcotized populace during the TRANSITIONAL STAGE FROM A FREE COUNTRY TO A COMMUNISTIC ONE.

According to Karl Marx

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

Now, after the transitory period , once the socialist/communist state has been accomplished elections are either abolished or restricted to re-electing the candidate the Commissars believe is the best candidate to preserve the "revolution". The welfare type benefits typically cease.

Rightwinger, fathertosixteen and other parasites will be assign to clean latrines as ordered by the almighty socialist state Supreme Leader.


Political socialism starts with seizure and nationalization of private business and wealth, Fascism starts when private business and established wealth becomes the government and runs it for their own ends. Trying to make fascism and socialism the same thing is making you people sound terribly misinformed. The relatively new conservative theory that everything bad in the history of human governance is because of leftists is a lie that Goebbels would have thought ingenious.


...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Now, let's review the "voting for the lesser of two evils" maxim.

If I own the XYZ Corporation, and I see that parasites are getting ready to NATIONALIZE - socialized industry - then I may be force to support a fascist candidate because fascism allows private ownership under heavy government regulation and confiscatory taxation.

I stated earlier that neither socialist or fascist states are good systems and that things seem to work when there is balance between economic freedom for the wealthy and social security for the poor and when things get out of balance one extreme is usually going to follow the other. Thanks for illustrating that principle.

If the social security for the poor is MANDATED by TAXES then you have fascism. If it is voluntary - like the Mormon system - then it is compatible with Capitalism and Freedom.

Furthermore, historical evidence shows that fascist governments tend to be militaristic and imperialistic.


Man... you're ignorant of everything fascist.

Fascism is born through populism... rises up through democratic processes then, once power is secured, rejects those things which challenge that power... but no more or less than socialism, liberalism, progressivism or cretinism.

No populism, no ideological left. Can't have one without the other.


During the FASCISTIC STAGE - the politicians acquire power and fame though elections. Hitler was power. Demagogue politicians make all kinds of promises to the narcotized populace during the TRANSITIONAL STAGE FROM A FREE COUNTRY TO A COMMUNISTIC ONE.

According to Karl Marx

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

Now, after the transitory period , once the socialist/communist state has been accomplished elections are either abolished or restricted to re-electing the candidate the Commissars believe is the best candidate to preserve the "revolution". The welfare type benefits typically cease.

Rightwinger, fathertosixteen and other parasites will be assign to clean latrines as ordered by the almighty socialist state Supreme Leader.


Political socialism starts with seizure and nationalization of private business and wealth, Fascism starts when private business and established wealth becomes the government and runs it for their own ends. Trying to make fascism and socialism the same thing is making you people sound terribly misinformed. The relatively new conservative theory that everything bad in the history of human governance is because of leftists is a lie that Goebbels would have thought ingenious.


...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Now, let's review the "voting for the lesser of two evils" maxim.

If I own the XYZ Corporation, and I see that parasites are getting ready to NATIONALIZE - socialized industry - then I may be force to support a fascist candidate because fascism allows private ownership under heavy government regulation and confiscatory taxation.

I stated earlier that neither socialist or fascist states are good systems and that things seem to work when there is balance between economic freedom for the wealthy and social security for the poor and when things get out of balance one extreme is usually going to follow the other. Thanks for illustrating that principle.

If the social security for the poor is MANDATED by TAXES then you have fascism. If it is voluntary - like the Mormon system - then it is compatible with Capitalism and Freedom.

Furthermore, historical evidence shows that fascist governments tend to be militaristic and imperialistic.


If you feel oppressed by the social safety net then you do not know oppression and are just a spoiled brat wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Social programs are revolution insurance, do conservatives just not grasp the principal that lack of opportunity plus lack of food equals The End for any country fool enough to allow it?

During the FASCISTIC STAGE - the politicians acquire power and fame though elections. Hitler was power. Demagogue politicians make all kinds of promises to the narcotized populace during the TRANSITIONAL STAGE FROM A FREE COUNTRY TO A COMMUNISTIC ONE.

According to Karl Marx

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

Now, after the transitory period , once the socialist/communist state has been accomplished elections are either abolished or restricted to re-electing the candidate the Commissars believe is the best candidate to preserve the "revolution". The welfare type benefits typically cease.

Rightwinger, fathertosixteen and other parasites will be assign to clean latrines as ordered by the almighty socialist state Supreme Leader.


Political socialism starts with seizure and nationalization of private business and wealth, Fascism starts when private business and established wealth becomes the government and runs it for their own ends. Trying to make fascism and socialism the same thing is making you people sound terribly misinformed. The relatively new conservative theory that everything bad in the history of human governance is because of leftists is a lie that Goebbels would have thought ingenious.


...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Now, let's review the "voting for the lesser of two evils" maxim.

If I own the XYZ Corporation, and I see that parasites are getting ready to NATIONALIZE - socialized industry - then I may be force to support a fascist candidate because fascism allows private ownership under heavy government regulation and confiscatory taxation.

I stated earlier that neither socialist or fascist states are good systems and that things seem to work when there is balance between economic freedom for the wealthy and social security for the poor and when things get out of balance one extreme is usually going to follow the other. Thanks for illustrating that principle.

If the social security for the poor is MANDATED by TAXES then you have fascism. If it is voluntary - like the Mormon system - then it is compatible with Capitalism and Freedom.

Furthermore, historical evidence shows that fascist governments tend to be militaristic and imperialistic.


If you feel oppressed by the social safety net then you do not know oppression and are just a spoiled brat wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Social programs are revolution insurance, do conservatives just not grasp the principal that lack of opportunity plus lack of food equals The End for any country fool enough to allow it?


So, you're suggesting that to KNOW oppression, one must be oppressed?

Wow~ How positively DEEP!

But let's turn to the BIG BOOK O'WORDS, through which to 'know what oppression is', so as to be better prepared to recognize it.

To wit:

Oppression: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.


Prolonged: continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.

Cruel: willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.

Unjust: not based on or behaving according to what is morally right.

Moral: concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

Now... from that extensive root common to the concept 'Oppressed' we can readily know what oppression is.

Therefore we can know that a social safety net, which serves to undermine the means of the individual to bear the fruit of their own initiative, born of their own ambition, established by their own labor, through the undermining of the means to exercise those traits, by providing them benefit without work... lowering the threshold of reasonable acceptance, crippling their means to produce for themselves; willfully, without concern for the harm one is doing, rejecting the laws of nature which inherently demonstrate the immoral nature of such behavior, one can be dam' certain that they're subject to oppression.

See how that works? We call this: Knowledge. A little tool we, the higher examples of the animal kingdom have used to great success, as a means to avoid having to constantly repeat the experiences which PROVIDED US WITH THE INFORMATION, in the first place.

That you folks of the Ideological Left find it difficult to comprehend such, is quite irrelevant.

Political socialism starts with seizure and nationalization of private business and wealth, Fascism starts when private business and established wealth becomes the government and runs it for their own ends. Trying to make fascism and socialism the same thing is making you people sound terribly misinformed. The relatively new conservative theory that everything bad in the history of human governance is because of leftists is a lie that Goebbels would have thought ingenious.


...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Now, let's review the "voting for the lesser of two evils" maxim.

If I own the XYZ Corporation, and I see that parasites are getting ready to NATIONALIZE - socialized industry - then I may be force to support a fascist candidate because fascism allows private ownership under heavy government regulation and confiscatory taxation.

I stated earlier that neither socialist or fascist states are good systems and that things seem to work when there is balance between economic freedom for the wealthy and social security for the poor and when things get out of balance one extreme is usually going to follow the other. Thanks for illustrating that principle.

If the social security for the poor is MANDATED by TAXES then you have fascism. If it is voluntary - like the Mormon system - then it is compatible with Capitalism and Freedom.

Furthermore, historical evidence shows that fascist governments tend to be militaristic and imperialistic.


If you feel oppressed by the social safety net then you do not know oppression and are just a spoiled brat wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Social programs are revolution insurance, do conservatives just not grasp the principal that lack of opportunity plus lack of food equals The End for any country fool enough to allow it?


So, you're suggesting that to KNOW oppression, one must be oppressed?

Wow~ How positively DEEP!

But let's turn to the BIG BOOK O'WORDS, through which to 'know what oppression is', so as to be better prepared to recognize it.

To wit:

Oppression: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.


Prolonged: continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.

Cruel: willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.

Unjust: not based on or behaving according to what is morally right.

Moral: concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

Now... from that extensive root common to the concept 'Oppressed' we can readily know what oppression is.

Therefore we can know that a social safety net, which serves to undermine the means of the individual to bear the fruit of their own initiative, born of their own ambition... through the undermining of the those traits, by providing them benefit without work... lowering the threshold of reasonable acceptance, crippling their means to produce for themselves; willfully, without concern for the harm one is doing, rejecting the laws of nature which inherently demonstrate the immoral nature of such behavior, one can be dam' certain that they're subject to oppression.

See how that works? We call this: Knowledge. A little tool we, the higher examples of the animal kingdom have used to great success, as a means to avoid having to constantly repeat the experiences which PROVIDED US WITH THE INFORMATION, in the first place.

That you folks of the Ideological Left find it difficult to comprehend such, is quite irrelevant.

You sound like a spoiled child.

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Now, let's review the "voting for the lesser of two evils" maxim.

If I own the XYZ Corporation, and I see that parasites are getting ready to NATIONALIZE - socialized industry - then I may be force to support a fascist candidate because fascism allows private ownership under heavy government regulation and confiscatory taxation.

I stated earlier that neither socialist or fascist states are good systems and that things seem to work when there is balance between economic freedom for the wealthy and social security for the poor and when things get out of balance one extreme is usually going to follow the other. Thanks for illustrating that principle.

If the social security for the poor is MANDATED by TAXES then you have fascism. If it is voluntary - like the Mormon system - then it is compatible with Capitalism and Freedom.

Furthermore, historical evidence shows that fascist governments tend to be militaristic and imperialistic.


If you feel oppressed by the social safety net then you do not know oppression and are just a spoiled brat wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Social programs are revolution insurance, do conservatives just not grasp the principal that lack of opportunity plus lack of food equals The End for any country fool enough to allow it?


So, you're suggesting that to KNOW oppression, one must be oppressed?

Wow~ How positively DEEP!

But let's turn to the BIG BOOK O'WORDS, through which to 'know what oppression is', so as to be better prepared to recognize it.

To wit:

Oppression: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.


Prolonged: continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.

Cruel: willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.

Unjust: not based on or behaving according to what is morally right.

Moral: concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

Now... from that extensive root common to the concept 'Oppressed' we can readily know what oppression is.

Therefore we can know that a social safety net, which serves to undermine the means of the individual to bear the fruit of their own initiative, born of their own ambition... through the undermining of the those traits, by providing them benefit without work... lowering the threshold of reasonable acceptance, crippling their means to produce for themselves; willfully, without concern for the harm one is doing, rejecting the laws of nature which inherently demonstrate the immoral nature of such behavior, one can be dam' certain that they're subject to oppression.

See how that works? We call this: Knowledge. A little tool we, the higher examples of the animal kingdom have used to great success, as a means to avoid having to constantly repeat the experiences which PROVIDED US WITH THE INFORMATION, in the first place.

That you folks of the Ideological Left find it difficult to comprehend such, is quite irrelevant.

You sound like a spoiled child.

LOL! I SO adore the sweeter ironies. And never less than those through which a concession to my professed reasoning is delivered.

Good stuff!

Tell me, in what way do I 'sound' like a spoiled child? And please... be specific. At least as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

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