Socialism Creates Poverty

Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

Probably has to do more with the fact that the US and other nations punished his country for having the audacity to want to control their own wealth.

Washington Sanctioning the World US Government Threatens Sanctions against Venezuelan Officials Global Research

You're kidding, right? Obama punished Venezuela? How?
By not sending them enough money to keep their failure of a socialist paradise afloat obviously. Socialism only fails when others fail to pay enough to keep it afloat. It's like a never ending welfare-a-polooza...until nobody is paying and all are taking.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.
Scandinavia is like an exclusive, racially homogenous, geographically gated community.

It cannot be compared to the GOUSA.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

Poverty exists in every system. Would say though that capitalism is the system poverty crops up in the most since any system based on greed and selfishness, as capitalism is, is going to see takers take and those too polite or kind to take from other suffer and become empoverished.

Sucky as that is, I don't think there's a better way of doing things.
That is one of the stupidest posts I ever read.
I love how some people here love comparing US to third world countries and say they are doing great...

Why not compare to countries in the same league like EU. Then compare to the Scandanavians...

Map How 35 countries compare on child poverty the U.S. is ranked 34th - The Washington Post

Maybe we should close the borders then.

Stop letting people in from 3rd world countries and this might change.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

Excellent post Rabbi...
The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

It is only successful for these reasons...they are small countries...their people are homogenous...their people work hard...and they do not have to commit their nations resources to actual defense....they leave that to the United States...

It works for now....but all socialist systems will collapse....
During the Roosevelt Administration the government was competently led.

Actually, it wasn' was the standard socialist view of an economy and his policies lengthened and deepened the depression....and we didn't get out of the depression till after the war...when government spending shrank....

FDR knew how to play the media and the socialists in academia keep propping up his image and record...
Poverty exists in every system.

Because no matter what system some people will not be matter where you look around the world, the poor in capitalist countries have the standard of living way above any other country in existence...they have better access to actual healthcare, more food....since the the poor in our country are fatter than the rich in our country....and have better homes, more luxury goods and more educational opportunities and opportunities in general to get out of their poverty...around the world...if you are stay do your only stay poor because you aren't good at things that make you rich...but being poor here is better than being poor anywhere else in the world...

I get a little tired of the silliness used to bash capitalism...
Unfortunately for capitalism, when fascists like yourself defend it it isn't being defended.

Let the record show it was the anti capitalist who threw out the first name calling....typical and completely expected...

Capitalism is like a competition where the guy who cheats the most and pulls the most dirty underhanded tricks wins, after he bribes the judges.

you have just described how socialism a tee...
I think I have a way of describing socialism to leftists that they might understand...when the government hammers every other business except the ones it likes...say for energy companies that fail...what you have is

Socialism with benefits...the government makes booty calls with certain companies it likes...the treats like hos...forgive the spelling...
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

Socialism creates poverty. Same as saying Capitilism creates poverty. Both create economic well being and both create poverty, depending on the use of the policies. They are tools, not know all religions.

Did the Trans-Continental create poverty? Do the National Parks create poverty? Police forces and fire departments, do they create poverty? How about our military? Did the Interstate Highway System create poverty? How about Social Security and MediCare?

You idiots, both left and right, that believe that everything has to be either capitalism or socialism simply ignore the fact that there is not a successful government in the world that has ever been successful using just one of those tools.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

Poverty exists in every system. Would say though that capitalism is the system poverty crops up in the most since any system based on greed and selfishness, as capitalism is, is going to see takers take and those too polite or kind to take from other suffer and become empoverished.

Sucky as that is, I don't think there's a better way of doing things.

As I understand it, Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is supposed to be the bible for capitalists. And he has very specific warning in that book concerning fair wages for the laborers, and the dangers of poverty of the masses to a capitalistic system.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.
The Nazi's were left wing. Not sure why you can't recognize they were pretty much the same as the Russians and communism and just had some very slight differences about how to achieve the same failed goal.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?

Sweetie Pie, I knew more about the earth sciences thirty years ago than you ever will. And am in the process of getting a degree in Geology.

Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.
"Socialism Creates Poverty"

And the OP creates idiotic preach to the choir threads, as no one of merit or consequence advocates for 'socialism.' In fact, most have no idea what it actually is.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

I wish we could ship all the libs off to Venezuela. Then they'd gain some perspective.

We have a lot of very spoiled Americans me thinks...
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?

Sweetie Pie, I knew more about the earth sciences thirty years ago than you ever will. And am in the process of getting a degree in Geology.

Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.

Let me guess. You're getting your degree in some liberal bastion of education, right?

I had the same exposure but snapped out of the indoctrination.

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