Socialism Creates Poverty

Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?

Sweetie Pie, I knew more about the earth sciences thirty years ago than you ever will. And am in the process of getting a degree in Geology.

Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.

Fascism is a kind of socialism, so the Nazis were left-wingers. Stick to geology. You obviously know jack shit about economics.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

The gun is not the significant part, dummy.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.
The Nazi's were left wing. Not sure why you can't recognize they were pretty much the same as the Russians and communism and just had some very slight differences about how to achieve the same failed goal.

The Nazis weren't any "wing", my friend. Nor was Stalin's nightmare. Nor was Mao's. That was the whole point of George Orwell's '1984'. There is only an ephemeral suggestion of ideology in absolute dictatorships. All of these places are ruled by terror, by a single personality, not by an ideology. Mao, Stalin, and Hitler? There wasn't two cents worth of difference between any of them. The only thing that distinguished them was who they chose to murder. Thus the three constantly warring states in 1984: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. There was no difference in any of them; just an onionskin deep pastiche.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?

Sweetie Pie, I knew more about the earth sciences thirty years ago than you ever will. And am in the process of getting a degree in Geology.

Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.

Fascism is a kind of socialism, so the Nazis were left-wingers. Stick to geology. You obviously know jack shit about economics.

Liberal propaganda tactics seems eerily similar to Nazi propaganda tactics.
free markets are self correcting and spontaneously make us aware of where to apply our efforts.

centralized planning and control are useless in free markets.
No, they're useful in making some people rich and others powerful politically. For the average guy, not so much.

You prefer central control and planning to control the markets for goods and services? Interesting, Rabbi...I didn't expect that.
Obviously not. I point out that for cronies socialism is good, allowing them to make money because government slides sweetheart deals their way. For the country, its a disaster. Look at the article.

I misunderstood. My error.
Apologies, mate!
good man.., something rarely seen on this forum. :up::udaman:

Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?

Sweetie Pie, I knew more about the earth sciences thirty years ago than you ever will. And am in the process of getting a degree in Geology.

Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.
So you think you were an expert in earth science 30 years ago yet are only getting a degree now? Maybe? If you can pass the tests?

Germany pretty much did everything just like Russia. How is it you think those were two polar opposite ideologies? Both were far left, it's indisputable. The only thing that separated the two was a world war the Russians were willing to join in to kill the Germans, not that they disagreed in philosophy just in property management .
The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

It is only successful for these reasons...they are small countries...their people are homogenous...their people work hard...and they do not have to commit their nations resources to actual defense....they leave that to the United States...

It works for now....but all socialist systems will collapse....
They arent successful at all. Sweden had to move away from its vaunted socialist vision because its stagnating economy wouldn't support such spending. Add an influx of Muslims and the place is turning into another Eurotrash shithole. You know this because the Jews have left Sweden.
"Socialism Creates Poverty"

And the OP creates idiotic preach to the choir threads, as no one of merit or consequence advocates for 'socialism.' In fact, most have no idea what it actually is.
Are you telling us that the Left here did not support Chavez and is not basically supportive of his policies, which have had the results chronicled in the article? Really?
"Socialism Creates Poverty"

And the OP creates idiotic preach to the choir threads, as no one of merit or consequence advocates for 'socialism.' In fact, most have no idea what it actually is.
Are you telling us that the Left here did not support Chavez and is not basically supportive of his policies, which have had the results chronicled in the article? Really?

Liberal turds in here are constantly defending Chavez.
I love how some people here love comparing US to third world countries and say they are doing great...

Why not compare to countries in the same league like EU. Then compare to the Scandanavians...

Map How 35 countries compare on child poverty the U.S. is ranked 34th - The Washington Post


How freaking clueless are you? The same league? Compare the US to Scandinavian countries?

How are you first going to ethnically cleanse the US in order to make the US suitable for comparison to the Scandinavians? I want to read your plan for that mission.

The US doesn't really have a large country to compare to. The best we can do is compare populations. How are our blacks doing compared to African blacks? How are our Asians doing compared to those in their homelands? How are our Hispanics doing compared to those in their homelands?

As for comparing to Europe, we (white, non-Hispanic) seem to be doing as well as the United Kingdom:

'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'—Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with capitalism is capitalists- they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe someone should have explained to Milk-Snatcher Thatcher that poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.
LOL, poor Joe,

One trick doesn't work fella, never will.

Socialism is not about LIFTING anyone out of poverty it is simply about bringing everyone DOWN to the same level......well except for those at the top of course.

How is Capitalism any different?

Frankly, crowing about how we are doing better than a third world country is like going to the retard home and crowing about how smart you are.

Oh, wait, I've just described your favorite weekend activity, didn't I?
'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'—Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with capitalism is capitalists- they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe someone should have explained to Milk-Snatcher Thatcher that poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.

Did you just shit your pants? I can smell you all the way from wales. Don't ever comment in a financial/economy thread again. You are embarrassing yourself.
'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'—Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with capitalism is capitalists- they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe someone should have explained to Milk-Snatcher Thatcher that poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.

Did you just shit your pants? I can smell you all the way from wales. Don't ever comment in a financial/economy thread again. You are embarrassing yourself.

Milk-Snatcher Thatcher was such a horrible PM her own party threw her out.
Capitalism is like a competition where the guy who cheats the most and pulls the most dirty underhanded tricks wins, after he bribes the judges.

you have just described how socialism a tee...

Uh, dude, I don't think you understand the concept of socialism.

Okay, without posting some shit you read on a RW Website that is right with Jesus, explain socialism as an economic theory and why it doesn't work.
'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'—Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with capitalism is capitalists- they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe someone should have explained to Milk-Snatcher Thatcher that poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.

Did you just shit your pants? I can smell you all the way from wales. Don't ever comment in a financial/economy thread again. You are embarrassing yourself.

Milk-Snatcher Thatcher was such a horrible PM her own party threw her out.

Now you are posting just to post. I crushed you before and you went away and I will do it again. Don't EVER post in these threads again. You don't learn from your mistakes do you?
I think I have a way of describing socialism to leftists that they might understand...when the government hammers every other business except the ones it likes...say for energy companies that fail...what you have is

Socialism with benefits...the government makes booty calls with certain companies it likes...the treats like hos...forgive the spelling...

It's not the spelling that's unforgivable, it's the logic.
Now you are posting just to post. I crushed you before and you went away and I will do it again. Don't EVER post in these threads again. You don't learn from your mistakes do you?

Guy, you can strut around all day claiming you are making a point, but you never do.

Thatcher was such a horrible person the CONSERVATIVE party turned on her. That's sort of sad.
I think I have a way of describing socialism to leftists that they might understand...when the government hammers every other business except the ones it likes...say for energy companies that fail...what you have is

Socialism with benefits...the government makes booty calls with certain companies it likes...the treats like hos...forgive the spelling...

It's not the spelling that's unforgivable, it's the logic.

You logical? LOL.. I piss on your logic..

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