Socialism Creates Poverty

Now you are posting just to post. I crushed you before and you went away and I will do it again. Don't EVER post in these threads again. You don't learn from your mistakes do you?

Guy, you can strut around all day claiming you are making a point, but you never do.

Thatcher was such a horrible person the CONSERVATIVE party turned on her. That's sort of sad.

I don't give a damn about her. I'm talking about your financial and economic views. So quit mentioning her

Capitalism remains, by far, the best economic system. Leave America out of it, look around the world, it's positive effects are clear and consistent.

The problem is that capitalism needs to be effectively and efficiently regulated, and that's a problematic task when the regulators are controlled by professional politicians who have their own political/professional/personal motivations. When those same politicians are literally controlled by campaign contributors. Party affiliation irrelevant, as always, point the finger at each other all you want, I know that's how the "game" is played.

The system under which these politicians perpetrate their fraud and abuse and misuse is broken and needs to be fixed. To wit:

1. Short, strict term limits
2. Publicly-funded elections
3. Balanced Budget Amendment

Remove the power from those who OBVIOUSLY abuse it the most.

My weekly rant!


They arent successful at all. Sweden had to move away from its vaunted socialist vision because its stagnating economy wouldn't support such spending. Add an influx of Muslims and the place is turning into another Eurotrash shithole. You know this because the Jews have left Sweden.

The first Muslim congregation was established in 1949 when a small contingent of Tatars migrated from Finland, but Islam's presence in Sweden remained marginal until the 1960s when Sweden started to receive migrants from the Balkans and Turkey. Further immigration from North Africa and the Middle East have brought the estimated Muslim population to 500,000. However, only about 110,000 are members of a congregation and of these approximately 25,000 actively practise Islam in the sense that they pray five times a day and attend Friday prayer

Wow, yeah, sounds like they are being practically overrun by scary Muslims.

Where would you be without the fear of a Muslim hiding under your bed?
Capitalism remains, by far, the best economic system. Leave America out of it, look around the world, it's positive effects are clear and consistent.

So all you need to do to make Capitalism look good is ignore the places where it's actually practiced.

I have no idea what that means, but whatever works for you, Joe.

I certainly wouldn't try to convince you of anything.

Capitalism remains, by far, the best economic system. Leave America out of it, look around the world, it's positive effects are clear and consistent.

So all you need to do to make Capitalism look good is ignore the places where it's actually practiced.

I have no idea what that means, but whatever works for you, Joe.

I certainly wouldn't try to convince you of anything.


Nope. Because frankly, whenever anyone challenges your empty platitudes, you go whining about what meanyheads they are.
You logical? LOL.. I piss on your logic..

Shhh.. the Grownups are talking.

I think you meant to say, "shhh... the kids are playing..." Whoever engages in discussion with you will have down their IQ about a good 60 points. What's funny is you got crushed in the other economic thread, but you continue with the same argument in another just to argue then ultimately leave again. Do yourself a favor and get out before it's too late.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?

It was crap - as all socialist bullshit is.
No one has any idea what socialism actually does because it has never been allowed to operate unopposed. It has been undermined and attacked by the capitalists everywhere it has ever been attempted. I am not even promoting such a system but no discussion on the downside of socialism can be complete without the fact that a socialist system makes a country a target of the rich and powerful and will be ruined at any cost.
I think you meant to say, "shhh... the kids are playing..." Whoever engages in discussion with you will have down their IQ about a good 60 points. What's funny is you got crushed in the other economic thread, but you continue with the same argument in another just to argue then ultimately leave again. Do yourself a favor and get out before it's too late.

Dude, my only mistake is paying attention to you, because it's pretty clear no one else is.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?

Sweetie Pie, I knew more about the earth sciences thirty years ago than you ever will. And am in the process of getting a degree in Geology.

Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.
Reichstag fire!
No one has any idea what socialism actually does because it has never been allowed to operate unopposed. It has been undermined and attacked by the capitalists everywhere it has ever been attempted. I am not even promoting such a system but no discussion on the downside of socialism can be complete without the fact that a socialist system makes a country a target of the rich and powerful and will be ruined at any cost.

well, said.

I think the best thing that can be said is that if you want to say "Socialism vs. Capitalism", we never have a pure version of either animal.

Capitalism only exists because of a government that subsidizes the infrastructure that allows it to exist.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.

I see you know as much about history as you do about earth sciences...comrade. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?

Sweetie Pie, I knew more about the earth sciences thirty years ago than you ever will. And am in the process of getting a degree in Geology.

Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.

Fascism is a kind of socialism, so the Nazis were left-wingers. Stick to geology. You obviously know jack shit about economics.

Liberal propaganda tactics seems eerily similar to Nazi propaganda tactics.
Both studied their Lenin.
No one has any idea what socialism actually does because it has never been allowed to operate unopposed

Socialists ruin countries all the time, without any external help.
Just look at the Labour governments and unions of 1070's Britain.
I love how some people here love comparing US to third world countries and say they are doing great...

Why not compare to countries in the same league like EU. Then compare to the Scandanavians...

Map How 35 countries compare on child poverty the U.S. is ranked 34th - The Washington Post


How freaking clueless are you? The same league? Compare the US to Scandinavian countries?

How are you first going to ethnically cleanse the US in order to make the US suitable for comparison to the Scandinavians? I want to read your plan for that mission.

The US doesn't really have a large country to compare to. The best we can do is compare populations. How are our blacks doing compared to African blacks? How are our Asians doing compared to those in their homelands? How are our Hispanics doing compared to those in their homelands?

As for comparing to Europe, we (white, non-Hispanic) seem to be doing as well as the United Kingdom:

Send 100,000 die hard New Orleans Saints fans to Scandinavia, and it would look like the Lower Ninth Ward in a generation.
'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'—Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with capitalism is capitalists- they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe someone should have explained to Milk-Snatcher Thatcher that poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.
Poor people in the GOUSA don't buy food, they are given food.

That stimulates nothing but morbid obesity in the dependent class.

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