Socialism Creates Poverty

No one has any idea what socialism actually does because it has never been allowed to operate unopposed. It has been undermined and attacked by the capitalists everywhere it has ever been attempted. I am not even promoting such a system but no discussion on the downside of socialism can be complete without the fact that a socialist system makes a country a target of the rich and powerful and will be ruined at any cost.

well, said.

I think the best thing that can be said is that if you want to say "Socialism vs. Capitalism", we never have a pure version of either animal.

Capitalism only exists because of a government that subsidizes the infrastructure that allows it to exist.
Capitalism is only under attack from the many people who's only innovation is a new way to exploit labor, rip people off or skim off the top.
'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'—Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with capitalism is capitalists- they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe someone should have explained to Milk-Snatcher Thatcher that poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.
Poor people in the GOUSA don't buy food, they are given food.

That stimulates nothing but morbid obesity in the dependent class.
That broad brush is getting a workout here this morning.
Poor people in the GOUSA don't buy food, they are given food.

That stimulates nothing but morbid obesity in the dependent class.

Actually, the Food Stamp Program is meant as a price support system for the agriculture industry. If you want to talk about one industry in this country that is truly socialistic, it's Agriculture, where the USDA has 1 bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers and good is grown to sit in warehouses.
Poor people in the GOUSA don't buy food, they are given food.

That stimulates nothing but morbid obesity in the dependent class.

Actually, the Food Stamp Program is meant as a price support system for the agriculture industry. If you want to talk about one industry in this country that is truly socialistic, it's Agriculture, where the USDA has 1 bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers and good is grown to sit in warehouses.
Yes, this is the fact that conservatives studiously ignore, without food stamps half the grocery stores would go broke and the other half would have to be armored fortresses. Food stamps are revolution insurance, a hungry man is an angry man.
No one has any idea what socialism actually does because it has never been allowed to operate unopposed

Socialists ruin countries all the time, without any external help.
Just look at the Labour governments and unions of 1070's Britain.

Yes, William the Conqueror really fucked things up in the 1070's.

0 and 9 are next to each other - my daughter is asking meloads of questions, i ca,t find halg the kuys.
'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'—Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with capitalism is capitalists- they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe someone should have explained to Milk-Snatcher Thatcher that poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.
Hoover was a progressive. Next time quote Fidel or Chavez on capitalism. It's almost the same. And about as good an article.
Poor people buyng food creates no significant economic activity. You think this because you never took an Econ course in your life.
They arent successful at all. Sweden had to move away from its vaunted socialist vision because its stagnating economy wouldn't support such spending. Add an influx of Muslims and the place is turning into another Eurotrash shithole. You know this because the Jews have left Sweden.

The first Muslim congregation was established in 1949 when a small contingent of Tatars migrated from Finland, but Islam's presence in Sweden remained marginal until the 1960s when Sweden started to receive migrants from the Balkans and Turkey. Further immigration from North Africa and the Middle East have brought the estimated Muslim population to 500,000. However, only about 110,000 are members of a congregation and of these approximately 25,000 actively practise Islam in the sense that they pray five times a day and attend Friday prayer

Wow, yeah, sounds like they are being practically overrun by scary Muslims.

Where would you be without the fear of a Muslim hiding under your bed?
Poor Joe. If you didnt have misinformation you'd have no information at all.
Stockholm riots leave Sweden s dreams of perfect society up in smoke - Telegraph
Germany. Kristolnacht, Night of the Long Knives. The murder and imprisonment of political opponents of the Nazis after the Bundestagg fire.

Germany was far right, fascist.

No, you must be attending a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....the nazis were left wing socialists...they believed in state control of every aspect of life....including the economic system...
poor people buying food creates more economic activity than rich people buying dressage horses.

You know...that money the poor use...someone has to create it with work...somewhere in the food chain...the liberals always miss that basic can't just say...everyone makes a million dollars...there fore we have no poor people any more and everyone is in the 1%....but they think they can raise the minimum wage and that actually changes their situation....and when it doesn't....time to raise the wage again...
2. Publicly-funded elections

Are a horrible idea....these corrupt politicians can game that system as well as any other...the best way...remove campaign donation spending caps...that way a good person who doesn't have money can have his political campaign backed by people who have money...that removes the advantage career politicians have, and rich people have....any other way still favors the incumbent jerk...
Socialism is like have a competition where everyone gets the same participation medal. Which is good for the slackers but stifles the productive.

Capitalism is like a competition where the guy who cheats the most and pulls the most dirty underhanded tricks wins, after he bribes the judges.

Pretty sure if he bribed the judges,all those other things would be a waste of time and money.
Even in your exaggerations you exaggerate...
Laissez-faire capitalism occurs when you let the corporations/businesses take over the country.
You think that only because you're stupid.

I'm right. Laissez-faire means to leave alone. If the government leaves business alone, it means that businesses get to decide what they can or can't do,

not the government. That means the government is ceding power to the corporations, which means the corporations are effectively taking over.

Under laissez-faire, the power to choose to pollute for example is held by the corporation, not the government. The government cedes the power of that choice to the corporation.
You're kidding, right? Obama punished Venezuela? How?

We've imposed economic sanctions on them.
What economic sanctions? And if socialism is so damn superior, why are socialist countries always blaming capitalist countries for their problems? You don't see capitalist countries blaming socialist countries for their economic woes, do you?
Laissez-faire capitalism occurs when you let the corporations/businesses take over the country.
You think that only because you're stupid.

I'm right. Laissez-faire means to leave alone. If the government leaves business alone, it means that businesses get to decide what they can or can't do,

not the government. That means the government is ceding power to the corporations, which means the corporations are effectively taking over.

Under laissez-faire, the power to choose to pollute for example is held by the corporation, not the government. The government cedes the power of that choice to the corporation.
Slippery slope fallacy!
Rabbi Rules!
Liberal turds in here are constantly defending Chavez.

I don't defend Chavez, I think he was a terrible leader.

I understand how Chavez came to be. He came to be because his country had severe wealth inequality and people just got fed up with it.

Nope. Socialism came because a gang of socialist demagogues managed to dupe the populace. That's how socialism always comes. And now Venezuela has even more wealth inequality.

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