Socialism in a nutshell. Free $1,000 from Uncle Sugar. Just vote for the Free Stuff.

Would you vote for a guy who wants to pay you $1,000 a month from US taxes.

  • I am a liberal, i love free stuff...

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Fuck no, someone has to pay for it, i hate lazy fucks...

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
The idea isn't to give lazy people $1000 a month. The idea is to give every adult American citizen $1000 a month.

IIRC I've read some Trump supporters here think a Guaranteed Income is a good idea, given that automation is replacing blue collar jobs.
Why does it stop at 64?

I don't know. It's not my idea.

Ezekiel Emanuel's Nazi Euthanasi: "Triumph of the Living Will"
White House medical advisor Ezekiel Emanuel is a leading U.S. euthanasia advocate, a chief strategist for the Living Will created by the Hitlerian euthanasia movement.

It must be remembered that American authorities had punished Nazi leaders after World War II for euthanasia killings of patients to cut costs.

What was the purpose of this random post?
To piss you liberals off and make sure moderates and conservatives know what the lunatic lefties are all about...

So, a random irrelevant post.

Got it, anrdeanjim.
Eventually people lose their will to work under socialism because they are getting everything free.
When that happens they have to be forced to work.
Socialism is like Government owning Slaves.
Notice how North Korea, East Germany...etc have to build walls to keep their people(slaves) from escaping.
Notice how Denmark and Sweden are among the happiest countries in the world? No one wants to escape their form of socialism. You don`t really know what socialism is do you?
Neither Denmark nor Sweden are socialist countries.
They will soon be under sharia law too
Would you vote for a guy who wants to pay you $1,000 a month from US taxes.
Generally, "a guy" doesn't have the authority to spend U.S. tax dollars. What "a guy" can do is authorize activity that binds the government into an agreement whereby it must disburse U.S. tax dollars in payment for the activity "the guy" authorized. Provided the activity the guy authorized is compliant with all extant (at the time) laws and government policies, I have no basis for voting against him, or even deriding him. on account of his having thus bound the government.

As for whether I'm the payee, well, if I am, I am; if I'm not, I'm not. Who the payee is is ingermane in the scenario implicit in the poll question posed above.
Equal protection of the law, is more socially Just.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Maybe if we got rid of the welfare program and put the money into the military, more people would get off their lazy ass and join, or work in an area that supports the defense of this country. Without our defense we wouldn't have a country, but liberals would love it as then Socialism wouldn't have an enemy to stop them.. Are you a Socialist?

Yeah, um, we used to do that. that's how we got into a war in Vietnam that no one really wanted to fight, and really didn't have a point.

I worked my ass off in Saudi Arabia making a good income as long as I worked. The only thing "guaranteed" in life, is DEATH AND TAXES. Want a better life, get off your lazy liberal ass and get a job....

So you made a bunch of money working for the Military industrial complex with taxes paid for by average Americans to subsidize the oil industry.

Doesn't that make you just as much a welfare queen as the lady who takes food stamps for a year when her husband walks out on her and the kids?
..Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.

Indeed, that's very scary

The idea of providing healthcare to every citizen or giving them enough $$$ so they won't starve or have to sleep on the streets is simply repulsive, Ayn Rand must be spinning in her grave...


Sad that some people who didn't want health insurance for the 1st time in their lives, were FORCED to purchase it. Many people in Washington DC , Choose to be living in tents and pan handle their livelihood. Why do you want to take all that away. I always thought liberals were for CHOICE...
Sad that some people who didn't want health insurance for the 1st time in their lives, were FORCED to purchase it. Many people in Washington DC , Choose to be living in tents and pan handle their livelihood. Why do you want to take all that away. I always thought liberals were for CHOICE...

I don't think anyone chooses to be homeless, bud.
Sad that some people who didn't want health insurance for the 1st time in their lives, were FORCED to purchase it. Many people in Washington DC , Choose to be living in tents and pan handle their livelihood. Why do you want to take all that away. I always thought liberals were for CHOICE...

I'm not a liberal but a socialist comrade (a real one, not the fake Bernie version) so I think there isn't a CHOICE at all, health care, education, housing etc. are simply services that the state should provide to it's people for free.... and the oppressing capitalist pigs will pay for it, believe me!

Besides that, funny how you Ayn Rand fanatics can't seem to see the difference between health care and health insurance..

2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.
so he's going to increase taxes and/or borrow more, decreasing the value of my dollar, to 'give' me my own money back, that will be worth less.

how can this idea go wrong?
2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.
so he's going to increase taxes and/or borrow more, decreasing the value of my dollar, to 'give' me my own money back, that will be worth less.

how can this idea go wrong?
The Old USSR found out the hard way....
Sad that some people who didn't want health insurance for the 1st time in their lives, were FORCED to purchase it. Many people in Washington DC , Choose to be living in tents and pan handle their livelihood. Why do you want to take all that away. I always thought liberals were for CHOICE...

I'm not a liberal but a socialist comrade (a real one, not the fake Bernie version) so I think there isn't a CHOICE at all, health care, education, housing etc. are simply services that the state should provide to it's people for free.... and the oppressing capitalist pigs will pay for it, believe me!

Besides that, funny how you Ayn Rand fanatics can't seem to see the difference between health care and health insurance..

so I think there isn't a CHOICE at all, health care, education, housing etc. are simply services that the state should provide to it's people for free....
So who is going to pay for it?

2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.
Sounds ridiculous

But with the tax cut we just gave to corporations and billionaires, we could afford it.
2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.
so he's going to increase taxes and/or borrow more, decreasing the value of my dollar, to 'give' me my own money back, that will be worth less.

how can this idea go wrong?
The Old USSR found out the hard way....
Fed taxes you 1000
Fed takes it's 10% cut
Fed borrows 100
Fed takes it's 10% cut
Fed prints 100
fed takes 10% cut
then gives you back 1000

How much is that 1000 now worth?
How much less can you buy?
How quickly will the country swirl down the toilet?

fucking guy is a shoe in
Sad that some people who didn't want health insurance for the 1st time in their lives, were FORCED to purchase it. Many people in Washington DC , Choose to be living in tents and pan handle their livelihood. Why do you want to take all that away. I always thought liberals were for CHOICE...

I'm not a liberal but a socialist comrade (a real one, not the fake Bernie version) so I think there isn't a CHOICE at all, health care, education, housing etc. are simply services that the state should provide to it's people for free.... and the oppressing capitalist pigs will pay for it, believe me!

Besides that, funny how you Ayn Rand fanatics can't seem to see the difference between health care and health insurance..

Since Cuba has been opened to business by the last homosexual president, why arent you living your socialist dream there?
2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.

The idea isn't to give lazy people $1000 a month. The idea is to give every adult American citizen $1000 a month.

IIRC I've read some Trump supporters here think a Guaranteed Income is a good idea, given that automation is replacing blue collar jobs.
I worked my ass off in Saudi Arabia making a good income as long as I worked. The only thing "guaranteed" in life, is DEATH AND TAXES. Want a better life, get off your lazy liberal ass and get a job....

Before you say 'Liberal Ass'.... Blue states in general have a lower unemployment rate than red states..

So could rephrase that to 'lazy conservative ass'

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