Socialism in a nutshell. Free $1,000 from Uncle Sugar. Just vote for the Free Stuff.

Would you vote for a guy who wants to pay you $1,000 a month from US taxes.

  • I am a liberal, i love free stuff...

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Fuck no, someone has to pay for it, i hate lazy fucks...

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
Sad that some people who didn't want health insurance for the 1st time in their lives, were FORCED to purchase it. Many people in Washington DC , Choose to be living in tents and pan handle their livelihood. Why do you want to take all that away. I always thought liberals were for CHOICE...

I'm not a liberal but a socialist comrade (a real one, not the fake Bernie version) so I think there isn't a CHOICE at all, health care, education, housing etc. are simply services that the state should provide to it's people for free.... and the oppressing capitalist pigs will pay for it, believe me!

Besides that, funny how you Ayn Rand fanatics can't seem to see the difference between health care and health insurance..

Since Cuba has been opened to business by the last homosexual president, why arent you living your socialist dream there?
How did you know that Trump was gay?
Think about this
Unwed mother of two
$1,500 per month Section 8 housing voucher. She pays 200
$600 per month food stamps
$1500 per month unemployment/welfare check
$3,600 per month in assistance, or $43,200 annually to stay home, watch the kids or go out and get a job? The motivation to do that has been financially removed and societal shaming of all these freebies is non existent(because that would mostly be racist)
She's cheating herself. My step granddaughter brings in almost $60,000 a year on "assistance". In addition to the benefits you name, Mom has five children (no one knows who the fathers are for any of them). They eat all their meals at school. Mom only provides snacks and most of those come from the free food pantry. The oldest boy is "autistic" so she gets SSI for him. The middle girl was in a car accident when Mom was too high on pot to take care of her. That ended up with a crushed leg and a disabled girl also on SSI. In addition, Mom "works". The state pays her to provide child care for her friend's children while that mother works. That mother works at providing child care to Mom's five children and gets paid by the state for doing so.

There's working the system, and there is Working The System. Your gal is a piker.
That is the way the poor “work the system” they are given

The wealthy also “ work the system” they are given. Only they have an army of lawyers and accountants to flaunt the tax code and bribe politicians

Guess who makes out better?
Eventually people lose their will to work under socialism because they are getting everything free.
When that happens they have to be forced to work.
Socialism is like Government owning Slaves.
Notice how North Korea, East Germany...etc have to build walls to keep their people(slaves) from escaping.
Notice how Denmark and Sweden are among the happiest countries in the world? No one wants to escape their form of socialism. You don`t really know what socialism is do you?
Neither Denmark nor Sweden are socialist countries.
But somehow, we are because we want to provide healthcare
Every nation throughout all of history, has had it's poor. Do we help these people or let them starve?

What we should be doing is eliminating the Defense Dept (really War Dept), then use that money to HELP all Americans.
War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Maybe if we got rid of the welfare program and put the money into the military, more people would get off their lazy ass and join, or work in an area that supports the defense of this country. Without our defense we wouldn't have a country, but liberals would love it as then Socialism wouldn't have an enemy to stop them.. Are you a Socialist?
I seem to remember another country that treated the military as an employment program. It started in 1933 and ended in 1945. The concept destroyed Europe in that time. But hey maybe this time it'll be different.
Only when the gun grabbers of 1933 took the weapons away from its citizens did that country go full on Socialist. Are you saying that the Socialist of this country can do it better?
And you of course can prove your assertion that Germany disarmed it's citizens when the Nazis came to power? In fact they loosened the gun laws for it's citizens when they rose to power. But then again this would require you to know history. As to your question. America has very few actual socialists. Neither can they be found in Europe in any large numbers. Having certain social safety nets doesn't make a person socialist. At least not how you would define it.


I am actually going to disagree with you (sorry about this)... I think that America has loads of Social Programs already, example Roads, Police, Military, Firemen, Medicare, NASA, Weather Service....
Actually when the government collects taxes and spends them on things for all society, that is socialist... The RW will bitch all day but that is what it is....

Most of Europe clearly state they are Democratic Socialist who believe in a regulated market based economy... Sorry to break it to the RWers but that is what the US believes too, but there are differences...

Like everything in life there needs to be a balance. No Government is Anarchy, total control and ownership is communism... Very few really believe they should be at one end or the other.. So we are nearly all some where in the middle...

So lets just take roads... We have found that roads built and maintained by the Government is fair, economical and benefit nearly all in society. Would it be reasonable, practical or economical to have multiple roads from one town to another, you can wake every morning and pick which route you will take and who you will pay... Sounds daft, because it is... This is where the government works...
The exact opposite is true for farming... If you want to starve put the government in charge of food production... Might not starve but there would be tears...

So lets now talk a grey area one... Broadband... In cities the lines are short and the number of subscribers are high, plenty of profit for multiple companies... Cities are rich pickings for broadband suppliers...
But consider Rural areas. This is not as economical and takes much more risk for the providers. But if a small town doesn't get broadband the economy suffers, people move away and the town starts to die... So how do we want to address broadband in rural areas... this is the two extremes:
  • Conservative; Let market decide, if town dies it dies
  • Liberal: All houses should get broadband to there door if they want it as a right.
But like everything it needs compromise but who should pay for it, own it and operate it is up for discussion.
Note: In Europe they are mainly buying back these networks in rural areas, charing the city operators to help with the cost of rural... the farming out the installation and maintenance to private companies, ideally small local ones with a major company running the NOC (Network Operations Center)...

So what I am really saying life is about balance...
Every nation throughout all of history, has had it's poor. Do we help these people or let them starve?

What we should be doing is eliminating the Defense Dept (really War Dept), then use that money to HELP all Americans.
War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Maybe if we got rid of the welfare program and put the money into the military, more people would get off their lazy ass and join, or work in an area that supports the defense of this country. Without our defense we wouldn't have a country, but liberals would love it as then Socialism wouldn't have an enemy to stop them.. Are you a Socialist?
I seem to remember another country that treated the military as an employment program. It started in 1933 and ended in 1945. The concept destroyed Europe in that time. But hey maybe this time it'll be different.
Only when the gun grabbers of 1933 took the weapons away from its citizens did that country go full on Socialist. Are you saying that the Socialist of this country can do it better?
And you of course can prove your assertion that Germany disarmed it's citizens when the Nazis came to power? In fact they loosened the gun laws for it's citizens when they rose to power. But then again this would require you to know history. As to your question. America has very few actual socialists. Neither can they be found in Europe in any large numbers. Having certain social safety nets doesn't make a person socialist. At least not how you would define it.


I am actually going to disagree with you (sorry about this)... I think that America has loads of Social Programs already, example Roads, Police, Military, Firemen, Medicare, NASA, Weather Service....
Actually when the government collects taxes and spends them on things for all society, that is socialist... The RW will bitch all day but that is what it is....

Most of Europe clearly state they are Democratic Socialist who believe in a regulated market based economy... Sorry to break it to the RWers but that is what the US believes too, but there are differences...

Like everything in life there needs to be a balance. No Government is Anarchy, total control and ownership is communism... Very few really believe they should be at one end or the other.. So we are nearly all some where in the middle...

So lets just take roads... We have found that roads built and maintained by the Government is fair, economical and benefit nearly all in society. Would it be reasonable, practical or economical to have multiple roads from one town to another, you can wake every morning and pick which route you will take and who you will pay... Sounds daft, because it is... This is where the government works...
The exact opposite is true for farming... If you want to starve put the government in charge of food production... Might not starve but there would be tears...

So lets now talk a grey area one... Broadband... In cities the lines are short and the number of subscribers are high, plenty of profit for multiple companies... Cities are rich pickings for broadband suppliers...
But consider Rural areas. This is not as economical and takes much more risk for the providers. But if a small town doesn't get broadband the economy suffers, people move away and the town starts to die... So how do we want to address broadband in rural areas... this is the two extremes:
  • Conservative; Let market decide, if town dies it dies
  • Liberal: All houses should get broadband to there door if they want it as a right.
But like everything it needs compromise but who should pay for it, own it and operate it is up for discussion.
Note: In Europe they are mainly buying back these networks in rural areas, charing the city operators to help with the cost of rural... the farming out the installation and maintenance to private companies, ideally small local ones with a major company running the NOC (Network Operations Center)...

So what I am really saying life is about balance...
The same thing happened with electric, phone, roads, schools and hospitals in rural areas

A free market would dictate that they are not cost effective in those areas
But the government stepped in and subsidized the bringing of services to rural America
2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.

The idea isn't to give lazy people $1000 a month. The idea is to give every adult American citizen $1000 a month.

IIRC I've read some Trump supporters here think a Guaranteed Income is a good idea, given that automation is replacing blue collar jobs.
I worked my ass off in Saudi Arabia making a good income as long as I worked. The only thing "guaranteed" in life, is DEATH AND TAXES. Want a better life, get off your lazy liberal ass and get a job....

Before you say 'Liberal Ass'.... Blue states in general have a lower unemployment rate than red states..

So could rephrase that to 'lazy conservative ass'
The majority of the poverty is concentrated in the inner cities which are ruled by liberals. So yes, liberal lazy ass...

Opinion | The Real Problem With America’s Inner Cities
America is not reverting to earlier racist patterns, and calling for a national conversation on race is a cliché that evades the real problem we now face: on one hand, a vicious tangle of concentrated poverty, disconnected youth and a culture of violence among a small but destructive minority in the inner cities;
By the way, who was the president in 2015?
Sad that some people who didn't want health insurance for the 1st time in their lives, were FORCED to purchase it. Many people in Washington DC , Choose to be living in tents and pan handle their livelihood. Why do you want to take all that away. I always thought liberals were for CHOICE...

I'm not a liberal but a socialist comrade (a real one, not the fake Bernie version) so I think there isn't a CHOICE at all, health care, education, housing etc. are simply services that the state should provide to it's people for free.... and the oppressing capitalist pigs will pay for it, believe me!

Besides that, funny how you Ayn Rand fanatics can't seem to see the difference between health care and health insurance..

so I think there isn't a CHOICE at all, health care, education, housing etc. are simply services that the state should provide to it's people for free....
So who is going to pay for it?

View attachment 187665
the rich! we are helping them out by Taxing them into Heaven; only ingrates, don't appreciate it!
2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.

The idea isn't to give lazy people $1000 a month. The idea is to give every adult American citizen $1000 a month.

IIRC I've read some Trump supporters here think a Guaranteed Income is a good idea, given that automation is replacing blue collar jobs.
I worked my ass off in Saudi Arabia making a good income as long as I worked. The only thing "guaranteed" in life, is DEATH AND TAXES. Want a better life, get off your lazy liberal ass and get a job....

Before you say 'Liberal Ass'.... Blue states in general have a lower unemployment rate than red states..

So could rephrase that to 'lazy conservative ass'
U.S. - state unemployment rate February 2017 | Statistic

it's a fairly even mix
2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.

The idea isn't to give lazy people $1000 a month. The idea is to give every adult American citizen $1000 a month.

IIRC I've read some Trump supporters here think a Guaranteed Income is a good idea, given that automation is replacing blue collar jobs.
I worked my ass off in Saudi Arabia making a good income as long as I worked. The only thing "guaranteed" in life, is DEATH AND TAXES. Want a better life, get off your lazy liberal ass and get a job....

Before you say 'Liberal Ass'.... Blue states in general have a lower unemployment rate than red states..

So could rephrase that to 'lazy conservative ass'
U.S. - state unemployment rate February 2017 | Statistic

it's a fairly even mix

CA WA OR MI are dead zones.

river towns, coal regions and fishing areas also suffer.

2020 presidential candidate wants to give everyone $1,000 a month
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang has a big goal for a relatively unknown business person:to reach the White House. And he's aiming to get there by selling America on the idea that all citizens, ages 18-64, should get a check for $1,000 every month, no strings attached, from the U.S. government.
Yang, 43, who was born in upstate New York in 1975, will be running as a Democrat, according to his campaign website.
"People who think the antidote to Donald Trump is a boring generic Democrat missed the point. He is a sign of massive institutional failure. On both sides," Yang said on Reddit on April 2.
A universal basic income (UBI) payment, which Yang calls "the Freedom Dividend," is one of his major policies.
We have been giving people 22 trillion dollars since 1964 to fight the "War on Poverty" and we still have poor. Just giving lazy people $1,000 a month from working peoples taxes isn't going to produce anything except more lazy people. Socialism is being pushed hard upon the US every year.

The idea isn't to give lazy people $1000 a month. The idea is to give every adult American citizen $1000 a month.

IIRC I've read some Trump supporters here think a Guaranteed Income is a good idea, given that automation is replacing blue collar jobs.
I worked my ass off in Saudi Arabia making a good income as long as I worked. The only thing "guaranteed" in life, is DEATH AND TAXES. Want a better life, get off your lazy liberal ass and get a job....

Before you say 'Liberal Ass'.... Blue states in general have a lower unemployment rate than red states..

So could rephrase that to 'lazy conservative ass'
The majority of the poverty is concentrated in the inner cities which are ruled by liberals. So yes, liberal lazy ass...

Opinion | The Real Problem With America’s Inner Cities
America is not reverting to earlier racist patterns, and calling for a national conversation on race is a cliché that evades the real problem we now face: on one hand, a vicious tangle of concentrated poverty, disconnected youth and a culture of violence among a small but destructive minority in the inner cities;
By the way, who was the president in 2015?
Poverty is concentrated in red states

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