Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
We already tried the capitalist solution, it was called the Great Depression.
NO, that ws the government solution. The Federal Reserve and FRD created the Great Depression.
Why did China spread misinformation when the virus first started to spread?

If you are upset about Trump comments then maybe you should be more concerned about China and the fact they caused all thos and if he said that ( Trump ) that is not misinformation but fact...

So tell me what is China solution to how to fix what they broke?

Last I checked I am not living under the rule of 'Gina's gubnit. Why has tRump blamed everyone else and spread misinformation about the virus.

Thank you for pointing out that tRump is just like China's leadership though, bravo!!!
when did he do that???

Blamed all Democrats and it is a hoax. Blamed Onama, blamed Clinton. The list is long.

and yet you cant post proof of a single one,,,

"Blamed all Democrats and it is a hoax. Blamed Onama, blamed Clinton. The list is long"

"and yet you cant post proof of a single one"

what with all the evidence over the last few weeks PROVING he blamed democrats and Obama I am curious as to whether you are just very stupid or a fkn conservative liar?
Democrats are responsible for the hysteria and the stock market crash.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

1) Every dollar the government is going to give out came from taxes raised on capitalist businesses....

2) Branson is donating his capitalist cruise ships if needed for hospital space....

3) Trump is cutting government red tape, in order to get the private sector the ability to create remedies.....

4) The malaria drug that might help people with the virus? A Pharma company donated 3 million capitalist created pills for the effort...

5) The capitalist food stores, trucking companies, warehouses, are keeping the American people fed and supplied...

6) GM is converting their Capitalist factories to produce more ventilators....

You doofus.........apa

Without capitalism, we would be sunk....

Capitalist companies in a purely socialist endeavor.
You are still a simpleton Dimsocialist hack troll.

You have been owned several times in your own abortion of a thread, Moron

No. Some nutbags have spouted unrelated crap and claimed some sort of victory, but I haven't seen one example of a purely capitalist solution to the virus problem.
not sure what to make fun of you with first,,,your lack of knowledge as to what is right wing in this country or your lack of knowledge that its mostly the free market capitalism that is keeping us alive right now,,,

It's not a stretch to say the right always believes capitalist programs are always better than socialist programs. I'm just asking all those people where is the capital solution to this problem.

Now where have I seen this kind of talk before.....?

View attachment 313409

Typical right wing point. Scary looking picture, but no idea what the caption might be.

It says what you say. Its communist propaganda..not just a scary looking picture. It attacks both religion and you do. Its a cunning poster in that the script imitates the script of Orthodox Icons.
I suppose this is why you people want to undermine history teaching. Thi isnt a "scary picture". This is a weapon of war used against free societies...and you parrot the dictators.

It says...

Top Caption: Priests help the capitalists and hinder the worker.
Bottom Caption "get out of the way (or "off you go")

On the right it says: "In the name of the Lord God:
submit, obey, do not kill"

On the left the priest are saying "In the name of the Lord God:
pacify slaves, make them submissive,"

And the top hat the repulsively bloody and fat leader is wearing? It is labeled "CAPITAL"

And BULLDOG moans "oh be still my heart..."

Any more questions?

Just . one. Why would you post such a dump picture when you know no one could read the captions, dumb ass?

Don’t say “nobody” when you are speaking of your own ignorance. The reason I posted it, and the other, was to demonstrate your communist leanings. You aren’t saying anything the Bolsheviks didn’t say. In fact you parrot Soviet and Chinese Propaganda almost verbatim.
The poster is recognized by anyone with a reasonable education as Soviet propaganda aimed at capitalism. Both posters use the standard Communist tropes, stereotypes and caricatures that were used against America during the entire Cold War.
In fact you aren’t upset you didn’t recognize them. You are upset how obviously they demonstrate where your communist heart is. Americans put up with the same attacks you use today for the entire duration of the Cold War.
And the Feds are not competent to even RUN CONGRESS... Don't want more of that...

Exactly, a soviet monopoly will always be inefficient at best and genocidal on average.

Look at CDC. A tiny Germany company was making test kits the first week of January. CDC is only doing it now long after virus has spread widely.

Just too many signatures and 1000 page justifications to write to ALTER the plan in the "minion of morons".. It's like playing football without the ability to ANALYZE, REASSESS, and change up the play with an audible.

Trump had to declare a Nat Emergency to DISmantle a lot of the self-protections that CDC put in place to make IT "the hero" in case of a disaster and not all the talented, fast moving PRIVATE labs and scientists...
It's not a stretch to say the right always believes capitalist programs are always better than socialist programs. I'm just asking all those people where is the capital solution to this problem.

Now where have I seen this kind of talk before.....?

View attachment 313409

Typical right wing point. Scary looking picture, but no idea what the caption might be.

It says what you say. Its communist propaganda..not just a scary looking picture. It attacks both religion and you do. Its a cunning poster in that the script imitates the script of Orthodox Icons.
I suppose this is why you people want to undermine history teaching. Thi isnt a "scary picture". This is a weapon of war used against free societies...and you parrot the dictators.

It says...

Top Caption: Priests help the capitalists and hinder the worker.
Bottom Caption "get out of the way (or "off you go")

On the right it says: "In the name of the Lord God:
submit, obey, do not kill"

On the left the priest are saying "In the name of the Lord God:
pacify slaves, make them submissive,"

And the top hat the repulsively bloody and fat leader is wearing? It is labeled "CAPITAL"

And BULLDOG moans "oh be still my heart..."

Any more questions?

Just . one. Why would you post such a dump picture when you know no one could read the captions, dumb ass?

Don’t say “nobody” when you are speaking of your own ignorance. The reason I posted it, and the other, was to demonstrate your communist leanings. You aren’t saying anything the Bolsheviks didn’t say. In fact you parrot Soviet and Chinese Propaganda almost verbatim.
The poster is recognized by anyone with a reasonable education as Soviet propaganda aimed at capitalism. Both posters use the standard Communist tropes, stereotypes and caricatures that were used against America during the entire Cold War.
In fact you aren’t upset you didn’t recognize them. You are upset how obviously they demonstrate where your communist heart is. Americans put up with the same attacks you use today for the entire duration of the Cold War.

You really are a windbag, aren't you?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

1) Every dollar the government is going to give out came from taxes raised on capitalist businesses....

2) Branson is donating his capitalist cruise ships if needed for hospital space....

3) Trump is cutting government red tape, in order to get the private sector the ability to create remedies.....

4) The malaria drug that might help people with the virus? A Pharma company donated 3 million capitalist created pills for the effort...

5) The capitalist food stores, trucking companies, warehouses, are keeping the American people fed and supplied...

6) GM is converting their Capitalist factories to produce more ventilators....

You doofus.........apa

Without capitalism, we would be sunk....

Capitalist companies in a purely socialist endeavor.
You are still a simpleton Dimsocialist hack troll.

You have been owned several times in your own abortion of a thread, Moron

No. Some nutbags have spouted unrelated crap and claimed some sort of victory, but I haven't seen one example of a purely capitalist solution to the virus problem.

You are still a simpleton Dimsocialist hack troll.

You have been owned several times in your own abortion of a thread, Moron
Now where have I seen this kind of talk before.....?

View attachment 313409

Typical right wing point. Scary looking picture, but no idea what the caption might be.

It says what you say. Its communist propaganda..not just a scary looking picture. It attacks both religion and you do. Its a cunning poster in that the script imitates the script of Orthodox Icons.
I suppose this is why you people want to undermine history teaching. Thi isnt a "scary picture". This is a weapon of war used against free societies...and you parrot the dictators.

It says...

Top Caption: Priests help the capitalists and hinder the worker.
Bottom Caption "get out of the way (or "off you go")

On the right it says: "In the name of the Lord God:
submit, obey, do not kill"

On the left the priest are saying "In the name of the Lord God:
pacify slaves, make them submissive,"

And the top hat the repulsively bloody and fat leader is wearing? It is labeled "CAPITAL"

And BULLDOG moans "oh be still my heart..."

Any more questions?

Just . one. Why would you post such a dump picture when you know no one could read the captions, dumb ass?

Don’t say “nobody” when you are speaking of your own ignorance. The reason I posted it, and the other, was to demonstrate your communist leanings. You aren’t saying anything the Bolsheviks didn’t say. In fact you parrot Soviet and Chinese Propaganda almost verbatim.
The poster is recognized by anyone with a reasonable education as Soviet propaganda aimed at capitalism. Both posters use the standard Communist tropes, stereotypes and caricatures that were used against America during the entire Cold War.
In fact you aren’t upset you didn’t recognize them. You are upset how obviously they demonstrate where your communist heart is. Americans put up with the same attacks you use today for the entire duration of the Cold War.

You really are a windbag, aren't you?

does that mean “articulate and produces posts that expose you”?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
And your Marxist-Leninist solution?
For Trump and Senate Republicans, no amount of national debt is too much - to get them reelected.

Democrats don't have the definition of the word "debt" quite focused in.
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.

BTW: What do you mean by solution.

Capitalism and socialism have no solution for cancer either.

What are you talking about.

I'm asking for a capitalist solution to deal with our virus problem.

And I've asked about three times, what represents a solution ?

No deaths
1% dead
Stock market at a certain level

What are the characteristics in a path forward that you look at say....I'd call that "solution" ?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)

View attachment 313431 View attachment 313433 View attachment 313435

????Ok so Trump had his clothes made in China and that means we should enact the Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution or stick with Trump??
No, Trump did not.have "his" clothes made in China, or anything else his. The stuff made in China with Trump's name on it, is 100% Chinese.

It is Chinese stuff, and they pay Trump to let them stick Trump's name on it (brand licensing).
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)

View attachment 313431 View attachment 313433 View attachment 313435

????Ok so Trump had his clothes made in China and that means we should enact the Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution or stick with Trump??

No on both counts.

Just refrain from bitching about globalists whole you are busy voting for globalists.
Trump is the globalists' #1 enemy. One of the prime reasons we should re-elect him.
Last edited:
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)

View attachment 313431 View attachment 313433 View attachment 313435

????Ok so Trump had his clothes made in China and that means we should enact the Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution or stick with Trump??
No, Trump did not.have "his" clothes made in China, or anything else his. The stuff made in China with Trump's name on it, is 100% Chinese.

It is Chinese stuff, and they pay Trump to let them stick Trump's name on it (brand licensing).

The blob had his cheap crap made in China.
Typical right wing point. Scary looking picture, but no idea what the caption might be.

It says what you say. Its communist propaganda..not just a scary looking picture. It attacks both religion and you do. Its a cunning poster in that the script imitates the script of Orthodox Icons.
I suppose this is why you people want to undermine history teaching. Thi isnt a "scary picture". This is a weapon of war used against free societies...and you parrot the dictators.

It says...

Top Caption: Priests help the capitalists and hinder the worker.
Bottom Caption "get out of the way (or "off you go")

On the right it says: "In the name of the Lord God:
submit, obey, do not kill"

On the left the priest are saying "In the name of the Lord God:
pacify slaves, make them submissive,"

And the top hat the repulsively bloody and fat leader is wearing? It is labeled "CAPITAL"

And BULLDOG moans "oh be still my heart..."

Any more questions?

Just . one. Why would you post such a dump picture when you know no one could read the captions, dumb ass?

Don’t say “nobody” when you are speaking of your own ignorance. The reason I posted it, and the other, was to demonstrate your communist leanings. You aren’t saying anything the Bolsheviks didn’t say. In fact you parrot Soviet and Chinese Propaganda almost verbatim.
The poster is recognized by anyone with a reasonable education as Soviet propaganda aimed at capitalism. Both posters use the standard Communist tropes, stereotypes and caricatures that were used against America during the entire Cold War.
In fact you aren’t upset you didn’t recognize them. You are upset how obviously they demonstrate where your communist heart is. Americans put up with the same attacks you use today for the entire duration of the Cold War.

You really are a windbag, aren't you?

does that mean “articulate and produces posts that expose you”?

By definition, Capitalism is an economic system where there is competition and the goal is to make profit. Name one example where there is competition to solve the Virus problem and that competition is driven by a goal of profit. Other than a few examples of price gouging, I haven't seen that anywhere Nobody in this thread has shown that either. Why not?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Capitalism has been distorted and perverted since Reagan first said "Government is the problem", which was taken as gospel.

Real capitalists have a great respect for both its strengths and weaknesses, and they realize that (a) efficient and effective controls and regulations are a critical component of capitalism, not the bane of capitalism, and (b) there are things that capitalism is simply not equipped to do on a macro scale.

The phonies have talked themselves into a corner on this, bragging about Trump's economy as government spending exploded and the NY Fed poured half a TRILLION into markets to grease the system. Now, they're looking to the government to bail us out. Again.

Not much credibility with the phonies.

"Now, they're looking to the government to bail us out"
Actually, they're looking for those evil capitalists to bail us out...You see, BULLDOG there is no 'socialism' without capitalism.

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