Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

Italy's socialist medical system is responsible for the high number of deaths.

Especially considering that - oops! - the best healthcare was in the richest areas of the country, leaving the poorer areas to bear the brunt of the outbreak.

Funny how socialism does nothing to stop that from happening.
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Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Who told you those things were socialism tim? socialism would be having all those things all the time until you have no more money for them tim
Name the economic system that will solve "social problems."

You can't fix envy.

You can't stop selfishness.
Socialism solves social problems like class division, for example. Capitalism divides the population into those who own the wealth and the means to produce wealth and the remaining 99% sell their labor to produce the 1%'s profits.

Under socialism productive employees would become more entitled to corporate profits than parasitic shareholders.

Those who produce the wealth should own it, right?

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Here’s the basic formula you’ll find on financial statements:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)

"In other words, the company could just as easily be optimized to maximize employee income."

Name one social problem that socialism has fixed.

Cuts the number of spoiled, entitled rich people down to just the politicians and their family and friends.
What the Soviets were good at was killing off tremendous numbers of their own soldiers through gross incompetence.
They were good at killing Nazis too.
In fact, they were much better at it than the US was.

France is wrong about who defeated the Nazis

The Soviets lost 25 MILLION fighting the Germans. The Germans lost 5 million fighting EVERYONE.

The way I heard it, most of the ass-kicking from the Russian side was done by their own territory and its weather.
Name one social problem that socialism has fixed.
it goes to prove that you can make literacy mandatory even in a liberal concentration camp where income is 8% of what it is in USA

Yeah, yeah, Cuba achieved nearly perfect literacy. You know who else achieved nearly perfect literacy? Literally the entire industrialized world. And we did it without our populations trying to turn 1950s cars into boats to escape through shark-infested waters.

You'll excuse me if I'm not impressed.

(Sorry. Not you, Edward; the twit you're talking to whom I have on ignore.)
The extra 0.8% makes the boot smashing into your face worth it, eh moron?
All those Cuban boots smashing into rich, white faces makes you sad, Sap?

"The Platt Amendment set the conditions to end the United States military occupation of Cuba and was passed at the end of the Spanish-American War of 1898, which was fought over which country should oversee the governing of the island.

"The amendment was intended to create a path to Cuban independence while still allowing the U.S. to have an influence in its domestic and international politics. It was in effect from February 1901 until May 1934."

The Platt Amendment and US-Cuba Relations

Yeah, getting rid of all the rich white Cubans must have really raised the standard of living for the remaining poor dark, it didn't. Weird. Moron.
I have a co-worker who is utterly convinced that our manager does nothing all day,.

If co- workers was correct the owners would fire the manager and keep his salary for themselves or lower prices to be more competitive and profitable. In a socialist system, conversely, there is little incentive to be efficient, a firm quickly gets stocked with dead wood, and product quality drops and drops until 150 million have starved to death.
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Does the resident fascist believe tax payers should subsidize stock buybacks and extravagant CEO compensation?

Would that not constitute crony capitalism?

conservatives and libertarian don't think tax payers should subsidize stock or CEOs And???????????

Conservatives and libertarians are capitalists, not crony capitalists. And???????????
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I want to congratulate Timmy on this post. It is titled very cleverly and his comments were consistently thought provoking. It prompted a lot of "better than usual" debate too.

It's a good thing our President has come around to recognizing we are facing a grave problem. The success with which we as a nation mobilize our resources, public and private, the courage and solidarity we demonstrate, may set our country on a new and better course, or confirm we are not worthy of the sacrifices of our revolutionary ancestors.

We must at least try to prevent "crony capitalism" and "bailouts for billionaires and corporations" ... to become all that America stands for in the future.
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Capitalism is neither your friend nor enemy.
Wrong of course!

Republican capitalism is God's friend so ours too.

Under capitalism the most common words are: " how can I help you"

Under socialism the most common words are: "where is my free stuff."

Now you can see why Republican capitalism just saved another 60 million innocent souls from slowly starving to death under socialism in China.

If you don't understand please feel free to ask questions.
Thanks for the partial quotation and, especially, thanks for the humor; it is quite rare here.
Socialism is the government telling businesses they must close shop so yeah it fucking sucks.

Even that isn't really socialism. One of the reasons we have governments is precisely to deal with emergency situations.

Yes, it sucks massively. But uncontained spread of a virus we're not prepared to effectively treat would be far worse.

I disagree.

There isno reason for the government to tell us what businesses have to close.

HAve you seen what some states are calling "essential" businesses ?

In my state liquor stores and landscaping services are called "essential"

How can you take government seriously when this is how the politicians think?
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

Let us not forget how the world's most staunch capitalist free marketeers begged, cajoled, threatened and lobbied for socialism to bail themselves out on the backs of working folk in 2007-08. There's no real aversion to socialism in America, it is merely reserved for special people, not the people.
Socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for the poor.

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Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

Let us not forget how the world's most staunch capitalist free marketeers begged, cajoled, threatened and lobbied for socialism to bail themselves out on the backs of working folk in 2007-08. There's no real aversion to socialism in America, it is merely reserved for special people, not the people.
Socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for the poor.

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It’s the American Way.
Hey, if it worked in the USSR..…..
In spite of two global (capitalists) wars and one heroic, capitalist invasion the Soviet Union rose to superpower status.

Imagine the heights the US economy will reach when socialism comes to here?

Economy of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

"Both the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later the Soviet Union were countries in the process of industrialization.

"For both, this development occurred slowly and from a low initial starting-point.

"Because of World War I (1914–1918), the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War (1917–1922), industrial production had only managed to barely recover its 1913 level by 1926.[38]

"By this time, about 18% of the population lived in non-rural areas, although only about 7.5% were employed in the non-agricultural sector. The remainder remained stuck in low-productivity agriculture."
You loved the USSR, didn't you?

You have no idea how bad it was, do you?

You are no older than 30, I am guessing.

Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

Let us not forget how the world's most staunch capitalist free marketeers begged, cajoled, threatened and lobbied for socialism to bail themselves out on the backs of working folk in 2007-08. There's no real aversion to socialism in America, it is merely reserved for special people, not the people.
Socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for the poor.

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You're not wrong. Fuck corporate welfare and the military/industrial complex.

conservatives and libertarian don't think tax payers should subsidize stock or CEOs And???????????

Conservatives and libertarians are capitalists, not crony capitalists. And???????????

The Libertarian Delusion

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe:14:.

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."
You loved the USSR, didn't you?

You have no idea how bad it was, do you?

You are no older than 30, I am guessing.
I'll be 73 next August.
I didn't support the USSR or Jim Crow.
How about you?

Political positions of Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia

"Chomsky has identified Bakunin's comments regarding the totalitarian state as predictions for the brutal Soviet police state that would come in essays like The Soviet Union Versus Socialism.

"He has also defined Soviet communism as 'fake socialism', particularly because any socialism worthy of the name requires authentic democratic control of production and resources as well as public ownership.

"He has said that contrary to what many in America claim, the collapse of the Soviet Union should be regarded as 'a small victory for socialism', not capitalism"
You loved the USSR, didn't you?

You have no idea how bad it was, do you?

You are no older than 30, I am guessing.
I'll be 73 next August.
I didn't support the USSR or Jim Crow.
How about you?

Political positions of Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia

"Chomsky has identified Bakunin's comments regarding the totalitarian state as predictions for the brutal Soviet police state that would come in essays like The Soviet Union Versus Socialism.

"He has also defined Soviet communism as 'fake socialism', particularly because any socialism worthy of the name requires authentic democratic control of production and resources as well as public ownership.

"He has said that contrary to what many in America claim, the collapse of the Soviet Union should be regarded as 'a small victory for socialism', not capitalism"
I supported neither.

How many people defected from East Berlin to West Berlin? How many died trying?

10 Great Escapes Across The Berlin Wall | HuffPost
for reference

Now, how many defected to East Berlin from West Berlin? (hint: likely zero)

East Berlin is the perfect example of socialism. It does not work. In your 73 years, have you ever seen it work anywhere. I am not talking about Canada or Denmark (which is not true socialism and they rely heavily on U.S. military protection so they can somewhat afford socialized medicine, but that is the only industry socialized).

Give me an example of socialism being successfully implemented across all industries.

You can't because that shit don't work.

We have an example in early America among colonists where it failed miserably.
Communism, Capitalism and the Third Thanksgiving

When they tried the socialist method, they nearly starved. When each family was given a plot to tend (where they must work for themselves) and they were allowed to keep all they produced (no sharing with filthy losers), all hands were motivated by prosperity and it succeeded.

We have an abundance of evidence AGAIST socialism, and ZERO evidence of success.

So, why change to socialism when it is clearly not successful?

And, don't give me that "democratic socialism" bullshit. It is the same, or it is a misnomer. Workers are free to pool their resources and purchase stock in their own company. Why haven't they?


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