Socialism threads bandwagon

There is a difference between controlling parts of the economy via regulation of some sort and owning the means of production and distribution which would mean the government owns the economy
Government has all of the fiat dollar gold under our form of alleged Capitalism.

I own gold so the government doesn't have all of it
actual gold or certificates of deposit?

the real thing.

I've been buying gold coins since I was 18
How many rules have you been making, and should we start to blame You.

I don't make rules

unlike you I don't tell people what to do
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment.

We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage to naturally increase labor market participation.

One is only unemployed if one chooses to be.

I have had a job since I was 10 years old and was never once unemployed

and the 15 an hour MW wouldn't do anything for unemployment except increase it
why do you believe more people would not look for work with a higher minimum wage?

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

They can look all they want they just won't be able to find a job because employers will not hire as many people

What supermarket is going to pay some guy 15 an hour to put stuff into plastic bags?

Hint people will be bagging their own groceries
Why should we care? Only lousy capitalists can Only make on Cheap labor. A first world economy is not inexpensive.

it will be more expensive when people can't find work because businesses are hiring fewer people
unemployment compensation should be an automatic stabilizer; we have no excuses with our federal doctrine.
There is a difference between controlling parts of the economy via regulation of some sort and owning the means of production and distribution which would mean the government owns the economy

How about the dairy industry. They get in excess of 70% of their revenue from government subsidies. The government uses these subsidies to control the amount of milk produced and the price of the milk.

Does that come close to socialism?

It only approaches socialism if the governemnt owns the means of production which in the Dairy industry'case would mean owning the farms and the cattle
subsidies are more market friendly as a form of socialism and controlling the means of production for social ends.

subsidies are not socialism by definition.
income redistribution is socialism by definition. in right wing fantasy, you can plead so specially, you are Always right.

No it's not.

Socialism by definition is a system where the government is the sole owner of all means of production and distribution
Government has all of the fiat dollar gold under our form of alleged Capitalism.

I own gold so the government doesn't have all of it
actual gold or certificates of deposit?

the real thing.

I've been buying gold coins since I was 18
How many rules have you been making, and should we start to blame You.

I don't make rules

unlike you I don't tell people what to do
the right wing is worse; they have no moral problem waging alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and doing it on a for-profit basis.
One is only unemployed if one chooses to be.

I have had a job since I was 10 years old and was never once unemployed

and the 15 an hour MW wouldn't do anything for unemployment except increase it
why do you believe more people would not look for work with a higher minimum wage?

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

They can look all they want they just won't be able to find a job because employers will not hire as many people

What supermarket is going to pay some guy 15 an hour to put stuff into plastic bags?

Hint people will be bagging their own groceries
Why should we care? Only lousy capitalists can Only make on Cheap labor. A first world economy is not inexpensive.

it will be more expensive when people can't find work because businesses are hiring fewer people
unemployment compensation should be an automatic stabilizer; we have no excuses with our federal doctrine.

you don't collect unemployment until you have had a job first.

if you never get a job you will never get unemployment compensation
How about the dairy industry. They get in excess of 70% of their revenue from government subsidies. The government uses these subsidies to control the amount of milk produced and the price of the milk.

Does that come close to socialism?

It only approaches socialism if the governemnt owns the means of production which in the Dairy industry'case would mean owning the farms and the cattle
subsidies are more market friendly as a form of socialism and controlling the means of production for social ends.

subsidies are not socialism by definition.
income redistribution is socialism by definition. in right wing fantasy, you can plead so specially, you are Always right.

No it's not.

Socialism by definition is a system where the government is the sole owner of all means of production and distribution
income redistribution is socialism not capitalism.
Christophobic hateful bigot.

Why must you continue to lie about me?

are you that desperate to hide from yourself?
You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Typical phony lying leftist.

I asked a simple question, why can you not answer it?.
I answered it. You dish it out, but whine like a dirty diaper baby when you get it back.

I have not whined at all, why do you keep making up new lies about me?

Asking you a question is not whining.

Jesus told you not to bear false witness against others...why are you doing so? Do you not care what Jesus said?
Hel, asshole, you started the lying when you accused me of wanting more abortions. Reap what you sow, jerk.
Why must you continue to lie about me?

are you that desperate to hide from yourself?
You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Typical phony lying leftist.

I asked a simple question, why can you not answer it?.
I answered it. You dish it out, but whine like a dirty diaper baby when you get it back.

I have not whined at all, why do you keep making up new lies about me?

Asking you a question is not whining.

Jesus told you not to bear false witness against others...why are you doing so? Do you not care what Jesus said?
Hel, asshole, you started the lying when you accused me of wanting more abortions. Reap what you sow, jerk.

Is that what you are taught in the bible? Is that how Jesus wants you to act?
I own gold so the government doesn't have all of it
actual gold or certificates of deposit?

the real thing.

I've been buying gold coins since I was 18
How many rules have you been making, and should we start to blame You.

I don't make rules

unlike you I don't tell people what to do
the right wing is worse; they have no moral problem waging alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and doing it on a for-profit basis.
It only approaches socialism if the governemnt owns the means of production which in the Dairy industry'case would mean owning the farms and the cattle
subsidies are more market friendly as a form of socialism and controlling the means of production for social ends.

subsidies are not socialism by definition.
income redistribution is socialism by definition. in right wing fantasy, you can plead so specially, you are Always right.

No it's not.

Socialism by definition is a system where the government is the sole owner of all means of production and distribution
income redistribution is socialism not capitalism.
income redistribution is theft.
So, based upon the last few pages there is no socialism in this country whatsoever.
Why must you continue to lie about me?

are you that desperate to hide from yourself?
You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Typical phony lying leftist.

I asked a simple question, why can you not answer it?.
I answered it. You dish it out, but whine like a dirty diaper baby when you get it back.

I have not whined at all, why do you keep making up new lies about me?

Asking you a question is not whining.

Jesus told you not to bear false witness against others...why are you doing so? Do you not care what Jesus said?
Hel, asshole, you started the lying when you accused me of wanting more abortions. Reap what you sow, jerk.

you are the one that said that PP should get more money from people paying for abortions, the only way to do that is for there to be more of them.
You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Typical phony lying leftist.

I asked a simple question, why can you not answer it?.
I answered it. You dish it out, but whine like a dirty diaper baby when you get it back.

I have not whined at all, why do you keep making up new lies about me?

Asking you a question is not whining.

Jesus told you not to bear false witness against others...why are you doing so? Do you not care what Jesus said?
Hel, asshole, you started the lying when you accused me of wanting more abortions. Reap what you sow, jerk.

Is that what you are taught in the bible? Is that how Jesus wants you to act?
Go fuck yourself, loser.
So, based upon the last few pages there is no socialism in this country whatsoever.

Not according to the actual definition of socialism.

which very few people here seem to know

Not just "here" but in the country as a whole. Seems we have a lot of elected officials that are confused about it
we have elected officials that are confused about a lot of things

and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
So, based upon the last few pages there is no socialism in this country whatsoever.

Not according to the actual definition of socialism.

which very few people here seem to know

Not just "here" but in the country as a whole. Seems we have a lot of elected officials that are confused about it
we have elected officials that are confused about a lot of things
They are not confused about who they get their money from.

The thing is that while you all bicker about what socialism is, this country is on a course that leads us to the same end. Whether capitalism or the psuedo socialism being promoted here makes no difference. One way just gets there faster than the other.
I asked a simple question, why can you not answer it?.
I answered it. You dish it out, but whine like a dirty diaper baby when you get it back.

I have not whined at all, why do you keep making up new lies about me?

Asking you a question is not whining.

Jesus told you not to bear false witness against others...why are you doing so? Do you not care what Jesus said?
Hel, asshole, you started the lying when you accused me of wanting more abortions. Reap what you sow, jerk.

Is that what you are taught in the bible? Is that how Jesus wants you to act?
Go fuck yourself, loser.

But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
I answered it. You dish it out, but whine like a dirty diaper baby when you get it back.

I have not whined at all, why do you keep making up new lies about me?

Asking you a question is not whining.

Jesus told you not to bear false witness against others...why are you doing so? Do you not care what Jesus said?
Hel, asshole, you started the lying when you accused me of wanting more abortions. Reap what you sow, jerk.

Is that what you are taught in the bible? Is that how Jesus wants you to act?
Go fuck yourself, loser.

But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
So you admit to being an evil person. That's a good first step to your recovery.
So, based upon the last few pages there is no socialism in this country whatsoever.

Not according to the actual definition of socialism.

which very few people here seem to know

Not just "here" but in the country as a whole. Seems we have a lot of elected officials that are confused about it
we have elected officials that are confused about a lot of things
They are not confused about who they get their money from.

The thing is that while you all bicker about what socialism is, this country is on a course that leads us to the same end. Whether capitalism or the psuedo socialism being promoted here makes no difference. One way just gets there faster than the other.

I do agree we are headed there, both sides are pushing us there in different areas.

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