Solar Panel Roads?

I was just going to post this so I guess that's not needed now.

Like others have mentioned I didn't see anything about how they would plan to store the energy to be used at night when they become energy consuming devices as opposed to producers.

But what I like is that this came from two people using their own funding to produce and test the panels. Apparently they got a grant from the Highway Administration for two prototypes, I don't like that. Don't hand them a half billion dollars like Solyndra by any means. I would prefer some bigger company install them in their parking lots and let's see how that goes.

Let's have Walmart or any other volunteer install them in the parking lot of a store and see how they perform. Let's see if the extra costs of installation prove to be worth it. Let's see if they can actually take a store completely off grid for a day. If a company like that evaluates the system as a net gain and not a loss then the product will sell itself. We won't need any government funding and in the end once it proves to be a benefit then the public roads will also benefit the tax payers with a better product.

Private sector testing will make or break this idea. Keep the government out of it.

More words of wisdom from the guy who believes that Ford didn't take bailout monies. :poop:

Solyndra, as well as every solar panel manufacturer was whipped out by China subsidizing their companies.

I know you aren't very sharp but you did remember Solyndra was given a half billion dollars in subsidies and failed right?

Solyndra, as well as every solar panel manufacturer was whipped out by China subsidizing their companies. ie; The Chinese sold panels on the market for less than manufacturing costs.
except on cloudy days

It stores energy for that

Actually, no it doesn't. Not without tremendous expense for capacitors.
Capacitors which are not unlike transformers, must be kept cool as molecules which make up electrical energy create heat.
You're not thinking this all the way through.
It's a great idea. Perfection and implementation are a long way off.

The people who are trying to sell you solar panels are not giving you the whole story.

Bovine feces. Germany isn't really known for its sunny and warm weather is it?

Solar energy now same price as conventional power in Germany, Italy, Spain - report ? RT News
What does Germany have to do with anything?
At best, given the expense and the expertise required to install and maintain a system, solar is a supplemental energy source.
The presentation in the O. P. was almost certainly part of an application for a Federal Grant.

They'll likely hire a Loon Lawyer who went to school with Mrs. Obama or Eric Holder, and they'll score a hundred million dollar grant made available with money borrowed from China which is opening up one new coal plant a week.

Of course the inventors of this want taxpayers to fund their ideas. Why wouldn't they?
The presentation in the O. P. was almost certainly part of an application for a Federal Grant.

They'll likely hire a Loon Lawyer who went to school with Mrs. Obama or Eric Holder, and they'll score a hundred million dollar grant made available with money borrowed from China which is opening up one new coal plant a week.

Of course the inventors of this want taxpayers to fund their ideas. Why wouldn't they?

I feel that the government should subsidize solar for every house in the US.
The admission is striking and it's true. Solar energy cannot possibly work because we can't maintain enough solar panels on earth to make solar energy work. The dream solution is to stretch solar panels across the country somehow. Putting the panels under the highway is the dream (or pipe dream) solution. Since we can't even maintain the roads effectively the cost and the amount of energy it would take to imbed enough of these things into the road and to maintain them would be prohibitive. The only realistic benefit will be lavish federal grants and a opulent life style for the the company until it folds up like Solyndra leaving taxpayers holding the bag.
$850/mo? You must live in a warehouse.

9,563 Sq Ft, 8 Bed, 9 bath

Yeah, right . . . . we believe that. That's why you spend all your free time making a fool of yourself in this forum.

Unless one percenter lives way out in the sticks, in order to afford a 10k sf house he IS a one percenter..
At merely $100 per SF COST to build , his house would be close to one million dollars in price.
Not including the land on which it sits.
More words of wisdom from the guy who believes that Ford didn't take bailout monies. :poop:

Solyndra, as well as every solar panel manufacturer was whipped out by China subsidizing their companies.

I know you aren't very sharp but you did remember Solyndra was given a half billion dollars in subsidies and failed right?

Solyndra, as well as every solar panel manufacturer was whipped out by China subsidizing their companies. ie; The Chinese sold panels on the market for less than manufacturing costs.

And that is the key to growing an economy how?
If I were interested in subjecting myself to hundreds of rules, regulations and license requirements and if I were thinking more than a few weeks ahead. Then I'd go into the solar panel business. I'd structure my pricing so the purchaser would only have to turn over to me the government subsidies he/she/it received. I'd lose money on every sale.

However the systems would be storage based and the buyer would have to agree:

1. To purchase replacement batteries ONLY from my company, ever.

2. To require any subsequent buyer of the property to buy replacement batteries only from my company but if they refuse, to remove all the solar equipment and return it to me. Of course I'd refund every penny he/she/it personally paid to me.

Now I'll excuse you to read that through a couple of times then go out and buy some razor blades before getting back to me.
Cookie, this is an advertisement.
Now just what do you think the company is going to say about the very product that it is trying to sell?

I have solar and their telling the truth, however, when the power goes out, you can go off grid by flipping a switch and run off batteries.

Now what's that got to do with the OP?

You were attempting to disparage the advertisement. You're wrong.
It stores energy for that

for how long?
All winter?

How bout you watch the vid? It talks to you and all that

My son just showed me this video today. I hadn't seen the thread. Of course you can't expect much from the brainwashed cons here. They won't even bother watching the video. While I imagine the initial cost would be quite high, the long term implications are incredible. And for all of you idiots who say this is impossible and would not generate much power, the estimates are that if we used these on all roadways and private parking lots, as well as everyone's homes, we would generate three times more total energy than we are currently consuming.

This video gives even more info:
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I think, throughout history, people have been fearful of technological and scientific advancements.

Let's give this idea a try. Take a small part of our country—say, a town—and see what happens.

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